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The Gift: Day 04

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Daniel embraces his journey into chaos...
17.1k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 08/03/2007
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"What now?" Elena asked.

"I'm not sure," Jesse said as a salty sea breeze caressed his face.

When they had first arrived in Derridge last night, there had been no wind at all. The town was unnaturally silent and motionless, like a dead body. It seemed the falling of night had taken the soul of the small city. The conversation with Madame Helena had left them both feeling equally empty and alone. The only sign of life was that of the ocean crashing to the shore in the distance. So that was where they had gone and ultimately spent the sleepless night.

Yet, with the rising sun also came the wind rolling in from the ocean. He could hear the buoys beginning to sound slowly as the bruised early morning sky healed and transformed into a full palate of warm pastels. Thin slices of white feathered clouds drifted aimlessly on the horizon. If Jesse hadn't been so discouraged, he might have appreciated the natural beauty in front of him.

"Well, this is good," Elena muttered through a powerful yawn.

She'd had no qualms about sitting on the beach with Jesse. Truthfully, there wasn't any place she would have rather been. They had just sat there, feet bare in the sand and leaning against one of the gigantic craggy boulders on the high beach. The tide had ebbed, receding back to the edge of the world and rolled lazily while the virgin sun consumed the remains of the night.

"Our parents are going to kill us," Jesse rubbed his eyes.

"Being out all night like this?" she shrugged, "My dad will send me to reform school."

Neither one of them had said it, but more than anything fear had kept them here on the shoreline. Jesse had no desire to go back to Castleton Rock yet. His beloved hometown had become a place of horror and anxiety for him. Daniel would be waiting for him, as he would be waiting for Elena. By now he would have sensed their absence from the town and would know something was up.

Jesse remembered the beating Daniel had given him in the high school gym. How ironic that the school outcast should give one of the star football players such vicious and unforgiving beating. His shoulder flared with dull pain as he stretched. He doubted he would ever forget it. In the space of three days, he and his friend had become enemies. They were the kind of enemies that knew each other, and as Jesse gazed out at the infinite, he thought that they might have even loved each other as brothers do. The thought had never occurred to him before, but now it was a concept he couldn't shake away.

"We have to stop him," Jesse said quietly, his eyes fixed on the white crests of the incoming waves. The sound of the ocean always used to soothe him, but now it did nothing.

"You're right," Elena nodded and rested her head against the big, pitted rock, "But how? Madame Helena won't step in."

"That bitch," Jesse said with more than a hint of reproach in his voice, "She started this shit, she should end it."

"One thing's for sure. We can't figure out how to do it in Castleton Rock. Daniel will know we're planning something."

"He already does," he shook his head, "Daniel may be a crazy asshole, but he's not a stupid asshole."

"There's gotta be a way," Elena said, "We need to think. What do other people do in situations like this?"

"There are other people in situations like this?" he asked, "Who have you been hanging around with?"

"I mean movies," Elena slapped his shoulder, "In the movies, when the shit hits the fan, the heroes usually have to retreat and regroup for a little bit to come up with a plan."

"Heroes," Jesse repeated and remembered what happened at the Lucky Beaver on Sunday night. He shook his head, "I'm not a hero."

"Like it or not," she looked at him, "You are."

Jesse felt that sickening guilt rising inside him again like thick bile. Heroes were the people who saved old women from burning buildings and children from shit-kicking bullies. A hero always did what was right, like Superman. A hero was strong and didn't give in to temptation. Real heroes sure as fuck didn't hypnotize women into sleeping with them for a little over-the-top sexual gratification.

But that's exactly what Jesse and Daniel had done. He thought about the strippers they had duped into an orgy at the club. It had all seemed so easy at the time, so perfectly right to just reach out and take what he wanted. At the very least, he had no complaints while the three insanely gorgeous women sucked on his dick and fucked him until his eyes crossed, begging him for more.

But the next day?

Jesse pushed the guilt back as far as he could and asked, "Any thoughts?"

A seagull squawked and soared overhead in the lavender sky. Elena sighed and then said, "My Aunt Rosa."

"Aunt Rosa?" Jesse said doubtfully.

"My Aunt Rosa lives about an hour away from here in Gold Beach," Elena said, "She has beachfront property and we can hide there until we figure this out."

"What?" Jesse laughed, "Our parents will probably have called the cops by now."

"Put the whammy on them."

"You're joking?"

"Put the whammy on them," Elena insisted, "Make them think we're off somewhere else or something. You can do it."

Jesse thought about her idea for a moment and then said, "Okay. But what about Aunt Rosa? Won't she be a little curious?"

"How can she be curious," she smiled and raised a sly brow, "if she's on vacation in Barbados? We have the place to ourselves for a whole week."

"Nice," Jesse nodded and smiled at her, "Very nice."

"Thank you," Elena smiled and put her hand on his.

Their eyes locked for a moment and Jesse suddenly felt the urge to kiss her. He knew he wanted to, and he could feel she wanted him to. There had been a heavy sexual tension between them since they left town yesterday. It was as if the realization that they were alone in facing Daniel had opened up a new door of possibilities.

In his mind, he saw them kissing and touching each other until they couldn't hold back. The prospect of feeling of her silky skin against his was an awful temptation, and the urge to caress her large breasts was powerful. But he couldn't be certain if what she was feeling was real or an unintentional manipulation on his part.

Jesse wondered if he could be trusted to not influence her.

"But," Jesse cleared his throat and stood up, the morning sun warm on his shaved scalp and illuminating his mocha skin, "We'll have to go back to Castleton Rock to 'fix' our parents."

Elena pulled her hand back, "I know."

Jesse was quiet and then said, "Elena, this could be dangerous. You don't have to go."

"I know," she stood up and stretched her back. Even in loose fitting jeans and a baggy sweatshirt, Elena looked sexy. Her full, dark hair was strangely defiant of the sun, and yet radiant at the same time.

"I just," he paused, and then finished, "I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"Jesse," Elena looked at him, ''No matter what, I'm in this now. Daniel has us both marked. I'd rather be with you than be alone when he comes calling."

"Okay," Jesse said, his eyes lingering on hers for a second, "Let's do it."


Daniel sat in the living room of his parent's house as the morning sun shone through the windows in square patches that lighted on the shadowy floor. Like Jesse and Elena, he had not slept during the night. His mind had been wild with visions of the future, possible avenues that fate might take against him. He knew that Jesse and that bitch were out there somewhere, beyond his range and plotting against him. Their fear was potent and foul even so far away.

That Jesse had gone running to Madame Helena when things got rough hadn't surprised him. His handsome black friend had been overwhelmed by the power of the gift the first night at the strip club. Jesse had lost control and passed out at the Lucky Beaver, his mind unable to handle the weight of his gift. He had not the control to bend the gift and use it as it should have been used. The power of the gift was testing them both now, seeking a new master.

Daniel could sense the power behind his gift yearning to be controlled and used. It wanted him to possess it and use it to its full extent. It was a treasure to him, a precious possession that allowed him to take his rightful place in the world. The gift was not only power over other people, but over everything around him.

"Amazing," he whispered to himself as he stretched his hand out to the couch across from him and focused. The sofa lifted into the air with an effortless leap and hovered to the ceiling. Daniel could feel the weight of the couch in his mind, the astral muscles of the gift stretching and suspending the bulk. He twirled it around in circles as he pondered his next move.

"The gift," Daniel said and looked over to the two women in the corner of the room, "Is power. It needs to be mastered."

Julia, his neighbor since he was a little boy, raised her head from the humble bow she and Erin had been observing since late last night. Both women were on their knees in the comer of the living room, naked and wearing dog collars. Daniel had made them wear the collars after finding them in the bottom drawer of the kitchen cabinet. Julia was wearing a red one that hung loosely around her slender neck while Erin wore a blue one that was just a little too tight.

"Can we get up now Danny?" Julia asked

Daniel rolled his eyes and turned in his chair, "Excuse me?"

Julia could barely look at him.

When she had come over the day before, she had only wanted to talk to Daniel's mom. She couldn't remember how she'd come to be in this compromising and degrading position, but she also couldn't deny that she was enjoying it too. The paradox of her hatred and lust for this eighteen-year-old boy's sexual perversion vexed her. She was a thirty eight year old housewife, not a sex slave. And yet she was on her knees and bowed reverently, her heavy breasts resting on the floor. They were swollen and raw from the night before and coated with Daniel's hardened semen.

"I asked," Julia kept her eyes down at her hands. A thick length of rope had bound her wrists together. She dug her fingers into the carpet and continued, "I asked if Erin and I could get up-"

She felt Daniel glaring at her and then added, "-Master?"

Daniel got up from his chair, the couch still rotating overhead and walked to the two women. Julia remained on her forearms and knees, but Erin was looking up at him, her eyes blazing. It unnerved Daniel that he couldn't quite dominate her. He was able to do a lot with his cousin, but her heart wouldn't give him complete control. He frowned and with the twitch of his eye summoned the six-foot long whip from the kitchen table. It zipped across the distance and slapped into his hand comfortably. Daniel looked down at the rolled leather device.

It had been his father's until last night. Apparently, his mom and dad enjoyed the kinkier side sex more than he had ever imagined. Oh, he had heard them in their room late at night when they thought he was sleeping. He heard the slap of leather against flesh and lusty painful moans of his whore mother. He gritted his teeth at the thought of her. Until last night, he had never imagined his mother as a whore.

When she and his father had walked through the front door and found him, Julia and Erin fucking earlier this morning, they had been outraged. For all their seemingly righteous anger, Daniel scanned their minds and found that they too had been being naughty. They were swingers, and much to Daniels surprise, had been swapping with four other couples in town for years now. He wanted to scream when he saw the images of his mother being fucked by not one but four other men. He had never wanted to see the sight of her riding a stranger, her tits bouncing and her mouth moaning out those little sex noises.

But he had seen it.

He had seen it and decided that they needed to be educated. They would pay for the humiliation. He had made them pay from the moment his father began yelling and screaming about Erin being naked on the floor. And they were still paying. He could hear them on the stairwell paying all they had to give. And once they were done doing that, he would take everything else.

"Julia," Daniel said and uncurled the whip slowly, running his fingers over the braids of leather, "Do you need another lesson?"

"No lesson," Julia shook her head. From her shoulders down to the cheeks of her ass was an erratic collection of red welts, crossed and angry against her skin.

Daniel had taken care not break her skin during the multiple lessons that had led to his exhaustion this morning, but apparently his consideration of not drawing blood was not to be rewarded.

"What are you looking at, cunt?" he stared at Erin. Her backside was also marked, stinging and throbbing from his abuse. She bit down hard on the t-shirt he had tied around her mouth to gag her with. Her eyes were red and bloodshot as she glared at him. Daniel leaned down and eyed her, asking, "What the fuck are you looking at?"

"Answer him," Julia whispered. Daniel lashed out and struck Julia across the back again. The whip cracked and echoed in the silent interior of the house like rolling thunder. Julia sucked in air and bit her lip as the pain seared through her raw back.

"Shut the fuck up!" Daniel bellowed.

"Sorry," Julia cried as Daniel whipped her again, "Sorry Master!"

Daniel then unleashed the whip against Erin's face. The sting of the tail had barely begun to register as the whip finished its' circuit. She resisted the urge to cry out as a long welt formed on her cheek. Daniel grabbed her tied wrists and pulled her up. His strength was augmented with the power of the gift as he lifted her into the air. Her bare feet dangled inches above the carpet as Daniel looked to the kitchen.

The silverware drawer shot out of the counter as thought it had been shot from a cannon and landed on the floor, scattering knives, spoons and forks across the floor. Four big carving knives rose up from the floor and then flew into the living room. They sliced through the air and arched up to the ceiling like torpedoes. Daniel maneuvered them to catch the rope he had used to bind Erin's wrists and pin her to the ceiling. He made sure that the ropes were penetrated by the blades, but not cut. The knives dug into the drywall ceiling and lodged in a support beam. With a simple thought, the tips of the blades bent inside the wood so they wouldn't slip out.

"Now," he said as his cock began to stir at the sight of his cousin hanging by her arms from the ceiling, "Today's lesson will be abject humiliation."

Erin closed her eyes and concentrated on keeping her wits about her. She could feel Daniel running his hands over her body, pinching and pulling on her nipples. She felt his fingers rub her cunt and search for her clit. She was aroused despite her anger, and when he pulled back her clitoral hood and began pinching her button she almost screamed.

"Not good enough," Daniel muttered and lashed her.

Erin closed her eyes tight as the blood drained from her hands and arms. He

wanted her to cry out. She knew she couldn't. Erin would not give him the satisfaction.

"Does it hurt?" Daniel asked and whipped her again.

Erin said nothing.

"Bitch!" he screamed and whipped her legs and breasts furiously. Daniel lost control of himself and wildly attacked her, his lips drawn back in a sneer and his eyes wide with pure rage. The whip cracked and snapped off her skin repeatedly as Julia curled into a ball on the floor. Her ears rang with sound of leather tearing flesh and she thought she might go mad. Finally, as spittle flew from Daniel's open mouth and as his hulking erection slapped against his thigh, he relented.

"Wait a minute ... " he paused.

He took a deep breath and felt a tingle behind his eyes. Daniel looked around the living room, his eyes seeing far beyond the wood and plaster. He could feel Jesse and Elena returning to Castleton Rock on the freeway, both afraid and yet both determined. He could feel them both coming closer as though they were emerging from a thick fog. And they were coming with a purpose.

Daniel dropped the whip to the floor and breathed, "You're back then."

He looked at Erin for a moment and considered letting her go. Her body was red and hatched with painful marks. Blood was trickling slowly from several wounds. Her legs were shaking as her arms turned a ghostly white. Her eyes were closed tight, tears rolling down her cheeks and to the cloth gagging her. Her breasts were raw. Her nipples ached from the violent whipping. And still she did not scream.

"Bitches stay here," Daniel said and left them in the living room. He reached the stairwell and saw his mother and father were blocking his passage, both naked and both still enduring their punishment. The large pink dildo (another favorite of his mother's) he had taken from their bedroom was still lodged up his father's wide, hairy ass. It was magically pumping in and out under the power of the gift. He saw his father had passed out sometime between one this morning and now, his face pressed into the stairs above him and his ass sticking in the air. Daniel raised himself above the human roadblock and floated up to his room.

Below his bare feet passed his mother. She was naked but still awake. With both hands she had taken her other two dildos and shoved them inside her pussy. She was still fucking herself, but was now in pain more than anything else. The clothespins Daniel had made his father clip to her nipples were still there as well. She was breathlessly moaning and begging to be released. She looked to the man who had once been her son for mercy.

Daniel would not meet her eyes.

He went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Hot steam enveloped him as he concentrated on Jesse and Elena. They were about a half an hour away from town now, and he wanted to be ready for them. He felt out into the town of Castleton Rock, into the minds of his neighbors, friends and classmates. He reached into their minds and began his work, instilling the fear in them. Hundreds of individual minds, some half asleep others awake seized and squirmed in his grip.

Daniel felt his anger grow as he sensed the bond between Jesse and Elena that was slowly growing. It was being nurtured and encouraged in spite of the warning he had given Jesse.

"You don't want to listen?" Daniel stepped into the shower, his eyes raging, "Fine. I'll teach you."

Daniel gritted his teeth and thought of Elena. "I'll teach you all."


Once the front door had slammed shut behind Daniel, Erin began struggling against the ropes. Her hands were numb and her arms were tingling under an attack of pins and needles. She looked up and saw the four kitchen knives deeply embedded in the wall She pulled as best she could on the rope, but to no avail. She looked down and saw Julia at her feet. She tried to yell at her but had no luck. Either the cloth was gagging her too much or Julia wasn't listening.

Or both.

Erin began to swing back and forth. She heard a small ripping sound and looked up. Several stray fibers were broken and sticking out from the bulk of the line. She swung again and this time more fibers severed, weakening the rope. Erin clung on to the desperate hope in her heart as she gathered all her strength and resumed swinging back and forth.

Blood began to trickle down her arms and to her pits from her wrists as the rope burned and cut her. She ignored the pain and kept swinging, growling and grunting against each searing rub. Tears squirted from her eyes as she rocked forward and then back again. Above her, the drywall was creaking and crumbling. She could hear the metal blades moaning from their burrow in the wood.

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