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The Girl Next Door

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By any means necessary: Veronica gets what she wants.
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The Girl Next Door

Warning: There is some group sex, a foursome, and some adultery in this story

I wish to thank my editor Leo. Big thanks too go to Peter Cleveland for all of his wonderful suggestions. They made this story much better than its original draft.


I always thought, since I was little, that good was the first word of a candy package. I never thought it might apply to my next-door neighbor, Veronica. Veronica and I grew up together, from nursery school right through high school. We never liked each other.

Our moms would arrange "play dates" between the two of us, but when we got old enough both to speak and to exercise agency, we both said no. We simply did not enjoy each other's company. At school, we had little to say to each other, and I for one was looking forward to heading off to college in part to be away from her.

To make matters worse, our bedrooms were both on the second floor of our homes, and my bedroom faced hers. The distance between the two houses was so small that with the windows open we could talk to each other without raising our voices. I'm sure the builder violated the building codes by putting our houses so close, but by now the houses were facts on the ground and the way they were was the way they'd stay.

I had blinds which I kept raised in an aggressive stance towards Vero, as she was known. Vero had curtains and they were kept tied open, thereby matching my aggression. So, we each had nice views of the other's bedroom and the person or people inside it. This meant we were both careful with dressing and undressing, especially Veronica. I couldn't give a damn, but probably it made her feel good to act like revealing something to her uninterested neighbor would be like setting money ablaze.

There were some annoying features. Reaching my teen years, I would awake almost every day with morning wood. I found ways to avoid giving Veronica the knowledge that it was the case. She would have teased me mercilessly. I was also worried that if I ever managed to bring Stephanie back to my room for a little fun, we would not have the privacy girls want for such things. I'd have to lower my blinds and then Veronica would tease me constantly. Like that was going to happen, though. Our school district was filled with religious zealots, and no girls, none, except for Sarah, ever put out for us guys. I never even got Stephanie's bra off.

One of the worst of the religious zealots was my very own father. A strict disciplinarian, he seemed particularly obsessed with issues such as premarital sex and abortion. He was also a homophobe extraordinaire. Our religion reached into our personal sex lives, and my dad, who was otherwise pretty good, was adamant that it was God's will that premarital sex is forbidden.

My mom had a more forgiving soul; and when they went to church, if there was a fire and brimstone sermon -- and there often was -- then my mom avoided my dad for the rest of the day. Often Mom would join a small clutch of women and go to Peters' Café, run by Mr. Peters, who was one of the few men in town who was not of our church (he was Catholic). Stephanie once told me all the women had crushes on Mr. Peters, who -- if you were a woman -- was sexy or handsome or something. I didn't see it, but then, I didn't see lots of things.

Northern Indiana was where all the Catholics seemed to be, within a stone's throw of Notre Dame, so to speak. There weren't that many in our small farming town, but there were some.

Jews are rare in Indiana, especially amongst the cornfields. Sarah and Josh were from the only two Jewish families in our town, and while Sarah had morals, she was not descended from Puritans or other religious sects for whom sexual behavior was thoroughly controlled and mostly forbidden, especially before marriage.

Sarah had the normal sexual appetite of a teenage girl. As a consequence, she had her choice of guys and I was probably her 50th choice out of the 60 boys in our rural high school senior class. I realized that while Sarah was pretty she wasn't nearly as pretty as Veronica. Sarah had chosen Josh to be her partner. Josh was my best friend, too. He got all the sex he could handle and to hear him tell it, it was a lot.

Life took a bizarre but welcome turn when I suddenly woke up at 3 AM one super-hot supposedly Spring night in April, shortly after my 18th birthday. I was sleeping naked due to the high heat. My parents' bedroom had some AC, but I felt as if they were training me to join the French Foreign Legion and serve in the Sahara Desert. My window was open and I had a fan on, which helped, but not enough.

I rolled over to face the fan and saw the light come on in Veronica's bedroom. At night, when a light goes on in the house next door, it's as if the room is a movie screen in 4K and you can see everything. You can see it all. I slipped on my glasses to see better. This was a sight I had to see. Veronica was sitting in the straight-backed birdseye maple wooden chair she keeps by her bed, sweating profusely (girls don't sweat like a pig, they just don't; only boys do). That's understandable, given the heat. What was also understandable, but amazing to me, was that she was sitting there, as naked as the day she was born.

The first difference I noticed between the 18-year-old Veronica and a newborn was that Vero had boobs. She had small and pert and gorgeous boobs. They were the first real boobs I had seen on a real girl, and not just in the movies or on the Internet. They would move ever so slightly with every breath she took.

Veronica just sat in the chair, staring straight ahead like a zombie. I grabbed my cell phone from my nightstand and discreetly took a few pictures. Okay, okay, I took a lot of pictures of the pretty, naked zombie next door.

Eventually, the naked girl stood up, and it was all I could do to keep hold of my phone. Veronica turned off her lamp and returned to bed. When she had stood I had enjoyed an all too brief view of her entire naked body, including her delightful blonde bush.

For the first time in our lives, I sat down next to Veronica on the school bus. She was surprised I did that, but indifferent, as she always was. I noticed she smelled really good.

"Did you sleep well last night?" I asked, disguising my curiosity as casual conversation.

"You mean, because of the heat?" Vero replied. I nodded.

"Yes," she said. I looked surprised, so she added, "I took an Ambien, and slept like a baby. How was your sleep?" Veronica seemed suspicious.

"You took an Ambien ... " I said, thoughtfully. I knew -- everybody knew -- that for some people Ambien can make you do strange things in your sleep of which you were unaware.

"Yes, why? Are you having trouble sleeping in this rather brutal heat?" she asked. "I could hardly blame you. It's April for the Lord's sake."

"Yes. I woke at 3 AM, for example," I said.

I knew Vero was not interested, and she ignored me. So, I added, "The light was on in your room."

"I don't think so," Vero replied.

"It was, nevertheless. You were sitting in your birdseye maple chair, staring off into space," I said.

"In your dreams," Vero replied. Giggling just a bit at her double entendre.

"You were naked, too," I added.

"In your wet dreams," Vero replied. Now her giggles bordered on becoming laughs.

"You have a mole on the underside of your right breast," I said.

Vero's face turned red. "How do you know that?" she said, in an accusatory, angry voice.

"I saw your entire naked body last night at 3 AM, including your boobs and your lovely blonde bush," I replied.

"Oh, My Goodness, you're not kidding?"

"No, Vero, I'm not. I took some pictures using my phone. Want to see them?" I asked.

She was quiet for a bit and then said, "Yes. Yes, I do. Please."

I opened my phone to the first picture of her showing her boobs in all of their glory, and Vero almost fainted. One by one, she deleted the pictures I had so carefully taken. Thank goodness I had backed up the files six ways from Sunday.

"The jpeg files are all backed up, Vero," I said.

"What are you going to do with them?" she asked. Her lower lip was trembling. The poor girl was scared; maybe terrified is a better description. With those pictures passed around, she would either have to take refuge with Sarah's family or leave town! Her parents would disown her. They could, too. After all, she was also 18. My father, of course, would back them up!

"Nothing. They're just for me," I said.

"What about Josh?" she asked.

"Well, maybe I'll share them with Josh," I teased. "But only Josh, oh, and his brother David of course, and ..."

By this time Vero looked ready to pee in her panties. I could see her mind working, wheels spinning at 110 miles per hour inside her brain. Actually, she was really quite pretty when she was scared. Scared was a good look for my neighbor. She knew she had to stop the threat of pictures being shared before the bus reached the school. It took a while, anyway, since it kept stopping to collect more kids.

"What would it take to get you to agree to destroy all copies of the pictures and show them to nobody?" she asked.

I was surprised by this turn of events, I really was. "What are you offering?"

Vero whispered into my ear. "A blowjob." I was stunned. I said nothing, I was so shocked. Vero misinterpreted. I could see the desperation, the unmitigated panic, in Vero's eyes.

"Okay, Philip. You win. Whatever you want. My body is yours for a night," she said.

I was even more shocked. I started to ask: even your virginity? But all I got out was "Even?"

"Yes, Philip. Even that. Only you, though. I'm not doing you and Josh, nor anyone else," she said. "Just you. Tonight, okay? Then you delete the backup pictures, everything. Agreed?"

Again, I was too shocked to speak. Vero was getting more and more desperate.

"Okay. I'll give myself to you for two nights: Tonight and tomorrow night. Deal?" she pleaded. She had the most fetching look of desperation, augmented by naked fear, on her face, and it was turning me on something fierce.

I just looked at her.

"Not Josh too, please. I want it just to be you. The first time should only be with one man," she said.

I was beyond stunned. I still couldn't speak. I had never before thought of having sex with Veronica, and certainly not sharing her with Josh! She was not mine to share! What was she doing, speaking of it as if it were a real possibility? I just didn't understand.

"You and Josh together can be another time, okay? This time it must be just you. Nod if you agree," she said.

I nodded.

"I'm on the pill. It's for medical reasons. It's not of course for sex. But bring rubbers anyway. Nod, please," she said.

Still, in a state of apoplexy, I somehow managed a nod.

The bus arrived at school, and everybody poured out of it, Veronica and I included.

I saw Veronica in my AP History class like I always do, and she ignored me completely, as she always does. I could not pay attention in class, since Veronica was sitting in her desk chair exactly as she did when she was naked in her room at 3 AM. The girl has great posture. I was undressing her in my mind, over and over again, as the class continued. I left the class with a huge boner.

Stephanie cornered me after class. "Philip, you were staring at Veronica throughout class. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Steph," I said. She was looking at the lump in my pants.

"Really? Say, don't the two of you live next door to each other?"

I nodded.

"Did you finally just discover how pretty and sexy the girl next door is?" Steph teased, as I squirmed.

"You know I have eyes only for you, Steph," I replied, as I watched her boobs heave, just a little. I think she was sticking them out. What I said was the truth, too. Or it was before the morning's bus ride!

"Well then sometime you should stare at me and undress me in your mind," she said, giggling nervously. "Nobody ever undresses me in their mind. A girl can get jealous, you know."

Everyone in the school was constantly imagining Stephanie without clothes. We guys were fair-minded. We constantly imagined all the girls as if they were naked, but especially Stephanie and Sarah.

"I'm doing that right now. Want to find a secluded place we can go to see if my imagination is accurate?" I teased.

"Very funny," she said, pretending to be offended. "You know, if I were your girl next door ... see you at math class, later. Try to get over Veronica!" she said, as she quickly walked away.

Stephanie was pretty, and she liked to tease me, so probably she liked me, but we'd never even kissed, and soon Veronica and I were going to lose our virginities in an evening of total debauchery! That pushed Stephanie, everyone, and everything else out of my mind. Indeed, I was like a zombie during school that day and I had no idea what any of the teachers said. All I could think about was what was going to happen that evening!

Veronica and I sat apart on the bus home. She ignored me, as she always does, sitting instead with Stephanie, Maribeth, and April as they gossiped and giggled all the way home. Vero and I are the last stop on the bus, so when the last students other than us got off, and we were alone on the bus, Vero got up and she moved next to me.

I had bought three rubbers from Josh, the only Jewish guy at school as well as my best friend, and Sarah's boyfriend. Everyone knew Josh and Sarah were getting it on, so I figured he had to have rubbers. I was right. Josh is a nice guy and didn't ask why I wanted them. He also offered to buy them back if my plans fell through and I didn't need them! Josh understood how the world works better than most guys our age.

As Vero and I walked to our houses she said, "My parents are gone for a week. My brother is coming, but not until tomorrow, to 'take care of me' since I'm a girl alone and vulnerable in a big house. So why don't we study together tonight at my place? We'll have privacy."

I told my mom and said I might come back late. She was surprised, as I had never studied with Veronica before, and in fact, I was better at school than Vero was. The lightbulb went on in her head. She smiled at me. "My little boy has grown up. Don't get Veronica pregnant, you little rake," she said, and then laughed at the expression on my face. "Wait a minute," she added.

Mom rushed off and returned a minute later with a small brown paper bag. "Use these," she said. I looked inside the bag and there were two new boxes of condoms, three to a box. I wondered how many condoms a guy needs, anyway. Mom didn't know however about the condoms I bought from Josh.

"I thought Dad had a vasectomy," I said.

Mom blushed. "Just be careful when you 'study' with Veronica tonight."

"Okay, Mom. We actually will be studying," I said. The look on her face was enough. She knew what was going on. She didn't need to say anything.

I thought about things as I walked the short distance next door carrying my school books and lugging my laptop. Dad wasn't the only man in our town. Mom had been socializing quite a bit with Mr. Peters recently. Well. Life is full of surprises, isn't it?

"I'm not wearing underwear," Vero said as she answered the door.

It was the best night of my life. We began with kissing. I had never even kissed a girl before, but Vero taught me patiently. Soon we were French kissing. My erection was beyond hard; it was almost painful. I unzipped the back of Vero's dress and as it slowly dropped down and off, her entire naked body filled my eyes. I moved closer so that Vero's boobs consumed my entire field of vision. Vero, in contrast, seemed fascinated by my hard cock as I removed my pants.

We stood, facing each other, my cock pointing dangerously towards Vero's soft, light pink body in front of me. I moved closer to Vero to resume kissing her, and as I did her soft, small hand grabbed my dick. Electric shocks ran through my body: A girl was holding my cock!

As we kissed my hands went all up and down the naked back side of Vero's body, as I thrilled to not only be touching a girl but being given free rein! I waited a while, touching her all over before I finally progressed to her slit. As my fingers roamed over and around her slit, I heard a soft "mmmm" coming from the region of Vero's mouth. I slipped a finger inside and Vero pulled away from our kiss but not from my finger inside her, and uttered an involuntary "Oh!" I think when she allowed my fingers to stay inside her we both knew, from that moment on, that sex -- actual sex -- was really going to happen!

Veronica pulled me over to the bed, the same bed which can clearly be viewed via my bedroom window. Well, Vero is running the show and I didn't want to interrupt to suggest a different location or even a different bedroom. Vero pushed me down onto my back and played with my cock. It didn't take long before I began to feel that bubbling up that precedes an ejaculation.

"I've always wanted to try this," Vero said, and she engulfed half my cock with her mouth. The warm, liquid feel of her mouth drove me close to insanity it felt so good, and I exploded into her mouth. Three times. I shot three loads of seminal fluid at her tonsils, and Vero was not only not grossed out but she groaned with pleasure.

My cock went flaccid. I didn't know what to do so Vero suggested I finger her. Knowing nothing, I did the obvious and played with her slit. As I played with it I enjoyed feeling it getting wetter and wetter until it was so lubricated I felt a Mac Truck could have entered her! Wow. Who knew such things could happen? Not me. Thinking these thoughts was enough, it turned out, to get me as hard as stone once again.

I forgot about the condoms. I really did; I just simply forgot! I don't know if Vero forgot too, but she didn't say anything. I lay between her spread legs and moved up until our groins were touching. My mind was spinning cartwheels. I was about to lay my first girl. Oh heck, I'll say it: I was about to fuck my first girl! Move over Josh: You're about to have some company in the no-longer-virgins of our school!

I looked happily at Vero's breasts and at the way they rose and fell as she breathed. She smelled divine, too. Do girls really apply perfume to their boobs and their pussies? I guess maybe so. All for me. Vero is beautiful, and tonight she is all mine: boobs, pussy, heaving chest, the swell of her hips, and last but not least, the silken hair framing her pretty face. To say I was lucky was a monumental understatement.

My hard cock was now poking at her vagina, but it was not going in! Vero raised her torso just a bit. Her soft, small hand grabbed my cock, and she guided it to the right entrance. My mind was doing cartwheels: not only was I about to fuck a girl, and a pretty girl to boot, but she herself was guiding me in. She wanted this!

I entered her. In a moment of panic, I thought about her hymen. Did I have to push through it? No, it was as if it wasn't even there: Veronica showed no pain, there was no blood, and my cock just glided inside her soaking wet passage, right up to the the point where my groin met her.

I thought I was prepared for this feeling from the blowjob, which was, I repeat, mind-blowingly good. Being inside Vero, however, was an even newer, higher, more intense level of good. Every fiber of my being was electrified. My erotic center was on fire. I lasted around ten seconds before I erupted, filling up my neighbor, as she clung to me, welcoming my cum inside her luscious body.

"That was quick. I thought you would last longer," she said.

"I will next time! Sorry that in my excitement I forgot to use a condom," I said.

"You were that excited?" Vero asked. She asked it hopefully.

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