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The Holiday Ch. 01

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A family holiday turns bad and she pays the price.
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I could not believe our luck; we had won something for the first time in our married life. Often these things are hoaxes but no, this was true and on the day the limo arrived and Tony and I along with our three girls and David, Karen's husband (I will get to that later), climbed in to the back of this black shiny car.

This is where we met Joseph; he introduced himself and said that he would be our personal concierge for the holiday and if we wanted to do or see anything while on holiday, we were only to ask and it would be done.

Ok I am Rachel I am forty-seven with a good figure, I am 5' 8" 147 lbs and my looks have held even after having three girls. Well the girls first; there is Karen, my oldest. she has dark brown hair and eyes as do we all, she is 5' 9" 140 lbs with a figure of 44DDD 27 39 then there are the twins both twenty-two Cleo and Cathy they live at home they are both 42DD 26 38.

We are all clean-shaven, something I have done all my adult life and the girls just picked up on as they grew up. We are very similar and we are often taken for sisters, which is an honour for me. Ok. Now the men; my husband is Tony age fifty, nice man great father ,but has a very small cock and then there is Karen's husband David age twenty-four he has a huge cock about eleven inches long. He and I had an affair before Karen married him and I think he has fucked all of my girls. However, I have never asked and I have often thought of rekindling our relationship once more, but to date I have not.

Joseph was passionate about his job and once we were all in the limo, he started talking. "Think of Egypt and a mythical land steeped in history and plentiful with ancient treasures immediately springs to mind. However there is also so much more to this diverse and exciting country," he said.

Cathy then asked how she should dress while in Egypt. To which he replied. "You may wear what ever you want in the city as we have adopted western dress. However, in the country you will see some women clothes, which totally cover there, face and body. I will tell you what is right as we visit places."

I was really looking forward to the trip, and the cost of including our whole family was worth it, even though it left no reserves.

We boarded the plane at the Airport not via a normal terminal, but by the VIP lounge. We were waited on hand and foot, we were taken to the aeroplane that was parked right outside the lounge. I thought it strange that it was not a commercial flight. However, Joseph told us that we were travelling out by courtesy of the state he told me what the crest was but I do not remember now.

When we got off the aeroplane me were whisked off to the hotel. Our rooms were massive; they were a suite of rooms overlooking the Red Sea. We had to do some publicity work on winning for the holiday company and then they told us the holiday was ours.

Joseph told us that that a private dining room was prepared for us when we were ready. I said. "We have to put away all this away," pointing to our suitcases.

Joseph smiled telling me that we were VIP guests and that our clothes would be pressed and put away while we had dinner, something I could not get my head around. I was so out of my depth, I was not sure how to act in such surroundings, but Joseph calmed me down. Then the twins took him one arm each and he escorted us to an exotic room where there were three four immaculately dressed men, who turned out to be our waiters. Joseph then told us to order whatever we liked as we were VIP guests and nothing would be too much trouble.

We sat on cushions around a large low round table; it felt strange at first but as the first bottle of Champagne vanished, I started to relax. Soon the meal was over and we had all had a bit to drink. As we made our way back to our suite we were talking about what we were going to do the following day. It was just chat, as we had not a clue what we were going to do at that point. All I wanted was my bed, we arrived at our suite to find the door was open and the beds had been turned down, with chocolates on the pillows. Our cloths as promised had been put away and there was a suggested itinerary for the following day on the table in the lounge area that was signed by Joseph. We all had a look at it and agreed that it looked like fun and that from that point we would let Joseph arrange the rest of our holiday, as he seemed to know all that was to know about Egypt.

Our first full day of our holiday was exceptional; we were awoken with our breakfast served to us in our suite. Then Joseph arrived to greet us; I had just got out of the shower and he was explaining that there were three cars waiting. He suggested we took the large one today as we would be more comfortable travelling together. He gave us a mobile phone before we got outside. "Just press one and you will get right through to me anytime."

The heat was stifling, a stark contrast to the climate controlled rooms of our hotel. However, once we got into the truck that had pulled up and we were back in the comfort of air-condition. We sped off into the desert, we visited a pyramid and then a market, and it was massive. I could not believe that you could get anything here it seemed so chaotic. Nevertheless, Joseph explained how to shop and haggle with the stallholders and what to watch out for, we wandered around with the men going one way and us another.

We had our fortunes read and tried to mix our own perfumes on a scent stall. Then Karen suggested we buy some traditional clothes; we found a large stall that had every type of clothing you could imagine on it. We tried all sorts on, from strict ancient style clothing to modern traditional, to less formal. When we all tried on belly dancing outfits on, there were a group of men just outside the stall that started to cheer, bellow and clap. The stallholder spoke to them in Arabic words that none of us understood, but it seemed to do the trick as the men dispersed immediately, each one dipping his head to the stallholder before leaving. I rang Joseph and he was there in minutes. He greeted the stallholder and then came over to where we were asking if we were ok. We explained what had happened and he told us that the stallholder was a very important man in the community. "He has a lot of influence in the community so once told the men would not dare to disobey him," he added.

With Joseph's help, we purchased the belly dancing outfits and some casual traditional dresses that we wore away from the stall were very comfortable. Though the heat was extreme for us westerners, with the clothes on the air was able to circulate around our bodies and it made everything feel cooler.

The next few days were like this with one adventure after another. It was a week into our holiday; the boys went off to play golf at 'The Cascades Golf Resort and Country Club,' which was about twenty miles away. when Joseph found us and broke the news that the holiday company we were travelling with had gone into liquidation. As the five of us sat talking about the situation Karen noticed a table of men who were looking over at us; we could not decide who the men were looking at but took little notice.

"You could be in there," I said to the twins.

"Yes let's go and see if we can sell you two to them; it might get us home?" said Karen.

"Not really our type," they laughingly retorted looking at each other's eyes as they spoke in unison. The twins then finished their lunch and went to move towards the door, and as they did the table of men got up and left at the same time, but again we took little or no notice. The twins got into the hire car and I noticed that two of the men got into an Audi that been had parked right behind them.

"NO don't joke this is very serious; you are in a lot trouble the hotel knows about the company going bust. You will have to move unless you can cover the cost from now," Joseph explained

"How much? What about the cars" I asked.

"$200 per night each for the hotel, the cars are paid for but they will stop the contract by tomorrow; I will arrange for you to keep one of them. I will find you some place to stay for tonight," he said as he got up and walked off.

I took no notice of the men after thinking that lots of people work around here. 'I must be becoming paranoid in my old age,' I thought.

Karen and I had other plans for the afternoon, and we set off to find David and Tony who should have been back at the hotel by the time we got there. We were going to give them a good fuck and the twins were not invited, but that now was changed and I was wondering what were we going to do and how we were going to get home.

We made our way back to our hotel and the manager was waiting for us; he was very apologetic but explained that all the expenses from that point would have to be paid for, and then asked for a credit card.

As we had emptied our bank account paying for the extra two places on the holiday, I knew we would not be able to stay another night in this hotel; I told the manager this; he once again apologised and instructed a man that was behind him to arrange for our rooms to be emptied and put into storage.

That night we moved from luxury to a basic room in a hotel in downtown Cairo that was costing $15 per night, big difference. We contacted the consulate but did not get much help. We were told to stay in Cairo and they would get in touch as soon as they knew what was happening; we tried to contact the insurance company but again we were told that as they had not been paid we had no insurance. I just sat in the corner of our room and cried until I fell asleep hungry and tired.

The next day after the men went off to see if they could get some help at the consulate. I sent the twins off to pick up the remainder of our belongings from the hotel we had been staying at. They took the car and Karen and I went to a local coffee house that Joseph had recommended; he had told us it was clean and cheep, and that was what we needed. We were pleased to see Joseph eating there. He said he was sorry but he could no longer help us, but he did give us a name of a bar that let western women work behind the bar and in the restaurant if things got difficult, as it seemed to make him feel important.

We decided to have a look as we were stuck and we had little cash in reserve so we thought it was worth a look. As we walked down the road towards the address he had given us, we were passing a white van where there were two men that looked familiar; as we got close I suddenly felt a shove and I was in the back of the van, hitting my head on the hard steal of the side wall of the vans panels. Then I saw Karen being pushed from behind and then she was on top of me, and the door slammed shut leaving us in total darkness.

My head was splitting and we were being bounced around in the back of the van for what seemed like hours, then we must have stopped suddenly as I felt something hit the back of the van. Then I heard voices outside, and the doors opened to my horror I saw it was our hire car. Cleo stood there, but seconds later she was in the back of the van with us. I could see Cathy struggling as she was being pulled out of the hire car, dragged towards the open doors and unceremoniously thrown on top of us.

"Now fucking shut up and this will go a lot easier for all of you!"

We all were banging on the doors to let us out, but the driver was already on his way. It was completely black in the back of the van and the journey seemed to go on forever. We must have turned off the main road as we were being jolted around as the van slowed and must have been very uneven and bumpy. Then the sound changed a gravel drive I thought, but I had no idea where we were.

We came to a stop, the doors opened there were more men stood in front of us I counted twelve, no thirteen, the lights of two cars shone in on us. "Get the fuck out you whores," one of the men shouted. I got out first trying to protect my frightened children.

One of the men was holding a professional TV camera. "What's that for?" I asked pointing at the camera.

"That is a camera. What do you think it is for, you silly bitch? He is going to film what is going to happen next. We have a internet rape show; it is live, well almost, thousands of people subscribed in advance to watch the program we advertise and guess what you four are the show."

The men all gathered around the back of the van. "Right is that camera working and are we on line?"

Then I heard the man with the camera say, "Yes, we're all ready here." Moreover, I knew we were in a lot of trouble.

"All of you get the fuck out we have not got all night!" the man with the camera shouted, and my precious children slowly got out of the back of the van.

"What are your names?" shouted the cameraman.

"Rachel Watson," I replied.

"And you?" he said pointing at Karen. So it went on till all four of us had given our names to the cameraman and the audience beyond.

"Well, as you may have guessed you are in a lot of trouble. Do you know what you have been bought here for?"

"No, I don't," I whispered fearfully.

"What was that? Are you that fucking stupid?" one of the men said as all the rest laughed.

"Well if you haven't guessed yet we are all members of a rape gang, and everyone here wants to fuck your pussies, arses, and mouths and anything else they can think of!"

My mouth went dry; my head spun looking at my girls. I had my share of pricks but I was feeling shaky at the thought of all these fuckers having their way with my children or me.

The man continued, "However as well as rapists we are also sportsmen, and we would like to give you a sporting chance to get away. In addition, you have a few choices. Now one of you can freely submit to us and we will do all sorts of things to that person while the others watch, or we will give you a five-minute head start to get to your car, which will parked about half a mile away straight down that road away. Your car keys will be in it and if you can get to it, go up this drive for about two miles and you are on a main road, turn left or right and you will be free.

"You won't know where you are but shortly for you anywhere will be preferable to here! Do you agree?" the man said. We all nodded back, my girls eyes streaming with tears and there heart pounding so loud with terror I could actually hear them all.

"Right now, you have about 30 seconds to decide or we will fuck all of you here and now, and we are like a pack of hungry wolves so be warned."

We argued for a few seconds and I said that I would let them do what they wanted with me, but the girls said we stood a better chance running. However, I knew fear would cause us all problems and as long as my girls were safe, I would submit to the torment they wanted to inflict.

"You can have me!" I shouted standing in front of my girls.

"Ok it is settled."

I prayed that it would start and it would soon be over but I looked up, at the man with the camera who was standing the bonnet of the hire car.

"You really are a silly fucking bitch, do you really think we would go to all this trouble to get you down here and then not fuck all of you?"

I just looked at him, thinking the options they gave us were just for the camera and realising that nothing we could have done would have changed what was going to happen next.

Each of my girls was forced to her knees on the gravel road and then tied at the hand and wrists with cable ties.

"Right you know what we are here for, and by now you know what your pampered fanny is here for so start taking your fucking clothes off," he barked at me.

"Fuck you, you bastard," I said hatefully.

"Excellent, I would rather tear them off anyway."

Then I was grabbed by several pairs of hands and my head was pushed down on my knees in front of my girls. The man in the front grabbed the material at the back of my dress. I struggled and swore at him but with a rip, the top of my dress was soon in two halves then pulled from my body then tossed to the ground.

My white bra was then ripped off, and I tried to cover my breasts with my arms but for the first time my firm, tits and large nipples were exposed in the cool night air. Many hands grabbed at my tits groping and fondling harshly, pinching at my nipples. Then the rest of my dress was pulled off me and again unceremoniously thrown to the ground.

"Fucking Hell boys we've hit the jackpot here come and look at this fucking slag," one of them shouted.

The men who were in the front of the crowd told the man who ripped my dress off to hold my arms while they ripped my knickers off. As they repeatedly tried, to pull at my knickers I wriggled and lashed out with my feet, catching one of them in the balls.

The rest of the men gathered around and looked in at me, dressed now in just natural lacy topped stockings with a white suspender belt and almost sheer silk thong. You could see my pussy through the thin material and that seemed that this really turned the men on.

"Wait," I shouted, thinking that this would give me a chance talk them out of this.

The ringleader then said, "Why not? But you better give us a show or you will suffer. Let her go."

The arms that were restraining me then let me go, and I was able to stand. Dressed in only my stockings and suspenders, my shoes and the small thong I felt cold. Whether that was by the temperature outside, or the fear I was feeling being watched and leered over by so many men, I did not know. But I took hold of the hem of my silk thong as if to pull it down, and then turned and ran across the wet fields towards the woods, tits and arse jiggling up and down as I ran.

The men watched and filmed my feeble escape for about ten seconds before two men ran after me. I could feel them getting closer and closer as I lost one of my shoes when it dug into the soft grass.

I could now hear their breath on my back and I was still a long way from the woods, The next thing I knew I had been tripped up and I fell face forward, almost naked, into the cold, wet muddy field. My two pursuers picked me up and frog marched me back to where the rest of the men were waiting.

I was stood in front of the gang with mud over my face, tits, stockings and thong.

"That was very fucking naughty of you to run like that, you would have spoiled our fun," the man laughed then went on, "but if you knew what was going to happen to you I don't blame you."


Another man butted in, "What the fuck are we waiting for, let's rip her fucking knickers off and fuck her."

The men then all grabbed at me; my knickers were soon ripped off my body, my tits were being groped, I was being forcibly kissed, my legs were being forced apart, and my pussy probed by fingers. I could feel my arsehole being fingered; it hurt but struggle as I might I could not do anything about it. My situation was hopeless.

The man fingering my arse suddenly shouted, "Fuck me lads her arse is tight, get her on all fours I'm going to fuck her arse."

I was man handled so I was on all fours and the man who was going to bugger me had already dropped his trousers and pants and a nasty looking hard on sprang up in front of him.

He knelt behind me, wet a finger, then shoved it up my arse, and then replaced it with his cock. He pushed his cock into my anal opening and thrust forward.

"No, no, no," I pleaded as he pushed his cock further into arse.

The tears were rolling down her face with pain as his cock showed no mercy and it pushed in as far as it would go.

"Fuck me she is tight, I'll be bolting my load soon," as he banged me faster and faster. I complained that my knees were hurting from the gravel drive, but he took no notice and continued fucking my arse. After a couple of minutes, he grabbed my hips and thrust deeper into my arse. I let out a scream as his hot spunk filled the depths of my arse. He took his cock out and rubbed its spunky bell end around my arse.


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