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The Hotel Pool


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Normally, the first option would be the no-brainer choice. DUH!! Wait until it's cleared out... face the music with as few gawkers as possible.

But... even now, totally naked, helpless and stranded, she thought about the second option... and it got her even hornier.

"Oh gawd... what kind of freak am I becoming???" she said to herself. "Am I seriously considering..." and she shuddered a bit at the thought, "streaking the lobby? OK... I'll go at least take a LOOK and see what things look like..."

She knew from her past trips here that there was a back door, right near where the cleaning woman had gone back into the building, that opened into the lobby. She could see it from where she now stood. She also knew that at this late hour, it was locked -- key card access only. But it would provide her with a glimpse into the lobby to scope out the situation. To actually get into the lobby through the front doors she'd need to leave the pool area, go through the parking lot, and around to the front of the building. It was a bit of a distance with little to no real cover along the way.

Suzette looked around and seeing that the coast was clear, emerged from the shadows and quickly ran across the pool deck, bare feet slapping the concrete. She kept her right hand where it was, half covering, half rubbing, caressing, etc. She was acutely aware that in her heightened state of arousal, her inhibitions about being naked in public and potentially SEEN naked in public were somewhat lower than normal. So she had decided that keeping herself as aroused as possible would be a necessary, if not somewhat pleasurable, evil.

She left her breasts uncovered for the moment and let them bounce around as she ran between the lounge chairs and tables, over to the small gate, and onto the path that lead to the building. Instead of going left on the path towards the door she had come out through, she went right and headed towards the small glass rear door to the main lobby. It took about 10 seconds to get there. She cringed at how well lit this area was but decided that this would be a quick stop.

She crouched down next to the door, pressing her naked body against the brick façade of the building, and leaned a bit to her left to get a view into the lobby through the glass...

From this door, she could see half the bar, and the main lobby itself, but the front desk was obscured from view by some large pillars. At the moment, she couldn't see anyone. The TV's in the bar were on though, and most of the tables in the bar area were out of her line of sight... so there could be people in there, and certainly at least a single bartender.

There was usually a concierge in the lobby too, and always at least one front desk worker. She could also see the clock on wall. It was already 11:19. The lights had gone off later than she had thought.

All at once, she heard a noise coming from her left. It was the door she had come out earlier!! It was opening!

She only had a split second to react. The door she now crouched behind and the door she had come out of earlier were on the same outer wall of the hotel, but about 100 feet apart. Both were well lit with outdoor lighting.

She dashed to her right and ducked behind a very small shrub. She peered out and held her breath as she watched a man talking on a cell phone walk out of the door and head towards the parking lot, away from her. He disappeared around the corner of the building.

"OK... I can not stay here." She decided at that moment. She realized that even if she got caught outside, she'd STILL need to go back inside and face the front desk people to get a new room key. She decided to go into the pool area to look for something, ANYTHING to cover up with. Despite being so turned on at the moment, she defiantly preferred to have something to cover up with over walking stark naked into the lobby.

A quick scan of the area proved fruitless. The cleaning woman had LITERALLY picked up everything short of the furniture. "Great." She said to herself. She took a breath and tried to gather herself for her "grand entrance" into the lobby. Standing there, naked in the darkness, still touching herself and keeping her level of arousal as high as possible without losing control, she decided that she would have to just wait a little longer and hope that the lobby and bar emptied out. She knew this would be the most embarrassing moment of her life, but she also knew that it was now inevitable. Even if she waited until 2AM, she would STILL have to present herself, naked, at the front desk to get a key...

"How could I have let that cleaning woman take all my stuff!!" she said out loud. "All my clothes? Gawd! WHY am I sooooo stupid!!??!"

Suzette started to plan her final walk to the front entrance of the hotel. She would have to exit out the pool area where she had come in, then walk around it to the parking lot and sidewalk where those two men had been. Walk up the sidewalk, right to the front doors, and then...

"Oh god..." she said softly and sighed. Her heart was pounding now. "Oh well... it's not like I'll ever see these people again. I'll just stay someplace else next time I am in town!" she tried to comfort herself. Being SOOOO horny helped... but that was now. No one had seen her yet. Suzette had no idea what it would be like to be stark naked in that lobby.

She picked out a lounge chair that was completely obscured from view by darkness, and sat down. This was the worst. Sitting there, contemplating her soon to be very public nudity, it was driving her crazy!! She started to think through all the scenarios of how it could play itself out. Would they call the cops? Would they even believe she was a hotel guest? What if they asked about her clothes? Why was she naked? She knew she had to come up with SOMETHING to say if they asked. She had NO identification on her to prove she was who she was... so why would they give her a key? Even now, her mind in a panicked state, she couldn't remember her room number!

She started to think through some possibilities for being naked like this. She thought about the old "locked myself out" thing, but she would be coming in from outside!! That won't work. Got mugged? Nope -- the cops would be involved for sure then. So what could she say??

She looked at the pool and the calm water and had a sudden longing to be skinny dipping again. That's when it hit her. "Just tell them the truth!"

She could say that she wanted to go for a swim, had forgotten to bring a suit, so she put a robe on and while she was swimming, the cleaning woman had taken the robe and room key, leaving her naked. Yeah, it was embarrassing, but she was about to walk into the lobby of a hotel completely naked. THAT is REALLY embarrassing!

She waited until she could wait no longer... she steeled her nerves as best she could.

"It's now or never girl..." she said to herself and stood up. She wanted to make it look as legitimate as possible... and that meant getting wet. So she walked over to the steps, and got into the pool again, completely submerging her naked self. GOD it felt good!! She swam around for a few minutes -- may as well enjoy one last dip before her grand entrance!

She got back out of the pool, now dripping wet, and stood on the deck. She actually laughed out loud a little when she thought about what she now had to do.

"Oh my god I can't believe this is my life..." she said and shook her head. She let out another nervous giggle. Then she took a deep wavering breath, and headed out. She walked quickly out of the pool area, around the fence, and to the sidewalk. Once she started down the walk, if a car came along, there would be nowhere to hide...

"Oh my god... oh my god..." she said as her breath started to become shorter, more labored. She looked around, and saw no one. She tried to just mechanically shut her brain down and do this. She decided to cover what she could, so she opted for the classic "I'm naked" pose, and draped one arm across her breasts, then clamped her other hand over her bush.

She took a step, then another and another, and before she knew it, she was about 20 feet from the front lobby doors. Her wet bare feet smacking the concrete as she walked.

Her nerves kept her totally breathless. Her mind started to swim, her heart beat soooo fast that her vision almost blurred. Another step, then another... now she could see into the lobby through the glass doors... the concierge was still at his desk, two people sat at the bar... the bartender had his back to the door, working the cash register...

oh god... oh god...

Another tiny step, then another... and she was detected by the sensors that automatically open the two huge sliding glass doors. She jumped a little as they slid opened, but kept walking.. forcing herself to keep moving forward... just 5 feet from the lobby now. The concierge looked up. It would all be over soon...

Suzette suddenly felt warm all over... really warm. Her mouth and lips seemed to dry right up. Then her bare feet were on the cool tile of the lobby as she stepped though the door... the conditioned air was rushing past her naked body... causing her to gasp. Suzette focused on the front desk. Two women were working behind it.

"Oh my god... I am naked in the lobby..." was the thought that went through her head. She was aware that people were now noticing her, and looking. Her legs felt like they were made of lead. She started to feel really light headed. She glanced over at the now slack-jawed concierge, just to her left. He was speechless.

Suzette suddenly flashed back to the last time she was in the lobby... earlier today after her training class had finished. She was wearing this cute Ann Klein black business suit, with REALLY tight slacks that fit her butt really well... she loved that suit, and remembered that it took her some time to get used to how it made her butt look... everyone always said it looked hot -- she thought it looked too big, but soon got over it. She'd kill for any single part of that outfit right now...

The only sound other than some soft music from the bar, was the wet smack-smack-smack of her feet on the floor... at least until...

"Oh my god!" said a female voice from the bar area, then some laughter. The front desk seemed like it was 100 miles away.

She couldn't catch her breath. Her mind was screaming "RUN!" her legs would not cooperate. Other parts of her were screaming as well though... her face was flush and hot with embarrassment, but she was positively THROBBING now in 'other' areas. The way her hand was positioned between her legs, each step was sending a wonderful little feeling that brought her that much closer to going over the edge.

There was something about getting past the concierge desk and into the center of the lobby though, that had a real effect on Suzette. Now, with people behind her, in front of her, and to the right of her, and completely naked, Suzette felt like her exposure was also complete. There was nowhere to run and hide, really. She had no access to clothing or to her room. She had no way to keep everyone's eyes off of her bare fanny, now bouncing as she walked through the lobby. The helplessness was overwhelming. She had never felt so vulnerable in her life.

She walked with her mouth open... breathing heavily. Her eyes darted all over now, taking in everyone who was watching her, adding to her helplessness and humiliation. It was like time stood still.

No one approached her as she made her way to the desk. The two hotel desk clerks just stared, with bewildered looks, smirks, shocked expressions.... Take your pick!

"Um... can... we help you ma'am?" said one of the workers, stifling a laugh as she spoke. Her name tag read "Janet". Suzette walked up to the desk on shaky legs.

"I... lost... my... room... key..." she said, totally out of breath. She leaned against the countertop for support, her knees starting to feel weak. Her ponytail dripped water onto her bare back that ran down her spine to her rear end, another unneeded reminder of her totally nude state. She felt more than a little faint.

"Um -- you look like you lost more than THAT!" said the other girl, an older woman with a thick southern accent and a very disapproving look on her face. She put her hands on her hips. "You had better just march your naked ass right back outta here!"

"Bu-... but.... I..." she tried to speak. What was it she was going to say again? Things were getting hazy...

"Listen you crazy tramp -- we do not allow streakers in here!" the older one said. The nametag on her lapel read "Wanda". The other girl, Janet, laughed a little, but never took her eyes off of Suzette.

"I'm not strea-... I mean, I lost my... um... my clothes..." Suzette started to say.

"Well THAT'S obvious!" Wanda said. The other girl laughed again.

"I was.... Um... skinny-dipping... in the... pool... and, um..."

"OK. Now I have heard enough." Wanda said. She picked up the phone and hit a button.

"No... please..." Suzette said, realizing that this was all heading south quickly. "My clothes were stolen... I just need a new keycard..." she could barely muster a whisper at this point.

"Hello Ron... it's Wanda at the desk... can you come up here please? We have a situation."

Suzette didn't know what to do. Her heart was racing. Her eyes glanced all around the lobby now. The two women at the bar were watching intently, as was the bartender and the concierge.

"The security guard is on his way down..." Wanda said. It was all Suzette needed to hear.

"Oh no..." Suzette said. At that moment, to the right of the desk, one of the elevator doors opened. It was exactly what Suzette needed to snap her into action. Suzette ran, as best she could, towards the open doors, right past the stunned older couple who had just come out.

"Hey!! Get back here you crazy bitch!" Wanda yelled. Suzette bounded into the elevator as the doors closed.

"Oh god... oh my god..." she felt like she would faint. She quickly hit the 10 button, now remembering that her room number was 1025. She didn't know what she would do, but she KNEW she could not stay in that lobby!!

She leaned back, her bare fanny pressing against the mirrored glass. GOD her naked image was ALL over the inside of this elevator!! As if she needed a reminder!

She stared above the doors and watched the numbers climb, praying that it would take her directly to her floor. It did. The doors opened. Suzette walked towards the doors, leaving a little wet imprint of her cute butt on the mirror she was leaning against. She peered out, then stepped out into the hallway. She looked around but was alone. It was nearly mid-night and most of the guests were in their rooms for the night.

She was about to head down towards her room to see if by some miracle the door had somehow not closed tight... when she caught sight of the house phone mounted on the wall near the elevator.

It hit her all at once... "Turn down service!!" she said out loud. All she had to do was call down to housekeeping and order the bed turn down service, where they come in and turn the bedding down and put the mints on the pillows. Suzette could hide in the little snack alcove where the vending machines were, just down the hall from her room, until she heard the knock on her door. Then, when she didn't answer, the woman would unlock Suzette's door and go in. When she came back out, Suzette would be there, and would just burst past her into the room. SIMPLE!!

Suzette took a deep breath and picked up the phone. She noticed that it had no buttons. She put the phone to her ear and heard the ringing tone.

"Front Desk." Said a familiar voice... it was Janet, the younger girl who had just witnessed Suzettes grand unveiling in the lobby.

"Um yes. I need a turn down service for room 1025." Suzette said.

"OK ma'am... we'll send someone right up. Have a good night!"

"You too..." said Suzette, and she hung up. Then she bolted down the hall, still covering herself, and ducked into the little snack area, wedged herself between the back wall and the ice machine, and waited.

It didn't take long... maybe a minute or two, but she heard the knock.

"Housekeeping... Turn down service..." said a female voice. Suzette then heard the door being opened, then shutting.

Her heart started to race again (not that it had slowed much since the lobby) and she got up and dashed to her door.

"Oh come on... come on..." she whispered to herself, hugging herself with both hands, trying to stop shivering. It was quite cold and nipply in the air conditioned hallway, especially since she was still quite wet from the pool. "How long does it take??" she wondered.

But then...

"OK guys, I'm done for the night... call me at 7 to get my lazy ass up!" it was a man's voice -- coming from the room directly across from hers!! Someone was leaving and was about to open the door that was about 6 feet from where she now stood!!

"Ooooohhh!!!" Suzette knew she only had a second to react. She looked down the hall towards the elevators, but that was way too far, and most likely where this guy would be heading... so she took off running in the other direction, towards the end of the hallway and the stairwell door. It only took her a few seconds to get there, and she burst through the door just as she heard the room door opening behind her. She ran towards the stairs and went up a couple when she saw the sign on the back of the slowly closing door...


"Oh... no..." she said and watched helplessly as the door clicked shut. She knew she didn't even have to try, but she did any way. YEP locked from the inside. Must be a security thing.

Her tummy flipped and she fought back the urge to cry.

Only one way to go... down... to the... LOBBY!!

"Oh this is NOT happening!!" Suzette said out loud and was about to start pounding on the door. But for what? Who would hear her? And if someone did... what would they do?

Suzette was beside herself. Her state of near ecstasy from earlier had now faded quite a bit and was replaced by fear, humiliation, and nerves. She contemplated being naked in the lobby again... that mean awful Wanda behind the desk!! And the security guard!

Oh god...

But again, she was acutely aware that she had no choice. She could NOT stay in the stairwell all night... she was getting cold and just really wanted to get back into her room.

She made quick work of descending the 10 flights of stairs. After a couple minutes, she was standing in front of the big red metal door that read LOBBY... the only door she had passed that didn't have that sign on it. The only door that was unlocked.

Suzette racked her brain but could not remember where this door opened into the lobby. It was on the opposite end as the elevators, but still she was having trouble placing it. She slowly opened the door a crack and peered out.

It was at the far end of the lobby, past the concierge's desk. From here, Suzette could see the front desk and the bar. Only Janet was behind the desk now. In fact, the concierge was gone, as were the people who were at the bar earlier. And no sign of a security guard either.

"Oh this is my chance..." she said. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a second, and stepped out into the lobby. She quickly covered up again like before, and made her way, bare feet smacking the floor, boobs bouncing beneath her arm, across the lobby to the front desk.

Janet saw her right away, before she was half way there. Suzette held her hand up, exposing her bouncing breasts, as if to tell Janet to wait before she said anything.

"Please! I am a guest here... I just want to get back into my room!!" Suzette said as she approached the desk. Janet grinned at her, then looked to her right, into the door way to the office behind the front desk -- presumably where Wanda was.

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