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The Hotel Pool


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"OK... QUICK!" Janet said, and motioned with her hand for Suzette to move faster, and head towards the elevators. "I'll meet you over there!"

Suzette complied and streaked towards the elevator bay. Janet came around the front desk and met her there. She pushed the UP button. The doors opened, and both women dashed inside.

"Oh my god THANK YOU!" Suzette said. She hit the 10 button, then again leaned back against the mirror. Janet took a long steady look at Suzette with this little half smile on her face.

"So... exactly WHY are you naked?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Suzette looked at her. She was a fairly young woman, maybe 22, with short, very sassy black hair, a cute face, and a slight build. She was shorter than Suzette by a couple inches.

"It's kind of a long story..." Suzette said.

"Oh... that's ok..." Janet said. "We have time."

Suzette didn't know what she meant by that. So she decided to tell the abbreviated version.

"Well... I wanted to go for a swim, but forgot to bring a suit. So I went down to the pool in just my robe and went... you know... naked."

"Skinny dipping?" Janet said.

"Yes.. skinny dipping. Well, I guess the cleaning woman or someone must have taken the robe and my sandals and room key while I was swimming, because they were gone when I got out. So I had to come in through the lobby since the other doors are all locked."

"Wow." Janet said. "That must have been so embarrassing for you."

"Still sort of is!" Suzette said, then let out a little laugh. Janet just smiled. The bell rang and the doors opened... 10th floor.

Suzette peered out, saw that the coast was clear, then as she was about to dash out...



Janet's right hand met Suzettes naked right butt cheek with some serious velocity.

"Sorry... couldn't resist the urge!" Janet said and giggled. Suzette spun around to face her assailant, rubbing her now stinging rear end with the hand that she had previously used to cover her breasts -- her other hand was still between her legs. Janet's gaze dropped from the shocked expression on Suzette's face to her breasts. "And WOW! That is a NICE rack you have!"

Suzette's jaw dropped a little. " thanks..." she said, still rubbing her rear. The elevator door closed again, the girls still inside.

"Very squeezable!" Janet said. And before Suzette could move, Janet grabbed one in each hand and gave a squeeze. Her hands were too small to really get a BIG handful, but the effect was the same. Suzette gasped and backed up, against the now closed elevator doors.

"Oh!" she said, then let out a nervous laugh. "Um... what are you doing?" she said. Janet let go and Suzette quickly covered them.

"Sorry... just couldn't control myself for a minute!" Janet said and gave Suzette a mischievous little grin. "Something about busty naked blonds in an elevator..."

Suzette didn't know what to think! What was UP with this girl?? She really just wanted to get back to her room.

"Um... so... you can get me into my room, right?" Suzette asked, and quickly uncovered her breasts to hit the "Door Open" button.

"Yes... but if you keep teasing me with glimpses of your naked boobs like that, it may take a while!" Janet said. The doors opened. Janet walked out, but as she passed Suzette, she grabbed Suzettes hand before Suzette could get her arm back over her breasts. She pulled her out of the elevator.

"Um... I'm... kind of... naked..." Suzette said.

"Oh I am VERY aware of that." Janet said.

"No... it's just, I sort of need my hand, to you know... cover my... um..." She said as Janet pulled her down the hallway. Suzette didn't resist much at this point though.

"With boobs THAT big, trust me... you're not gonna be able to cover much with just one hand anyway!"

So they walked, hand in hand, down the hall towards Suzette's room. Suzette kept her other hand between her legs and kept her eyes swiveling around from door to door, watching, listening for anyone who may be about to come out of one of the rooms again. She suddenly felt even more vulnerable, and humiliated, walking holding hands like this with a fully clothed person.

Then it happened. The inevitable. Was it inevitable?? At this point, Suzette felt... anything was inevitable.

Halfway to her room now, a door opened, just a few feet ahead. Not a room door, but a service door that opened into a small room full of linens and cleaning supplies. Out walked a man and a woman... both dressed in the same uniform as Janet, both obviously members of the maintenance crew. The woman carried a bucket and sponge, the guy had a drill in one hand, a tool box in the other. They were slightly older than Suzette, maybe 40.

"Oh no!" Suzette said, and tried to pull her hand from Janet's to cover up.. but couldn't break the grip.

"Dios mio!" the woman said in a thick Spanish accent and put a hand to her mouth, and let out a laugh. The guys eyes just went wide and took ALL of Suzettes nude form in.

"SOMEONE lost all of her clothes!" Janet said, stopping.

"Jes.. she certainly deed!" the woman said, this time in accented English, giggling the whole time.

"Oh my gosh..." Suzette whispered. Her knees felt weak again, and her head started to spin a bit.

"This naughty girl was skinny dipping in the pool..." Janet said.

The guy said "Skeeny Deeping?" in an equally think accent.

The woman said to him "Desnuda!"

"Ah!" he said.

"So naughty!" Janet said. Then without warning, Janet let go of Suzette's hand, and swatted Suzette's naked rear end again, this time, the left cheek.

"OOOOHH!!" Suzette said and jumped forward, both hands moving to her rear, exposing EVERYTHING to the maintenance people who still stood in front of them.

"AAIII!" the woman said and laughed louder. The guy smiled widely and watched intently.

Suzette, now mortified beyond belief, realized her error, and quickly brought her hands around front again to cover up. That brought another swat from Janet.


"OUCH!" Suzette said, again jumping, again exposing herself to cover her fanny. This time Suzette spun towards Janet.

"Hey!" she said. She noticed Janet's eyes drop to her boobs, and quickly covered them, her bare rear now completely exposed to the others. The woman made a comment in Spanish and the guy grunted "Si".

Suzette didn't know what to do. She felt like she would faint from embarrassment. Janet was just grinning at her, the other two were no help whatsoever.

"Please... my room?" Suzette pleaded. "I'm... I'm naked.... Please!"

Janet's smile grew wider. Suzette crouched down a bit, one hand between her legs, the other across her breasts. She turned sideways so that her rear end was facing the wall. That did NOT stop Janet. She merely reached around.


"OOOOOHHHH!" Suzette literally jumped off her feet this time, both hands coming around to her butt again. Her boobs bounced crazily now, exposed to everyone. Then again... SMACK!! Somehow Janet found an opening...

"AAAHH!" Suzette whirled around to face Janet again, hands still on her rear.

"Please STOP!!" she said. Then she ran, towards her room, away from the prying eyes of the maintenance people.

"Just let me in, OK??" Suzette said, a little loud.

A little TOO loud as it turns out. A door to her left opened.

"Ohmygawd!" Suzette jumped again and covered as the guy in the doorway spoke.

"Everything ok out here?" he asked, his eyes all over the naked Suzette.

"Fine sir... just had a guest get locked out of her room. Naked." Janet said, now coming up the hallway. "Skinny dipper lost her clothes down by the pool."

The guy smiled at Suzette.

Suzette wanted to die right there. She ran down to her room and slumped against the wall... breathless. Still covering with her hands.

"Please just let me in..." she begged. The maintenance people followed behind Janet a few paces. The guy watched from his door way.

Janet came up and produced a keycard. Suzette's eyes lit up.

"OK... I'll let you in." Janet said. "In just one second..." then she smiled this evil little grin, and took two quick steps across the hall and knocked on that door, room 1024... the room that guy had come out of earlier.

"Hang on!" said a male voice.

"Oh god no..." Suzette said. She contemplated her options. She could dash to the stairwell... but that would mean another lobby trip. The elevators were out... where would she go?

The door opened and a young, good looking guy in a dress shirt and pants stood there, in awe.

"Wow..." he said, gawking at the naked Suzette, now cowering against her door.

"Sorry sir, I just wanted to apologize for all the noise... This woman was skinny dipping on our pool and locked herself out."

Suzette felt like she would faint. She couldn't even come CLOSE to looking at this guy. Why was Janet doing this?? GOD it was so humiliating!

"Wow! Really? You got locked out?" he said to Suzette.

"Oh god..." Suzette muttered. She then slumped against her door further, legs clamped together, and slid both her hands up over her face, using her elbows to keep her boobs somewhat covered. She just wanted this all to end. And just when she thought she couldn't be more embarrassed or mortified...

"She just streaked the lobby too!" Janet said. "Twice!"

The guy laughed a bit, as did the woman from the maintenance crew, now standing right next to Janet. The guy from down the hall had come out of his room and was watching and listening from just a little ways away.

"OK streaker girl! Let's get you back into your room!" Janet said, and with that, she reached out, grabbed Suzette's arm, and pulled her away from the door. She had surprising strength for such a small person!

Suzette, startled, whirled away from the door, spinning into the center of the hallway, EVERYTHING on display again. Boobs bouncing, fanny swishing -- everyone got QUITE the eyeful.

"AAAHHH!" Suzette cried out and again covered up. Her bare fanny facing the guy across the hall.

Janet slid the card into the reader in Suzette's door.

Beep-beep-beep. The red light lit. Failed. She dipped it again. Same result.

"Hmmm..." Janet said and contemplated what to do, prolonging Suzette's agony and embarrassment.

"Oh god... please..." Suzette whimpered. She crouched down to try and keep her bare ample fanny from view.

"Do you have a card?" Janet asked the maintenance woman.

"No..." came the reply. The pit in Suzette's stomach dropped even lower.

"I guess I'll have to head back down to the lobby to get a new card for you..." Janet said, with a big smile.

"Hey, you can wait in my room if you want!" the guy across the hall said, a little too eagerly.

At that moment, crouched down, naked in a hotel hallway, with 5 strangers watching her, recently spanked and completely humiliated, Suzette decided that enough was enough. She found an ounce of courage and stood up straight. She took a deep wavering breath and let her arms drop to her sides. Janet raised an eyebrow, surprised.

"Don't bother." Suzette said. "I'll go myself." And she turned and walked past the maintenance people, towards the other gawking guy. It took EVERYTHING she had to not cover up as she noticed his eyes all over her naked, walking body. Suzette kept her head up though, and did not avoid eye contact.

"But.... But... you're naked!" Janet said, then started to follow her.

"Yep! I'm naked!" Suzette called back. She strode right past the guy's door and down to the elevators. She hit the down button. She could not BELIEVE she was about to go naked in the lobby for the THIRD time that night! But she had had enough...

The doors opened and Suzette stepped in and hit the door close button before Janet could catch up.

Part 6

The ride down offered her a chance to reconsider. Suzette looked at her naked reflection.

"Oh my GOD are my nipples hard!" was her first reaction. All at once, about to walk naked into the lobby again, Suzette realized that she was still turned on.... more than just a little. The embarrassment of the people watching upstairs had masked it, but had also added to it. And when she thought about the very public spanking?

"Oh... my..." she said and immediately let her left had slide down her bare belly, between her legs, and slipped first one, then two, then three fingers inside.

She gasped at how good it felt. She felt her face start to go flush again. Her breath left her and she was right back where she had been by the pool earlier... on the brink of a huge orgasm.

The bell rang as the doors opened and she jumped a little. The lobby seemed empty now. She stepped out of the elevator, hands again at her sides, she stopped touching herself... for the moment.

She took a deep wavering breath, then started to boldly walk out into the center of the lobby. The front desk was deserted, as was the bar area. Her bare breasts bounced as she walked, her erect nipples pointing straight out.

She looked all over but saw not a sole.

'Great... when I WANT to find someone, I can't." Suzette said out loud. "Now how am I gonna get into my room?" Suzette put her hands on her bare hips, facing the front door of the hotel.

"Ummm... excuse me!!" she heard a woman's voice from behind her. Suzette looked over her shoulder and saw a woman in a suit behind the front desk. "Can I help you??" she asked, somewhat concerned, somewhat wary...

Suzette took a deep breath again, then boldly spun around and walked right up to the desk, covering nothing.

"Hi. I am a guest here and I was swimming in your pool earlier. Actually, I was skinny dipping. And well, one of your maintenance people mistakenly took all of my clothes and my room key. So, since I am locked out... and naked... I'd just like to get back into my room please..." and she looked at the woman's nametag. "...Fran."

Fran was a little stunned, "Um... y-your name?" she said, and nervously pecked away at her keyboard.

"Suzette Bowen." She replied. Fran didn't look up again. She just typed away, scanned another key card, then handed it to Suzette, who took it and said.

"Thank you Fran! You have a pleasant night!" and she walked right towards the elevators. She smiled widely. She wasn't sure what was enabling her to do this... but GOD she felt good!! It was like this total HIGH!

Still horny, still nervous, Suzette had somewhat passed by the embarrassing part. She felt GREAT!! She felt alive! Her heart was POUNDING but this was awesome!! Like a naked woman in control!!

She pushed the up button and waited for a minute. The door opened, and standing there was Janet. Janet's jaw dropped when she saw Suzette. Janet was about to say something when Suzette, in a COMPLETE crazy impulse, walked right up to Janet, took her face in her hands, and planted a big kiss right on her lips.

"MMMmmmmphhh!" Janet resisted for a second, then actually kissed Suzette BACK!! They stood toe to toe, kissing, right in front of the elevators. Tongues intertwined, hands all over each other. Suzette never felt more sexy or aroused in her life.

Then doors closed again, and the kissing stopped.

"Wha....?" Janet was about to say. Suzette just put her finger over Janet's lips.

"Don't even ask..." Suzette said and smiled. Janet smiled back. Suzette just reached past her, and hit the up button. The doors opened. As Suzette walked past Janet into the elevator, she stopped, turned, and swatted Janet on the fanny... firmly.

"OH!" Janet exclaimed, and jumped and spun around, rubbing her bottom, staring at Suzette with a slightly bewildered look


"That's just partial payback." Suzette said, then winked at her as the doors closed. She hit the 10 button and the elevator lurched up.

Suzette stifled a giggle with her hand... "Oh My GOD!!! I can't believe I just did that!!" She had never kissed another woman before -- not even in a drunken college moment! "That was just silly!!" she said. "What is happening to me??"

The doors opened and she walked out into the hall... this time, empty of people. A part of her almost hoped someone would still be lingering around.

She walked down to her room and tried the card. Half expecting the 3 beeps and a locked door, she almost jumped when the door unlocked.

"Wow..." she said, and walked into her room.

Her suit from earlier in the day still hung over a chair, where she left it. Her panties and bra still on the bed. The clock read 12:05. It had been just over an hour since she left her room... but it felt like a whole day.

She walked over and flopped down on her bed. She took a couple of deep breaths and started to replay the whole thing in her head.

It wasn't long before she took matters into her own hands again...

After several body quaking orgasms, Suzette had the best night's sleep of her life.

Stark naked.

On top of the covers.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


bobbiecox2bobbiecox2about 2 years ago

Your stories are very entertaining, make for a good read. As a frequent visitor to nude beaches I can relate to public nudity. BTW nice profile pic too.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Both this and The Poker Club have the strongest sequel potential.

ShmiShmiabout 2 years ago

Four winners in a row. You're on a very impressive roll. More please!

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