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The House of Lights Ch. 04

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Messalina and Georgy perform a sister act.
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Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/30/2010
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Georgina and I stood there while the Magda told the others something of what we were to try to do. Neither Georgina nor I could hear her very well so we were the only ones in the dark – so to speak. When the Magda reappeared, she asked if we were ready. At that point, since neither one of us knew what we were to do, we weren't at all sure if we were ready or not. The two of us just shrugged which she took as some kind of approval.

"We expect that you will understand what is required of you as soon as you enter the room."

With that, she held aside the drapery that shielded the entrance to the room and gestured for us to enter. Our first movement was nothing short of a disaster. The clips on our tits as well as the double dildo in our cunts jabbed into us and caused us both some pain. Georgina finally came up with the solution.

"Messalina, honey, we'll dance to wherever we are to go. Put your hands on my tits. I'll lead and all you have to do is follow."

She leaned over to put her mouth by my ear and began humming a slow dance tune. That worked fine and we appeared to the assembled group as one unified twosome. I heard Georgina gasp as she got a look at what awaited us. Then she did a slow turn so that I could see it as well. I nearly stopped dancing when I saw what was waiting for us. There was a small table with two shiny, metal rods protruding up through its' top. Those rods were what caught my immediate attention. As best as I could estimate, they were at least a foot tall – maybe fourteen or fifteen inches - and as big around as the blunt end of a baseball bat! Positioned at each end of the table was a standing mirror and each mirror was highlighted by a very narrow spotlight. That made no sense to me until later.

"What's it all mean?"

"Honey, it means that we are to fuck one another using all of this equipment and those rods!"

"But, how?"

"We'll have to straddle that table and then sit down upon those rods."

"Georgina, I don't think I can do that. They are too damn big! It will split my ass from here to there."

"Yes, you can do it! Just follow my lead! And, honey how about calling me by my nickname? Once we finish this we are going to know one another very intimately."

"Anything to make this any easier. What's your nickname?"

"Georgy. You know, after the movie about a fat gal?"

"Okay, Georgy, and I'll do my best not to let you down."

"Baby, this will give you the fucking of your life. Now, just let it happen only not too fast. Understand?"


"You ready?"

"I guess so. I think I would rather be doing something else."

"Me too, honey! Okay, here we go!"

With that, Georgy danced me over alongside the table. "Step over the table. I'll watch your balance." Once my legs were astraddle of the able, she said, "Now, I'll step over it. Hold on to me."

I took hold of her shoulders and in a just a second or two we were standing with those terrifying rods immediately behind Georgy. Whoever had figured out this arrangement had done a near-perfect job. The rods were just high enough so that we could move over them without hanging up on them. Slowly, we backed up until both Georgy and I were standing just above one of the rods. It was then that I realized the purposes of the two mirrors for, as I looked over Georgy's shoulder, I saw, reflected in the mirror an ass complete with two round buttocks, the crease between them and, just sort of peeping through, a small puckered hole! Although my common sense told me that I was looking at Georgy's ass, I saw it as my own! A quick glance at the top of the nearest rod to that puckered hole convinced me that this was impossible. I started to draw back but the titty clamps and the dildo prevented me from moving anything but my shoulders. Georgy must have had much the same reaction for she said,

"Honey, we'll just take it really slow and let our asses adapt to that thing. Look at me!"

I turned so that I was staring directly into her eyes. For the first time in my life, I saw another individual looking back at me with nothing but love in her eyes- love, and, of course, a little fear. I knew that there was more than just a little fear in my eyes, too.

"Kiss me!"

I leaned forward and put my lips to hers. Then, I felt her tongue daintily sweeping across my lips and I knew to open them and let her tongue into my mouth. As she started to thrust her tongue into my mouth, she whispered,

"I'm going to fuck you until you squeal like a stuck pig!"

The absurdity of that remark caused me to chuckle and, for just an instant, I was no longer afraid. That sense of relief lasted until I felt the touch of the rod upon my own puckered hole. I gave a frenzied glance at the mirror and saw that the head of the rod was, even then, forcing my puckered hole to open. I still couldn't believe that it would open to such an extent as to allow that rod to enter my ass without ripping me wide open.

True to her word, Georgy was only slowly letting us both down upon the rods. I lost complete track of time as I was mesmerized by watching the rod and that ever so small puckered hole. I blinked and, when my gaze returned to that unholy pair – the rod and the hole – I was startled to see that I could no longer see the top of the rod. Some portion of the rod had entered my ass! I stared at the rod even harder than before and I saw, for the first time, that there were markings along the sides of the rod! MY GOD! Even as I watched, I saw a mark disappear from sight into my ass! IT WAS IN ME! I watched as yet another mark disappeared inside of my ass and I was just beginning to congratulate myself on these accomplishments when the top of the rod encountered my sphincter. Abruptly, I stopped. The resistance I felt told me that I should go no further. I watched intently to see what effect this was having upon my puckered hole only to suddenly note that it was nowhere in sight. The passage of that rod up into my ass had sucked the edges of my hole in with it! I saw my buttocks begin a shimmy-like motion and I felt my sphincter give way to the pressure of the rod. That hurt me! I sucked in my breath preparatory to screaming, but Georgy pushed her tongue deeper into my mouth and my announcement of pain was stifled. I looked at her askance, but she merely winked at me. She leaned back just enough so that she could withdraw her tongue from my mouth and spoke to me,

"We've passed the worst part, baby. These damnable rods will just slide up into us until they hit bottom. Well, maybe, in this case, our tops. Honey, I love you!"

Suddenly, I knew that I, too, loved her with all my heart and being. Our next kiss was one of intense emotion. We were no longer two separate individuals! We had become one! As we stared into each other's eyes, our speed down onto the rods increased gradually until, without any warning, I suddenly knew that I was sitting on top, of the table! I had taken every fucking inch of that rod into my ass and, as I sat there luxuriating in that fact. I only knew that it felt unusually good. I sensed the beginnings of an orgasm deep within my belly.

Then, off in the distance, I heard the sound of a train. It was speeding towards me at a fantastic rate of speed. I looked at Georgy and asked her,

"Do you hear that?" She just nodded.

All at once, I was no longer sitting on a table top with a foot or more of rod stuck up my ass! No, I was lying between the tracks of the railroad and I knew that the train was bearing down upon me. The sound o f the engine got louder and louder until I was certain that it was going to run right over me. I sucked in my breath as it screamed over and then past me.

With a huge roar it whooshed over me and the orgasm that had lain dormant came to life and – along with the engine – tore over every part of my body. I was climaxing and convulsing as the engine passed over me, but my climax did not have time enough to be completed when the next car of the train raced over me! My orgasmic emotions were once more sent to the heights and a second orgasm tore downward through my entire body. But, like the other orgasm, this one, too, was not allowed to come to a complete finish because of the arrival of yet another train car. And so it went for what seemed an endless amount of time. Car-orgasm-car-orgasm-car-orgasm until, at last, I heard the whistle of the train slowly fading in the distance. And, I knew nothing more!

I opened one eye and groggily looked around. I was in my own bed in my room. Then, my one functioning eye happened to light upon an addition to my furniture. It was the table from the night before. Promptly, both of my eyes opened and I stared at this thing. It looked horrid. The two metal rods stuck straight up into the air like the towers of torture that they were. I could see dried streaks of bodily fluids along the sides of the rods and I knew that some of that was from my body.

"MY GOD! How did I ever do that?"

As this question flew through my mind, I felt my fingers testing my puckered opening. Except for some minor soreness, everything seemed to be in order. Then, another horrifying thought raced through my mind.

"How on earth could you ever allow yourself to be so humiliated and degraded like this? Only a street slut would do a thing like that! And, in front of all the other women!"

Tears of embarrassment began welling up in my eyes and, for one minute, I wished with all my heart that I was dead. I knew that I had to get out of this hellish place and I started to get up. Even as I was moving, those damnable shiny towers of degradation caught my eye. It was just the same as if I had suddenly seen a man's cock! They captured my attention and held it as I slowly stood. First a tickling and then a full scale urgency started in my belly and rapidly spread down through my guts and into my ass! I leaned over and began running my hand up and down one of my metal lovers. In some crazy way, I had begun thinking of these poles as human cocks! I continued stroking that awful pole as my desire got stronger and stronger. All at once, I swung a leg over the table and straddled the pole. I thought, "Surely girl, you aren't going to allow yourself to endure that torture again?" But, somehow, I had lowered my butt until I could feel the top of the pole pushing against my puckered hole. I wanted to shout, "NO! NO!", but my hips continued to slide, lower and lower until I knew that the top of the pole was inside my ass!

Once more, I met some resistance when the pole encountered my sphincter ring, but – and this pleased me – not so much as the night before. I thought, "Why should this be so?" and the answer that ricocheted through my mind was, "Because you are a slut!" with the body of a whore! As before, once the pole was beyond my sphincter muscle, it slid smoothly into my ass passage. Seemingly, in no time at all, I was sitting flush upon the top of the table! The length of the pole would not let me lean back very far and still be reasonably comfortable. However, it did allow me to move a little so that my ever ready fingers could find my enlarged clit. A few easy strokes on my clit and, once more, a horrendous climax was roaring through my every sense! I threw my head back and shrieked like a wild banshee.

I was still impaled upon that pole when Georgy opened the door and entered the room.

"So that's what's causing you to yell like you were dying? Didn't you get enough of pole-riding last night?"

I tried to answer her, but a second orgasm sucked all of my breath out of my body and I could only look wild-eyed at her as it raced along my nervous system. Finally, my head drooped and I was able to get a few words out of my mouth.

"Georgy, I had no intention of ever doing this again, but something drug me to this. Please, don't laugh."

"Honey, I couldn't laugh at you even if I wanted to. I came over to see if I could get impaled on my pole, too."

There was no hesitation in her movements. She threw a leg over the table – missing me by inches – and promptly lowered herself to a point where the pole was just touching her ass.

"How on earth did you ever do this by yourself? I need some help so that I don't lose my balance."

I held her hands as she slowly slid down upon her pole. Again, when we both were finally sitting upon the table top with a pole buried in our asses, she leaned towards me and we kissed. It was a long and sensuous kiss that left me breathless when our lips parted. For the longest time, we just sat there and looked at one another. I knew that I was hesitant to ask her how she felt and I assumed that she was going through the same thoughts as I.

"Georgy, why did you come to the House of Lights? I want to know because I am trying to determine what ever made me come here."

"Tell you what, sweetie. You finger my clit and I'll finger yours while we talk. Okay?"

I answered her by reaching over and giving her clit a gentle rub. She promptly followed suit.

"Easy Georgy. I'm awfully close to exploding!"

"Mind your own P's and Q's. If you stroke me any harder, I'll join you in La-La land!"

"Maybe if you tell me about your reasons for coming to this house it will cause us both to hold off on our climaxes?"

"Okay. I have already told you about my family life so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise when I say that all through my younger years, I was subjected to a steady flow of sexual activity. My father was a lot of things – most of them bad – but there was one thing in which he excelled. And, that was fucking. He could hold off on his orgasm until he was certain that I was about to have mine. Then, we would both erupt simultaneously. So, you could say that I was spoiled insofar as sex matters went. When he died, I was suddenly left without any source of sexual pleasure except for my hair brush – which I used as a dildo – and my fingers. And, it wasn't too many years later when I went through my menopausal period. I knew that meant no more pregnancies so fucking suddenly became free. I could enjoy all of the cock I wanted without any worries. Oh, there were times when I rather openly threw myself at some male acquaintances only to have them refuse my advances. I don't recall who told me about this place, but the prospect of unlimited fucking was enough to pull me through the doors. You see, sweetie, I need a steady diet of cock meat in order to live and be fulfilled. I've known for years that I was a nymphomaniac and that has never bothered me. I haven't the slightest idea of what these people expect of me, but, so long as I can get a steady diet of fucking, I'm satisfied. In other words, just like last night, I will do whatever it is they want in order to be allowed to remain here in this house. I would even go out and dry fuck the nearest lamp pole if they told me to. What about you? Why did you come to the house?"

"In some ways our reasons for coming to the House of Lights were identical, but I took a different road to get here. For all practical purposes, I was a virgin until I was over forty years old. I wasn't a true virgin because my uncle had broken my hymen many years before. Of all things, I was a minor accountant in an office and I used to sit there day after day and listen to the other women talk about their sexual adventures. One day, one of them mentioned what she called a, 'glory hole'. It was one of the lady's rooms in the opera house. She made it sound so ....well... attractive that, on the spur of the moment thought, I decided to give it a try. Georgy, can you imagine a forty-nine year old woman who had never been fucked sitting in a lavatory with her skirt up and her pants down waiting for what- she didn't really know? Well, that was me, but, when the very first cock came through a hole in the wall, I knew that I was where I was meant to be. All of a sudden it hit me, literally. That first cock actually touched my face before I was even aware that it was there! I knew – I really and truly knew that I had always been destined to be a whore! Well, that's what actually decided me to come to the house. One day, another whore who had also been using that glory hole gave me a real tongue –lashing and, as a parting shot, told me that, if I wanted to learn my business, I should come here. I knew when that first Magda stood up and she was naked, that I was in the right place at last. Nothing that has happened since I decided to move in here has done anything to make me waver from that first impression. I am where I was always intended to be. Like you, I may be a nymphomaniac, but I don't really know. This I do know. I am a whore first and foremost and I will fuck any thing beast or human that these people ask me to fuck!

For several minutes, Georgy and I just sat upon our impaling implements and stared at one another. How long that would have lasted, I did not know, but our thoughts were interrupted by the unannounced entry of yet another Magda.

"I thought I might find the two of you in a position something like this. Comfy girls?"

"Not that it is any of your business, but, 'yes' we are comfy. You people have always told us that the daytime is our time so what is it that you want?"

"Don't be angry at me. I was just trying to engage in a little friendly chatter. I came looking for you both to tell you that there is to be a dance tonight and you are invited. Let one of us know your decision so that we can properly program the elevator. Any time before dinner will be okay."

I looked over at Georgy and she just winked at me so I answered for the two of us.

"We will both accept your gracious offer. What should we wear?"

The Magda began laughing at this.

"Ladies, you are dressed for the dance at this very moment."

She was still chuckling as she left the room.

I looked over at Georgy and shrugged.

"Well, Messalina, you know that this may just possibly give us an opportunity to do some serious fucking....in broad daylight!"

"Oh, Georgy! Don't be ridiculous! It will be nighttime and very dark!"

"Sure, but we'll be able to see who is putting their cock into us and...think about it....we'll know for sure that they are HUMAN!"

That brought a wide grin to my face.

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