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The House of Lights Ch. 05

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At last, Messalina discovers her fate.
4.8k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/30/2010
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I was nervously pacing up and down in my little room and all the time I was thinking, "For heaven's sake, shape up Abigail. This is not the first dance you have ever attended so get a grip on yourself."

"Yeah, but it is the first one that I ever went to without a stitch of clothing to cover my nakedness! And, it is the very first one that I ever went to when I knew that I would be fucked at some time during the festivities. And, don't call me, 'Abigail'! That female is dead and buried. I am Messalina, a Roman whore who can fuck an entire army if I must."

Just then, the elevator door opened and I heard the tiny ding of its bell. I knew that my ride for the evening had arrived. I went to the open elevator door, entered and rapidly descended to a lower floor. This, in and of itself, was unusual. Usually, my nightly assignment called for me to ascend to whatever level my dark room was on. When the elevator halted and the door opened once more, I was astounded. I was looking into a very large and brightly lighted ball room! In all the time that I had been at the house, I had never seen this room! And, as I stared around me, I saw that there were other things that were somewhat unusual. There was a bar with a bar tender and grouped about this bar were several human males. My head for numbers quickly told me that there were six men and my heart gave a jump when I concluded that they were all for me! Just then, the elevator dinged again and the door slid open. I turned and there stood Georgy. Once more, my aptitude for numbers resulted in a quick computation and I knew that I was to be accorded only three men for the night.

Georgy looked at me and she must have come to the same conclusions as I for she mouthed the words, 'A threesome? Graduation?"

Then I recalled the opening discussion with that first Magda in which she had told me that, when I was ready for graduation, my final test would be in a threesome! Evidently Georgy had been more attuned to this possibility than I. I merely looked back at her and shrugged. Then, with a somewhat brusque move, she brushed by me and headed straight for the bar and the men! I followed her and we got nearly half-way across the floor before we were intercepted by the men. By that time, my breath was coming in short gasps for here- suddenly- I was facing men with their bare cocks swinging to and fro as they walked towards me. It had been over thirty years since I had seen the man-cock combination and I was aghast with the excitement this sight occasioned in my brain and belly.

"Care to dance?"

It was only then that I realized that there was soft music playing in the background. For an instant, I was thunderstruck! Then I recovered my senses, nodded yes and held out my arms. His bare arms and equally bare body seemed to engulf me and I was extraordinarily aware of that bare cock pressing against my belly. I had always enjoyed dancing, but this was the greatest experience of all time: Two naked people holding each other tightly and moving as one in time with the music. The dance ended all too soon and, for just an instant, I was disappointed. Then a second male swept me up into his arms and we were soon gliding about the floor. I had lost sight of Georgy and, frankly, I was having too much enjoyment to give a damn where she was. In just a few minutes, my second beau was replaced by yet another. We whirled around the floor for several minutes and then he let me know what the purpose of this dancing was. He leaned even closer to me and whispered into my ear,

"I need a cunt!"

Just for an instant, I was suddenly brought back to reality! I leaned back and looked up at him! I was just about to ask him just what kind of girl he thought I was when I abruptly remembered just what it was that I was here to do. I laughed and said to him,

"I just happen to have a cunt! Shall we put it to a good use?"

He nodded and asked me, "Do you know the cow-girl position?"

I nodded and he took me by the hand and led me across the floor to a small couch that I had not noticed before. He didn't hesitate for a second. He just lay down upon his back and, using his hand, held his cock erect so that I could mount it. I looked at his cock with great interest. It was larger than I, at first glance, had noticed. I was suddenly engulfed with my sexual desire so I reached out, took hold of that mighty weapon and began a soft up-and-down caressing of it.

"Holy Cow! That feels wonderful!"

For an instant, I was tempted to suck it deeply into my mouth and throat. He must have recognized my intent for he reached up and took hold of my head. Slowly and gently, he pulled me up and over him until I was positioned just above that enormous head. I knew what he wanted so I allowed him to push me down until his cock-head was just barely between my cunt lips. Then, with a huge sigh, I slid myself down onto that magnificent rod of fleshy delight!

There is nothing I can say to describe the exquisite pleasure that I felt as his cock was engulfed by my cunt. This was something that I had been yearning for and seeking for a very long time. I felt the opening pangs of my first orgasm begin to excite my belly! Still, I held myself in reserve for I didn't want this to end too soon. I could feel his pubic hair brushing against my mound and clit as I hunkered down even further on that great rod. Then I slowly drew myself up and let his cock slide part-way out of my cunt. I stopped before the head of his cock cleared my cunt opening, hesitated, and then dropped sharply back down upon his rampant cock. It burst into my cunt like a battering ram and I was thrilled beyond measure. I could no longer hold myself in check and I began a frantic up-and-down fucking of his cock. He let me continue in this fashion for a moment or two, but then he suddenly stopped my movement and held me suspended just above his cock. I looked at him in a startled manner.

"Why are....?"

Just then, I knew. Another head appeared at my side and I heard that same request,

"I need a cunt!"

Without thinking, I reacted by saying, "My cunt is busy, but I have an ass! Use that if you want!"

His response was simple and direct. I felt the head of his cock pressing against the center of my puckered hole and, in no time at all, it was in me up to my sphincter! I screamed at him,

"If you are going to fuck my ass, then see to it! I am too busy with your friend here to wait for you. Push your cock into me. Push it in deep!"

I heard him grunt and that cock shot past my sphincter and several inches into my ass! These two fuckers would never know just how wonderful they were making me feel. I was stuffed in both holes and both cocks were exceptionally deep in my belly!

"Now boys, there should be no need for me to tell you, but get your damn rhythms together! Now, FUCK ME!"

They were expert at this double penetration fucking for they timed their individual strokes so that one was going in when one was coming out. I was on a cloud somewhere in sex heaven.

"Oh Lordy! Abigail, look what you have been missing all of your screwed up life! It took Messalina to show you the light!"

"I need a cunt!"

"What? What did you say?"

I looked up to see another man kneeling before my face.

"I said, I need a cunt!"

"Buddy, all of my holes are in use except for my mouth and if you.....gug!"

He had taken it upon himself to push his cock head in between my lips. It came as something of a surprise and I nearly choked on it. Then I was reminded of the glory hole and I began sucking on his cock. He put his hands upon my jaws and held my mouth open so that he could fuck my face! The situation was similar to the night-time exercise that Georgy and I had performed only this was a thousand times better and much more exciting. Real cocks in my mouth and ass and cunt! It was perfect! I was deeply enmeshed in nasty fucking and I was enjoying every minute of it! For an instant, I thought of Georgy and wondered if she were as fulfilled as I. My thoughts of her were interrupted by the sudden onset of my first orgasm. I had never thought it possible, but I was coming in each of my holes simultaneously! It was a volcanic explosion! My sight failed and I thought my head would leave my shoulders. I sank into a beautiful trance.

"Messalina! Messalina! Come now. Your transport is waiting!"

I looked up to see a Magda standing over me. For several minutes, I was totally at sea. The men were no where in sight and I was lying in a pool of semen.


"Come on. Get yourself under control. Here, use this to clean yourself."

She handed me a damp towel and I wiped off the accumulated jism.

"Okay. There is a bus waiting for you and Georgina so no more dawdling around!"

By now I was totally confused. What bus was she talking about? The only bus I could think of was the one I used to ride to the house from work. She wasn't about to let me slide back into a welcoming sleep. Instead, she hustled me to the front door where Georgy stood obviously waiting on me. I looked at her and she merely shrugged in that universal signal that says, "I haven't the faintest idea!"

The Magda opened the door for us and sure enough, there stood a city bus. It was a shock for I recognized the driver as the one who would not let me board. He opened the door and beckoned for us to come on.

"Is this my bus?"

"Tonight, it is. Get on board. We have quite a ways to go."

So, being the obedient types that we were, Georgy and I both climbed up into the bus and took our seats. The driver quickly shut the door and, without any more talking, he put the bus into motion. At the same time, he turned off the interior lights so we were traveling in a darkened vehicle. Both of us just sat there in silence- each of us wondering what new adventure we were embarking upon. This whole mess had been an abrupt and rather unpleasant change from the warm sex feelings I had just been sharing with the men. Now, I was headed...where?

We rode for what seemed to be endless miles before the driver suddenly turned the bus into a gate. We could tell that we were in some kind of maintenance yard for there were buses parked all over the lot. Our driver did not pull into what looked like the main yard. Instead he swung the bus into a parking space that was out quite a ways from all of the other busses. As soon as he killed the engine, he turned to us and said,

"Our maintenance crew will be here in just a few minutes so be patient."

Since neither one of us had any idea of what was going on, we had no option but to sit there in silence. I stared out the window and watched the activity going on in the huge yard. Busses were parked everywhere and I could see crews scampering all over them. Obviously, they were getting these busses ready for the next day's runs. Without any warning, the door of our bus was thrown open and the weirdest crew of little men climbed up into the bus. Georgy took one look and then she shuddered.

"Messalina! Those men are gnomes! What in hell have we gotten ourselves into?"

I could only shrug for I knew next to nothing about gnomes. There were more of them than I could count. Some began cleaning the bus. They had brushes and vacuums. Others went so far as to crawl up into the overhead baggage racks and about five of them came up to us. One of them said in a rather guttural tone,

"You go up lay on front seats."

Once more, both of us were totally lost. Still, we slid out of our seats and went to the front of the bus. We hadn't noticed, but, somehow, these little workers had put down the back of the seat and there was a tidy little bed for each of us. It soon became obvious that it was not a case of us deciding what we were going to do. The little men grabbed our arms and nearly threw us onto the bed-seats. There was no way we could hide our private parts since we were both still naked from our, 'dance'.

Georgy and I were lying on the very front seats so we had front row seats at the next thing these little guys were attempting to do. Four of them were trying to get some sort of machine-like contraption up and into the bus. The contraption was easily as large as they so it was a difficult thing for them to handle. I had to hold my hands over my mouth to keep from laughing at their problems. Finally, they managed to get that contraption up and into the aisle next to us. Whatever kind of machine it was, it looked like a mechanical octopus. Hoses went in all directions.

These masochistic little bastards immediately spread our legs and inserted two round metal pipe-like things into our cunts and asses. These pipes were not nearly as large as the two poles we had sat upon two nights before, but they were just as cold. And, what frightened me was the fact that each one was attached to one of the hoses that led to the machine. The leader gave signal to one of the others and we were suddenly subjected to a suctioning of our cunts and asses. It wasn't totally unpleasant, but it was certainly a different sensation.

When our insides finally met the leader's standard, he gave another signal and the suction motors stopped. Each hose was disconnected and then reconnected to another outlet. The tube-like accessories were replaced by things that looked completely solid. These, in turn, were once more shoved back into our cunts and asses. This time, when the machine was restarted, we were subjected to a pulsating pummeling of our insides. It was like a set of gentle pushes but it was not pleasant. This went on for a very long time – until I was about to scream at these little masochists to turn the son-of-a-bitch off! Somebody in authority must have sensed my discomfort for the machine abruptly stopped. The hoses were withdrawn and we were allowed a few minutes respite.

Then, we were crudely and forcefully rolled over onto our bellies. I felt a cold liquid being spread over my back. It smelled like alcohol. This was followed by a sharp pricking of my skin and, in just a few minutes, I knew that I had lost all feeling below my waist. My legs felt like two huge steel bars. I could neither lift them nor move them! Once more, I was just about to cry out when a different set of the little men came on board the bus and these people were carrying stretchers.

One of them, a little guy in a white coat came over to me and injected something into my arm.

Somehow, they maneuvered each one of us onto a stretcher and then down the steps of the bus. By this time, I was so drowsy that I couldn't have even told you my name. An ambulance was waiting for us and, after being loaded into it, we sped off into the night.

The sharp odor of smelling salts assailed my nose and brought most of my senses back to the present. The first shock came when I realized that I was not in a bus maintenance yard. I was lying on an extended seat in a kind of limousine and some yahoo in a dark coat was pulling on my arms in a stupid attempt to get me to get up. I sort of rolled over and, before I knew it, I was standing outside of the limo. It was a bizarre situation. It was the darkest part of the night and here I stood – stark naked – in the midst of a mountain range! The driver turned me so that I faced a huge door. In fact, it was a door made up of two halves each one larger than any I had ever seen. I glanced quickly up at the sky and was again not only surprised but frightened for I saw, towering over me, a castle! It looked like something out of a Hollywood movie about knights and damsels in distress. Only, I had the scariest feeling that I was the damsel in distress. Abruptly, a much smaller door was opened and a light shone forth. I could make out the figures of other people standing just inside the door way. The driver walked, pulled and shoved me towards this smaller entrance and believe me, I was only too eager to get inside. Frankly, I had goose bumps all over my exposed body. There was a welcome feeling of warmth once I was inside and I was almost overjoyed when I spotted Georgy waiting for me.

A very strange looking female stepped up to me and said,

"Welcome to the master's castle. If you will follow me, I'll show you to your quarters."

She turned and started off across an immense foyer towards a staircase that spiraled up almost out of view. The resemblance to a Hollywood set was unmistakable. Georgy was right beside me so I said, in a low voice,

"That woman isn't wearing any shoes yet she sounds like she's doing a tap dance."

"Silly. Her feet end in hooves!"

I gulped at this and I immediately began to wonder at just what kind of mess I had gotten into. Georgy's remark forced me to take a harder look at our guide. Indeed, her feet ended in tiny goat-like hooves! Her skin was a light crimson shade and it was criss-crossed by black stripes. There was not a sign of any hair upon her body anywhere. My first look at her face had been so quick that I hadn't had enough time to note her facial features. Whatever she was, she wasn't human! She led us up the stair case and along a huge, expensively decorated hallway.

"This will be your rooms."

She had opened another o f those huge oaken doors and was gesturing for us to enter. Georgy and I walked to the center of the room, turned and faced this creature. Before we could voice any of our questions, she began speaking,

"I know that you have a million questions you want to ask, but I beg of you to be patient for just a little while longer. First, yes I am the Assistant Head Mistress of this castle and I am not one of your kind. During your stay here, you shall see and be seen by a number of creatures of species starkly different from you earth beings. Do not be frightened. The master does not allow beings of one species to harm a being of another species. I am not at liberty to speak to what your responsibilities will be while you are here. The Head Mistress is temporarily absent from the castle, but she is expected to return on the morrow. Please, go to bed and get all of the rest you can. We know that you have undergone a very strenuous series of happenings so you must be terribly tired. I can, however, answer your more basic questions."

Georgy was the first to speak, "What about clothing?"

"You are properly dressed as you stand here. None of the species represented here wear any form of bodily adornment. In other words, we are all in our native dress as you see us and you will be expected to present yourselves in your native guise."

Then, I spoke, "This place seems to be unusually warm. How is it heated?"

"Since we all are as you earthlings would say it, naked, we require that the castle be maintained at a very high degree of warmth. The castle draws its' heat form the earth. I believe, I've never seen it, but I have been told that there is a huge opening below the castle that allows heat from the center of your planet to rise up to the castle."

Georgy promptly gasped and nearly choked!

"Anything else I can do for you tonight? As I said, the Head Mistress is expected to return tomorrow."

With that, she left us. Both Georgy and I just stood there staring at one another completely dumbfounded.

"Georgy, why did you choke when she said the heat came up to the castle from below?"

"Messalina, old girl haven't you ever been to church?"

"Sure, but what's that got to do with all this?"

"Honey, didn't you ever read the Bible?" I nodded. "Well, somewhere in the Bible it describes what happened after the battle between God and Satan. I think its' in the Book of Revelations, but I wouldn't want to bet the ranch on that. Anyway, after that battle, Satan was imprisoned in a bottomless pit. From what I've seen and heard tonight, I am pretty sure this castle sits right on top of that pit!"

I stared at her in wild disbelief.

"In other words, baby, you and I have become minions of the devil!"


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