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The Humiliating Hazing

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The fraternity pledge class has humiliated initiation.
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The year was 1981 and I was a sophomore in college. This was before all the hazing laws came into effect. I went to a small university in north western Virginia, not far from the West Virginia line. There was not much to do for fun so most coeds joined sororities and fraternities. I decided on a fraternity and they choose me and next thing I know hell week began. I began hearing some extremely embarrassing stories that happened to past pledges and started getting nervous about the hazing.

The week started off normal with stupid stuff to do like clean the frat house, get lunch for the president, and lots of drinking. Each day the "tests" would get more difficult and more embarrassing. Late afternoon on Friday, 5 of us were told to go our sister sorority's house. We were told we had to wait on them, get drinks, massage their feet, etc. We had to take off our shirts and wear black bow ties, like the Chippendale dancers. The girls were outrageous in demanding us to do things, but nothing "over the top" humiliating. They released us to go home around 10:00 and we thought we were in the clear. We were talking on the way home that hell week was not bad at all. We were going home to kick back with some beers and chill for the rest of the night.

We went back to our house and were all sitting around drinking. We had just ordered some pizzas when the fraternity president barged into our house with other frat members and the rest of the pledge class. The president announced for all pledges to join him outside immediately. There were 12 pledges in my class. We were blindfolded and put into a big van. We were given beers to drink while we drove around. We were told we could not speak for the remainder of the night until advised by the president. We drove around for what seemed like forever but was probably 20 minutes. When the van stopped, we were told to guzzle one more beer and get out of the van. We had no idea where we were but it was hauntingly quiet. He told us to strip completely naked and lay our clothes in front of us.

They lined us up in a single file line and instructed to place our right hand on our brother's shoulder in front of us. We marched for a short time before entering a building. Luckily it was early fall so not too cold outside. I guess the building was like a warehouse because it echoed when the president would speak. It was mostly quiet inside but you could hear some of the frat guys chatting to each other but not much else.

We were commanded to stop, put our hands to our sides and turn 45 degrees to the right. I assumed we were lined up facing forward towards the rest of the fraternity. Remember we are all completely naked. There was a bright light in front of us. Even though we were blindfolded, you could tell there was a bright light on you. At this point, we could hear a lot of rumbling, people moving around, whispering to each other. All the pledges were told a number, 1 through 12. I was number 1. I thought this is where we get sworn into the fraternity. I was very relieved that I was becoming a brother and that hell week was over.

The president then announce "fraternity brother number 1" and someone grabbed my arm and guided me to step about 6 or 7 steps forward and about 4 or 5 steps to the left.

"I present to the fraternity, Mr. Christopher Jones." bellowed Joe, the fraternity president, in a very judge-like manner.

It was very strange to be standing completely naked in front of the entire fraternity, 36 guys to be exact. I played sports in high school so I was accustomed to being naked in front of teammates in the shower and locker rooms so I wasn't totally humiliated but uncomfortable. Playing football, basketball and baseball, I felt like I had a fairly nice body.

I stood facing forward for about 30 seconds. Then I was guided to turn around 90 degrees so my back was to my brothers. I thought this was strange as why would guys want to see other guy's butts. But then again, why are we naked at all? I stood there for a few seconds and then guided a few steps to the right and few steps back which I assume was back in line with the rest of my pledge brothers.

The brother who guided me then whispered to me "You must stay in line with hands on your head! You can take the blindfold off but CANNOT say a word!"

With those instructions, I now had a sick feeling in my stomach that this is not the easy night I thought it was going to be. I untied the blindfold and removed it from around my head. The bright lights were shining directly into my eyes and having the blindfold on for so long, it took me a while to focus. I could tell we were on some type of stage. I could see Joe standing directly in front of us but behind Joe was still dark and blurry. I looked to my left and saw my 11 pledge brother standing in a line facing forward, all completely naked.

"Fraternity brother number 2" announced Joe.

Then I saw Ryan, frat brother number 2, being escorted front and center in front of Joe. My eyes started to become more focused now.

"I present to the fraternity, Mr. Ryan Gallagher." reported Joe.

I could now see Joe very clearly and now the background was coming into focus. I could tell there was a lot of heads in the crowd surrounding the stage but it didn't look like our fraternity brothers as I had thought. Actually it wasn't guys at all – the crowd was all girls. As I stared more intently into the crowd, I could see the audience was our sister sorority. The sorority was standing around the stage staring at all the naked pledges including me. I couldn't believe it - I was standing completely naked, with my dick in clear view of about 50 girls.

And then as Ryan, pledge number 2, was escorted back into line, I realized we will all be paraded naked in front of the sorority. He was told the same instructions as I was. I saw him take off his blindfold and put his hands on his head. We weren't allowed to speak so I just stared forward. A few seconds later I heard Ryan say "what the fuck!" I know he just realized what is happening.

As I stared into the crowd, I could see the girls smiling, giggling, and whispering to each other. Some girls even waved to me. It was their non-verbal way of saying "hi Chris. We see your naked body and we are completely clothed!!" It was humiliating.

I could feel my face turning red and my heart was racing. The lights shining directly on us were hot but that is not why I was sweating. My hands were clasped together on top of my head but they were shaking. This was the most humiliating experience I have ever encountered.

I thought about leaving but I knew if I left, I would not get into the fraternity. Also, I don't know where my clothes are or where we are. Anyway, the damage has been done, they have already seen me naked for like 5 minutes.

Every girl in the sorority knew exactly what I looked like naked. And we know how girls talk, they will tell all their friends. They knew how big my dick was, what my balls looked like, how much hair I had, what my butt looked like -everything.

The next thing I heard was "frat brother number 5". Number 5? I must have been in a daze for the past couple of pledges. My mind has gone completely blank. All I can think about is how humiliating this is. My heart is literally pounding out of my chest. I make eye contact a girl in the crowd. She give me an evil type grin and then turns and whisper something to the girl next to her and then they both giggle. I know they are talking about me. Is she talking about my penis size? Then a thought came into mind, what if I get hard? That would be the ultimate embarrassment, to be standing in line, naked with a hard on, in front of the entire sorority.

I tried not to look into the crowd so I looked around the building. It turns out that we were in the school's auditorium. So I was literally standing naked on stage with an audience. This is like that horrible dream I have where I am naked in front of the entire class. Then looked over towards the president. Neil, one of my close friends and pledge number 6, is being paraded around in front of the leering audience. Neil is a nice looking guy and has an athletic body so the girls move around to get a good look at the naked pledge. I feel sorry for Neil as he has no idea that he is being treated like a piece of meat. But knowing Neil, he probably wouldn't mind girls ogling his body.

When would this naked show be over? When could I get some clothes on? When would this night end? I just wanted it all to be over. I was started to feeling nauseous like I was going to throw up. But no matter how humiliated I was feeling, it was worse for this next pledge.

Andy, pledge number 7, has a little different. He was socially awkward, didn't have a lot of people skills but was extremely smart. I think the reason they wanted him in the fraternity was to get his help on exams. I watched as he went through the same routine as the previous 6 pledges did, he was paraded around naked in front of the sorority. His body was not as developed as some of the guys. He was on the short side, not fat but not fit either. The girls had to cover their mouths to hold in the laughter as he walked towards them on stage. When they spun him around, I got the front view and Andy had a very small penis. At this point, I felt so sorry for him.

He was escorted back in line and when he took off his blindfold, he freaked out. He turned around and ran out of the building. Since there were 5 more pledges, no one said anything and no one ran after him. I thought to myself "he is naked and where is he running to?"

I looked out in the crowd and the girls could barely contain their laughter. I felt really bad for Andy. This is a humiliating hazing that we all have to endure. I hope Joe and the rest of the fraternity will realize this for future initiations. What an extremely humiliating experience this must have been for Andy. We later found out that Andy never came back to the fraternity and transferred to another university.

Finally the last pledge made the naked walk to the front of the stage. I think it was worst to be number 1 as I knew I was standing naked in front of the sorority the entire time. At least being number 12, you didn't know.

Once the last guy was paraded around, he was placed back in line. He took off his blindfold and the audience erupted into cheers, screams and laughter. I can't even imagine the site the girls had. There we were 11 guys, either 19 or 20 years old, naked, standing with their hands on our heads, with their dicks in full clear view of the entire sorority. Some guys cheered back, probably to show they weren't embarrassed but we knew they were. Other guys just stood in complete silence, like me, wishing the night would just fucking end.

Joe turned around and announced "Well, girls, did you get a close look at this year's pledge class?"

The girls cheered and again made obscene comments about us. Joe continued "it is time for the awards to be given out. Pledges, your sisters judged you on different body parts. Beth, do you have the results?" Joe leaned down and was handed a piece of paper from the Beth, president of the sorority.

Joe began to announce the winners, "The winner of best chest award goes to Neil Parker!"

The crowd cheered and all eyes were on Neil, standing in the exact middle of the line. He smiled and did a half-hearted wave. Joe motioned for Neil to come to the front of the stage and receive his award. Neil slowly walked towards Joe and once again, he was center stage completely naked as the girls could now make as much noise as they wanted to. I could not believe how loud the girls were, whistling, screaming, and making vulgar comments. It seemed to be louder as it echoed in the auditorium. As confident as Neil is, there is still a humiliating factor of being naked in front of a large group of women.

As Joe was about to announce the next winner, the only thought that went through my head was "This is ONE award I don't want to win. Please DON'T call my name!!"

"The winner of best abs goes to Jeff Griffin."

Jeff walked to the front of the stage to claim his trophy as the girls get another close-up of naked Jeff.

"The winner of best ass goes to Chris Jones!"

A shock of fear again went through my body. It felt like a tingle that goes from your chest down your abs into your legs. I could not believe this was happening. I just want to stay in line and blend in so no one is looking at me. I guess I was slightly frozen in fear as I heard Joe again summon me to the front. I walked to the front of the stage and looked out at the crowd. Every girl in the crowd had all eyes on my naked body. All these girls, screaming and hollering was again causing my heart to race. These are girls I see every day, and will see for the next 2 years. These girls will always know what I look like naked.

"Well, turn around so the girls can get another look at your award winning ass!" commanded Joe.

I gave Joe my best dirty look and turned around so the girls could once again ogle my butt. I heard some girls yell "shake that ass" and "I love to spank that ass" and lots of other comments I can't repeat. I walked back to my place in line as they announced the last couple of awards.

Scott won the best cock award as he was definitely the most "well-endowed". The girls went absolutely bat-shit crazy when Scott accepted his award. The last award of the night, "most shy" went to Rob. I don't know how they determined that. I think the award was originally going to Andy but since he left, they voted it to go to Rob. Nobody knew exactly what that meant but, as we found out, it was definitely the award you didn't want to get.

As Rob was standing front and center, accepting his award when Joe made the announcement "Rob you stay here. The mixer will be held in the room next door. Go next door and have some drinks and mingle with the new pledges who you got to meet very intimately tonight. Pledges, you may put on boxers, every pledge except Rob. Rob, since you were voted most shy, you will be naked for the first 15 minutes of the party. Everyone have fun!!"

Rob's face went completely blank. He looked like he was going to faint. I felt bad for him but I couldn't wait to put on clothes. We all put on our boxers and proceeded into the adjoining party room. We tried to help Rob by surrounded him as much as possible.

What we didn't know is the sorority had their own initiation contest, which girl pledge can get the "most shy" guy hard. The rules are they can't touch the guy with their hands, or can they touch the guys' dick in anyway. So, the girls would blow into his ear, rub their breast again his chest or talk dirty to him. But the winner was the girl who flashed her breast at him. He had a semi for a while but as soon as he saw her beautiful tits, he got a full rock hard boner. Rob's face was as red as any blushing face I have ever seen. Again, I felt bad for him. It is embarrassing enough to be the only one naked in a room full of people but now he is standing there with a full hard on. Just glad it wasn't me.

Obviously the girls never let us live down that night. They would constantly tease us or remind us that they have seen us naked but we have never seen them naked. It always seemed unfair that an initiation for guys was to be paraded naked in front of girls but the sororities never hazed the girls the same way. The good thing about this being in 1981, cell phones were not around so the girls could take pictures.

Another bad part of winning an award that night, the sisters had to right to ask you to show it at parties. So, for the next couple of years, if new girls from campus came to a party, a sorority sister would ask a brother to show that body part. Neil and Jeff would lift their shirts to show their chest and abs. Scott had no problem whipping out his penis and I would show my butt. I didn't have to do it but I figured everybody has seen my butt now. For that matter, every girl in the sorority saw me completely naked for a long period of time. There wasn't anything they didn't know about my naked body.

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getarisegetariseabout 5 years ago
What comes next?

Next phase of initiation should have the boys on display and let the girls use and humiliate them as they see fit. At least for Chris, his winning ass should be the center of it all. An ass is an ass, use his boipussy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Yes Please

Wish that happened to me. As soon as I realised I was naked in front of so many women I would have got a full hard on.

ptebadenptebadenover 6 years ago
And what?

Does it finish like that?

cfnmfan64cfnmfan64over 7 years ago
Very exciting

Love the thought of being naked and paraded around in front of so many girls. Would love to see you take this to the next level.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I would most certainly have got a bonr as soon as I realsed i was naked in front of all those girls,

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Really humiliating

I like the the idea of being forced to parade in front of so many women who love to inspect you. How arousing knowing that they would talk about your body parts, especially your dick. Each single girl of the sorority knows your fully naked body. However, you have never seen her naked. And you will never do! How exciting!

Nevertheless, I do not agree that the missing cell phones is the good think. Imagine the females have your nude photographs and can look at them whenever they want: seeing your nude body, your ass, your schlong, showing all these things to other ladies, teasing you and changing your nude photos. Maybe this humiliation will never end.

I hope some girls had cameras to take nude photos. They must have lots of nude photos of Chris to tease him! Please go on writing this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Fun story

Captures the angst of being a pledge. Often can be even more humiliating than the story. Sororities are sometimes even worse

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