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The Hunger


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Pain was being replaced in her eyes by renewed passion. "It's so big!" she whispered.

I thought back to my first sexual experience as an innocent youth, so many lifetimes ago. My teacher, my seducer, some would say my downfall, was one of Us. I had thought she was not yet quite two decades old, the same age as me. We had met at a ball given by her uncle, duke over the area in which I was raised. She had been, I realized, quite similar in appearance to Nicole. She took my virginity that night. When she allowed me to splash my seed inside her, timing her orgasm to match my own, she "made" me one of her clan.

Her uncle sent a carriage to my parent's estate the following morning, requesting my presence again in his castle. I could barely comprehend his words as he explained my new reality to me, and I was filled with fear. He led me to his chambers and ordered a group of servant girls to prepare me for my first feeding. They bathed me, perfumed me, groomed me, and finally, pleasured me. I was shocked to find that I could cum almost at will. All four of those wenches drank from me.

I slept numbly. When I awoke, I first understood The Hunger. It was the Duke's own wife who fed me for the first time. A slender, stunning blond woman, she appeared to be around the age of forty. I had thought her handsome, regal looking, well-preserved for her age, but when she appeared at my bedside, dressed in a white silk gown, I saw her as an object of intense sexual desire.

"You feel The Hunger, don't you?" the Duchess asked. "That deep need wrenching your guts apart -- you know it now, don't you?"

"Yes," I hissed.

"I will feed you," she said, undoing the gold and ruby clasp that held her garment. The gown parted, revealing her nakedness to my view. She shrugged her gossamer raiment off her shoulders, allowing it to pool on the floor at her feet. "You are one of Us, now. You must take your nourishment." She mounted the bed, then positioned herself over my face. The newly found need of my race took me, and I lowered her aromatic sex to my mouth.

The duchess and her niece educated me on the ways of the race into which I was newly born. They helped me learn to hunt. Along with many others, they fed me and took some of their feedings from me. I learned lust in their home, lust mortals could not understand. I also learned love.

The duke summoned me to his personal dining room one morning to partake of the mortal foods all of Us still enjoyed. "My young friend," he said, "you are growing well in the skills and pleasures of Us. It is time that you helped to expand our clan. Have you learned how this is done?"

"My lord," I replied, "I am told that I must de-flower a virgin and bring her to orgasm whilst releasing my seed inside her."

"That is correct. In a fortnight, there will be another gathering in the grand ballroom. Among the guests will be several fair maidens. It will be your privilege to have first pick. Choose well. Make Us proud."

At the ball, I danced with the girl who would become my Alexandra. She had tasted so sweet. There is no flavor on this earth that can compare to that of a young maiden.

The taste of the voluptuous young beauty I had now de-flowered was still fresh on my tongue. Nicole was nearly in full possession of my turgid flesh. The pain that had caused her incredible eyes to weep was being replaced with a look of pleasure.

"Only a little bit more," I encouraged, bringing her face to mine. As we kissed, I felt her weight come to rest on my pelvis. Slowly, her virginal tightness relaxed enough for her to lift her hips a bit and then come back down.

"I never knew it would feel like this," she gasped. She raised her hips and lowered them again, stroking my manhood out, and then into her sheath. Again. And again.

When she found her rhythm, she no longer needed the support and encouragement of my hands. I started rubbing my fingers over her anus once more. She moaned and moved a little faster, taking me deep on every thrust. It seemed that her pleasure increased when I fondled her puckered star. I had discovered the same thing about my late Alexandra. It was one of the things that endeared her to me. Penetrating her sphincter always made her orgasm. Nicole, I learned, was no different.

I paused to allow her to recover. My finger rested protectively over her asshole, my erection stayed still inside her quivering cunt. We simply kissed with love.

She raised her upper body so she could look into my eyes. "John? Can we do that again?"

"Do what again?" I asked, flexing to make my cock twitch inside her.

"Ooooh," she hissed. "That. Can we make love again?"

"We never really stopped," I said, clasping her to me and rolling her onto her back. "I just gave you a moment to catch your breath. Now, I'm going to make you cum again."

I pulled my length nearly out of her, barely maintaining our most intimate contact. My shaft glistened with her virgin blood. Her eyes were an opening into her soul, showing lust I had not seen since my beloved was taken. This girl already looked like one of Us.

With only my gaze, I made her wetter. My lance stabbed slowly back into her maddeningly tight depths. Her legs moved to encircle my waist, helping her to draw our loins together. Just as we had never broken the contact joining our bodies together, this time we did not break contact between her lusting eyes and mine. I stroked myself in and out of her grasping cunt until I felt it begin to milk me. It would have been easy to fill her with my seed, feeling that, but I wanted her to cum more. She rode out her orgasm locked tightly on my shaft.

Being careful not to lose the magical contact between our genitals, I rose up on my arms to stare down at her. A droplet of sweat ran from between her ample breasts to join its sisters on her belly. Her nipples were as hard as any I had seen. The look in her eyes told me she was ready to be "made."

"John," she gasped, trying to regain control of her breathing. "John, what are you doing to me?"

"I believe it's called fucking," I replied.

I pushed my length as deep inside her as I could, flexing my groin muscles to apply more pressure inside her wet, tight cunt.

"Oh God! Are you trying to make me cum again?"

"Yes." I began to plow rapidly in and out of her, grabbing her legs and forcing them up, bending her so I could go deeper. This time, it only took a few dozen quick strokes to make her cry out her ecstasy.

"Aaaah, aaaah, stop, please John, stop for a minute," she moaned as she gathered herself once again.

I released her legs and held her, my cock still inside her. We had not broken contact since I first destroyed her hymen. "What's wrong, my Nicole, don't you like this?"

"Yes, yes, of course I like it. I'm sore, but I want more. I just can't keep up with you."

A few gentle thrusts made her begin to move her hips again. I kept my rhythm slow, luxurious, and deep.

"Why haven't you cum?" she asked. "How can you still be so hard?"

"I'm not like other men."

"You can't have an orgasm?" she asked.

"Oh yes, I can. I can have many in a night. I can pour my seed into you whenever I choose, as many times as I choose."

"How is that possible?"

"I told you -- I'm different from other men."

She grasped my head and stared into me. "What are you, John Smith? You need to tell me what's going on."

I thrust hard into her, rapidly, forcing another orgasm from her. Her gaze never faltered. Her emerald eyes still glowed brightly with her lust. I knew now that I must transform her into one of Us.

"I'm not like other men. I was, a long time ago, but then things changed. I am no longer a mortal man."

If she had shown shock at that, I would have erased the memory of my words from her. But she did not. Desire had overwhelmed her.

"Are you a ghost?"

"No. You've probably never encountered one like me before."

"Are you a demon?"

"No, my precious one. I am of the clan of Us. We are beings who can live forever. We take our sustenance from each other and from humans."

"Are you a vampire? Am I going to die in your arms?"

"Not at all. If you accept the gift of my seed, I can make you live a very long time indeed. Members of the clan of Us feed on the sexual fluids of others. We minister to the genitals of our partners orally, taking sustenance from the fluids they produce. I fed from you before I entered you. If you choose, you can be one of Us. You will live out your existence giving pleasure to others, both male and female if you desire. When your lover climaxes in your mouth, you will be nourished. You will spend your time here on earth seeking out partners who can sustain you."

"Will I be immortal?"

"Nearly so. We have few enemies. You will hunt for your food, as I do."

"Will I stay young?"

"If I take you as a life-mate, your days may never end. You will hunt and feed from whomever you choose, but feeding from me, and allowing me to feed from you, will preserve our youth and make us immune to all disease. You will never be ill. You will remain as beautiful as you are at this moment."

Nicole rose up and kissed me. Her passion burned my tongue. "Fuck me some more," she said.

I did. Her pussy was trying to drink my essence.

She seemed near exhaustion after her next orgasm. "What will I be like if you change me?" she panted.

Rolling us over again so she could lie on my chest, I said, "Just like you are now. You could continue working. After I teach you to hunt, and share a few feedings with you, I could move on." My penis, still hard as steel, twitched inside her.

"How will you do it?" she gasped.

"I will bring you to orgasm on my cock, and I will fill you with my semen. But I warn you, my dear, there will be no turning back. You will be forever changed. You will feel The Hunger of Us. You will devote the rest of time to drinking from the loins of others. Do you understand?"

Fire flashed in her eyes, the passion of a true huntress. "Do it."

Her abundant moisture, still tinged with the blood of her virginity, lubricated me as I clasped her to me tightly, pumped purposefully in in and out of her tight depths. "I will cum inside you soon, my precious one. I will bathe your womb in my juices, and you will be changed. Do you want this?" I demanded.

He stare told me the answer, but she whispered, "Yes."

This time, I allowed her pussy to draw my fluids into her. Every pulse of my seed was answered by a cry from deep in her soul. When I was done, she collapsed on top of me.

After a while, she stirred. Looking at me with the true passion of Us, she said, "You're still hard."


"Can you cum again?"

"Of course." I twitched my cock inside her.

"I've never wanted a man to cum in my mouth before. I think I do now," she said.

"That is what we call The Hunger. The only way to satisfy it is with oral sex. We must drink the sexual fluids of another," I said.

She began to rock her pelvis gently, moving almost imperceptibly on my rigid shaft. "I've had oral sex with my girlfriends, and I've gone down on a guy before, but I've always had him finish on my boobs. But now, I want to swallow as much cum as I can!"

"I shall take you hunting, my dear. Perhaps I might look for a snack myself."

"I don't know if I can do it right. I want it, hell, I need it, but I don't know if I can just approach some random guy," she said.

"Let me ask you a question, my dear. How often do you let yourself get picked up and taken to a hotel by 'some random guy'?"

"I don't."

"Correction. You didn't. Why did you come here with me tonight?"

"I don't know," she replied. "You were just different from anyone I ever met. I wanted you almost the moment I saw you. I don't know what came over me."

"My dear, you never had a chance," I chuckled. "I was feeling The Hunger tonight, and I came into your bar to hunt. I smelled your little pussy as soon as you came to my table, so I seduced you into letting me feed from you. I simply used the charms that all of Us possess. I can have any woman I want. I've drunk from movie stars, businesswomen, queens, and slaves."

"Will I be able to do that?"

"Of course. I could see in your eyes that you already had far more raw talent than most mortal women. When you had your first orgasm, the fire in your eyes looked very much like The Hunger. You've been controlling people all your life with your eyes, haven't you?"

"I suppose I have. Do you think I will be able to find someone to feed from tonight?"

"My poor, sweet, innocent newborn," I murmured as I kissed her, my small thrusts into her soaked sheath adding to our mutual pleasure. "Do you really think it will be difficult to find a man who would like to receive oral pleasure from an anonymous, pretty girl?"

"May I practice on you, John?"

"Of course. I will always be available to you, as you will to me."

"May I feed from you now?" she asked.

"If you feed from another first, you will fulfill your new destiny as a member of the clan of Us. We will hunt together, nourish each other, take pleasure from each other, but you will never have a life-mate."

"Why?" she asked.

"The teachings of The One Who Sees All require that only males choose life-mates. New females in the clan become life-mates by taking their first feeding from the one who took their virginity. This feeding must be done immediately after they have been de-flowered. The female must drink not only her life-mate's seed, but also her own virgin blood. This is why I have remained inside you from the first, so that, if we chose, you could do that. I would be blessed to have you as my life-mate."

"May I still feed from others?" she asked.

"You may, as I will also feed from whomever I choose. We will be partnered for eternity, but we will have what some modern people term an 'open marriage.' In fact, to symbolize this, I choose to give you this name to be called by mortals: Azelia."

"That is a beautiful name. What does it mean?"

"It is a Hebrew name, probably based on the early Greek word 'azelos, which means 'not jealous.'"

"Azelia. Yes, I like it. I want to be your life-mate, John. I want to clean your cock of my virgin blood and drink your essence. Please feed me."

The Hunger burned fiercely in her eyes as she finally separated herself from me. She moved to kneel at the altar of my groin and stared for a moment at my hard, wet, blood-tinged penis. Her tongue snaked out from between her lips to graze the head. A mortal would not have noticed, but my ears detected the sound of The Hunger in her gut.

Again, she tasted me. As her belly growled, she smiled at me. "That's The Hunger talking, isn't it?" she asked.

"It is, my sweet Azelia."

"No mortal would hear that, would they? It would be a little embarrassing," she said.

"It is a sound beyond the capabilities of mortals to detect. You will find all your senses more powerful than they were a few minutes ago. All of Us would hear the sound you make. We consider it a compliment."

She moved her tongue, slowly exploring my glans. "I can taste blood, and I can taste my pussy and your sperm, but what I taste most is life."

"You understand, don't you?" I asked.

"Uh huh." She moved her head to lick the spilled fluids from my scrotum. "I'm wet again," she said.

"I will help you with that after you've sated your Hunger, my love."

"Feed me, John," she breathed. Then she began to engulf my cock. At first, she took only the head between her lips, her tongue snaking out to lick my upper shaft. Slowly, she began to move, taking a bit more of me on every thrust. When she reached her comfortable depth, she extended her tongue again to tease my flesh.

Such passion. This woman was a natural. She seemed to know instinctively what I wanted, what I needed. Bobbing her head slowly up and down my length, she smiled at me, a look of pleasure mixed with the need in her bewitching eyes.

"Don't cum yet, lover," she whispered, having paused in her sucking to more thoroughly cleanse our combined juices from my groin.

"I can wait. You're doing well."

"This is making me so hot, I could almost cum."

"You can, darling. You can cum at will, whenever you like."

"Cum with me, John. Feed me."

She took me in her mouth again, sucking, licking, begging for my semen. It was time. Her hips were bucking with her orgasm on an imagined cock as I committed my soul to her for all eternity, filling her mouth with stream after stream of my product. She swallowed greedily, gratefully, The Hunger appeased. For now.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I absolutely love this couple! I cannot wait to read more about them. You can feel their passion, as if you were right there in the room with them. Please continue their story.

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