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The Inheritance

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Son discovers that his mom is part of his inheritance.
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Son discovers that his mom is part of his inheritance.

Authors notes:

One of my sadly anonymous readers requested that I try to make a story like this, so here it is, I hope it scratches your itch.

In case it is unclear to some, everyone in this story is eighteen years or older.

Yes, our MC has recently turned eighteen, and this takes place shortly after that.


My dad's death came as no shock to any of us.

He was pretty old, and he had lived a great life.

Still, it could have been timed a little better.

Days before my eighteenth birthday, he just keeled over dead, massive cardiac arrest.

My party got canceled, even the strippers in a cake my old man har promised me.

I had to make do with a quiet little dinner, and a promise that we would have a party once everything else was dealt with.

So a few days after I had turned eighteen, I had to arrange a funeral, and contact lawyers and the authorities and all that.

My mom was a mess, doing her best, but let's just say my dad didn't marry her for her brains.

She was much younger than my dad, not even forty yet, and thanks to all the expensive skin products and spa treatments and her busy workout schedule that dad's money allowed her, she looked more like my older sister than my mom.

Quite the looker for sure, and ask her anything about fitness and health, and she was a font of knowledge.

But she never had the time for any real education, focusing instead on always looking her best for dad, and being there for him whenever he needed her for anything.

So that's the reason I found myself going through my dad's office, trying to get his affairs in order.

It was mostly old school, dark wood and leather furniture, with a few nods to modern life in the form of his multiple monitor computer setup that he used for business, and the huge panorama windows that allowed him a nice view of our well kept garden, and my moms favorite yoga spot.

The windows were the one-way sort, making me feel slightly guilty as I couldn't help being distracted by my mom's yoga routine.

I guess old habits die hard, so even though I was in his office, getting things sorted, she was still going through the motions of staying fit and limber.

Even if she is my mom, I still had to pause and admire her ass for a while, as the combination of her interesting positions and the tight yoga pants all but gave the appearance of a thin layer of bodypaint.

Tearing myself loose from the entertainment just outside the windows, and adjusting my crotch that had gotten uncomfortably tight, I managed to get back on task.

Rifling through the piles, I happened upon a large manilla envelope, that seemed to have a few things inside.

Pouring the contents out, I recognized my dad's keys, watch, various other personal effects, and of course the family ring.

A wide gold band with a large red gem of some sort.

According to his stories, the ring had been in our family for generations, and it was said that as long as it remained in our possession, our family would prosper.

A nice tale for sure, but he was very serious about it, making me promise I would never let it go, that it would never leave our family.

I missed him a lot. Looking at the ring, I felt adrift, what would I do without him?

It's funny how when you are completely lost, the mind will focus on the most absurd things.

Like how the ring was surely too large to fit on any of my fingers, I would drop it for sure, if I were to actually wear it.

Just to test it, I slipped it on my largest finger, my right middle finger, thinking it was probably larger enough to be a loose fit on my thumbs too.

I was wrong. As I slipped it on my finger, it felt warm, like dad had just slipped it off a moment before. For a single moment, the unusual sensation of wearing a ring made it feel like it was burning hot, but the sensation vanished as soon as it started, making me gasp and almost pull the ring off to throw the incandescent object away from me.

But two things stopped me.

The first was that the ring was actually a perfect fit. So much so, that it seemed a lot harder to pull it off, than it was to slide it on.

The second was that the sensation of heat was gone immediately, it was probably just some nerve ends not being used to being touched, or something.

Wiggling my fingers around, I found I liked the unusual weight of the heavy ring, and wearing it felt comforting somehow. Like some part of my dad was still with me.

I was about to go back to work, when I noticed my mom was spending a bit too much time in a position that didn't seem like any yoga pose I knew.

She seemed to have face-planted on her yoga-mat, and seemed to have trouble getting up.

My immediate worry of her having keeled over dead just like dad, was alleviated by her feeble attempts at getting up, but I rushed to her aid just the same.

Rushing into the garden, I easily picked her up, carrying her inside despite her weak protests.

She felt light as a feather in my arms, and even if she is probably not much more than a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet, I would normally have felt the strain of carrying her, but I guess my sudden boost of adrenaline at seeing her like that gave me strength.

"Ryan I am fine..." She insisted weakly, as I brought her a glass of water.

"I don't know what came over me, I just felt so hot all of a sudden, then I ca... uh... blacked out. Next thing you picked me up and carried me in here. I didn't realize you had gotten so big and strong!"

She did seem a bit woozy, even if she said she was fine. She had this slightly dazed look in her eyes, and she kept biting her lip and rubbing her thighs together unconsciously, so I stayed with her until she had emptied the glass of water I brought her, and promised me she would take it easy for the rest of the day.

With her assurances that everything was just fine, I went back to dad's office to get things sorted.

A few minutes later, mom had apparently decided that working on her tan would be the best way to take it easy, so wearing only a tiny bikini that she usually only wore when she wanted dad to buy her something expensive, she lay down on her yoga mat and let the sun do its work.

It felt slightly awkward to have my almost naked mom in full view, less than ten feet away, but I guessed she was just so used to it being her spot, that she didn't even consider her son was sitting here on the other side of a pane of glass. The windows were made out of really expensive one way glass that was soundproof and had all sorts of anti-snooping features, ensuring my dad's business secrets could not be learned by some drone enthusiast.

So I guess my mom just didn't even consider it was now me in the office, and not her beloved late husband.

She was a bit of a scatter-brain at the best of times, so I tried to pay it no mind at first.

I will admit I did take a few minutes to admire the view when she applied sunscreen all over her body with slow sensuous movements, getting into every nook and cranny, even loosening her bikini top to spread sunscreen on her generous c-cups, even though frustratingly enough, she didn't remove the top, just reaching under it to massage the sunscreen into her soft vulnerable skin. Then she readjusted the top, and started on her long tan legs. Although my mom is not very tall, she has pretty long legs for a woman her size, and with her fit body, she looks a lot like that vampire slayer chick from tv, but with larger breasts.

It says something about how eager I was for distractions from my emotionally draining task, that I would stand around ogling my mom, comparing her to movie stars, and even letting my eyes linger far too long, when she rubbed the sunscreen into her firm thighs. As she slid her hands under her bikini bottom to run sunscreen into her private bits, I was completely transfixed.

I mean, I know the skin of the private bits is pretty vulnerable to sunlight, but I had never considered that it might be prudent to apply sunscreen to it, even when it was covered by the admittedly tiny amounts of fabric that made up mom's bikini.

She spent a good long minute rubbing the sunscreen into her mound and crack, making everything glisten invitingly in the sun.

Finally she adjusted the bikini bottom slightly, moving it to get it just right, which meant I got a view straight at her now very prominent camel toe.

Adjusting my pants, I felt a pang of guilt, that I stood there, breathing heavily on the glass, sporting a rock solid hard-on for my mom.

My dad wasn't even in the ground yet, and here I was, almost creaming my pants, just because my admittedly very sexy mom kept adjusting her hips, looking for just the right position to really relax and tan.

I took a few minutes more to admire the way her muscles moved under her soft skin, whenever she shifted her weight on the yoga mat.

Then, mustering my willpower, I managed to get on task, and finally got some work done.

I was making good time, when I came across a piece of paper that seemed to be covered in my dad's handwriting, though it seemed pretty shaky.

It was from the day he passed away, apparently written in the ER. It stated that all his personal belongings were to be given to me, his heir, but that I was under no circumstances to put on the ring, before I had ready his personal journal, that I was to receive from his lawyer as part of my inheritance.


Well, there was no putting the toothpaste back into the tube, but I could try to fix my mistake, and put the ring back on his desk.

Except a few minutes of struggle convinced me that the only way that ring was coming off was with a bonesaw.

So, yeah, I guess I would just take it as a downpayment on my inheritance, and keep it on for now.

I was about to go back to work, when I noticed my mom's legs had parted a bit, and the fingers of one of her well manicured hands were tracing long idle lines on her thighs, her mound, and once in a while they would even flutter across her soft feminine bits.

She wasn't quite masturbating less than ten feet from me, but it was quite the show.

Instantly I was back to sporting a rock solid hard-on, and I found myself kneeling down by the window, enjoying the view, the sensual way her body writhed as her fingers caressed her soft skin.

I reached into my pants to adjust my length, trying to relieve the painful pressure from being trapped in pants that were apparently too tight.

I didn't mean to stroke myself, but once my hand was on my cock, and my mom's undeniably sexy body was on display in front of me, I couldn't help myself.

After all, what was the harm, she would never know, and I could use a little stress relief.

I only stroked myself slowly for a few minutes, until I came to my senses.

My mom would have a fit, if she knew I was standing here masturbating myself while she was out there sunbathing unaware of having her son ogling her.

I had to do something about it, or I would not long be able to resist the temptation.

I knew instantly I would long regret ruining the show, but being a man is all about making hard choices, so I pulled myself together, and pulled my hand from my pants, denying myself release.

As I got into the garden, I cleared my voice, making sure not to catch mom by surprise.

"Oh hi sweety," mom purred at me.

"Checking up on me so soon?"

I struggled for a moment to find words, as she had turned on her side as I announced my presence, which was fine as such, but at some point she had removed her top, meaning her firm c-cups were in plain sight. If I didn't know she was my mom, I would have sworn a body like hers had never been through childbirth. Holy shit, I was just standing there with my mouth open, all but drooling at the sight of my mom's breasts. Breasts I suddenly had an urge to put in my mouth again for the first time in seventeen years.

"Oh sorry honey, I didn't want tan lines. You know how your dad despised tan lines." she explained, as she sat up and fumbled a bit, putting her top back on.

"Want to tie me up?" she asked.

"Do I what?" I stuttered, as lewd images rushed through my mind, making me once more very conscious of the need to get me some bigger pants.

"My top. It ties in the back." she explained, and turned her back.

"Uh, sure. I'd love to tie you up." I muttered like an idiot, while I made my best effort at getting her top nicely secured again.

"So what's on your mind?"

Yeah, I was not going to tell her what was on my mind right now, that would not be a great idea. Especially with the new images of her tied up added to the mix. So taking a deep breath, I managed to get my mind out of the gutter for a moment.

"Uh, I was wondering if you realized that you are just in front of the windows to dad's office.

Where I am currently going through things to get everything in order."

"Of course dear. It's my favorite spot. The mirrored glass makes sure I get a nice and even tan. I hope you don't mind, I guess I just feel closer to him here."

Feeling like a jerk, I couldn't really ask her not to stay there, when she felt that way, and especially when I most definitely wasn't about to tell her my reasons.

"Uh, okay, I was just making sure.. uh.." Yeah, that was real smooth. In my defense, my brain was probably starved for blood at the moment, judging from the ache in my crotch, I had not been harder ever. This forbidden boner was getting to be a real distraction.

"Okay, sweetie. Let me know if there is anything at all I can do for you." mom purred at me, biting her lower lip in thought.

"Your dad always said I had a magic touch with my massages, so if you need something to help you unwind later, I would love to give you a hand."

Said hands were idly rubbing her hip and thigh, as she offered me her assistance.

I rarely noticed my mom's choice of jewelry, she had so much to choose from, so it was just one of those things you never really consider.

But the sunlight reflected in a red flash from her finger, as a ring I vaguely recognized sparkled. Golden band with a tiny red stone, that felt very familiar.

"Sounds good mom, I'd love that later." My distracted mind let out, before I caught up with it. "That ring. What is it?"

"Oh this old thing, don't you recognize it? It's my engagement ring. Your dad gave it to me when we started dating, then later when he proposed it just kinda became our engagement ring. He said he didn't want me to remove it ever, until we were married. When I saw it earlier, I just felt like wearing it again. Remembering how it was back then... Is anything wrong with it?"

"Nothing is wrong mom, I just thought it looked familiar. It looks a lot like dad's ring, doesn't it?"

"It sure does. He said the stone was cut from the same gem as the one in his ring. He was such a romantic, saying it would help us form a strong bond."

"It looks good on you mom, you should keep it on. Always." I don't know where that came from, but I just had the sudden feeling, like waking up in the middle of the night and knowing the answer to a math problem. I had a feeling of absolute certainty that she had to keep the ring on.

Busy second guessing myself, wondering where that sudden feeling came from, I made my excuses, leaving my mom to continue sunning herself in her favorite spot.

Making a detour to my own room, I changed into sweatpants, though it felt strange to enter my dad's office wearing anything less than a suit.

I had not been at it long, when mom removed her bikini top, and laid on her back, making sure to get an even tan, no doubt.

She spent a few minutes reapplying sunscreen, depositing a solid amount between her breasts, then slowly spread it out with her finger tips, trailing white lines around her nipples, until after a little while, she massaged all of it into her soft mounds, then spread the remnants down her flat belly, down to her thighs, where she let her fingers just idly stroke the soft flesh just below her barely hidden pussy.

Fuck it, I thought. The only way I was going to get anything done, was if I took care of my distraction first.

Pulling down my pants, my cock stood large and firm, only feet away from my unsuspecting mother.

Briefly considering pulling up some porn on my dad's computer, I discarded the idea, since there was a chance some of the lawyers handling my dad's estate would have to go through his browser history, and that would just be awkward.

My aching boner was also pretty sure what it wanted, and it wasn't some stranger on the internet.

Right now, my mind was flooding with pictures of burying my cock to the hilt in the no doubt unnaturally tight pussy of my mother, that was so erotically on display right in front of me.

Just like the time when I had masturbated into her panties, this would be another of those embarrassing yet strangely satisfying wanks.

Knowing it was wrong, I started to masturbate, taking in the sight of my mom caressing her soft inner thighs, sometimes allowing a finger to flutter across her camel toe, then back to more innocent parts.

She would never know, and what she didn't know would not hurt her, I told myself, as I brought myself ever closer to the edge, pausing when I was almost ready to shoot my load all over the glass barrier between us.

Not wanting to explain to the maid how a sea gull managed to crap all over the inside of the window, I paused for a while, grabbing some tissue paper to shoot my load into.

Then finally, I brought myself closer and close to the edge, unashamedly bringing myself to an orgasm as I imagined myself sucking on those marvelous nipples that seemed like firm little eraser tips, imagined that the ropes of cum I was shooting into a wad of tissue were instead shooting straight into the womb from which I had come.

Not my proudest wank, but it felt amazing! And if it wasn't for the miracle of sound proof glass, my moaning would most certainly have informed my mother beyond doubt what her only son was doing right next to her mostly naked body.

As the last gobs of cum spilled from my balls, overflowing the tissue paper and dropping to the floor in large fat droplets, I could certainly understand why I had trouble focusing. I don't think I have ever cum that much in my life, so no wonder my brain didn't work when my balls were so backed up with cum.

I discarded the soaked tissue paper, and guiltily dropped the idea of even trying to get my cum out of the carpet, instead leaving it to the maid to clean up my mess. She would probably be better at fixing stains like that than me, and she would never know what it was.

Besides, I had important stuff to do.

Getting back to work, I finally managed to make headway, even if I still took a few breaks to admire mom's delicious body, whenever I noticed her applying fresh sun screen.

Sadly the sun was soon past its peak, and mom apparently decided to abandon the tanning session for now.

As she got up, I got a final little show, as she had once more discarded the top, giving me an unrestricted view of her amazing tits, as she stretched first this way, then that, before gathering her things and heading inside.

Needless to say that her little display once again made things a bit tight below, and I almost regretted her leaving, briefly wondering what it would be like sliding my cock between her breasts, shooting my load over her neck, chin and face, decorating her with fat white ropes of my sticky cum.

Seriously, there had to be something wrong with me. I never had those urges about my mom before.

I never before had images of her running through my mind unbidden, of her hogtied on her knees under my desk, her lips stretched wide around my throbbing cock, as I sent a torrent of sticky cum down her throat.

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