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The Island Ch. 13

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The day of rest.
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Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 13 of the 23 part series

Updated 02/15/2024
Created 10/04/2022
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Welcome to chapter 13

A massive thanks to all my editors, supporters, and readers. Hopefully, together we can enjoy nubile, hot, scantily clad women in a tropical environment for a vert long time to come.

Enjoy the story.


Communally decided before I had woken up, today was going to be a day of rest. To the credit of every single member of the group, we had been working extraordinarily hard over the past two days, and a bit of rest and relaxation was just what the doctor ordered.

Literally, in this case. Amy had put her foot down and would not allow any more heavy-duty work until we had rested. Her reasons were filled with medical terms and conditions that I had never heard of and, therefore, could very easily have been made up. But the gist of it was that all of the women were either actively trying for a baby, didn't mind getting knocked up, or were already carrying a bun in the oven. Proper rest was needed. And if the women were needed, the entire female population of the island decided that they wanted their men to spend time with them. Or, at the very least, they decided that it wouldn't be fair for us to work when they weren't.

Ray, in a valiant attempt at logic, pointed out that as they became more heavily pregnant, the men would be doing a lot more of the work anyway as their need for rest increased.

The women promptly and unceremoniously ignored him.

Of course, I tried to join in with the banter, but there were, for obvious reasons, other things on my mind. The most obvious was what I had heard yesterday, but with nothing I could do with that information, it was just left to percolate in my head. The second thing that bothered me was that whoever else had been in the tunnels last night had been up much later than I had been. I was already sleeping when they returned to the group. Add to that the fact that I was the last person awake, which meant that someone should have looked a lot more tired than the rest of the women. But I could see no sign of extra fatigue in anyone, nor could I spot anyone making any extra effort to "stay close" to me. At least no more than usual.

The only people who made any real effort to consciously stay close to me were Hayley, and whichever of the other girls within my group were horny. Considering that, out of all of them, only Amy had had dick in the past two days, that was pretty much all of them.

Lastly, the echo of Freja's voice still resounded in my head. But based on the plans that the women had for the rest of the day, I couldn't imagine any possibility of being able to sneak off to see her. Not alone, anyway. Coupled with the fact that I had no idea who that shadow in the bunker had been, I didn't really want to bring any of them with me. As much as it pained me to say it, I simply didn't trust them enough. Considering what I had heard from that shadow, she was close to either Ray or Tom, which limited the pool significantly. But at the same time, Dr. Walker's story had made it abundantly clear that not only was this "Mother" able to switch between hosts, but she could also directly control more than one person at a time. That meant that even if I worked out who that shadow from last night was, that didn't mean Mother was still with her, nor did it mean that she wasn't controlling somebody else. Not to mention the obvious fact that there were times when she wasn't controlling anybody.

Fuck, this was getting complicated.

What was clear to me, however, as I sat on the edge of the gun emplacement's gun port eating my breakfast banana, was that none of the girls in my part of the group were having lucid moments. I had recognized it with Hayley but confirmed it with Amy. There was a seriousness about anyone free of the influence of the island. A separation from the rest of the group, or at least from the group mentality. There was a willingness, an eagerness perhaps, to talk about home or the problems facing us and our survival here. They rarely wanted to talk about sex; so far, only to confirm that this is what they wanted.

At this moment, they were organizing a schedule of who got to fuck me today and when. Amy, being the only one to have gotten me in the past few days, was acting as referee and seemed to be enjoying the position inordinately. Listening to them all loudly declare who was the most desperate to be "dicked by Dan," as they had named the feeling with a giggle, was causing that itch to grow in the back of my head.

"No, Liz," Hannah shouted loudly. "You had your chance to get knocked up by him. Instead, you wanted him to stick it up your ass!"

"Well, yeah, but he fucked my pussy first," Liz countered. "He was still hard, I was still horny, and we still had time, so I gave him my other hole as well."

"That means you got fucked twice!" Katie jumped in with faux indignation. "I had to drag him to the pillbox to get any at all!"

"That's your own fault," Hannah chirped up again. "You blew him on that first night. You could have jumped on and ridden him."

"But... He tasted so gooooood." Katie drew out the last syllable around another giggle. "And I was being considerate. I didn't want to wake any of you." The ripple of laughing guffaws rolled through the rest of the girls. If this was a fight or even just a mild argument, it was the friendliest in history.

"Ladies, ladies," Amy held up her hands. "I think it is only right that this is done on the basis of who needs it more. I was the last to take his seed. Before that was Katie and Liz. Who was before that?"

"That was Robyn and me at the same time," Hayley announced with a wink to Robyn, who purred loudly in response. "I think Hannah was the day before that."

"Right? Thank you!" Hannah huffed in another playful imitation of exasperation. "I am fucking dying here!"

Ray, who was sitting next to me, was watching the proceedings with a look that resided somewhere on the spectrum between awe, amusement, and pity. "When these girls fuck you to death, I am calling dibs on your sandals," he said from behind a smirk. "Seriously, dude, what were you thinking? I find keeping two of them happy hard enough. You have six! Tom is the only sane one here!"

"Do you remember being given a choice?" I laughed.

"Hmmm. Good point. That's a little weird, now that I think about it."

"Are you complaining, lover boy?" A voice came from behind us. We both turned to see the brunettes of Zoe and Caroline standing in seductive poses, sultry smiles on their faces.

"Not at all, my loves." Ray grinned, flashing me a look that said that his old bones were complaining a lot.

"Good, 'cause Dan is not the only one with duties to perform today." One of the girls said. The other giggled and nodded enthusiastically.

Ray flashed me another look. One which pretended to convey a silent but playful groan. But the sparkle in his eyes and the curl of his lips made it very clear that he was very happy to have two beautiful women vying for his attention.

The brief moment of quiet as Ray stood up was shattered by the high-pitched scream coming from deeper in the bunker.

"See? Louisa is getting some!" Hannah snorted. "So, have we decided that I am next?"

Hayley giggled, turning her head to look back at me. "I wonder if Dan should get a say?"

"Nah, Dan gets six women queueing up to screw his brains out. Dan is fine!" Robyn laughed.

"Mmmmm, yes, he is." Liz purred to another round of giggles.

"Hey, Dan!" Robyn called out. "I want you to stick that big cock up my ass too, but not until you have fucked a baby into me. Got it?"

Ray choked on his own tongue, patted me on the shoulder, and whispered, "Good luck," before he stood and walked over to his girls. Hooking an arm around each of their waists, he led them further up the hill.

"Awww, baby," one of them purred to him. "Don't you want to fuck our tight little asses too?" The sound of Ray choking again was the last thing I heard before they rounded some trees and faded out of sight.

I chuckled to myself, turning my attention back to the group in time to see Hannah pull herself to her feet and stride confidently and sexily toward me. We have all seen it. Guys, you know what it looks like, and girls, you know when you are doing it, but there is a way a woman walks when she wants to be noticed and when she wants to be seen. Hannah crossed her legs with each step, each foot placed just inside the stride of the other, swinging and sashaying her hips with every step. Her shoulders were pulled back tight, not only to present the bikini-clad valleys of her cleavage but to push her voluptuous breasts out further.

Hannah, Amy, and Louisa were easily, and by quite some margin, the most 'top heavy' of all the women in the group. Significantly more busty than the others. Louisa and Amy, however, had the curvier, thicker bodies that went with them. Their breasts were proportional to the rest of them. Amy especially was stunning. Hannah was smaller. She was still as curvy, but on her smaller frame, those curves seemed more defined. Her hips flared out much more noticeably compared to her thinner waist, and her shoulders were narrower, but this had the effect of making her chest seem much, much larger. Bra sizes are a mystery to most men, but when it came to the actual size of her breasts, they were probably no bigger than Amy's or Lousia's, but her smaller body made them look enormous.

By the time she was halfway between the group and my perch, that itch in the back of my head had taken over, and I found myself wondering what it would feel like to slide my cock between those glorious mounds of flesh.

"They're triple Ds if you were wondering," she purred as she finally reached me. I could make some comment about her reading my mind, but the way my eyes were locked onto them made it obvious where my thoughts were residing. "You have any problems with putting on a show for everyone? I am a bit of an exhibitionist slut when I am this horny."

I cleared my throat, took a deep breath, and let the inevitable control wash over me. "Well, that depends." I heard myself say as I stood up.

"On what?" she smirked at me.

"On if you want to be fucked like a whore in front of them, or if you want to show off and let them see how eager you are to please your man."

Her lips parted, and a small shiver ran through her body on hearing my words; her eyes fluttered, and her breath trembled for just a moment before she composed herself. "Hmm, decisions, decisions," she panted hungrily. "But I am beyond fucking horny. I can make those bitches see how a real slut fucks some other day. Right now, I need you to make me your bitch!"

I reached out and quickly grabbed her shoulder, spinning around and pulling her back and her round ass against me, my hands reaching around her and grabbing her tits, squeezing them hard as I whispered into her ear. "You are already my bitch, aren't you?"

"Oh my fuck, Yes!"

A loud slap echoed around the clearing outside the bunker as I spanked one of her tits. Her yelp quickly chased it into the surrounding hills. "I don't think they heard you."


"Oh fuck!" Robyn whimpered as she leaned back against one of the trees, spread her legs, and pressed her fingers into her bikini panties. Hayley was lounging close to her, one hand propping her head up as the other slowly circled a nipple through her top. Her eyes were locked on mine, a teasing smile on her lips as her tongue ran over them, and that gorgeous flush was starting to spread along her chest. Katie and Liz were both watching intently, but aside from shifting a little closer to each other, they hadn't moved.

Hannah was pushed down to her knees just as her tits were pulled from her top, and her body was pushed forward onto her hands. Facing the group, she was made to watch the effect our show was having on her audience as her panties were dragged down to her knees and left there, keeping her legs clamped together. I managed to drag my eyes away from the group for long enough to cast a quick look down at her frothing, molten sex. Her excitement was running in liquid form down the insides of her thighs. My shorts were pulled down, and my cock was allowed to spring out as I dropped to my knees behind her.

A series of moans, the loudest from Robyn sinking her fingers into her snatch, reverberated around the clearing outside the bunker, all of them watching the look of abject euphoria wash over Hannah's face as I plunged into her. Her head dropped forward for just a moment, her mind taken over by the pleasure radiating from her core. But a sharp grip of her hair, yanking her head back and making her watch the others, followed by a hard spank on her ass, snapped her attention back to the task at hand. I could just about see enough of the side of her face to see her lips pull back into a satisfied smirk. She really was an exhibitionist, and the performance we were putting on was having just the effect she wanted on her audience.

Well then, show time!

To say I started fucking into Hannah hard was an understatement on the same level as saying the Universe is rather large. I fucking pounded into her. The loud, wet slaps, the powerful grunts from my lips, and the shrill squeals from hers became the only sounds in the world to our captivated onlookers. Robyn was fucking her fingers into herself with almost the same vigor as my cock was plowing Hannah. Hayley had one of her tits out and was pinching and rolling her nipple; even Amy was watching with flushed cheeks and parted lips. But my goal was not to put on a show for the rest of the girls; it was to fuck Hannah so far out of her mind that she would forget that she was.

My balls, heavy and full, slapped mercilessly and relentlessly into her clit, each little spank driving her higher and closer to her first earth-shattering climax. At first, Hannah had tried to fuck herself back onto me, winking and purring at the others as she tried her hardest to make our own little porno. But as I had met her challenge and fucked her harder, deeper, and rougher, her eyes had glazed over, her tongue had started to loll out of her mouth, and her entire existence had collapsed down to the feelings of abject paradise being fucked into her.

The lewd but entirely for-show moans that she had thrown out for the benefit of her audience were quickly replaced with breathless screams and guttural moans of pleasure. The power being fucked into her wasn't just dragging over her g spot, stretching her walls, and thudding my crown into her cervix; they were actively splashing her leaking juices over her thighs. Each little squirt of juices coming not from her quickly approaching orgasm but from the pressure of having my cock pounding into her. Every time her arms threatened to give way, and the top part of her body slumped forward to the ground, I would give her hair another tug. It got to the point that I became genuinely concerned that I would rip a fist full of it out.

I shifted my hand to her shoulder, pulling her back strongly and locking her in place between the strength of my grip and the pistoning power of my hips. Unable to jolt or swing her body forward under each increasingly frantic thrust, she was pinned in place and made to take the full force of every stroke.

The first blinding orgasm smashed through her. She didn't scream; there was no shuddering climax; her mouth just fell open, her eyes widened, and every muscle in her body clenched hard. She froze! For a few long seconds - during which I didn't even slow down, let alone stop - she just knelt there, her body wracked by the powerful contractions that emanated from her battered cunt. Finally, she sucked in a deep breath and screamed out her rapture.

Robyn followed quickly behind her, her panties darkening under the flood of juices before she pulled her fingers up to her panting lips to taste herself.


Somehow, during this screaming tirade, my eyes found Liz's. I'm not sure how I knew, I have no idea where the idea came from, but I knew that she wanted in. She flashed me a subtle wink, and I knew what to do.

Pulling harder on Hannah's shoulder, I pulled her body almost vertically. Her panties around her knees had kept them together, so her balance was completely under my control. I kept pulling until her head fell back against my shoulder. The hand pulling her up moved onto one of her pendulous, bouncing tits, crushing the tit-flesh between my fingers and allowing her nipple to slide between them. Her eyes shot open again as I squeezed it, and another squeal burst from her lips.

The same response was torn from her as my other hand reached around her and started strumming furiously against her clit. "Do you think this is enough of a show for them?" I hissed into her ear as she howled out her pleasure.

"Ohmygod, Fuck! Do what you fucking want to me. I don't care anymore!" she groaned breathlessly. "This cunt is yours. Everything is yours. Fuck, please, don't stop until you have filled me!"

"I can do anything I want?" I teased her earlobe with my breath as I kept hammering her.

"Urgh, urgh, urgh, yes, fuck, anything!"

Liz took her unspoken cue and stood from her place, peeling off her panties and dropping them onto Hayley with a wet splat before stepping over her and walking closer. I'm not sure Hannah even noticed her moving until her shadow blocked out the sun as she stood over us. Liz leaned down and kissed me hard, Hannah groaning even louder as she watched the downright pornographic display we made of our tongues duelling. "Then you are going to lick this pussy," I growled, not breaking the pace of my thrust into her. "And when you have made her cream all over your pretty little fuck toy face, I am going to fill you up. Then you are going to go and offer your cummy cunt to Hayley!"

"Oh, Jesus!" came a moan from the group that sounded distinctly like Robyn but was blocked by Liz spreading her stance over Hannah.

"Yes, fuck!" Hannah moaned, her eyes fixing on the dripping twat only inches from her face. "You are my fucking King! Hayley is your Queen! I belong to you both."

"Mmmm, such a good little bitch, but we all do." Liz purred. Her position, standing over both of us and lowering herself onto Hannah's upturned face, put her pussy only inches from mine, and the heady aroma of her lust washed over me. She purred loudly, her purr turning into a moan and her hands resting on my shoulders for support as Hannah's eager, talented and nubile tongue pressed between her puffy folds in its hunt for her clit.

The view for the others must have been almost comical. Hannah was on her knees; her body held up against my chest as she was railed mercilessly by the man they collectively craved without apology. My hand roughly flexed on her bouncing tit, pinching and rolling her nipple as the other strummed mercilessly over her unhooded, swollen, soaked clit. The view of the raptured look on Hannah's face was blocked by Liz's naked ass, and only the slightest view of her chin between Liz's legs and her wandering tongue gave any hint of what was happening. Still, the screams and howls of pleasure that vibrated into the geologist's wanton sex were almost as pleasurable as the tongue flicking over her clit.

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