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The Jogger Ch. 01

Story Info
A divorcee becomes infatuated with a young runner.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/10/2016
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Thanks to JayPierce95 for providing me with the idea and general outline for this story.


Roger rolled the plastic garbage can out to the curve. At 48 years old, it would appear to most people that Roger was the definition of successful; and if they defined success as having money, they would be correct. He owned a nice multi-million dollar house in the suburbs and had a BMW parked in the garage. The lawn and garden surrounding his house was immaculate, as he had hired the best landscaper in town to take care of it. Roger had once thought that all of the niceties in life would make him happy; but now that he had them all, he realized this was not the case.

Roger Everret was a software programmer by trade and was one of the best in the business. At the beginning of the smartphone boom, Roger was there drilling out code. He was dedicated to his craft and knocked out top app, after top app for his company. It took very little time for Roger to notice that he could start a business of his own and bring in a lot more money.

When Roger started his own company, the big businesses followed him to his startup, as he continued to provide top notch work. The business was actually doing too well, as more companies were coming looking for business then Roger and his small team could handle. Roger had to pick up the slack and work long hours, sometimes going days without sleeping or leaving the office.

Within three years, Roger's business, TechHouse, had gone from startup to one of the top software firms in the nation. What started as four guys drilling out code in an old Kinkos, had become a company of 300 programmers who worked in a 10 story office building downtown.

The world had labelled Roger as successful. Yet, there was one person during Roger's rise who didn't feel the same way. Roger's wife, Emily, had been his high school sweetheart. They had their first son together when they were both in college, which forced Emily to drop out of school. Emily worked two full-time jobs, while Roger continued his pursuit of a degree. When Roger graduated and got a job, he was making more than enough money to support their family. He insisted Emily stay home with the kids, as she had sacrificed too much valuable time with them so that he could earn a degree. They went on to have one other son two year later.

Emily enjoyed being a stay at home mother, but was never a fan of the hours that came with Roger's programming job. She missed her longtime companion; and even offered to go back to work, if Roger would take a job that would allow him more time with the family. Roger never bit on the offer and continued to put in long hours.

The issues with Roger's schedule only became worse when he started his own business. 14 hour work days had turned into 70 hour work binges. Roger was excited as the money was pouring in, and figured his wife would be excited too. The thing was Emily didn't care about having a lot of money. She enjoyed being able to afford things, but not if it came at the cost of having an absentee husband.

It all came to a head on Roger's 43rd birthday. Roger's oldest son was about to graduate college, while the other was about to graduate high school. The eldest son had driven ten hours to come celebrate his father's birthday. Emily had gone all out, making Roger's favorite meal and had beautifully decorated a cake herself. Roger had promised he would be home at 6:00, and for once he was punctual. Roger rushed into the house and veered for the bedroom before ever making it to the kitchen. Thirty seconds later, Roger left the bedroom and headed back to the garage holding some clothes.

"We've got a big deadline at work, honey. I just came to grab some clothes. I'll probably be home in a few days once we get this done," Roger called out.

"Roger, come in the kitchen!" Emily barked.

Roger made a quick U-turn and paced back into the kitchen where his sons and wife stood ready to celebrate his birthday. Emily and the boys burst into the birthday song when he entered the room.

"Guys, I appreciate this," Roger interrupted as they were merely a line into the song, "but I really have to go. We can celebrate my birthday when I get done with this assignment. I love you all, but I really have to go."

Roger turned and walked out into the garage. Emily sprinted after him, catching him as he got into the car.

"Roger, come back here now! Your son drove across three states to come celebrate your birthday and now you are just going to leave?" Emily said.

"Honey, I can't stay. The team needs me back at the office. You know how this work is. I'll be back in a day or two and we can celebrate."

"No! I've had it. Roger this is the last straw. I will not sit here and let you do this to our family. Either you come back inside, or when you come home in a few days it will be to an empty house."

"Emily, I don't have time to argue. I promise I will fix this when I get back. I really have to go."

Roger pulled out of his garage and changed his life forever. When he returned two days later, the house was nearly empty. Emily had him served with divorce papers the next week.

Fast-forward five years, and Roger's life was not remotely the same. He still was the CEO of his software company, but in title alone. The emotions of the divorce, coupled with years of insane work hours, finally caught up to Roger. His doctor forced him to cut his work schedule to one six-hour work days per week, out of fear that any more stress could cause his body catastrophic harm.

Emily had remarried a year after the divorce went through. She had always looked stunning for her age, and had no issues finding a man who wanted to be with her. The boys were both out of college, but rarely communicated with Roger, outside of holidays where an obligatory phone call was needed. Roger figured the boys blamed him for the divorce, and in reality they were right.

Roger had trouble filling the days when he first got put on limited work. All he had known in the last twenty years was work. Many of the friends he had from the past, had given up on the friendship when Roger was putting in long hours at the office and always cancelled plans. Other friends were "couple friends", who were more friends with Roger because their wife was friends with Emily, and they would all hang out together in a group. When Emily and Roger divorced, most of the "couple friends" sided with Emily.

One "couple friend" stuck around though and his name was Tim Martin. Tim's wife, Kim, was still friends with Emily and in private was always running Roger down for ruining his marriage. In public, Kim put up with Roger and allowed her husband Tim to spend time with him, just as long as she didn't have to spend time with him.

Tim introduced Roger to the game of golf. Roger had always been relatively fit, being a star athlete in high school. However, years of his crazy work schedule had caused his body to fall into a bit of disrepair. Golf gave Roger the motivation to get exercise and get his body back into shape.

Tim had quite a bit of money, after working in real estate most of his life, but had elected to retire early and enjoy time with his family. In hindsight, Roger wished he had done the same as Tim.

Roger had worked his body back into relatively decent shape in two years of golfing and working out. He still had a bit of a "dad bod", but that was to be expected at his age. Roger had black hair, which had begun to be washed out in gray. He was a handsome man, and would likely have little trouble on the dating scene. However, he had no interest in any women since his wife had left.

Roger set the garbage can at the curb, and could hear the exhaust of the garbage truck coming down his street. He was relieved he had gotten it out in time, saving him another week of trash pilling up. Roger had cut back to one day work weeks, showing up at the office only on Tuesdays to handle some minor business around the company. He had finally embraced life away from work.

Summer had finally arrived. Roger was excited to have more sunlight and nice weather to be able to hit the golf course. Tim planned on meeting Roger for a post-lunch tee time, and Roger was eager to get to the course.

Roger turned to head back up the driveway, when he noticed a blue flash sweep across his field of vision. Roger turned back to notice the blue flash had been a young lady out for a run. He hadn't heard the pitter patter of her feet, due to the exhaust from the garbage truck heading up the road. Roger took a deep breath, relieved that he had been alarmed for no reason.

Roger got in the car and headed out for work. He slowly crept down the road, as he tried to hook his cell phone into the car charger. Roger looked up and noticed he had caught up to the runner who had alarmed him while in his driveway. He began to pull around the young lady, finally taking a good glance at her.

The moment seemed to go in slow motion for Roger as he passed. The young lady was wearing a royal blue hat, which covered her face from the abrasive early morning sun. A long, thick brunette ponytail poked out of the back of the hat and bounced with each step. The tank top the girl was wearing matched the blue color of the hat. The performance material clung close to her body, showing off her thin fit body. The outfit was finished off by dark gray running tights, which extend down to just above the kneecap. The tight fabric clung to the girl's muscular thighs as she churned out each stride. The tights seemed to struggle to contain the two perfectly round butt cheeks which bubbled off of the girl's backside.

Roger had been sexually dormant for some time. When he was married to Emily, sex became increasingly rare the more that he immersed himself in his work. After the divorce, Roger had no desire to be with another woman, as he mourned the loss of his ex-wife. Being high school sweethearts, Roger had only been with Emily, both as a companion and sexually. The removal of her from his life had made him yearn to have Emily back, but not to have another woman. Sure, a sexual urge would creep up a few times a year, but Roger resorted to solving this need for sexual release on his own.

This morning was different, for the first time in nearly a decade he had noticed and been attracted to a woman who was not Emily. Maybe, time had begun to heal the scars of his divorce, or maybe the girl he passed going down his street was just that attractive.

Through the entire commute, Roger caught himself thinking about the beautiful jogger. He nearly missed his exit, while he thought about the view of her sexy bubble butt bouncing with each step. When he arrived at the office, he couldn't focus on the financial reports that had been left on his desk for review. It was as if Roger had experienced a sexual awakening.

The work day moved quickly due to Roger's daydreaming, plus his shortened work schedule to make his tee time with Tim. The country club was much of a second home for Roger. It was his oasis and his refuge.

Tim awaited Roger on the putting green. Tim was a good looking man, especially for being in his early fifties. He was the type of guy that knew he had good looks and enjoyed to flirt with beautiful women when the opportunity presented itself. It was normal for Tim to go into the pro shop and flirt his way into a free six pack of beer or sleeve of nice golf balls.

Tim was a very good golfer, shooting in the high 70s on average. Roger had struggled to play with Tim when they first started playing, because Roger's poor play slowed down the round. However, a few hundred rounds later, Roger had improved to the point that he could give Tim a run for his money on the course.

As much as the guys enjoyed playing golf, they enjoyed the opportunity to talk more. Tim was happy to have some male conversation, where he could talk about things that his wife would frown upon. Roger merely enjoyed having someone who was there to talk, as he spent most of his time alone.

The talk was generally directed about sports and current events. Tim would occasionally talk about his family and what was going on in his life, but tried to avoid the topic to spare Roger's feelings. This particular day Tim couldn't help but share his excitement about his youngest daughter being home from college for the summer.

"I'm so happy that Lindsey is home for the summer," Tim remarked, "This first year with her being in college has been tough. I'm not sure my marriage was meant to handle not having any kids around."

Roger had noticed throughout the year that Tim was looking to hang out more often than in the past. Being alone with Kim seemed to be a difficult adjustment for Tim and he sought any opportunity he could find to get away. It hadn't seemed as if their marriage was in trouble, but Tim definitely seemed to need some space.

As Roger was getting ready to tee off at the thirteenth hole, Tim continued to talk about his daughter Lindsey.

"I may have needed her home to distract my wife, but man has she been doing great in college. First year in college and see was named All-Conference on the soccer team, plus pulled in a 4.0 GPA. It seems as if she got my brains and athletic ability. Fortunately for her, she got her mother's beauty," Tim said with a laugh.

Roger allowed Tim to talk about his family as much as he wanted, but inside it hurt him to hear about how great Tim's family was. Roger intentionally avoided the few opportunities he had been given to be around Tim's family, just because he wasn't sure he could emotionally handle the situation. Roger was actually glad that Kim wasn't a fan of his, because that kept the invitations to hang out with Tim's family to a minimum.

After the round, the two men walked into the clubhouse and had a drink at the bar. It was the tradition to have a beer after the round, with the loser having to pay. Today, like in most cases, Roger was the one to cover the tab. Roger had more than enough money in the bank to waste on buying Tim's beers, but it didn't make the sting of losing hurt any less.

The bar was tended by a woman named Stacey. Stacey was in her late twenties and was the daughter of the country club's owner. She didn't have much expertise behind the bar, but she was a favorite among the old golfers who loved to marvel at her young body. She was good at opening a bottle of beer and looking good doing it.

Stacey had always enjoyed serving Roger, because he was one of the few men that didn't treat her like a piece of meat. Tim, on the other hand, made sure to always flirt and joke with the young barkeep.

"What are you all drinking today?" Stacey asked as the two sat down at the bar.

"I'll take a Sam Adams," Roger said as he began to tally up the scorecard, making sure he had indeed shot an 84.

"Bud Light for me. I need to make sure I keep these six pack abs looking chisled," Tim said giving his belly a nice firm smack.

"Or, maybe you are just adding to that little beer belly," Stacey quipped as she retrieved two bottles from the cooler.

Stacey opened the two bottles, and Roger handed her a ten dollar bill, telling her to keep the change. She migrated to the other end of the bar to try to flirt her way to some tips with the other patrons.

"Man, what are you doing? See what she does for the other guys to try to get a tip? You just give her a huge tip for no reason at all. Make her work for it!" Tim said nudging his elbow into Roger's side.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? She is half your age and you flirt with her every day. First of all, she has no interest in you. Secondly, even if she did, you wouldn't do anything about it because you are married."

"Hey, my buddy Mike just started dating a girl half his age after he got divorced. Dude, young girls are super attracted to older guys. The dad bod is in and everyone knows that the younger ladies like a seasoned guy who can take care of them."

"So, if Stacey was willing, you're saying that you would sleep with her?"

"Nah, man you know I couldn't do that. I've worked way too hard for my money to cheat on my wife and have her get half of all of it. No one time fling is worth that."

"At least you would get a fling out of it. I lost half of everything and I didn't even cheat on my wife," Roger retorted taking a large swig of his beer.

"But, see you are in the perfect position. You aren't tied down to a marriage. You have to face it man, it sucks that you are divorced, but that isn't going to change. You need to start playing the field and experiencing life. Get yourself a hot piece of young ass and have some fun. You've earned it."

"Yeah, whatever," Roger scoffed as he tried to change the subject.

The two guys left the golf course and headed their separate ways back home. Roger had long struggled with his nights home alone, but it had now become the norm. A home theater with almost every channel and movie on the planet was at his disposal, allowing him to pass the time.

The next morning, Roger stumbled groggily into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. His mornings without work, were far harder than the mornings he got to go to the office. Roger still had his daily tee time with Tim, but had to find a way to pass the morning. Most of the time, this meant reading the newspaper cover to cover. Roger had tried a number of different alternatives to this, but he found that the newspaper provided him with the most entertainment for the longest amount of time. Between news, sports, comics and the crossword puzzle, he had hours of entertainment.

Roger slipped into his robe and sandals and made his way down the driveway to retrieve the newspaper. The morning air was cool and moist. Roger walked to the end of the driveway where the newspaper sat wrapped in a small plastic sleeve. He removed the plastic cover and tossed it into the trash can, which he had yet to bring back from the day before. The newspaper cover story was about the upcoming presidential election, as it had been almost every day the past five months.

Roger was about to head back up the driveway when he heard the slapping of rubber soles against the concrete. He looked to the left, where the noise was coming from, and saw the girl from the morning before heading up the street. Her outfit was nearly identical to the day before, with the exception of the color scheme. Today, the hat and top were pink, while she had opted for white running tights. She quickly bounded up the street, listening to music on her phone.

Roger, still mesmerized by the sight of her the day before, lingered at the end of the driveway waiting for her to pass by. He fiddled with the trash can to make it appear as if he was doing something important. As the slap of the rubber soles grew louder, Roger turned to take in the view of the beautiful jogger.

The woman wore her hat low, blocking the sun from her eyes, which prevented Roger from getting a good look at her face. The body, however, was on full display. Somehow, he was more impressed by the woman's physique than he had been the day prior. As the woman passed by Roger, he could hear her panting breath, along with the muffled sounds coming from her headphones.

Roger continued to steal glances as the woman headed up the street, taking in the gorgeous view of her tights hugging her thick butt. The moment was short, as the woman quickly passed out of sight. She had been running at a fast pace; but fortunately for Roger, wasn't fast enough to keep him from getting a good look.

Back inside, Roger began to read the paper. However, much like the morning before, he was having difficulty concentrating on anything other than the beautiful jogger. For consecutive mornings, this gorgeous woman had come from nowhere and taken over Roger's mind. Roger couldn't seem to figure out where the woman had come from. The community he lived in was gated; but the gate was open while sunlight was out, so the woman could have come from any of the surrounding neighborhoods. Most of the tenants in Roger's neighborhood were older, so his bet was that she came from elsewhere.


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