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The KISS Principle and The 4th F

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Boys are easy. Mom tries book club's plan on son.
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Everyone in this story is over 18 years old.

This is for all the women out there. You guys may enjoy reading it as well, and I hope you do, but know this. If you're honest with yourselves you'll have to admit it's basic truth. That for all practical purposes all grown women have the very real ability, if they choose to use it, to easily and quickly have their way with you whenever they wish.

For you women this is not just a story but the first example in a string of how to articles on the same theme. The theme is that there is in general one nearly foolproof, dead simple method for any of you to have pretty much any ordinary single guy you choose screw you just as much as you want him to.

Since this is the first article in the series it has the detailed general introduction right up front so please bear with me for a bit. We need to quickly consider the goal, a couple of facts and conditions you need to know and establish to most easily and successfully put it to work. Then we'll get to how specifically I used these facts and conditions on my son as the first example in the series.

Please Note: The goal is simple, the facts are basic, the conditions are few and easy to meet but you must pay careful attention to all of them. There are also some things we often concern ourselves with that simply do not matter very much at all. They will be pointed out as appropriate and not only can but should be ignored. They are unnecessary complications.

Goal. We're not talking about love here. This is about beginning. It is a means to and end. Specifically making sure you begin as you mean for things to go on. That said however,who knows once begun where things might go?

Fact One. Practically all guys are basically quite simple in at least one important way. They are programmed, or hardwired if you wish, for one very specific instinctual response. This instinct is at least as deeply embedded and highly prioritized, if not more so, than the three Fs of the fight, flight, freeze response to immediate, life threatening danger.

What we're talking about here is the fourth F. This fourth F is the most important fundamental reason the method works. Don't ever doubt it. This is the F that is the very reason for a guy's biological existence as a man, which is why it may even over ride his instinct for self preservation. It is most strongly, reliably, and irresistibly provoked by one very specific stimulus, the sight and or feel of a completely naked woman.

Whenever exposed to this most any ordinary guy will instantly, without any thought at all, have both his brain and anatomy go as rapidly as is physiologically possible straight to the fourth F. He will want, and his body of it's own volition will prepare, to fuck her. Just as thoroughly and often as he can. No matter what. He may usually over ride this fairly quickly but it's his first response.

Fact Two. Any grown woman has the ability to provide all the stimulus needed. This brings us to one very important thing that we women must ruthlessly learn to ignore because it just doesn't matter. As long as you're reasonably clean and don't smell the only thing that matters about your looks or appearance is simply your nakedness. No matter what Hollywood tells you all that matters is your complete nakedness, or it's obviously immediate availability. Things that don't matter are your age, shape, size, color, hair or lack there of, presence of all body parts or anything else, just your naked, glorious self proudly displayed.

Because it is based on such a primal instinct this method is very powerful. With great power comes great responsibility so before we get into how to use this information here are the prohibitions and cautions. There aren't many but they are important.

Use it only on grown men. At the very least know the age of majority in your state and stay legal for your own sake if not the well being of the guy.

Be careful of the age or health of the guy. Seriously, you don't want to kill some poor fellow.

Use it only on single men. Even if poaching may not be illegal in your state it probably should be. Also his not being single is a distraction the same as not being alone with him. This violates the KISS principle as will be pointed out in a moment.

Don't use it on strangers or men you barely know. This is just common sense. Besides it actually works best on men who know you fairly well or see you regularly, like relatives.

Those of you doing ordinary dating don't need this information. You already have the opposite problem. You probably have to pay a fair amount of continuous attention just to keeping your guy out of your pants.

We are looking at how to apply this to relatives because they are the ones you are in many ways already closest to while at the same time often least likely to see you in a romantic light or admit it to themselves or you if they do. We just want to show you that this need not be any serious barrier at all to a romantic relationship with them if you want one.

All right, there you have the goal, the facts, prohibitions and cautions. They will allow us to determine the proper conditions to put them to work.

Determining and establishing only those conditions necessary and sufficient for success involves basic problem solving. This is where my late husband having been an engineering professor and my being a math major kick in.

Every engineer knows the KISS principle. It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. Its rigorous application results in the following simple, efficient, reliable method. Here's the recipe so to speak.

Take one clean well rinsed naked woman. To minimize distraction put her in a place where she can be alone with the fellow of her choice for whatever time she desires. Present her abruptly to him in any pose or position that invites immediate fucking to maximize his response and minimize his thought. If results are not near instantaneous don't give him time to think. Immediately offer commandment or encouragement in any form you wish till your desired result is achieved.

This is about as simple as it can be made. If on your first attempt to use this method you feel the need to add to or neglect any part of it don't say we didn't tell you not to.

This will almost always work. Here's how I came to use it on with my son.

Tom is 21 years old, I'm 45. He took after his dad and is a very good, and very busy field engineer. He's had a few girlfriends but none recently. Though he has a home near the main office of his company in a neighboring state one of his projects was actually going to be back in our hometown. It only made sense for him to stay with me for a few months. He let me know this a couple of months before arriving.

This was fine as it gave me time to prepare and get his room ready. I was really looking forward to him being home and not having to come home to an empty house after a day at the local community college where I taught math 3 times a week. It was going to be so nice to have a man in the house again.

About a week after he had let me know he was coming those preparations took on a whole new depth.

My younger sister and I met with a couple of younger friends once a week for a sort of old fashioned book club tea time which we enjoyed very much. Lately we'd gotten into short stories, the shorter the better. We would each pick one as a surprise for the rest. It could be read and then discussed at the same meeting. We'd also challenged ourselves to find stories as unusual as possible.

I'm blaming my sister for causing all this. She can explain why she did it in her story later. We've all agreed to set them down and send them in. In any event instead of a book she had us all fire up our phones or laptops. Then she took us all directly to literotica.com, the incest/taboo stories section specifically. She had picked a particularly hot and juicy one about an aunt and her nephew. After we all got through blushing we read it through. Wow!

I'd never discussed a story before with my panties soaked through. I suspect the others in our group were in pretty much the same state. We decided we'd continue with each picking a new story from the same site till we'd all taken a turn.

The next week one of our friends chose a hot, sweet, brother sister coupling. This led to some discussion of how you might actually do such a thing in the real world. Drawing on all our experiences and backgrounds that meeting and the next produced nearly all the introductory material you've just read if you've gotten this far.

The last week I chose a mother son story. The stories we had found woke up feelings we'd all had for quite a while but had not openly acknowledged. Not surprisingly we all picked stories that spoke to those urges. We worked out in some detail how I was actually going to do it when Tom got home in a few weeks.

It turned out my unmarried sister wanted a full relationship with my youngest son who had always doted on her. It took me a bit to wrap my mind around that. One of our friends had a brother she wanted to love as more than just a brother and the other, who lived with her widowed grandfather, wanted to really live with him. We used the next few weeks to work out a plan for each of them. We was also decided to write our own stories after executing our plans and share them here.

I could hardly wait for Tom's arrival. My plan was simple. Of course by design all the plans were as simple as we could make them.

The fact we'd used basic knowledge to coldly and logically plan things didn't detract one bit from the feelings I found to be growing every day. Quite the opposite. The plan's very existence caused a couple of things. It kept my long hidden desires at the forefront of my mind. It also promised satisfaction in the very near future for the urges growing from those desires. In short I was working myself into a nice, warm, squishy state each passing day.

Tom had been away for about a couple of years. Oh he came home three or four times a year but hadn't been around for more than a week at a stretch. I had decided not to put things into action till the end of the second week. I wanted to be sure he got used to being around me again first. Acclimated as it were.

That really may not have been necessary as things worked out. Still it gave me time to be just that much more affectionate. You know, the extra hug, holding of hands, kiss on the cheek. Of course there was also the lack of a bra whenever possible, the bit more sheer than necessary nightgown as we passed in the hall at bedtime or better as he came to find me getting breakfast ready before leaving for work.

Yes indeedy, now that I was attuned to and looking for it he was definitely checking out his dear old mom more as a man would than just a son.

The last four mornings before I took the plunge I had to use the shower head set on pulse to relieve myself every morning after he left the house. And again before bedtime at the end of the day. I was definitely working myself into a state.

We'd gone out Friday night for a nice meal with just enough wine to notice. I said good night with a long kiss on his cheek. And a long firm hug that squished my bra free bosom to him while my hips were plastered nicely to his side. I got through the shower first but certainly did not use it to relieve the urge that was growing in me. I had plans for that urge. I went to my bedroom while he took his turn in the shower.

It was time to establish the best conditions I could sufficient for my purpose. I had him all to myself with all the privacy we could need. He was nicely reacquainted and aware of me. I now needed to remove as many distractions as possible to give him the least time possible to think beyond his immediate response to what he was about to see.

I dropped my shower robe and kicked it to the side. I made sure the door to my bedroom was wide open. I moved the bedside reading lamp to where it could shine from the foot of the bed up it's length and left it as the only light in the room. I had one more chore before putting myself on display there.

As I stepped into the hallway I heard the shower curtain rings slide across the bar and the water start up. Good. Less chance of discovery, but in case of discovery I was already naked and he was in the shower and naked too. With any luck I could take it from there if I had too.

Standing there naked and turning the doorknob sent shivers down me. I opened the door ever so slowly and leaned in. Nice and steamy and noisy. I carefully made sure to pick up all his clothes and leaving only a couple of wash cloths took all the towels and his robe too. The only way he could get to his bedroom now was to walk naked down the hall right past the wide open door of my bedroom.

Back in my room I tossed everything on top of my robe off in a corner. There, all conditions set, now it was time for the key ingredient.

I crawled right to the middle of the bed and lay down face up. My pillow supported my head so that m could see myself and the doorway clearly. I raised my legs with my heels halfway to my butt and spread my knees nice and wide. I also made sure the lamp shone nicely full on the big bushy muff that surrounded the dripping, swollen lips of my opening. That same lamp also threw my breasts into big, well lit mounds. I was so excited by now their tips were as full and firm as they'd ever been.

My view of the door was framed by my tits and knees laid well to either side. I lay there waiting for the water to stop. Still looking through the door where he had to pass I tried to calm my breathing and waited.

When the shower abruptly stopped I jumped like an electric shock had hit me. It would still be a bit but the butterflies in my stomach were fluttering so much it was a wonder I couldn't hear them even over the blood pounding in my ears. I reached down to the outside of my hips and pulled my cheeks apart from each side. Might as well put all the goods on display. I actually felt moisture start running down my crack as I did it.

I could do no more but wait. I closed my eyes and waited.

I heard the bathroom door open and another shock went through me. I waited with my eyes closed for a slow count to ten.

When I opened them there he was. The picture will be forever in my memory. He was perfectly framed by the door. His eyes were wide, his face drained of expression. His erection was already nearly full and starting to bob up and down. Unfortunately he appeared frozen like a deer in headlights.

I gave him a great big smile and said firmly, "Take me now dear. Take me right now."

He stepped quickly to the foot of the bed and froze again.

He opened his mouth to speak but before he could I said, "Don't talk. Just climb on top, stick that huge thing of yours all the way in me and suck my tits. Make us both come just as quick and hard as you can."

When he still didn't move I simply ordered, "Move!"

He moved. He didn't quite leap on the bed. Within two seconds of my order I had what I wanted. My son was buried in me to his hilt. He began humping away as if his life depended on it while his lips went frantically from one breast to the other.

No technique or style. We just screwed like minks till in no time at all I came in shuddering waves I hadn't felt in years. Some where in the midst of things my hands had gone from my cheeks to a death grip on his butt. As I held him tightly all the way in me I felt his butt muscles clench hard time and again as he emptied himself into me.

It. Was. Wonderful!

He had lay relaxed on top of me for a bit. When his breathing slowed he said quietly, "Mom?"

"Yes dear."

"Oh mom. Oh wow. Oh my."

He lifted himself off my breasts. With his arms to either side he looked down at me. I noticed however he made no move to pull out of me though.

He said, "I just fucked my mother."

"And a very good job of it too honey," I replied with a big smile.

He shook his head as he came back to reality and gulped.

"Oh my goodness what we just did. I couldn't help myself. I lost all control. Are you all right mom? Are we all right?"

I wiggled my bottom while squeezing tightly on what of him was still in me.

"We're just fine dear, just fine. You did everything I wanted."

"I can't believe it mom. You are amazing."

"You're not so bad yourself son."

"I love you mom."

"I love you too honey."

He lay down on top of me again and whispered in my ear.

"Mom, can we do it again?"

"Always and forevermore dear. Always and forevermore."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"Things that don't matter are your age, shape, size, color, hair or lack there of, presence of all body parts or anything else, just your naked, glorious self proudly displayed."

1) 'thereof' is a single word; consider getting / using an editor.

"I also made sure the lamp shone nicely full on the big bushy muff that surrounded the dripping, swollen lips of my opening."

2) RoFL! - nothing like disproving your own argument straight out of the gate! 😄

There a very few things that are as gross/disgusting as body hair, especially the pubic variety! (on *ANYONE*!) 🤦‍🤮

I'd already be running away, trying my damndest to un-see the absolute horror-show you described there, and after that, the rest of this plot goes an entirely different direction...

Didn't even bother finishing the story after that... 1*

justwarped2018justwarped2018about 2 years ago

wow, that was just awesome. gonna have to go have a shower now.

raraewriterraraewriterabout 2 years ago

All right then. Continue with stories from the book club. Clevrr.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It was good but the sex was to fast. I suggest not jumping right away to write the stories of the others. Write one more to expand upon their sexual relationship.

notyourcuppateanotyourcuppateaabout 2 years ago

Worth the long intro for the action when it happens. Bravo! ♥️♥️🔥🔥🔥

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