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The Legacy Ch. 02


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That kiss.

At the last second, I un-squeezed my eyes. She had stood up. I looked at her under hooded eyes. Her dear face was an inch from my face. Her look was one of almost complete joy. How could I not respond to that?

I went over the top.

Climbed the gray mountain of orgasm and jumped off.

I was blasted to the place only the best orgasms can take you. I screamed out my pleasure. Again. And again. And again.

I collapsed into bonelessness at the end. My jerking pubis, my writhing and circling hips and wriggling against the strictures of her bondage made me go mad. I think I would have half strangled myself, but this was Emma. She had anticipated my coming and somehow contrived to unhook me at the last second and half carry me to the bed and drop me onto it like a sack of oats.

I was out then. A bulb turned off. Gone away into the mists. The world gone. Replaced by the magic carpet of endorphins. Floating. Floating.

It might have been a minute. Or an hour. I cannot say. Eventually, I did come back to consciousness. I was lying placidly on my side. Next to me lay Emma. She looked luscious in that black suit and I realized that for the first time in my life I was turned on by another woman's body. Just at the sight of it. One of her breasts had lolled to one side and I caught a glimpse of the pink top of her nipple peeking out of its cup. It made me twitch in my down below. And then I met her eyes and she smiled at me. A happy grin.

So, this is lesbianism? I remember thinking. Reorienting my mind. Grasping the enormity of what had just happened to me. An apparent reversal of a lifetime of sexuality in under an hour. If felt... it felt OK suddenly. Nothing was wrong. Nothing was bad. In fact, it was... wonderful.

She reached out a hand and caressed my face, her eyes bright and whispered to me.

"Sweet, June. Sweet, sweet, June. You looked so lovely. You look so lovely now."

Women in their later fifties rarely hear that. I was amazed. Astounded.

I moved my head and she mimicked me and leaned hers forward and kissed me on the lips. We spent two of the most honest minutes in my life grazing on each other's lips then.

I shifted and it came home that my arms were still secured behind me. I could not hug her back as I wished.

"Emma. Are you going to untie me?"

She grinned.

"Oh! I suppose! After..." She said casually.

It took me a while.

"After what?" I asked querulously.

"I am going to tell you a story first, love. She stroked my neck and cheek, her fingers like feathers. "Many years ago I caught my sister... well...doing what we all do when our horniness boils over. She was embarrassed, but at the time I remember asking her what she had been thinking about as she used her fingers." She looked around the room. "Her answer actually took us a while. Bits and pieces of several conversations. Things said and unsaid. It took weeks really for her to completely answer me, but she ultimately told me that in her imaginings she wanted to break out from all the conventions or our culture. Our society. In the end, her fantasies were about... being absolutely free sexually. She made it clear she meant absolutely with a capital 'A.' Our mother died when I was young you know and when dad worked she was in charge. A couple times she had gotten frustrated when I was being stupid and had tied me up to control me. She was good at it too. I couldn't get loose when she did that. She never touched me, but I wasn't surprised to learn that her fantasies included...well... bondage..." She gazed about her, "And this room. What she made this room into. All the things we saw in the videos too. It was all long ago and far away." She said this last bit wistfully. Then went on. "She was such a wonderful person. She was married twice you know. Two husbands. She told me that she found it frustrating to be trapped in marriage to them. She wanted to break away. To do more. To do what she really wanted. Husbands want to own you she once said. No matter how sweet and kind, they want you to live within their limits. Not her own limits. She wanted to become what she wanted to live out. Like this room. Like those videos. This room was her finally living out her dreams. Her fantasies. I am so glad she found the courage to finally do it, even if was later in life."

I looked around myself.

"Wow!" Was all I could muster.

She smiled at me impishly.

"So, imagine the effects of such a frank talk with an older sister. Imagine how it ever so slowly entered my own mind. Bored in there. How it grew and grew in my head over the years. I loved my husband. No question. But after that relationship ended, also try and imagine how I wanted to replace it. The worm of her sexual fantasies of freedom wriggling around in my head. How I longed to fill the relationship void in my life with... well... with something new."

She looked at me wistfully. Cupping my cheek in her gentle hand again. Then went on.

"Then imagine how this other wonderful person came into my life. She caught me. She buoyed up. She was always there when I needed her help. Supporting me. Cradling me. Holding me. Imagine how I came to... to love her. Imagine how that love has grown over years of closeness. Then suddenly, imagine how today all the fantasies I learned from my sister reappeared. All the tools needed were magically right at hand. And imagine that this woman I love with all my heart basically puts on an outfit that let me secure her... put her in bondage... tie her up. Use her."

I stared at her. My mind grasping what she was telling me. Getting my head around it all.

"Make her my helpless toy. A fantasy come true. A fantasy of my love and my secret kinks. A perfect storm of sex. Thank you, June. Thank you for being you." She said so honestly and sincerely I almost burst out crying.

Both our eyes watered as I looked into her soul. For the life of me, I wanted to dive into her eyes.

I tried to move my arms to hug her. They were still secured.

"Emma. I want to hug you. Will you let me go?"

"I told you... after."

"After?" I asked again absently.

"Oh...after you make me come, darling."

I stared at her. I imagine I was a picture of the tragic.

"Come?" I whispered fearfully, realizing the rubber had met the road. Reality had intruded into my soft focus drifting world.

"Oh, yes. Darling." She booped my nose with a fingertip. "After today our relationship isn't going be just Best Friends, darling. We will be that too, of course, but now it is going to include a sexual side too. We are too old to wait, sweetie. We need to forge ahead now."

She rolled on her side on the bed and slowly 'walked' herself toward the headboard and pillows piled there. Conspicuously she propped herself up as I watched her. uncertain of what she was doing. I found out almost immediately.

"This suit that you like me in so much has a nice little feature." She spread her legs and unzipped the crotch seam from back to front, leaving her sex exposed to me. "Time for you make me come, June. You have everything you need." She sat back almost smugly. A cat with a bowl of cream.

I rolled onto my front.

"Emma. No! I can't!" I looked up at her. Helpless. Straining my head back. Shaking my head side to side in denial.

She just grinned at me crookedly. Saying nothing.

My eyes kept drifting to her deep pink labia, framed by her pubic bush. Her outer labia gaped. The line that ran from the base of her mons pubis, straight down then picked up where her buttocks began and still went on. The mysterious woman-line. Right there. Beautiful. It was in plain view. She reached in and deliberately peeled her inner labia apart. Showing me her pink inner self. At the top her clitoris was red and swollen, sticking out from under its hood. She held the lips open, showing her inner wetness. The pink and red like a flower. My vision filled with pink wetness. A feminine badge of pride. Something I had never seen up close before. It was...well... after a lifetime of cocks, I expected to be repelled. Instead... I was mesmerized.

"This is what you have done to me so far, darling. I just want you to finish what you have started."

"No! Please! Emma. I...I just can't..." I stared at her big red button a foot and a half away. I strained my arms and wrists along my back. I was bound. Secured. Suddenly I knew my clit was getting hard too.

I, quite unconsciously, licked my lips. They felt dry. I was nervous at the thought of what she wanted.

She smiled at me.

"Sure, you can sugar. Just wriggle up here on your belly and use your mouth on me."

I shook my head. Then again. Denial. I stared up at her face. Looking for reprieve. There was none. Only expectation. I looked around for some kind of help. Someone to bail me out. All I saw was more bondage equipment. Grace's sex dungeon. I looked back. She was tickling her own clit with a fingertip and breathing hard. Staring at me tied up between her legs. My eyes were riveted by the motion of her finger.

I stared and she settled herself back more which pushed her vulva still more in my direction.

"Come along, darling. Be a good girl. Just a little lick."

I whimpered, but rolled about on my belly. My arms locked behind me still by the clips on my leather sleeves. I wriggled about on my belly and then writhed my body upward on the bed. Sometime after making me come, Emma had reattached the clip on my crotch piece. My breasts were still jutting through the open zippers of my outfit. They dragged along as I wriggled forward an inch at a time. My nipples hardening and dragging across the silk of the sheets. I wormed my way higher. And higher. I was acutely aware of that silk, rubbing over my thighs. Of the leather crotch piece digging into my own labia. Eventually I found myself there, my face and inch from her vulva. It was actually hard to lie flat on my stomach, my arms rigid along my back, and hold my head back to for it not to fall forward.

I looked up at her helplessly. Tragically enough I hoped to have her call it off.

She just reached down and gathered my hair into her hand and pulled me forward a bit more. I could see the inevitable when it hits me in the face. I lowered my mouth. To my inevitable.

To tell the truth, by that time, some corner of my mind was curious what it would be like.

I stuck out my tongue.

I pushed it between her labia. In for a penny, in for a pound. I licked from her taint right up to her clit. Her breath almost stopped.

"Oh! Darling, June!" She gasped and tugged on my head in a spasm of lust.

It realized the taste wasn't at all objectionable, as I had feared. It was clean and neutral. I licked her again. Then again, dragging my tongue tip across her clitoris. That did it for her.

"Yes!" She cried above my head. "Yes! Lick me!"

That cry went right through me. I yanked on the sleeves and their diabolical straps and clips. Feeling myself bound. My face buried in Emma's pussy. I was suddenly incredibly turned on again. I rolled my hips. Humping the mattress futilely, trying for some source of friction on my own clit as I licked her again. Then again. Then again. The leather of the crotch strap would dig in sometimes and roughly rub the area of my clit. I was breathing hard myself.

"Oh! Yes. Oh. Lick me! Lick me, June. You... you... SLUT!" She was working her hips hard, front to back and I started to spell out 'I love you' on her clitoris with the tip of my tongue so that it would flick the hard nub from all directions, making sure I hit her best locale on the sensitive organ at least one or twice every few seconds.

Suddenly, I got my reward.

Emma shrieked like a tortured animal and digging her fingers into my hair clamped my face to her vulva. By then I did not mind. I kept working my tongue across her nubbin and sucked on her whole upper vulva upper region, shaking my head from side to side like a dog worrying a bone while I humped the silk sheets and jerked my shoulders upwards to make the crotchpiece of my suit serve and something to rub against my clit.

"June! JUNE! Suck ME!" She screamed, humping my face frantically.

Her coming went on for almost two minutes. I even managed a bit of a come myself, even though I mostly was focusing on her.

Afterward she gathered me in her arms while I rested my head on her soft bosom.

In the end, she unclipped my leather suit. I was sweating like a pig, and so was she. We both stripped down and took a slow shower with each other. Delighting in the new sensation of being naked together and comfortable in our skins.

Neither of our main worries materialized.

We were still friends. Bondage sex between us had not changed that.

Best friends.

Best friends with benefits apparently.

That night we had regular sex for the first time. Vanilla sex. She started it by taking out her breasts. She offered one of her nipples to me to suck on. I thought I wouldn't like it. Boy, was I wrong. Once I latched onto that thing in my mouth, I think I reverted to some hidden memory of nursing as a baby. I sucked and sucked. Switched to the other. She insisted on doing it to me too. She liked it as well, I think.

I loved it.

I was totally turned on suckling her.

She went down on me and I went down on her again.

No ropes. No chains. No BDSM. This time.

It was wonderful.

Quietly glorious.

We were new lovers. It had been a long time for both of us in taking a new lover. Everything is new.

We kept working on the estate, but we loved each other the whole time too, now.

We would be walking down a corridor, grab each other and make out for ten minutes. I would be tracing some wiring and she would show up at my shoulder and kiss the back of my neck. I would seek her out at a computer and force my way through her giggles and annoyance to sit on her lap and browse her lips with mine.

Like overheated teenagers.

Hovering on the edges of this thing between us was my husband back at home. It wasn't going away, but for right now it was thrilling to have this new thing between us. By 'new thing' I mean the totality that was Emma too. We were there. In a house specifically designed to pander to her particular secret fantasies. And there was I. Her new lover, now ready and willing to pander to her personally. The next night I was strapped up to the wooden 'X' on the wall at wrists and ankles. She uses a vibrator to tease me off an on for the better part of an hour.

It was mind blowing.

The next afternoon she dragged me into Grace's dungeon just after lunch. She stripped me slowly while we did our kissing thing. I was panting for it by then. She lay me down and spreadeagled me to the bed. Who would have thought it? There were chains with cuffs on them at each of the four corners. She ate me out while I screamed out an orgasm, fighting the bondage at the end and every one of my muscles tensed up and straining while I tugged on the cuffs. She left, came back in wearing her catsuit and did it again. She did not uncuff me until she unzippered herself and sat on my face so I had to eat her out while tied helplessly and splayed wide beneath her.

It was crazy sexy.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great second chapter. Hope for a third, the two of them getting their happily ever after. Thanks for writing!

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