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The Locker Pt. 08


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After a late lunch, they take both cars and head over to Steve's.

He opens the door as soon as Cindy pulls into the driveway. He's obviously been waiting for her. He comes out with a relieved smile, but that changes when he notices Robin getting out of her car, parked behind Cindy's.

Cindy allows him to give her a hug, but she can tell that he's distracted and confused by Robin's presence.

Finally, he asks, "What are you doing here?" Looking at Robin.

"I'm here to help Cindy."

"Why?" Steve asks still uncertain.

"She and I are friends, best friends." Robin replies.

When Steve looks at Cindy, she says, "yes, we've become the best of friends. We've been getting together on your poker nights, ever since we first met, back when I found the belt."

Steve finally starts to get it, and it scares him to death! It's every guy's worst nightmare. His Ex getting together with his new lover. The implications are mind-blowing. The two of them are so much alike. And he loved both of them.

And now he's lost both of them.

It's really too much for him, so as he starts to tear up, he turns and walks slowly, trance-like back into his house and straight to the liquor cabinet.

The two women look at each other, and shrug in unison, before following him in through the still open front door.

They find him chugging a tumbler of Scotch.

Robin stands back as Cindy walks over to him, "Steve, I just can't do this anymore. It's too much for me to handle. I love you, but I can't stay with you. Please unlock the belt so I can pack up and move out."

Steve stops drinking and looks her in the eye. "Please stay. I love you. We've had so much fun together. I don't want it to end."

Cindy is adamant. "No. I'm through. It's gone too far, and I can't take it. I won't take it anymore."

She reached out and grabbed his hand, "Steve, this needs to end. Get your phone and unlock the belt, right now."

Steve just stands there shaking his head.

Robin, afraid that they've reached an impasse, joins in. "Steve, just do it. It's over. Just like it ended between us. Be good now, and don't make it any harder than it is."

He looks at her, and then at Cindy and with a defeated sigh, pulls out his phone and enters in the code to unlock the belt. He then refills his drink and collapses onto the couch.

"There, happy now? You know I loved you both, and I was crushed when you left me Robin. When I found Cindy, I was certain that she was the only other woman I could love. Someone even more perfect for me and my needs."

He took a drink, "now what am I going to do?"

"You'll find someone else. You are a good man, an attractive man, Steve. You need to find a woman more in tune with your fantasies, than we are," said Cindy.

Robin then finished it off, "or you need to learn to curb your libido and control your drives for fantasy fulfillment."

When it appeared that he was still going to whine and argue, Robin gets firm with him, "Steve, just leave us alone. We're going to pack up Cindy's things. There's nothing else we need from you, and nothing you can do. Just go."

Steve is crushed. He still can't believe that Cindy's leaving him. He can't believe that Robin's here, helping her, and above all he can't believe that he's somehow ruined another relationship. One that he had such high hopes for.

He stands for a moment, contemplating his fate, then turns and walks out. He wanders out to the back patio, and collapses into a chair, crying quietly; feeling infinitely sorry for himself.

Robin and Cindy watch him go before heading deeper into the house and the getting down to packing Cindy's belongings.

They had brought several boxes and bags, and Cindy had her luggage available, too.

Cindy started on her dresser, while Robin started grabbing things from her closet.

"Wow, you have a lot of shoes," Robin gushed, as she started packing them away into a big box.

"Some of them were yours, from the locker, most of them, the really high heels, were gifts from Steve. I don't know if I want to keep them."

"Of course you do, I'll pack them. They're beautiful and it's not like he has a use for them."

When Robin came to the ballet boots, she thought about abandoning them, but then with a shrug she added them to the box, thinking 'these are too wonderfully kinky to discard, and with all of her practice, I'd kind of like to see what they look like on her.'

It took them a couple of hours to gather all of the clothes, toiletries and personal things, and box them up. By the time they had everything loaded, both of their cars were packed.

They also gathered all of the latex and the clothes from the locker's original six boxes.

The only time Cindy laughed was when Robin recognized some of her old dresses among the clothes.

One thing that they didn't pack, was the chastity belt.

Robin chided her, "you're not taking the belt? I thought you liked it."

"I did like it, but I can't ever see myself submitting to Steve again, he is the belt's 'owner', after all," Cindy said.

Then with a sigh and a small smile, she continued; "I will miss it, though, it was a lot of fun."

"I understand," Robin replied as she gathered one final box.

As Cindy walked out the front door, Robin stuck her head out the patio door.

"I'm sorry Steve. I know we both love you, but we just can't live with you. We'll be back tomorrow for the rest of her belongings."

In the driveway, before getting into their respective cars, Robin gives an obviously distraught Cindy a big hug and whispers, "You'll be fine. It just didn't work out. He'll be fine too. Come on, let's go."

As they walk into the front door of Robin's place, Cindy mutters, "I'll need to find a place to live, long term. I can't impose on you forever."

"Nonsense, girlfriend, you'll live with me."


"No buts, I've already made plans to move my desk out of the second bedroom and put the bed and furniture back in there. I'll set up my office in the corner of the living room, where it used to be."

Robin pauses to collect her thoughts. "Cindy, I want you to live with me. I've come to realize that I love you, not just like a sister, but something more."

Cindy, understanding that Robin is saying something important, stops feeling sorry for herself and gives her friend her full attention.

Robin reaches over and holds each of Cindy's hands, as they stand face-to-face.

"Cindy, I love you. I really love you and I want you to be mine."

Robin pauses for a moment, hoping that Cindy will respond positively to what she is saying. When she saw the captivated look on her face, Robin continued. "Let's face it, we have many of the same likes. The same fetishes and fantasies, and we've both failed to live them with Steve, or anyone else, for that matter. Please consider a relationship with me."

Surprised, Cindy realizes that she actually loves the idea. The idea of pairing with Robin, even though she's never tried a bond with another girl, it just seems somehow, right.

Hell, we're even the same size, or very close to it. The thought brings a smile to her face. The first time she's really smiled in a week, she thinks.

It also occurs to her that all of the time she's spent with Robin, every minute, over these many months, has been happy, and supportive, and relaxed, and loving.

As Cindy has been pondering the wonderful situation, she looks at Robin who is waiting patiently for her. Cindy understands what a big thing this is for Robin, and for her. Robin's patience seems wonderfully perfect, and proof that she must give partnering with dear Robin a try.

"Robin, I love you too. I'll stay with you as long as you'll have me."

Cindy then reaches up and, holding her head in her hands, kisses her deeply and passionately.

Robin is overjoyed. She actually giggles as she kisses Cindy back.

Many minutes later, Robin steps away, "let's get your stuff up here and then get something to eat."

It takes them an hour, and many trips, to haul all of Cindy's stuff up to the condo. Stacks of boxes fill all available space. Cindy apologizes, repeatedly, and promises to sort through it, and move a lot of it to her storage lockers. Robin isn't worried.

By the time they finish, they're both tired and sweaty.

"Let's get cleaned up before we eat," Robin suggests.

Smiling, Cindy says, "good idea, and I think it will be a lot of fun, too."

Robin is pleasantly surprised as Cindy starts stripping off her clothes, on the spot. Laughing, Robin joins in and before long they're both giggling and hugging as they stumble together into the master bedroom's large walk-in shower.

As they wait for the water to warm-up, Cindy says, "I've done this with Steve, but never with another woman."

Robin laughs, and replies, "I've done this with Steve, but never with another woman."

That get's Cindy laughing too, and they kiss as they start washing each other; getting familiar with each other's remarkably similar bodies.

Hunger finally drives them to break it up, and still acting like a couple of kids, they dry themselves off and head for the kitchen, wrapped in big bath towels.

They work together to prepare a nice meal and have a lot of fun doing it. While eating, they discuss tomorrow's trip to gather Cindy's remaining things at Steve's place.

They stay up late, just talking. Their first topic is Steve as Cindy still has some issues to get over, but before long they focus on themselves and their love for each other.

Eventually they crawl into Robin's bed.

They snuggle and kiss and enjoy feeling each other's bodies. Cindy is a bit nervous, unsure of how to handle the situation. Sex with another woman is something she's only seen in moves, or read about in novels. She has fantasized about it, but that was long ago.

Robin too is unsure, and is facing the same feelings. So, they just cuddle and kiss for hours, before comfortable enough, and aroused enough, they make gentle love together. It's all tentative and slow, at first, but the more they experiment, the more excited they get and they more enjoy it.

Afterwards, content, they fall asleep, dreaming happy dreams.

They wake early to the light shining int the large windows.

Famished, they enjoy a pleasant breakfast, both of them still naked at the breakfast table.

Sitting at the little bistro, breakfast table, Cindy comments, "this is so much fun. It's nice being out of the belt, and I feel so free sitting here naughty naked with you, my love."

Robin laughs, "I'm happy too, that you're out of the belt and sitting here naughty naked with me."

Cindy looks at her, "you know, we have to stop repeating each other's thoughts and lines. It's scary how much we're alike. Not just in looks, shape and size, but in all of the other things too."

Robin smiles back, "Oh, I don't think it's scary at all. I think it's perfect."

Cindy gets up and takes Robin's hand. She kisses her, and with a shy smile whispers, "I don't think you need to move your office", as she leads Robin back to her big bed.

Their love making is much better this time around.

Afterwards, they both laid in each other's arms, lost in thought, trying to figure out where this love affair was headed. Both of them hoped that it would last forever.

Cindy was surprised when she woke up a couple of hours later. They had both drifted back to sleep, still wrapped in each other's arms.

She gently nudged Robin, "you awake? We need to get dressed and head over to Steve's to get the rest of my stuff."

Robin stirs only a little and mumbles, "uh, hum."

Cindy waits for some additional sign of life from her lover.

Eventually, Robin sits up and stretches, smiling. "OK, let's get going, but I think you need to wear something special today."

"What do you have in mind?" Cindy asks, unsure what Robin is thinking.

"How about latex? Like that cat suit?"

Cindy thinks for only a few seconds, "I'm game. But I have to find it. It's buried somewhere in all of the boxes."

"I'll help," Robin says as she jumps out of bed and heads, still naked, into the hallway where most of Cindy's things are piled up.

Cindy enjoys the view as Robin rushes out, and then follows.

Cindy finds the box with the cat suit and all of its' accessories, while Robin finds the boots with the tall wedge heels.

"I'll wear those, but not the corset," Cindy says.

"Deal." Robin replies with a laugh, "but I bet you look fabulous in that corset."

Cindy smiles, "oh, I do, and I'll wear it for you, but not today. Too much work to do."

"Sounds good to me."

Robin helps Cindy lube up and don the cat suit. There was a lot of touching and feeling and massaging throughout the process. They both enjoyed it a lot.

Once the boots were in place, Robin left to get dressed herself.

Cindy, feeling mischievous, took another moment to slip both the dildo and the butt plug in place before she zipped up her crotch and slipped a dress on over the top. "What the hell,' she thought, 'fun is fun.'

Cindy then used the guest bathroom to put on a little make-up and brush out her hair.

Examining herself in the bedroom's full-length mirror, she thought she looked fabulous, and very sexy.

When Robin came in, she agreed.

Cindy, took a look at Robin, who was, per usual, beautifully dressed. She looked both pretty and sexy.

"You always look so wonderful. Were you a model, in your younger days?" Cindy gushed.

Robin smiled, "no. Actually I was a bit of a tom-boy as a teenager. Only in college did I start getting into more feminine outfits. And then good old Steve got me into the sexier styles, and I found that I enjoy looking good, and showing off."

"Works for me," Cindy said as she reached over and kissed her.

They took Robin's car and went back to Steve's.

He let them in and watched quietly, obviously still depressed as they carried the remaining boxes and bags out the door.

Steve could only watch as they drove away. He remained in shock, realizing that both of the loves of his life were haunting him, now. He knew he'd never see either of them again.

Cindy and Robin quickly settled into what might be called domestic bliss. They continued to experiment with their new lesbian relationship. They both found it exhilarating and they quickly grew comfortable with each other, both in and out of bed.

At work, Cindy knew that her friends detected the difference in her behavior and attitude. They could see that her choker was gone, and she had stopped talking about her boyfriend. She did, though seem to have a new one, who she again didn't talk about very much.

Cindy did miss the sessions with the belt. But she was enjoying her evenings and nights with Robin too much to be overly disappointed, and she was more productive while in the office without the belt's distractions. Of course, she didn't miss the damned thigh bands.

For her part, Robin was overjoyed to have a devoted companion, one that she loved and who shared so many of her own sexual proclivities.

Right after work on the first Monday. Cindy went back to the eyelash salon and had the over-done lashes replaced with a more reasonable set. She liked the way they looked.

When she brought up the idea getting her nails redone to a shorter length, Robin baulked.

"But they're so pretty and sexy, and you've gotten so good with them. It turns me on, just watching you. And they do feel nice when you scratch me. Although, you do need to be careful when you're petting me, down there" Robin said, with a wink. "Please keep them just as they are."

Cindy, thought for a moment. She did want to please her new mate, but even though she was used to them, and the way she had to work around them getting in the way all of the time, she did want to get back to normal.

Robin saw Cindy's hesitation and jumped in, "tell you what, if you keep yours, I'll get mine done too."

That offer got Cindy's attention, "this long?" She asked with a devilish smile.

"No, dear. I could never deal with them that long! I was thinking about a quarter-inch past my fingertips."

Cindy kept smiling, "oh no, lover, that's not long enough. I think a half-inch would be much better. They'd still be shorter than mine."

"Cindy, please, that would be too hard for me." Robin was now pouting like a child.

"I got used to these things. You will too." Cindy said as she waved her fingers in front of Robin's face.

"Only because Steve, that ass, made you."

Cindy nodded, and sighed. "He was an ass, wasn't he? At least in some respects. How about we split the difference? Five-eighths."

Robin, herself, sighed, "OK, I suppose I can live with that.

They kissed to seal the deal and the next evening they went to the nail salon where Robin had her nails extended and Cindy had hers redone, again at three-quarters of an inch beyond their tips.

Their love for each other continued to grow and deepen, every day, as did their love-making sessions. They didn't miss Steve's, or any other man's cock. There were plenty of options for two adventurous girls.

On Wednesday night, and during the following weeks, they kept up their tradition and went out after work to their favorite restaurant for good food and drinks. It seemed the right thing to do, and they enjoyed it immensely.

They spent their first weekend together shopping, and checking out the newest 'chick flick' at the local theatre complex. On Sunday they each dressed in latex cat suits and visited the botanical gardens. They drew a lot of stares, but ignored them and enjoyed their time in their kinky outfits.

Robin caught Cindy looking around, scanning faces. When she asked, Cindy admitted sheepishly that she was looking for Steve, afraid of bumping into him at one of his favorite date locations.

The following week was more of the same, and their love and comfortable lifestyle continued to grow and get better and better.

On Friday evening, when Cindy got home after a quiet day at work, Robin was waiting for her. Cindy could tell from her demeanor that something was up.

"Come on lover, I have a present for you, for us, actually," Robin said, as she grabbed Cindy's hand and lead her to the bedroom.

When they walked in the door, Robin was giggling like a kid. Cindy was shocked to see a ChastiWife belt and bra laid out on the bed. She was even more surprised when she realized that there were actually two of them, one silver, like her old one, and the other golden.

"What the hell?" Was all she could say.

Robin, still giggling, replied, "I ordered a matching pair for us. The silver one is for you and the gold one is for me; I hope you don't mind my color choices."

"No, ah, whatever," Cindy mumbled, still perplexed.

"Good. Oh, this is going to be so much fun. You are the registered owner for my gold belt and I am the registered owner for yours. But here's the really cool part. I had ChastiWife set them to always remain in sync. They will always have the same program. Either one of us can change it, but whatever program we set, will apply to both belts. And it can only be reset, by either one of us, after 24 hours have elapsed."

Robin stopped and looked at Cindy, giving her a moment to get a handle on what she was saying.

After a few minutes Cindy nodded, so Robin continued.

"And the sync aspect also applies if we decide on a program that grants us periodic orgasms. Our belts will bring us both off at the same times throughout the day. We will always know that we are orgasming together. How cool is that?"

With that Robin grabbed Cindy in a big hug and kissed her like lovers do.

Cindy, still stunned kissed her back.

When they finally came up for air, she said, "Robin, lover, this is the coolest gift I've ever seen! Let's get our phones set up with the master control apps, and try them out. OK?"

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