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The Locker Pt. 08

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Steve and Cindy run into trouble - the story's conclusion.
18.3k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/02/2020
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Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

Read Chapters 1 -7, first.

Steve and Cindy had been enjoying their games, but it was starting to going too far.

Cindy had enjoyed, in some weird way, their last session with the radio control module, but here he was, again asking for another session with the thing.

"Oh Steve, today? I have to go to work," she whines.

"No, no, it will be tonight, after work. I dreamed this up last night. It should be fun."

Cindy's unsure, and asks, "well, what do you have in that dirty little mind of yours?"

He laughs, "well it's a surprise, of course, I don't want to spoil it. All I need you to do is make an appointment to get a manicure and acrylic nail extensions at the salon in the shopping center on Southern Avenue. You like manicures, don't you?"

She does like manicures and some sexy nail extensions might be fun.

"When?" She asks.

"Shoot for around 6:00pm, That will give us time to get home and get to the appointment. We'll go out for a bite to eat afterward."

She's still skeptical over what game he might have planned, but she agrees.

That night they meet at home and he replaces her short collar for the taller one and mounts the radio unit. They drive the short distance to the salon, where Cindy had made the appointment. Steve again sat outside in his car with his phone to listen in and provide instructions, as Cindy had her nails done.

After she had been seated in the station's chair the technician asked, "how long do you want the extensions to be? How far beyond the tips of your fingers?"

Steve, monitoring the conversation, tells her to say, 'three-quarters of an inch beyond the end of my fingertips.'

Cindy, thinking that nails like that would be far too long, says, "oh, just a quarter inch."

Steve, is quick to respond. Not pleased with Cindy failing to follow the rules of the game, he hits the app's button that punishes her with shocks to all of her most sensitive parts.

Cindy jumps in pain and cries "ouch".

The technician had, luckily, turned to pull the nail kit out of a drawer. But she quickly returned her attention to Cindy when she heard her cry out.

"Are you OK? What happened?" She asks, concerned.

Steve was again quick, "tell her you just bumped your elbow, and rub it."

Cindy begrudgingly says, "I'm OK, I just bumped my elbow," as she rubs it with her off hand.

The technician accepted the explanation, unaware that Cindy was upset over both the pain, and that Steve had initiated it.

"Tell her three-quarters." He demanded in her ear.

Cindy, still angry, decided she had to surrender to Steve's demand. "Oh, I changed my mind. Let's go long. How about three-quarters of an inch instead?"

The tech, again turns from her preparations and looks at Cindy, "that's awfully long, but if you're sure?"

Cindy mumbled "yes".

Steve whispers "good girl," in her ear.

After that, the session proceeded without incident.

Cindy spent the time it took for the technician to do her work, sitting sullen and quiet, brooding.

After all of the gluing, filling and smoothing, the girl asks. "what color polish would you like?"

Steve, picked up on the question and instructed, "pearl pink."

Cindy, just passed on his words to the tech.

Another hour later, Cindy walked out of the shop, with the new light pink, freakishly long nails on full display. But all she wanted was to give Steve a piece of her mind.

As soon as she was in the car, she let him have it. "Don't you ever do that to me again!" She yelled at him, as he drove away. She would have hit him if she wasn't concerned about getting into a wreck.

Steve tried to reason with her, "honey that's part of the game. Do what I request, or get punished for it."

"Then I don't want to play this game anymore."

"You're nails look lovely and sexy as hell," Steve said pleasantly.

"Don't give me that shit! Don't change the subject. You just can't punish me like that in public. The pain is bad enough, but getting zapped like that in front of people is too hard to deal with. That girl must have thought I was nuts."

"Oh, she did not. I couldn't see, but I heard her. Our explanation was good enough, and I'm sure she forgot about the whole thing right away. She didn't make a big thing about it, did she?"

Cindy knew he was right about that, but still wouldn't give in, "well she could have, and then what would I have done?"

Steve thought for a minute, while Cindy fumed, still not placated.

"Cindy. Lover. You had fun with this game, the other day, and this time, you came away with fantastically beautiful nails. I really want to continue to play with this toy. How about if I adjust the shock level to half what it is now? It will then just be a reminder for you to follow instructions."

Ha paused to see her reaction, but got nothing. "Honey, there has to be some reminder, some penalty for not doing as asked. You know that, right?"

Cindy was still upset and uncertain if she wanted to continue with the radio receiver game. She did get a thrill out of it that first time, and he was right, this time she got the long sexy nails out of the deal. She admired them as she debated with herself. They are sexy and gorgeous. She had fantasized about wearing daggers like this, but had never had the guts to spend the money on them.

"Oh, all right, all right," she said, resignedly. "As long as you turn down that damn punishment shock, I'll still play. But you'd better be careful you SOB."

"I will. But you know that I'm going to use this toy to push your limits a bit. From what you've told me, you have several other fantasies that you've never tried, that we can experiment with. Please keep an open mind and go with the flow."

"That's easy for you to say. I'm the one who's becoming a puppet."

"And a lovely puppet you are," he replied, smiling broadly.

Although it was late, Steve took Cindy out for dinner that night, to an elegant restaurant.

Cindy had a hard time getting used to her new nails. Everything was difficult with them getting in the way. Just picking up her knife and fork was troublesome. And she almost spilled her wine glass.

Steve looked on, amused.

"Oh, stop laughing at me," Cindy said, getting frustrated.

"You'll get used to them."

"Yah right." Cindy's already starting to wonder if they were a good idea.

Steve just loves them on her. They look great, and sexy as hell. And later that night when she uses them to scratch and poke him during sex, he squirms and moans from the pain and pleasure. It drives him wild.

Cindy likes that aspect, he deserves to suffer under the things, for making her wear them.

She does find them pretty, erotic and fetishy but otherwise very cumbersome. Using her hands and fingers to do almost anything is harder. And she's constantly afraid of breaking a nail.

Putting on her make-up is especially difficult. She could picture herself poking an eye out. And, she has a hell of a time just going to the bathroom! That alone almost made her want to give up on the things.

When she complains to Steve, he of course, just told her how lovely and sexy they looked and begged her to try them for at least a week. "You'll get used to them." He said. She thought 'I've heard that before. Oh, too many times.'

The long nails are a pain at work too. She has a hell of a time typing on her computer keyboard. She remembers hearing that women with long nails have to type wither with the pads of their fingers, or delicately, with the tips of the nails. She finds that with her nails as long as they are, when she types with her fingers, the nails still catch on adjacent keys. She has to learn to type with her nail's tips. And that makes her worry about breaking them, and it also makes a lot of annoying tapping sounds.

Several of the women at work compliment her about them, and seem envious, but they also comment on how difficult it must be. Cindy agrees, but explains that she and her boyfriend love the sexy look.

That leads to good natured teasing over how her boyfriend is really manipulating her. She just shrugs it off. But deep down, she knows it's true.

The rest of the week goes pretty well, as she learns to deal with the crazy long nails. She continues to get compliments, and curious questions on how she can function with them. Slowly, she does get better at dealing with the things.

She also draws even more attention when she and Steve go out. Great, she thinks, now people are staring at her for her collar, for her nipples and for her nails!

Another week draws to an end, and on Friday evening, Steve invites her to wear her latex, and she agrees, looking forward to the feel, but nervous about the ballet boots she expects him to want her to also wear.

She can't wear the gloves as they won't fit over her new nails. Steve makes a mental note to order some fingerless gloves for her.

This time, Cindy refuses to wear either of the gags and Steve surrenders to her wishes, but he does bring out the ballet boots.

She groans as he laces them up her legs, but she doesn't voice her feelings.

He helps her walk around a while before they head into the kitchen for dinner.

She totters in them leaning on a kitchen counter's bar stool as Steve cooks and they eat a simple meal. As usual, her corset prevents her from sitting comfortably and relieving some of the pressure on her poor feet.

Afterward, her feet already hurting, she again practices walking, holding onto Steve's arm as she moves about.

"See, you are getting better in those beautiful boots." Steve says, enthusiastically.

"A little, I suppose, but they still hurt."

Before bed he takes them off of her and gives her feet, ankles and legs a very nice massage before he unzips her and they have great sex, with both of them enjoying the feel of her latex. Cindy from inside it, and Steve from the outside.

In the morning, after breakfast, Steve makes her practice again for about an hour, before he again peels the boots off of her.

"Let's strip you out of your latex so you can take a shower, and wash your hair. Then I'll put your chastity set back on."

Curious, Cindy asks, "why?"

"Well, you have an appointment with Mikhail at his salon at 1:00pm today. I made it for you, the other day."

"Mikhail?", She asks, surprised," I think I've heard of him. He's a pretty famous hairdresser around here. Isn't he?"

"That's the guy. And his prices are certainly high enough to justify his reputation."

"But why?"

"I think you need a change of color; I'd like to see your hair a little lighter. Oh, and one more thing, we'll be playing the game with the radio unit, too."

"Oh, wait a minute, here!" Cindy practically screams. "What do you have in your dirty little mind this time?"

"Oh, come on, you know me. You don't think I'm going to force you into green hair, or a buzz-cut, or anything crazy like that, do you?"

"No, I don't, but I still don't know if I trust you."

"Wait, what? You trust me with your sex, and your body, but not with your hair?"

"Well, when you put it that way..."

Steve continues, now with the upper hand, "you were skeptical about your nails, weren't you? And look how good they turned out. Trust me, your hair will be wonderful. You should be able to trust this Mikhail guy, too."

Cindy, finally agrees, and they show up at the exclusive beauty salon at the appointed hour.

Mikhail greets her and after she's seated in his chair, he looks at his notes from the appointment.

"Ah, it says here that you've decided to go blond. Have you selected a specific shade?"

Cindy's only a little surprised. She expected Steve would want to go that route. But before she could say anything, Steve was whispering in her ear. "Tell him 'Sassy Girl Blond'"

She doesn't have any idea what shade of blond that is, but she suspects that it will be a lighter shade.

Resigned, she tells Mikhail, "How about something like Sassy Girl Blond?"

"Oh, my girl, that will be a big change for you, but I think you will look fantastic in that color. Of course, we'll lighten your eyebrows a bit too."

Cindy just nodded, as she reached up to remove her ear-buds, letting them dangle down her back. Neither Mikhail, nor his assistant seem to think anything of it.

As they worked on her, Cindy sat there excited by the prospect of going blond. Again, she was being taken down a path, by her lover, that she had dreamt of, but never had the courage to try. She remained uncomfortable with the games with the radio control unit. She felt out of control, when Steve used it on her. Every time, so far, it had worked out, and she had ultimately enjoyed the result, to some extent. But she was really afraid that he was going to take it too far, one of these times.

When they finally finished, she's at last allowed to see herself in a mirror.

She is pleasantly surprised, by how good she looks as a blond, although it is a very light shade of blond. She's a little uncomfortable as she thinks it makes her look a little too much like a 'Barbie Bimbo'.

As she walks out to the car, Steve jumps out and begins gushing over how beautiful and sexy she looks. She enjoys the compliments, as any woman would, but the thought remains, Barbie Bimbo...

As soon as she's seated, she pulls down the visor and examines herself in its little mirror. She does like the look.

After a while she notices that he didn't drive them home, but instead he's pulled up in front of a Sephora Cosmetics store.

"OK, what are we doing here?" She asks.

"Well, with your new hair, I figured you'd need a new make-up look, so you have an appointment with one of their best artists for a make-over and lesson."

"Oh, Steve, I don't know."

"Cindy, this is a present from me, please accept it, and enjoy it."

He bends over, smiling, and kisses her, to seal the deal.

What can she do? Cindy smiles back and starts getting out of the car, but he stops her.

"Put the ear-buds back in, please."

Cindy thinks, 'oh, oh, what now?' before reaching up and putting them back into her ears.

Once inside, she's ushered into a booth where, Terry is waiting for her. Cindy explains that she's just come from seeing Mikhail and has gone blond, for the first time.

The girl is impressed, "Mikhail? Oh, he's fantastic, and your hair looks lovely, I bet you need some new make-up looks to go with your new hair color, right?"

"Exactly," Cindy replies.

Steve listening in, happy with the way things are going, passes along a few other things for Cindy to say.

"Tell her that you definitely want a heavy and sexy, evening-out look."

Cindy passes that instruction along.

Also say, exactly now, "and I need a look for every-day, at home and at work, that is only slightly less sexy."

Cindy pauses, worried a little about here this is going. Steve shocks her, and she jumps a bit, so she does as she's been told, and tells Terry.

"Oh, I can show you that, too. You'll be the sexiest woman in your office." Terry says delighted with the challenge.

"Tell her that that's exactly what you want. And you really need to pay attention so you can duplicate the looks, from now on."

Cindy relays the instruction, nervous over where this is all going. Of course, she knows that she doesn't have to really wear her make-up that heavily when she goes in to work, every day. It is her choice, after all.

A couple of hours later, Cindy finally walked out of the place looking beautiful and very sexy and even more like a bimbo than when she walked in. She also had a big bag of cosmetics that Steve had arranged to pay for when he made the appointment.

It was well after lunch so Steve drove straight to a nice restaurant for a meal.

They drew even more attention as they walked into the place. Cindy could only smile at being the focus of yet more stares, as the men and even some of the women looked at her with open lust.

As they maneuvered between the tables, following the hostess to theirs, Steve whispered into her ear, "you look like a fashion model. No wonder they are all drooling over you."

Once they are seated, and studying their menus, Steve, smiling broadly leans over, "God, you're the most beautiful and sexy woman in the place. Probably in the entire city."

Cindy appreciated both what Steve was saying as well as the vibe she was getting from the people around her. Her new hair and make-up were a big hit, but she was still having trouble getting past the whole Barbie Bimbo impression.

They spent the rest of the weekend, casually laying around the house, having sex, and working on Cindy's new look. Steve encourages and critiques her appearance as Cindy plays with her hair and makeup. She tries different styles and arrangements for her hair, and different colors and quantities for her make-up.

Of course, the more make-up she wears, the more Steve likes it.

She winds up going into work on Monday wearing a lot more cosmetics than she ever has in the past, and more than she's comfortable with, but Steve is happy.

She doesn't get any negative feedback from the folks at work, although she does notice a couple of double-takes, from some of the guys.

She does find her new looks erotic, but a little slutty too. It does give her a sort of perverse thrill. It turns her on to be out in public looking so very sexy. And, she's so used to the lascivious stares she gets with her collar and pointy nipples that she's hardly ever embarrassed by the gawkers.

Mid-morning, Cindy checked in with Robin, to make sure that she's back in town and available for their usual Wednesday-night dinner, together. She is back from her trip and although Cindy is anxious to hear about Robin's vacation, she is also dying to tell, and show her friend her new look.

When Cindy walks into the restaurant, Robin is already seated, waiting for her. As she approaches the table Cindy watches as Robin at first doesn't even recognize her. Cindy giggles as Robin finally figures it out, and reacts in shock and awe.

She bends down to give her a kiss before Robin explodes with a litany of questions.

"My god, Cindy, you look fabulous! When did you go blond? Why did you go blond? When did you get those nails? How do you even function with them that long? "

Robin had to pause, to catch her breath.

But before Cindy can even start to answer, Robin continued, "and your makeup looks great, too. You look like a different woman. A very, very sexy one, at that!"

"Give me a chance," Cindy laughs, "I'll tell you all about it. Let me get a drink first."

Robin laughs, too, "OK, OK, but I bet you the cost of dinner that Steve had a lot to do with it."

"No bet, there. You're right, of course. But I kind of like it."

After they have their drinks in hand, and have ordered their food, Cindy began telling Robin about the adventures of the couple of weeks.

Several times, Robin causes a stir when her exclamations become too loud.

She's dismayed when she hears about the ballet boots. Cindy agrees that they really are too much, and that she shouldn't allow Steve to force them on her. They're just too painful and impractical. Robin warns her that if she somehow learns to wear them, for any length of time, that Steve will then probably make her wear them out in public. They laugh derisively at the image before Cindy realizes how embarrassing it would be.

Especially when Robin comments, "Then he'd probably want to lead you around on a leash like a real slave."

That thought really frightened Cindy and she emptied her glass, nervously.

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