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The Magic Doll

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A magic doll changes a nerdy young man into a woman.
15k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/09/2017
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Let me start from the beginning. I'll tell this as it happened, the way I saw it at the time. You don't have to believe it - if I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't believe it. My name is Lee, and I arrived at college at 17, but turned 18 shortly before things became weird. I had a trust fund that gave me enough money to live off campus in a house that I shared with two other people, a guy and a girl.

I was a pretty geeky guy, besides being a bit short and slight. I wasn't bad looking, but kept being mistaken for someone several years younger. I was still waiting my facial hair to come in, so I kept the hair on my head short, because otherwise a few folks thought I was female.

I was still a virgin, since most girls had no interest in me. My female roommate Michelle was cute and tomboyish and kind, but nonetheless not interested in anything romantic - with me anyhow. Brian, the male roommate was handsome and athletic and kind of sneered at me, assuming he noticed me at all, except when he wanted to borrow money from me.

I was a runner, so I was fit, but the kind of fitness that meant I had no upper body development. Michelle was also a runner and we would occasionally run together. She was about the same size I was but she said it was safer for her to run with a guy - even me - rather than run alone.

Michelle was a few months older than me, and we were in several of the same classes, so we studied together sometimes. I began to understand why Michelle had no interest in me, when I saw how much interest she had in other women. Still she was kind to me and friendly and that helped.

Walking across campus, I saw Casey, from my biology class walk by. She was cute and I kind of had a crush on her too.

"Casey, you need a study partner for the biology test on Tuesday?"

"I'm good, thanks."

"Are you sure? I mean I would love to - "

"I've got a study group, we've got it sussed."

Casey walked on as Michelle walked up to me.

"She shot you down, huh? "

"I was just suggesting we might study together."

"She probably figured you were more interested in studying her biology than in helping with the test."

"I wasn't - "

Michelle looked at me with a knowing smile.

"Even helping her ace the test won't get her to go to bed with you."

I blushed as I replied, "I didn't think - "

About that time, two shapely young women walked by. Michelle smiled and was clearly interested in them, and I watched them as well. Michelle said, "Cute".

"That doesn't help me."

" We'll find a girl who likes you."

"Like I'd know what to do with her."

Michelle inquired, "You really don't know much about girls, do you?"

"Not really."

"Have you ever been with a girl?"

I looked down and was embarrassed. "Depends on what you mean."

"I mean physically intimate."

" You mean..."

"Sexually intimate."

"There's no one I've felt that way about, who also felt that way about me."

"You're a sweet guy. If you gave more girls a chance to find that out, you might find that person."

"Can we talk about something else? " We walked across campus.

"Okay. Let's study, grab a bite to eat, then swing by the flea market."

"I do like you, but -"

"And I like you, but I'm only physically attracted to women. If you were a girl, things might be different, but you aren't so I can't be that way for you."

I asked, "You aren't seeing anyone now?"

We sat down at a table in the library.

Michelle replied, "My girlfriend and I broke up when I came here to college. I've had a few hookups, but nothing serious."

"Not like Brian."

"Almost a new girl every night for him. "

"Lucky him, I guess." I said.

"Better to find someone you care about. In his case, I've been told all he cares about is his own pleasure."

The next day, Michelle and I walked through the flea market to a stall that had unusual and exotic trinkets in it. The proprietor was a gypsy woman 60s, dressed in a long colorful skirt, a low cut peasant blouse, a head scarf, gold hoop earrings, and a necklace with a gold coin.

There were unusual jewelry pieces and items of colorful clothing. Michelle held up a colorful shirt in front of me, and I wrinkled my face and shook my head. Michelle chuckled. Michelle saw a large earring, and held it up to my ear. I was appalled. She said, "Guys wear earrings."

"Not like that they don't."

"Don't you want to be a trend setter?"

"No, I don't."

Michelle smiled and put it back. Michelle saw a small ornately decorated box and looked at it before putting it back. I looked longingly at a mandolin, and stroked it gently. Michelle spotted a girl rag doll in gypsy clothes.

"That's charming."

I said, "I'll buy it for you."

"You don't have to do that."

"You helped me with my social science paper."

"And you helped me with chemistry."

I said, "I want to do this."

The cashier was a very strange woman - and when I took the doll up to pay for it, she gave me a weird look.

"Doll big magic - change lives."

"How does it do that?"

"You kiss doll, and magic works. Do not kiss doll here."

Like I had any desire to do that. I was buying it for Michelle. Let it change her life.

"Only work one time a week. Only work on those who need."

"It doesn't work on everyone?"

"Only those who need doll magic."

"So can I buy this doll?"

"You need. I sell it to you."

I needed the doll? Whatever. We bought it and took the doll back to the house and looked at it. It appeared to be a female gypsy rag doll.

"Maybe you should kiss this. It might help you find a girlfriend. " Michelle said.

"I'd like a girlfriend, but I bought it for you. You should give it a try."

Michelle picked up the doll and kissed it. We stood there for a few seconds, but nothing seemed different.

Michelle said "Why don't you give it a try?"

"No clap of thunder, no rushing wind, no lights flickering, no eerie sounds, no ghostly presence - " I said.

"Why don't you try it?" she asked.

"What's the point?"

"What does it hurt?"

"Some magic doll. "

Michelle looked impatient.

"Fine. I'll kiss it. Not that it's going to do anything."

I kissed the doll and this strange feeling came over me. It was a tingling from head to toe, and my body felt as though it was stretching in some ways and shrinking in others. My knees got weak and I had to sit down. Michelle looked at me with a shocked expression, which puzzled me. I seemed to almost lose consciousness as I sat there.

As the wave passed over me, and I came back to full consciousness, my body felt - like it wasn't my body any more. I said, "Oh my God", and my voice sounded funny, higher pitched, and it didn't even sound like me.

Michelle reached out and stroked my face, and said, "My God, Lee." As she did, I felt hair that I knew I didn't have fall against my face.

Michelle said, "Look at yourself", and reached to one side where there was a small mirror and held it in front of me. I looked in the mirror and saw a girl - same color hair as me, and slightly similar features, but a girl. I looked down and saw I now had breasts that weren't there minutes before. I reached down to my chest, and could tell they really were breasts.

Michelle said, "Look at the doll", and we saw that the doll, which had been a girl, was now a boy. I grabbed the doll and kissed it again, but nothing happened. "She said it only worked once a week."

"You mean I'm stuck this way for a week? I can't stay like this for a week."

"I understand why you're upset, but I guess we can't do anything for a week. I'm sorry about what happened to you, but chill out - relax.

"How am I supposed to do that? I don't want to be a girl. I don't know how to be a girl."

"You only have to do it for a week."

"How could this happen to me? This is horrible. I can't stand it."

"It isn't that bad being a girl, I survived eighteen years as one."

"It may be fine for you, but it's terrible for me. I don't like it. I don't feel right, and I don't look right."

Michelle stroked my face again.

"Pretend you're an actor. You've seen those movies where a man dresses and pretends to be a woman."

"But I'm not an actor. I don't know how to do that."

"I can help you. I'll be with you all the way. And this isn't forever. It's just for a week until you can change back."

"But it feels so wrong. I don't know if..."

She stroked my face again, and Michelle continued, "Besides, you are so very beautiful."

I replied, "What do you mean?"

"Come to my room with me. I can't change you back, but I can comfort you, and I can make you feel better." With that, Michelle leaned forward and kissed me. I hesitated for a second, and kissed her back. For months, I'd wanted nothing more than to have Michelle, or some other attractive young woman kiss me. Now I had it, even if I didn't like the reason I had it.

"You're about my size. I'll lend you some bras, panties, and a few other things so you look fairly normal as a woman."

"I don't know if I want to look like a normal woman."

"That may be, but do you want people to notice you even more?"

"No", I said weakly.

Michelle stood up, took my hand, and drew me to my feet. When I stood, she put her arms around me and hugged me then kissed me more deeply than I'd ever imagined two people could kiss. I knew Michelle liked women, and apparently now I was one woman she really liked.

"Let's go to my room. We need to get you out of sight before that jerk Brian gets back."

"But shouldn't I go to my room?"

"At the very least you need a bra or two, until you can buy some of your own, or until next week. I have some that should fit you, well enough anyhow. Besides you've just had a very shocking change. Wouldn't you like someone to comfort you, maybe cuddle and snuggle?"

A few minutes before I'd have loved nothing more than to cuddle with Michelle or any other woman, and I realized that I still liked the idea. Michelle kissed me again, and led me by the hand to her room after picking up the doll in the other hand. We walked into her bedroom, she shut the door, and locked it. "We don't want any interruptions, or any nosy people barging in."

She led me to her bed, and began unbuttoning my shirt. I began sputtering. "Should we be... isn't this moving pretty fast?"

"You need a bra, don't you?"

I looked down at my breasts that were now uncovered in my open shirt. I nodded, and smiled weakly. She kissed me again and continued removing my shirt. She reached out with both hands and cupped my tits. I gasped.

"Large B cup or a small C. Nice boobs but nothing overpowering. That's good, I prefer normal size breasts." She smiled, and kissed me on the lips. I surrendered to her and whatever she wanted to do, then she moved down to kiss my right breast. I could barely catch my breath, as she kissed it, then she paused to move to the left side to do the same there.

She sat me down on the bed, and gently pushed my shoulder to get me to lie down. She lay down beside me and kissed me, while caressing my breasts with her hand. I couldn't believe good how she was making me feel, and despite my initial reluctance, I certainly didn't want her to stop.

After a few minutes, Michelle moved back to kissing my breasts, while her hand moved down between my legs. As she stroked me, it felt like electric shocks running through my body. Before I knew what happened, she unzipped my jeans, and ran her hand over what I now assumed was my pussy. I groaned in pleasure and could feel my underwear getting wet.

She lifted slightly on my hips so I raised them off the bed, and she pulled my jeans and underwear all the way off me. She kissed me on the lips before returning to my boobs, while her hand explored parts of me that I hadn't even seen yet.

I could feel it as she ran a finger spreading my pussy lips slightly, dipping in and making me squirm, before finding my clit and caressing it. I lay there as she played with my pussy and clit and sucked on my breasts. I felt a warmth spreading through my body, like nothing I'd ever felt before. It turned into waves of pleasure rippling though me as I had my first orgasm as a woman.

"That was wonderful."

"That was just the start - there's more to come."

"I can't imagine anything better than that."

Michelle moved back up to kiss me again and shift me on the bed so we were both solidly on it. Then she kissed her way down my body, giving attention to both boobs on the way, before arriving between my legs. She spread my legs wider, and buried her face in my pussy.

She licked my slit, burying her tongue as far into it as it would go, then began working over my clit. She put a finger in my pussy and moved her finger in and out of me as she nibbled my clit. After several minutes, I had a second orgasm that was even better than the first and had me moaning and panting. It just seemed to keep coming and coming in wave after wave, until I was drained and covered in sweat.

Michelle was completely naked by now and moved up to lie beside me. She kissed me and rolled me on top of her. I could feel her erect nipples pressing against my body, even as my own nipples pressed against hers.

She stopped kissing me long enough to speak. "It's not all that horrible being a woman now, is it?" All I could do was shake my head. "Since it only lasts a week, then we'll see if we can make it one very memorable week."

"I never knew it could be like this..."

"It's your turn now. I know you don't know anything about a woman's body or how to give it pleasure, so I'll teach you." She smiled at me and all I could do was nod my head. "Start with the boobs. I've seen you looking at mine and know you've wanted to see them and touch them. Now you can."

I eased down her body and looked at her right breast. "Kiss it, lick it, suck it, and with your hand, gently stroke the other one." As I did that, she leaned back, closed her eyes, and sighed. I swear, if she'd been a cat, I'd have almost thought she was purring. After I worked on it for several minutes, she spoke again. "Switch sides. Kiss the other one and caress the first one." I did that and a few minutes later she groaned and gasped through her own orgasm.

As the orgasm ebbed, she pulled me back up her body and we kissed more. "You haven't even gotten between my legs yet." I could feel her spread her legs wider. "It's time for you to learn what a woman is like down there."

I slid down her body and looked at her pussy. I'd never seen or touched one before, having been both a virgin and a boy until an hour before. "Stroke it sweetly", she said. So I reached out and took my fingers firmly but gently down her slit. As I did, the lips parted slightly, Michelle leaned back and moaned her satisfaction.

"Put a finger in." So I ran my index finger down the center of it. As I did the lips parted further and my finger slid in past the first knuckle. Her pussy was wet and I eased the finger out and back in again, further and further until I had the whole finger deep in her, then kept going back and forth with it, fingering her.

"The clit... at the top... lick it... but don't stop with the finger." She gasped for breath as she gave me instructions. I brought my mouth to her pussy and licked the top of it, looking at it after every few licks. Her clit came out of hiding and I gave it the attention she wanted. After a few minutes of licking and fingering she came to her second orgasm, thrusting her hips into my face, and almost bucking me off the bed.

As the orgasm passed, she grabbed my head and pulled me gently up. I scooted back up her body and she kissed me, with her pussy juice on my lips, and my pussy juice on her lips mingling as we kissed. "God, Lee. Not only are you sweet and beautiful, but you learn fast. I wish you could be mine for more than a week."

After a little while, she rolled onto her back, and cradled my head against her boobs. Her hand cupped my ass, as my hand rested on her bare hip. We pulled a blanket over us and dozed off that way till we woke up the next morning.


I woke and found Michelle was awake as well. She stroked my head, running her fingers through my hair. I slid up and kissed her. She rolled me mostly on top of her and caressed my ass with one hand and a boob with the other hand as we kissed.

"If this is only for a week, we need to spend as much of that week as possible right here, making love."

I smiled and kissed her. "I can't think of a better way to spend it."

"We can have more fun later, but now we need to get you some clothes. Your boy clothes don't work for a beautiful girl like you."

"I thought you were going to put me in some of your clothes."

"My clothes are kind of butch. I want to show you off."

"I... don't know if I'm comfortable in skirts or dresses or really feminine clothes."

"Spoilsport. But we can make you look cute, even in slacks and jeans. Besides you need some of your own panties. Mine will be a little tight on you. And let's get you some cute bras. Mine are pretty basic."

"You're going to dress me up sexy?"

"You're planning on changing back in a week. I want to really enjoy the week I have with the female you."

She kissed me and we got out of bed. She walked over to her dresser and opened a drawer. She pulled out a pretty blue bra and panty set and gave them to me.

"My parents bought me these - trying to get me to be more feminine. Not my style, but you'd look darling in them."

"I... don't... know..."

Michelle put her arms around me and kissed me. "Please. For me." I looked uncertain, but nodded weakly. She turned me around towards the bathroom and patted me on the ass. "Clean up, and put them on for me."

As I went into the bathroom, I realized my face and body were still sticky from our love making. I showered off and dried, then slipped on the panties and bra. I looked in the mirror and saw a cute, sexy girl, who I'd never have recognized as myself.

I came out of the bathroom, as Michelle went in to freshen up. "There. The clothes on the bed. I think they'll fit and do for now."

I slipped on the jeans, which fit snugly around my ass, though I had a little trouble since they zipped differently than my boy jeans. There was a cute, snug shirt that I pulled on, before looking in the mirror. I saw my reflection and thought that if I'd seen that girl, I'd have been madly in love with her.

Michelle came out of the bathroom in her bra and panties, saw me and smiled. "God, Lee. I can hardly believe how sweet and beautiful you are." She kissed me and put on a looser pair of jeans and a flannel shirt. She threw me a pair of flats and slipped on a pair of running shoes.

"Let's do some clothes shopping. I want to show my girlfriend off to the world, at least as long as I have you."

As we came out of the room Brian was there. He looked at us, and when he looked at me, he licked his lips and his eyes got wider. "Have you seen Lee? I wanted to borrow some money from him."

"Lee is going to be away for a few days."

"Who is she?" Brian seemed to be leering as he asked.

" This is my girlfriend, and she'll be spending the night with me for a while."

"Jeez, now you've got your dyke friends moving in with you."

"Bitch. You've got a whole string of sluts parading through her on a regular basis. You're just jealous because she's not spending the night in your bed."

Brian stares at me and licked his lips again. "If she wants to do that, I might be able to make some time."

"Dream on, bitch." Michelle replied.

Brian took one last long look at me, shrugged, and walked away. Michelle put her arm around me and we left.

"He didn't recognize me."

"Honey, no one is going to recognize you."

"But what about my classes?"

"How many of your professors do you think know you by sight?"

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