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The Magic Doll


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"Probably none."

"Then don't sweat it."

We drove in her car to the mall and she took me directly to Victoria's Secret, where she got me to buy several cute, sexy bra and panty sets. When we first walked in there, I felt weird as hell. But I looked around and there were a few normal looking guys shopping, and I looked at my reflection in the mirror and there were a lot of women there who didn't look half as good as I did.

Besides that, I had Michelle with me, holding my hand and reassuring me that everything would be fine. Nobody even seemed to notice me or care about the fact that we were holding hands. I guess it seems weird, but after a while I felt comfortable playing a woman, and threw myself into the role.

We went to a big department store. Michelle found me a cute pink sports bra. "You'll need this when we go running." I got a couple cute pairs of jeans and cute tops. Before we checked out, Michelle spotted a black pencil skirt that came down to just around the knees. "You would look so darling in this."

"I... I don't know if..."

"Please. Try it on. Just for me. This too." She handed me a white blouse, kind of low cut. I looked at her. "Please." She kissed me and stroked my head. I walked in the dressing room and changed into the skirt and blouse. I looked into the mirror. I felt weird as hell, but it looked so sweet. I came out of the dressing room so Michelle could see.

"Turn around for me." I spun around so she could see the back as well.

"I don't think I really like..."

"God, Lee, you look so wonderful and so beautiful." She walked over and hugged and kissed me. "You need some shoes to go with that."

"Do I have to..."

"Low wide heels - nothing extreme. You don't need to go extremes to look marvelous."

I changed back into my jeans and top, and we went to the shoe department. Michelle found me a darling pair of low heels that felt comfortable. It still felt weird, but she was so happy and so loving, I went along with it all.

We went to check out and Casey from my biology class was the clerk. She recognized Michelle.

"Hey, Michelle. How are you?"

"Pretty good, Case. You?"

"Not bad. Working and studying. Who's your friend?" Casey said, staring at me. I kind of squirmed at her attention.

"New girlfriend. Name's Lee."

"If you tired of her, you can send her over my way."

I think I blushed as Casey smiled at me. The same girl who had no time for me a couple of days ago, now wanted me?

"You wish. She might even like that, but that won't happen - not for a while anyhow."

I gave Casey my credit card. She asked for a photo ID and I handed her my driver's license without even thinking. As she looked at it, my knees got weak, since I realized I didn't look anything like I did when I got my license. She smiled and handed it back to me.

"I wish my driver's license photo was half as cute." I looked at the license and it had a picture of me as I looked now, and it showed the gender as female. I looked at Michelle, as she looked at the license. She smiled, and kissed me.


"Powerful magic, I guess." She whispered in my ear.

Casey spoke again as we finished. "Hey, Michelle. You coming to the party on Friday?"

"I might."

Casey smiled at me again, as she spoke. "Do that, and bring your cute friend along."

"So you can try to steal her away."

"You know I wouldn't do that to you."

Casey stuck her tongue out at Michelle, then gave me a big smile. Michelle nodded with a suspicious smile.

"And you know I wouldn't let you."

We stashed my new clothes in Michelle's car and went to the flea market where we had gotten the doll. We walked in and saw the same gypsy woman who had sold it to us. She was packing up all her stuff, but stopped when we came in. She looked closely at us, narrowing her eyes. "You bought doll." She pointed at me. "You kissed doll."

"My friend kissed it first, but it did nothing to her."

"Your friend is girl - doll was girl - was nothing to change. You have to be opposites, then you switch with doll. I didn't want to sell you doll, but doll told me to."

"The doll told you to?"

"Doll said you were right one."

"But if I kiss it again, I'll change back."

"Once week has passed, if you want to change, if doll agrees, you change."

"If the doll agrees?"

"Be nice to doll. Treat doll with respect. Convince doll you want to go back." I looked at Michelle and she looked at me. We were both stunned, as she spoke of the doll as if it were a person.

"Do you have another doll?"

"No. Only one. Very powerful. I tell you too much already. Go. Leave me. Don't come back."

I didn't want to leave, but she waved her hand and almost against my will, Michelle and I turned and walked out of the stall. My mind told me to stay, but my body left.

"Look. I know you don't want to stay a girl. I understand. I wish you did, but I'll try to love you as best I can for as long as you are one."

"I appreciate it. You're the best lover I could ask for. I want to go back, but I know I'll miss all this terribly when I do."

"I love you dearly, but I can't be your lover if you are a boy."

"What do we do now?"

"Wait a week. We can be lovers for this week, anyhow."

We drove back to the house. I held her hand as she drove. At stoplights, we'd turn and kiss. At one we took too long and had cars honking at us to get going.

Once we got back to the house, Michelle suggested that we go for a run. I grabbed my old running shorts and running shoes, which still fit well enough, though the shorts were more snug around the hips than I remembered. I put on my new pink sports bra.

Michelle looked at me in my outfit. "If I don't run with you, you'll have half the boys on this side of town chasing after you."

"You're the only one I want to chase me or catch me."

She smiled and kissed me. "I don't want anyone else to catch you either. You're mine and I don't want to give you up or share you."

We ran three miles in about half an hour to a chorus of comments and whistles.

A couple of guys were running. They caught up to us and ran beside them, trying to chat us up.

I was uncomfortable. Michelle grabbed my hand and we veered off away from the two guys.

A guy was running in the opposite direction from us. As we passed, he must have craned his neck to look at us. We heard a crash as he ran into a tree.

A couple of guys were walking nearby, smiled and waved at us. We sped up away from them.

Michelle asked, "Do you still wonder why I like running with someone?" I shook my head.

We went back in the house and were drinking some water to rehydrate, when Brian appeared.

"If you want to switch sides, let me know. I'll make time for you."

Michelle put her arm around me, and I looked down at the floor.

"She's not interested." Michelle replied.

"Maybe she should say what she wants."

I put her arms around Michelle and pulled her very close.

"No thank you."

"I could show you the time of your life."

"I don't want that time or that life."

"What a waste," he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can do things to you that she never could."

Michelle glared at him. "I have a strap-on. Anything you can do, I can do better. I'll make her come, won't get her knocked up, and won't give her any diseases."

"You'd best watch yourself" Brian said as he stormed out of the room.

Michelle kissed me and spoke. "He must really be jealous. He's being an even bigger jerk than normal."

"What were you saying about a strap-on?"

"Let's go back to my room. I want to get you hot and sweaty for more reasons than running. In a little while I'll show you what I mean."

We kissed and walked back to the room, arms around each other. We closed the door, and Michelle checked to make sure it was locked. "If you're here and I'm not, make sure the doors are locked behind you. I don't trust that bastard." I nodded and Michelle smiled as she pulled my sports bra over my head.

She bent down to kiss my tits. "Salty. I want to lick every bit of salt off every square inch of this beautiful body."

I giggled and squirmed as she pulled my shorts down and off me. She pushed me onto the bed and pulled off my shoes and socks, then Michelle stripped and climbed in bed with me. I don't know if she licked every bit of salt off me, but it felt like she tried.

She started on my lips, and kissed her way down my face and neck and across the top of my chest before stopping at my titties. She licked and kissed each one in turn, caressing the other with one hand and stroking my pussy and clit with the other hand.

After my first orgasm, she kissed and licked her way down my tummy to my bush. She began kissing my pussy as though it were my mouth, Frenching it and sticking her tongue as far into me as it would go. She then sucked, licked, and kissed my pussy and clit until I came a second time.

She moved up the bed and rolled me on top of her, and I knew it was time for me to please her. I began to kiss her ears, which seemed to turn her on almost as much as anything else I'd done. I kissed her neck and came down to her boobs.

I wanted to pay special attention to them - more than last time. I studied her right nipple and slowly took it into my lips and teeth, gently sucking and nibbling against it as I drew my head away from her body. The nipple followed until it popped free from my mouth, then she gasped, moaned and had what seemed to be a spasm. I did the same to the other nipple, with similar results, and alternated between them back and forth until she grabbed my head and clutched it to her chest while bucking and rocking in the bed.

I moved down to her pussy and fingered her and licked her clit and pussy until she came again. She pulled me back up beside her and we kissed for quite a while. Finally, we paused and I asked, "What were you saying about a strap-on?"

She brushed my hair from my face, and gave me a quick kiss. "Some lesbians don't mind penetration, as long as it's not a real dick, attached to a real boy." I must have looked puzzled. "You haven't been a woman long enough to know everything you enjoy." I guess I looked concerned too. "Please try this with me - just once anyhow. I'll do you and you can do me. After we're done if you say you didn't like it. I'll never suggest it again."

She went over to a drawer, and dug through it to pull out a plastic penis with straps to attach it to her body as though she had a dick. She put it on and the dildo, probably about six inches long stuck straight out. I stared at it, worried about having her stick that thing in me.

She saw my expression, walked over, stroked my face, and kissed me. "We'll take it slow, and I'll let you drive the train." She lay down on the bed and pulled me onto her. I was worried, but the dick didn't go into my pussy, but rested between my thighs. She kissed me and massaged my ass while stroking my boobs. I slowly relaxed and she spoke. "We know you're wet down there, so that isn't a problem. If you're ready, lift your hips and just let the head rub against your pussy."

I lifted my hips and scooted down just a hair, moving my hips back and forth with the head of the device rubbing across my labia. As I did, the labia spread just a bit and the head of the thing eased just a little into the entrance to my pussy.

She could tell what happened. "You still have an intact hymen. When you push all the way in, it'll hurt some, but only the first time and only a little while. Take your time, and when you're ready go ahead." I pumped my hips slightly back and forth, with the head going slightly in and not quite out. The more I did it the better it felt. It felt as good as when Michelle fingered me.

I kept moving back and forth until with a painful pop, it was all the way in my pussy. It did hurt a bit, but it was more a matter that I wasn't sure I really liked the idea of having that thing in my pussy. I closed my eyes and felt a tear in each eye. I started to ease my hips back and was going to pull it out of me. Michelle understood and kissed me.

"Please try it just a little more for me. Give it a fair chance, then if you still don't like it, never again." She kissed me very sweetly and deeply while holding me tight and stroking my body. I decided for Michelle, I'd try just a little more. After a few strokes, I realized that while my mind didn't like having that thing there, my pussy did like it.

I decided to hell with what my mind thinks, I'm going with what my body wants. I began riding the strap-on for all it was worth, deeply in and out until I finally collapsed onto Michelle in another orgasm. Michelle kissed me and squeezed my ass, then stroked my back.

"That wasn't too terrible was it?" I couldn't even speak. All I could do was shake my head. "Maybe we can do this again sometime?" I nodded. "Soon, maybe?" I kissed her as though I'd never have the chance to kiss anyone ever again. "When you're recovered, it's time for turnabout."

"You mean?"

"You wear the strap-on - my pussy gets it."

I didn't really want to pull the dildo out of my pussy. It felt so good in there, but it was her turn for enjoyment now. I climbed off, she got up and removed the strap-on, then showed me how it went on.

"So I should lie on the bed?"

"No, I'll let you keep driving, as long as you take a few directions." She lay down on the bed and spread her legs wide, with her pussy gaping open. She waved me forward and as I got on her she guided the strap-on deep into her pussy. "Nice and easy to start, and we'll go from there." I rocked my hips back and forth, smoothly pushing the thing as deep as I could into her pussy.

She moaned and wrapped her legs around my hips, but loose enough so I could still pump her good. Before, when I gave her pleasure, my face was buried in her boobs or her pussy. Now I was face to face with her as she got her enjoyment. I liked that and leaned forward to kiss her as I pumped away. She grabbed my face and held my face to hers as we kissed and went at it.

Then she let go of my face, leaned back and began moaning. Her legs, which were still wrapped around my hips tightened, pulling her body tight to me and forcing the strap-on deep into her pussy. I felt her abdomen rippling as her hips squirmed, never letting the device get so much as one millimeter out of her. I eased down so her ass was resting on the bed with the dildo deep in her.

"That was great."

"For me too," I said.

"So, now do you want to let Brian stick his dick in you?" She asked.

"God, no, but as long as I'm a girl, you and I can keep doing this and everything else we've been doing."

"That's my girl."

"At least for a week."


I slept sounder than I'd ever slept in my life, and woke up refreshed in the morning.

"Good morning, my love." She said.

I smiled and she kissed me.

"We need to get ready, we've got classes today."

"Oh, my God. What happens when I show up in class looking like this?"

"Act like you belong there, and just behave as you normally do - apart from fending off all the boys who chase you."

"I don't want boys to chase me."

"We'll dress you a little butch instead of sexy. That'll drive off a few. Hell, half the people will probably not even notice you."

After I showered, I put on a nice bra and panties, and Michelle dressed me in loose jeans, a heavy baggy tee shirt, with a flannel shirt over it. She pulled my hair back into a pony tail, and she told me to skip any makeup.


"When you and I go out together, I want you to knock their socks off. We'll use some makeup then, but not for class."

I wasn't sure I liked the idea of wearing makeup, but Michelle had been so loving and wonderful to me, I wasn't going to argue with her.

Michelle and I walked together to class, when I felt an uncomfortable pressure.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"I have to pee."

"So -?"

"I can't go in the men's room."

"And you feel weird going in the women's room."

I nodded and she took my hand.

"There are women in there doing..."

"The same thing you'll be doing. It's okay."

"It doesn't feel okay. It feels uncomfortable."

Michelle walked me toward the restroom, though I was reluctant.

"Follow me. Go in a stall, shut the door and do your business. I'll wait for you and everything will be okay. "

"You're sure?"

"As long as you wash your hands afterwards."

"Of course I wash my hands after."

Michelle took my hand and walked me toward a door with a sign saying "Women".

I stopped a little short. Michelle turned and faced me, then gave me a quick caress.

"You're a woman. No one will question that, and I'll be there, just in case. You can use the women's restroom."

Michelle opened the restroom door and led me in.

Classes went well, and for the most part no one said or noticed anything, that I could tell. The exception was my history class, where I asked the professor a question about the Punic Wars. After he answered it, he looked at me. "That was a very good question. What was your name again?"


"Lee. Okay. Damn, I need to start paying more attention to my students." The whole class laughed and I turned very red. Luckily that class was about over and I sat near the door. When it finished I scooted out before anyone could catch me.

Michelle was not in that class, but was in my next class. I met her on the way and told about what happened. She smiled and laughed. "Well you are too cute for words." I blushed. "And you're cute when you're embarrassed. But I won't embarrass you too much. I want to save that for just you and me in private." I turned red again, she kissed me and we went into class.

"Kind of hard for me to keep a low profile after that."

"In a week or so hardly anyone will remember."

"I hope so."


Michelle had an earlier class than me, and I was grabbing a few items before leaving the house, when Brian appeared.

"Your name is Lee."

"How did you know?"

"I know a girl in one of your classes."

I didn't know what he was up to, but I wanted to get out of there. "Okay. Well, I have to..."

"You are a pretty little thing." He said, and moved closer to me, as I tried edging towards the door.

"Thank you, but..."

"I could really show you a good time."

"I don't really want..."

Brian moved even closer. I backed into the wall.

"I could show you what a real man is like, instead of a pretend man."

"I don't want any kind of man. I like women."

"How do you know till you give it a good try?"

Brian moved very close to me. He put his hands against the wall on both sides of my head.

"I know what I want. Look, I have to get to class."

"You still have time to get there."

"I'm flattered, but I'm not interested."

I ducked under Brian's arm and headed towards the door.

"I'll be here."

"Don't wait up for me." I said as I rushed out the door.

Later that day, as Michelle and I walked across campus, I remembered something and got very concerned.

"I've got gym class today."


I looked around to make sure no one was listening, then whispered. "The locker room..."

"You go in. You change clothes. Afterwards you shower and change back."

"I'll be naked - in a gym room full of naked women."

Michelle smiled and held me around the waist. She leaned close then looks at me with mock seriousness.

"Try not to stare. You can look at them but be discrete."

"I'm not going to stare at them. "

"Not too much anyhow."

I stopped and looked at Michelle, a little peeved.

"Not at all. Maybe I should skip gym class today."

"You like to run, and you could use the extra workout."

"But being naked and having all those naked women there."

Michelle took my hand and walked me on.

"It gives you a chance to look at some naked women in real life - apart from me, of course. Enjoy it."

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