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The Major's Pretty Baby Face Ch. 02

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Chastity submits to her Master.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 06/09/2011
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As Matthew's personal secretary I may on occasion be required to work on Saturday and possibly Sunday.

Matthew was wearing his black suit when I walked into his office on Saturday morning. This isn't so unusual except he was wearing a black silk shirt without a tie instead of his signature white shirt and tie.

Other than our usual flirting and kissing, Matthew hasn't touched me since that incredible day swimming with the swans. I so want to feel his cock in my cunt.

I was a bit disappointed that Saturday because Mary was working with us. I wanted Matthew all to myself. This meant no touches or kisses from him, or so I thought.

At around noon Matthew announced, "Thank you, ladies, this concludes our official company business for the day. I'm in the mood for Indian sit-down cuisine," he removed his black spit polished dress shoe, followed by the other, next his socks, "But first...."

Matthew got up from his desk and walked to the center of the room.

"Come here, Mary," he spoke quietly but firmly, pointing to the floor in front of him. Mary quickly complied and stood in front of him.

"We are ratcheting things up a notch, Chastity, although this is nothing new for Mary."

Matthew touched her face gently, "Mary is my first. She was well broken to my will before I graduated High School. Isn't that right, Mary?"

"Yes, Matthew."

"It all started when Mary offered me a summer job painting the inside of her house in my sophomore year. She came on to me aggressively several times that summer. We were lovers for a time until I turned the tables on her by making her my compliant woman.

Mary was performing oral on me off in her office on school grounds by the end of the following school year.

During that mentioned year I mandated Mary to stop coloring her hair and start growing it long. She hated that at first; she obeyed regardless.

It has remained long and this beautiful shade of silver gray since.

"Isn't that right, Mary?"

"Yes, Matthew, I'm your compliant woman."

"Of course you are my dear, that and much more.

Please strip for us. You will then assume the position at my feet."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing or hearing; this is so erotic. I have grown to appreciate these things now that I am reading erotica. I was seeing it firsthand, getting aroused watching it unfold before my eyes.

Mary's clothing seemed to flow off of her as she undressed, leaving a puddle of clothing on the floor at her feet.

Mary's back was straight and her hands were crossed behind her back as she knelt naked at Matthews's feet.

Although in her early sixties, Mary is a very beautiful woman.

Matthew touched her face very tenderly letting his hand linger there as she closed her eyes and smiled.

Its obvious Mary maintained her trim figure through exercise and a good diet. I dare say that if she dyed her hair too the rich dark brown of her youth, Mary can easily take years off her appearance.

Matthew removed the hairpins out of Mary's figure-eight bun explaining, "Mary will continue to be your mentor, Chastity. She will guide you in the ways of true submission to a dominant man and you will follow her instructions as if they were my own.

Notice how she holds position. Mary can kneel this way for hours collared and leashed," Matthew finished the sentence by arranging Mary's center-parted blunt cut hair to partially cover her face and flow down over her shoulders to her waist.

"Come here, Chastity," said Matthew in the same tone, pointing at the floor,"You may strip for us."

My face was flushed with embarrassment. I was embarrassed but oddly aroused by the thought of being made to strip in front of another woman for the pleasure of a man. Mary and I work together for goodness sake.

I hesitated instead of complying immediately as Mary did. I learned a stinging lesson from that brief hesitation.

"Mary, bring me the yard stick on Chastity's desk."

I rushed over to Matthew knowing it was too late, 'Is he going to spank me in front of Mary?' I thought as she handed him the yardstick, smiling knowingly and nodding her head at me.

Matthew sighed; I could see the annoyance in his green eyes. "I'm disappointed with you Chastity. It's a simple enough request."

It wasn't a request; it was a command, Matthew's polite way of talking around women.

"Take off you panties...very good, now lean forward and put your hands flat on my desk."

Matthew caressed my pussy, "Interesting, you are quite moist, baby face. Do you like having your pussy touched?"

"Yes, Matthew."

"Do you know why you are getting the yard stick?"

"Yes, because I hesitated to obey."

"I can see the blush of embarrassment in your face. Are you embarrassed about undressing in front of Mary?"

"Yes, Matthew."

"Are you embarrassed for your arousal while being touched in this manner in front of Mary? She is aware of how aroused you are?" Matthew asked stroking my pussy and then tasting his fingers, "You taste delicious by the way."

This made me smile as my friend Mary knelt again to watch us with a thoughtful look on her face.


"Excellent, I'm taking that into consideration. Nevertheless, hesitation is unacceptable in a submissive.

It is bad etiquette on your part. You must learn to present yourself properly when you are about to be put on display, such as now.

The public Chastity is a well-mannered lady and I admire you for that, as I do Mary. That Chastity creates drawings or paintings inspired from her immortal soul, a gift beyond measure.

Besides that ethereal jewel, your artistic talent, another pearl of your personality that makes you particularly desirable is your submissive nature and passive sexuality.

You will blossom and flourish under my firm hand. I can assure you of that.

Do you have anything to add, Mary?"

"That's why I hired you, dear. I'm delighted you have resumed perusing your art; your unique gift to share with the world.

Your parents brought you up well. It was most evident during your interview. You are the perfect companion for Matthew while I am too old for him now.

We are much alike you know. It will give me great pleasure to help guide you in the ways of a true submissive woman; beginning with this advice; begging for your Master's approval in looks and actions is particularly desirable."

"Well said, Mary," Matthew complimented, rubbing the yardstick across my bare bottom. "Ask to be punished, Chastity."

"Please, Master." I said in a small voice meaning every word while closing my eyes and bracing for the crack of the yardstick on my bare buttocks.

"Excellent, you will always use that title or Sir when the Community meets; it is allowed now but not necessary otherwise. Actions speak louder than words." I felt the yardstick introduced to my bare buttocks with a sharp crack.

"Please, Matthew," I begged, my ass stinging...crack.

I received six cracks with the yardstick, begging for each one. I deserved to be punished for being disobedient. My thoughtful Master was careful to hit me in a different spot each time. Nevertheless I was embarrassed and ashamed with my eyes were full of tears when he told me to face him. "Stand straight with your hands behind your back," Matthew instructed removing the white handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the tears from my face, "Do you have anything to say to me, Chastity?"

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"You took your punishment well and you are forgiven," he said, kissing my lips, "Did you notice how Mary undressed?"

"Yes," I replied, needing no further prompting, Matthew wanted me naked. I attempted to undress as Mary did although not as well, finishing by kneeling by my pile of clothes with my wrists crossed behind my back.

"Excellent, you're learning to anticipate my wishes, baby face," Matthew praised as he removed the hairpins from my bun, letting my hair down my back into a soft and thick blonde ponytail.

"Your long hair feels good in my hands, however, as you already know; I want to see your hair longer, much longer. You will grow it to the bottom of your ass cheeks as a constant reminder of your submission to me."

He offered his hand helping me to my feet and did the same for Mary.

"I also believe we discussed some modifications but not the particulars pretty baby face," he commented, putting his arms around my waist and gently pulling me to him.

I felt his hard cock inside of his pants pressed up against me as he kissed my lips long and deep.

"As you can see, Mary keeps her vagina shaved and smooth. Yours soon will be smooth and bare. You will be my Masterpiece, Chastity.

Because you please me my uncut priceless jewel, you will be relieved of the mundane chore of daily shaving where you normally shave through a tested and true medical procedure; electrolysis, the permanent removal of your body hair including your pussy hair, the first modification.

It will be time consuming and expensive. The cost means nothing to me.

After we return from our vacations Mary will be taking you for your morning appointments.

I will of course cover all the costs and afterward for your body jewelry," he told me while taking my hair out of the ponytail.

"Are you going to have my nipples and clitoral hood pierced?" I asked surprising myself, aroused and scared; trembling as he spoke of these things.

"You're trembling," Matthew observed, still holding me gently stroking my hair, "Your clitoral hood will be pierced by a gynecologist in her office.

You will bring your medical records from your gynecologist and Janet will give you a full examination and take precise measurements before the procedure."

"Yes, Matthew."

"Your nipples are so wonderfully sensitive; I won't chance risking you losing or diminishing the orgasmic pleasure you receive when I suck on and caress them by having them pierced.

On the other hand you will find the permanent 2 gauge captive titanium bead ring will stimulate your clitoris when you move, particularly when I add the 18 karat gold ball to it."

"Thank you, Sir," I said, quietly, kissing his lips and putting my head on his shoulder as he continued to stroke my hair.

I was quivering with fear and anticipation while thinking, 'I am truly your woman; I give you my body and soul to do as you please, I love you, Matthew, my Master.'

"Shall we show Mary how sensitive your nipples are," he let go of me and said, "Turn around please...."

Ah, life is good and Chastity is such a delightful little morsel to be further molded to my will; I am very fond of her.

My soon to be little slut took her punishment well. I am very pleased with her thus far; Chastity is mine by her own free will. If I only had met her before she was married.

I take no great pleasure in her weak insipid husband's free- will path of self-destruction. It is what it is. The fool values bottles of the strong libations over his wife and has no appreciation of Chastity's artistic talent or her kind and giving nature.

Donald dunce denies that he has a problem and refuses any help; despite interventions from his family and despite doing weekends in jail; it's now a matter of time, but I digress.

I reached around Chastity to caress her lovely round breasts; breasts with such rosy pink areolas and upturned nipples.

This is a big step for her, making my pretty baby face moan with uninhibited pleasure, naked in front of another woman and then making her orgasm for my pleasure....

I was thinking, 'I'm truly the perfect companion for Matthew... I will strive harder to please him no matter what it takes....and this feels so very, very good.....if he doesn't stop I'm going to come.'

"You are my pretty slut, baby face." He said, continuing to caress my breast and making me moan with pleasure.

"Yes, Master, I'm your pretty slut," the words coming naturally now. He continued stroking and caressing them until I came shamelessly and blushing I am sure.

"Do you want me to fuck you, pretty slut?" he asked stroking and caressing my pussy lightly making me shiver with pleasure. I was desperately holding back my second orgasm for a good fucking.

"Please fuck me, Sir....fuck your pretty slut."

"Very well, you beg so nicely and your sweet pussy is practically dripping in anticipation," Matthew said, tasting his fingers, "as well as tasting delicious. Why are you holding back?"

"So you will fuck me in front of Mary. I'm your slut."

"Put your hands flat on the desk and lean forward, blue eyes."

Matthew removed his suit pants and briefs. He entered me and pushing slowly, making me gasp and moan. He stretched my tight cunt until I could feel his balls pressed against me. Matthew's huge cock filled my entire uterus.

I started to orgasm immediately while squirming from side to side. Matthew pulled out, slapping my ass, sharply, "Not yet, my pretty slut."

Matthew started to lightly slap my pussy as he stroked my clitoris with his fingers, bringing me to the peak of orgasm and then stopping until I was literally begging for permission to come.

"Who are you, pretty Chastity?"

"I'm your slut."

"Who did you say you are, baby face?"

"I'm your pretty slut. Please fuck me hard."

Matthew started fucking me slowly; in and out, in and out, bringing me to the brink several times before I was allowed my second orgasm.

Just as it peaked to wash over me, his thrusting became more forceful and his cock seemed even bigger and harder than usual. Amazed, I felt the beginning of another orgasm building behind the second it was amazing and all I had to do was obey.

Matthew was spanking my ass just hard enough to sting, enhancing our love making.

Matthew was pulling my hair as he thrust lustily, impaling me with his hard cock. The only noise he was making was the short intake of his breaths, timing his orgasm with mine as I squirmed and moaned and panted.

I was overwhelmed as my second and third glorious orgasms burned through me. I was like the parched yellow-brown grass on endless miles of a drought ridden prairie on fire......endless years of lack of affection and support from my husband.

It was like a sexual cleansing. It was a burning away of all doubts about myself and my place at Matthew's side. I was renewed for the fresh green sprouts of new growth in my submissive life with him......

Chastity did not disappointment me. She is magnificent; three orgasms in such a short time. That is absolutely astounding.

I have seen a miraculous metamorphosis from the frumpy over weight woman with a mundane haircut that I first hired.

Chastity emerged from her cocoon as a beautiful submissive butterfly. It will be my delight and privilege to teach her to fly.......

"You're magnificent, baby face," Matthew praised, "simply magnificent. Your orgasms do you proud. I could use one of your warm kisses though," and he took me in his strong arms and kissed my lips long and deep, making me tingle all over, tingle with a simple kiss.

I knew I pleased him greatly because his eyes said it all. As his personal secretary I am well attuned to his moods. It is such a simple thing and as natural as breathing; my sweet orgasms which comes so easily to me now.

I looked over to the kneeling Mary who was smiling broadly and wiping tears from her eyes.

"Mary," Matthew said letting go of me, extending his right arm down while lightly wiggling his fingers.

My Master then pointed to the floor telling me to kneel and I did while Mary crawled over to him on her hands and knees.

Still kneeling, Mary's long hair fell forward covering her face like liquid silver covering Matthew's feet as she pressed her forehead on them and then lay on her stomach, crossing hands behind her back. This gesture is so naturally submissive and deliciously sensuous.

"You've done well with her, my sweet Mary," our Master praised, "I want you to make reservations for dinner and the Theatre for Monday evening.

Wear the black dress I like and your pearls. I do not need to tell you how you shall wear your beautiful hair. You know what I prefer.

Check with the Marina to see that our sailboat is fueled and ready by Tuesday evening. Make sure it is properly stocked and provisioned. Be sure to include the ice wine you like for we will be leaving that night for a week of sailing through the Erie barge canal to the St. Lawrence. You may stand."

Seeing my opportunity, I took my hair out of my ponytail and prostrated myself as Mary did, my long blonde hair covering my Master's feet.

"Ladies, I want to see both of you with your hair in braided pigtails for dinner. Furthermore, it will stay that way while you are on vacation unless I tell you otherwise.

This means it will remain in braided pigtails whenever you leave the house for any reason including getting the mail.

Chastity, I'm not done with you yet. Mary my dear please get dressed. You will then wait for us in your office. Perhaps you can make a few telephone calls to expedite our upcoming plans; any questions?"

"No, Matthew" we both said together, my voice muffled by my glorious long hair and his feet. I could swear his feet smelled like his cologne that he put there planning ahead for this.

After Mary left, I lay still awaiting Matthew's next command, "Well blue eyes, after lunch when Mary leaves to make preparations for the trip, we'll have the rest of today and most of tomorrow." I shifted my head slightly to kiss his feet, thinking, 'does this mean I'll be spending the night with him.'

"Kneel and then stand, Chastity," and when I did Matthew pushed my blonde hair away from my face and over my shoulders and down my back, smoothing it in place while looking directly into my blue eyes with his green ones.

"From the prone you kneel, next you standing; you will do so in that order unless told otherwise. This is something you will learn to practice until it becomes as second nature as breathing.

It will require repetition and that in itself is a good aerobic exercise and a fine way to develop poise and balance."

"Will I be spending the night with you?" I asked hopefully

"You most certainly will. Until then and before we eat you will clean my cock and balls with your mouth and tongue and dry them with your hair."

I knelt before my Master doing as instructed enjoying that Matthew thoughtfully shaves his cock and balls to taste delicious. I also made it a point to kiss his hard flat stomach and pressed my head to it as I hugged his firm tight ass; he's so masculine and sexy.

Matthew helped me to my feet after I finished drying him with my hair and said, "We will kick back and relax most of this weekend." It didn't matter to me what we did as long I would be with him.

"It will give me a chance to cook for someone other than myself."

He lives alone and has a cleaning service come in once a week. Matthew dabbles with gourmet cooking in all ethnic backgrounds and enjoys cooking for himself and those in his close circle.

"But most importantly, Chastity, you feel like a part of me when I hold you in my arms," and he kissed my lips again, "Please get dressed."

Mary and I received many curious stares and glances dressed in our conservative business attire, skirt, blouse and stockings with our hair in braided pigtails when we walked into the restaurant.

Matthew's arm was around our waists and was all smiles and charm. I could feel that never ending current of dominance that first attracted me to him and so does Mary I am sure.

We are Matthew's women and he was proudly showing us off. A woman can tell when her man is proud of her by the way he carries himself

This was the second time I was out in public without panties.

We were seated in a spacious corner booth that would have easily accommodated six or more. There was a fresh bouquet of red and white carnations at our booth in a red vase; no doubt Matthew made reservations prior to us arriving because no other table had fresh flowers on it and the restaurant was quite busy.


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