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The Making of a Mistress Ch. 02


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Should she phone Charles with her news before or after she'd given herself a good seeing to with her rabbit?

In the end, she compromised. Lying naked on her bed, Marie inserted the tip of her rabbit into her cunt. It was already quite damp, thanks in no small measure to her exploits earlier on, and the kiss she had shared with Sara.

She made sure that the bunny ears were correctly aligned with her clit and switched it on. A low buzz filled the room, and she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation for a few minutes.

Then she reached for her phone and speed dialled Charles.

He answered almost straight away.

"Hello, old... um...sorry. Good afternoon, Marie, How are you? Did you enjoy your meeting?"

"It was fabulous," Marie said a little breathlessly. (The rabbit was having the desired effect!)

She outlined briefly what Sara and she had discussed, and mentioned that Sara's sissy cuckold husband had been there too.

"What's he like?" asked Charles eagerly.

"Paula is extremely submissive," answered Marie, and added, "she is going to be my muse for how I want you to be eventually."

She heard a sharp intake of breath, and then Charles said dreamily,

"I think it might have started already! I dreamed about our little display in the forest last night, and when I woke up I had a lovely stiffy!"

"And?" said Marie sternly. "Did you do anything about it?"

"I did rub it a little bit," admitted Charles, "but where you'd whacked it had become rather bruised, so I stopped before I spurted."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Charles said,

"I hope I haven't done anything wrong? Are you still there? I can hear a faint buzzing noise, but I can't hear you. Can you hear me?"

Marie was right on the edge of a glorious orgasm. She reluctantly switched off her rabbit, composed herself and said,

"You were told last night not to play with your pathetic little thimble until I gave you permission. If you are going to disobey me, I'll make you extremely sorry."

She switched her rabbit back on and said,

"Don't say a word until I give you permission. Just sit there and wait for me to come back to you!"

Charles had never really been spoken to like this before, but he found the situation very exciting. Even as he sat there listening to Marie's heavy breathing and that strange buzzing noise, he realised that his body was reacting spontaneously.

To his delight, his cock swelled up to its maximum length, and although it wasn't all that impressive, he felt very proud to have achieved such a lovely stiffy all on his own.

He heard Marie grunting, and then a series of gasps, interspersed with lots of throaty 'oh, fuck' sounds. Finally there was a long drawn out moan and the buzzing noise stopped.

A few seconds later he heard a breathless Marie ask if he was still there.

"Yes I am," he confirmed, "and I want to say straight away that I'm sorry for stroking this morning. I promise never to do it again without your permission."

"No, I know you won't," Marie said sternly. "I have an instruction for you. Well, two actually. Are you paying attention?"

"Yes dear," came the timid response.

"First of all you will have a cold shower before you go to bed tonight. I want you in bed, in your winter flannelette pyjamas at nine thirty. If I haven't received a picture showing me that you have obeyed my instructions by one minute past nine thirty, I'm going to be disappointed and very cross. And you don't want that, do you?."

"Of course not. I can do that. Cold shower and in bed in my winter jim-jams by nine thirty. Did you mention you had two instructions?"

"I did. Are you working tomorrow?"

"I'm not going into the bank," he replied. " I have a lunch meeting at one thirty, It's in that restaurant we went to last night. Why are you asking?"

"You don't need to know that," Marie replied, doing some rapid calculations in her head. She wasn't due in the restaurant until just before evening service, which meant she had until about half past five in the afternoon.

"I want you to pick me up in the morning at half past eight,' she said. "Bring your wallet. We're going shopping."

"That's nice," he said cautiously. "What are we going to buy?"

"It's a surprise," she said, her voice full of amusement, "so don't ask me anything else!"

She changed the subject, and they chatted for a while about what would be expected of her when they both went to meet Charles's parents.

"Nothing too formal," he explained, "although it would probably be wise to wear a pretty frock. Mummy doesn't like girls who wear trousers."

Marie made a mental note of that and they moved on to discuss houses and where they would live after they were married.

Marie suddenly felt a great need to use her rabbit again. She reminded Charles of his tasks, told him not to be late in the morning, blew a kiss down the phone and cut the connection. Five minutes later, she was on the edge of another mind blowing orgasm, and she thanked her lucky stars that she had been the waitress who had served Sara and her party that night a few short weeks ago.

Still glowing all over, Marie booted up her lap top and put 'adult shops' into her search engine. She scrolled down the list of results and clicked on one at random.

It turned out to be a chain of well-known sex shops, and Marie put her post code in, to find the nearest one. It was only about a ten minute walk away, and she decided that it was too close. Although she had never been in there, she was worried that someone might recognise her or Charles, or both of them. Marie wasn't ashamed of what she and Charles were getting into, but she saw no point in involving people who didn't understand the sort of lifestyle they were proposing to live.

She put in the name of the sex shop, together with a town about half an hour away. Instantly, the result flashed onto her screen, and she clicked on it.

She read, "Discretely located on the outskirts of the town shopping area, a warm welcome awaits customers who are looking to spice up their love lives. Fully stocked with everything you may require, our friendly and discrete staff will be only too happy to help. Please note that this branch is staffed by female employees on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for the convenience of our Lady customers. At all other times, both male and female assistants are on hand to help. We look forward to welcoming you to our sexy, kinky world!'

"Perfect!" thought Marie, scribbling down the address. She debated whether or not to give Charles advance warning of where they were going. He seemed to be very enthusiastic about the direction in which they were going, but would this be too much too soon?

"He's going to have to accept some very difficult choices," Marie thought, "but it was him who first brought the subject up. To hell with it! I'll tell him where we're going, but not what I intend buying! He'll find out soon enough anyway!"

Her mind made up, Marie set about making herself a late lunch stroke early tea. There was a new drama starting on the BBC that evening, and having already read the book on which it was based, she was looking forward to seeing how the television series compared to the book.

Charles rang the front door bell promptly at eight thirty the next morning. Marie thought he looked a bit weary as he kissed her (properly with his tongue as well as his lips!) and wished her a 'good morning, my dearest'.

Once they were on their way Marie thanked Charles for the photograph he had sent the previous evening. She gave him directions and then said brightly,

"You were in bed nice and early. Did you sleep well?"

"Not really," he confessed. "I was too hot in my winter jim-jams."

"We really are going to have to do something about the way you speak, Charles," Marie said sharply. "You sound like a caricature of a 1930s public school boy!"

"But I am a public school boy," he said. "Or at least I was!"

"Yes, but that was then. You're going to marry me and I am going to be your HotWife. I'm going to train you to pleasure me and to do as I want. I'm going to require a lot less upper class twit and a lot more subservience. You wanted this. So you play by my rules or I'll be calling the game off!"

"Oh, please don't say that!" Charles sounded anguished. "I want a HotWife. I want to be trained. I promise to try my best to get rid of my upper class twitishness."

He glanced over at her quickly before turning back to look at the road.

"Ever since you agreed to marry me, and even more so since you spanked me, I've changed. All I have to do is think of you and I get a real stiffy. That never used to happen.

"OK," sighed Marie, "let's get one thing straight. Teenage boys get 'stiffies'. Men, even men like you with pathetically small cocks, get a 'hard-on'. That's how you will describe it from now on."

"And while we are discussing cocks, I never want to hear you refer to it as your 'willy' again. For the moment, it is your cock, but very soon, I'm going to control it, and own it. It is going to be my cock. Understand?"

"My word, you are magnificent!" murmured Charles. "I wish I could express the feeling I get when I think of how you are going to control me. I've got another sti... er, hard-on now!"

Marie giggled. "Don't you dare swerve all over the road," she warned, and reached over and rubbed his cock through his trousers.

"Yes," she confirmed," I suppose for you that really is a hard-on. It's a good job that we're going shopping. I don't approve of you getting these hard-ons so frequently!"

By now they were on the outskirts of the next town. Marie took a piece of paper out of her pocket and put the post code of the shop they wanted into the car's sat nav.

"Follow her directions," she told Charles as the sat nav, programmed to sound like the English actress Sophie Turner, instructed him to 'follow the road for two and a quarter miles'.

Thanks to Sophie Turner's precise instructions, Charles navigated his way through the town centre and into the outskirts on the other side. He drove down a one way street and Marie spotted the sex shop on her left hand side about five hundred yards away.

"Slow down," she told Charles, "and look for somewhere to park."

Charles did as he was told, and said,

"Oh, look, there's a car park just there on the right. Shall I go in there?"

"Yes," replied Marie, "that's a bit of luck. And as we're nice and early, there are plenty of spaces."

"It says the first hour is free," Charles reported, reading the sign which displayed the parking regulations and charges.

"I'll need to get a ticket anyway. Will an hour be long enough, or should I pay for two hours?"

"Pay for two," Marie said, and directed him to a parking space at the far end of the car park. "Park over there."

Charles looked as if he was going to protest. There was a lot of space closer to the pay and display machine, and if he parked where Marie told him, he'd have to walk the whole length of the car park to buy his ticket, and then all the way back again. But one look at Marie's face told him that it wouldn't be wise to argue. He parked where he'd been told to park.

"Shan't be a jiffy!" he said without thinking. Then he saw the look that Marie was giving him.

"Sorry!" he grinned. "Much too upper class twit! I meant to say, 'I won't be long'!"

As soon as he was out of the car, Marie speed dialled the sex shop. Her call was answered promptly, and to her relief, by a woman. Marie quickly explained what she needed, and was relieved to hear that a lot of women brought their submissive partners in to do exactly what she was intending to do.

By the time Charles returned with the parking permit, Marie's phone was safely out of sight, and she was enjoying the thrill she anticipated would experience in about five minutes from now.

Charles fixed the sticky ticket to the windscreen, making sure it was perfectly visible. He shut the driver's door, and smiled at Marie. She stayed put in her seat. Finally, the penny dropped.

Charles hurried around the front of the car, and opened the door for Marie.

"I'm sorry," he said hurriedly, "I really do have a lot to learn, don't I?"

"Remember, rather than learn," Marie said pointedly. "I'm getting rather tired of repeating myself, or waiting for you to do what I've already told you that I expect from you."

"Now listen. We are going shopping, and I expect you to behave appropriately. Don't question me. Never interrupt me. Answer questions put to you politely and truthfully. Do you understand?"

"Perfectly understood," Charles replied, adding "Mistress", almost as an afterthought.

"Mmm! Oh I do like that title," Marie said dreamily. "Look what effect being called 'Mistress' by my tiny cock sissy has on me."

She took Charles's hand and put it on her tit. Her nipple was as hard as a bullet.

Charles blushed, and stammered,

" m...mean I did that?"

He grinned proudly and asked cheekily,

"Does that count as a hard-on or a stiffy?"

Despite his flippancy, Marie had to laugh. She leant forward and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Let's go," she grinned. "Your destiny awaits you!"

Marie took Charles's hand and crossed the road. She'd calculated that the shop, which was situated on a bend in the road couldn't be seen from the opposite side to the car park, and she was correct.

They arrived at the entrance and Marie went straight in, pulling Charles behind her before he could realise what sort of shop this was.

On seeing the vast display of fetish wear, instruments for punishment and torture, and row upon row of dildos and vibrators, Charles's face was a picture.

"Good morning both," smiled the shop assistant from behind the counter. She was an extremely large woman heavily made up and with colourful tattoos on both arms. She wore her hair in a Mohican style, and her eyebrow, nasal septum and bottom lip were all pierced.

"How may I help you this morning?"

Marie smiled, and returned her greeting.

"We are getting married soon," she informed the shop assistant, "and I need a few things to begin this one's training before the big day."

Charles made some sort of strangulated noise, and Marie frowned.

"He really needs constant discipline," she said. "I am going to have to work hard to get him anywhere near the standards required by any self-respecting HotWife."

"I know exactly what you mean" replied the shop assistant. "I had the same problems with my own slave. Mind you, he's totally house trained now, thanks to some very severe discipline!"

"If I may offer some advice, it would be to start off extremely harshly, and then you can ease off as his behaviour improves. I think it is impossible if you start softly and try to become more severe."

"I'll remember that," Marie said. "Now then. First things first. He needs a cock lock."

The gulp that Charles gave was audible in the quiet shop, but both women ignored him.

"Certainly, madam, " said the shop assistant. "What sort were you looking for?"

"My friend and mentor has advised getting a selection," Marie replied. "She recommends a silicon sheath for everyday use, one of those see through hard plastic shells for taking him out to clubs and parties, and a heavy metal one to encourage some sort of development and stretching. I'm afraid he is sadly lacking in the cock stakes. Do they all come in extra small sizes?"

Charles's face was a picture. He was bright red, but he had a huge grin on his face.

The shop assistant looked him up and down.

"How small is small?" she asked.

Marie smiled. "Do you have dressing rooms here?" she asked,

The shop assistant grinned.

"Of course," she replied. "Hang on a minute."

She opened a door behind her and yelled at the top of her voice,

"Sharon! Get your fat arse down here and look after the counter will you? I've got to help a lady choose some cock locks for her sissy!"

"Coming!" replied Sharon, and they heard her coming down the stairs.

A green haired punk with numerous facial piercings appeared and smiled at Marie, showing no embarrassment that her see-through T shirt displayed a pert pair of tits with pierced nipples.

She kissed her colleague briefly on the lips and said,

"Off you go and fit the sissy's cock lock then, Marlene. Don't worry now. I can take care of the counter if anyone else comes in!"

Marlene beckoned Marie and Charles to follow her, and they made their way to the far end of the shop, where three large changing rooms were situated.

"In you go, my lovely," smiled Marlene. "I'll go and get a selection of cock locks and you get his trousers down and his cock ready for the fitting!"

She waddled off in the direction of the display marked 'Chastity', and Marie pulled Charles into a changing room. She sat down on the one chair and clicked her fingers at Charles.

"Strip!" she said quietly but in a tone of voice that brooked no argument.

When Marlene came back with a selection of boxes, she took one look at the now naked Charles, and remarked sarcastically,

"Fucking hell. my dear. You weren't kidding when you said he was small, were you? "Oh, deary me! He seems to be enjoying this. Look! The dirty bastard's leaking pre-cum!"

Marie glanced down at Charles's rampant cock. There was indeed a small globule of pre-cum oozing out of his piss hole. She back-handed his cock, which bobbed up and down. Marlene tutted and shook her head.

"That's no good dear," she said sternly. She opened the door of the changing room, looked out and said,

"Ah! That's what I was looking for."

She leant out and picked up something, which she handed to Marie. It was a crop, about eighteen inches long, flexible and with a leather strop on the end opposite the handle.

"This is excellent for dealing with unauthorised hard-ons. May I?"

"Please be my guest," smiled Marie.

Marlene looked at Charles and smiled. He returned her smile and then she struck. She flicked her wrist and the leather strop smacked into his tiny pink helmet with a loud SMACK!

"Charles whimpered and his cock started to subside. Marlene applied two further blows, one along the length of his shaft, the other, an upstroke into his ball sac. He howled in agony, but his cock now resembled a peeled prawn.

"Works every time!" Marlene smiled, handing the crop to Marie and picking up the first of the cock lock boxes.

It was the heavy metal version, and she fitted it efficiently, pointing out to Marie that if he got excited whilst wearing it, the heavy metal hoops would prevent a full hard-on, thus ensuring that Charles would get quite frustrated.

"Excellent!" beamed Marie. "Frustration is what we're aiming for. We'll take that one. What else do you have to show me?"

Marlene took out the next cock lock. It was a clear, hard plastic tube, in the shape of a cock. She encouraged Marie to remove the metal cock lock --"I assume you'll be fitting it for him, so you might as well get used to putting it on and taking it off" -- and by the time Charles had been released, Marlene had the second one ready.

She handed it to Marie, and gave her step-by-step instructions as to how to fit it. In no time at all, Charles was cock locked again, and Marie was amused to see that between her handling his cock and him wearing a cock lock, Charles's cock was showing signs of coming to life again.

The small, clear plastic sheath was now looking very tight indeed. Marie was delighted.

"Add that to our purchases, please," she smiled at Marlene.

"And the third one?" she continued. "Is that the silicon sheath?"

"It is indeed," replied Marlene, taking it out of the box, "and it comes in this very fetching shocking pink colour. It is a real favourite with a lot of sissy Owners."

There was a bit of a struggle to remove the second cock lock, and Marie had to resort to a few judicious swipes with the crop before she could get it off.

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