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The Man That Converted Me Pt. 01


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don't know how long I sucked on him but he told me he was getting close and pulled away, not wanting to cum just yet.

"This first load needs to go in your ass baby, it's only right."

My ass??! He wasn't serious, was he? All I've ever had up there was my girlfriend's tongue before his. I couldn't take all of that, it would kill me!

I shared my concerns and he told me he knew that. I was confused as to what he wanted to do.

Lamar said that as we were stuck here for a few days, we had time to prepare me for what was to come.

He was going to get out of the shower and set up my bedroom with Jenna's toys she had packed, along with some lingerie for me to wear.

He instructed me to shave what little body hair I had. I was still under his spell and I agreed to what he asked of me.

He got out and returned shortly after, handing me a douche. He told me to google what to do, make sure I was clean, then have another quick rinse in the shower using Jenna's shower products.

I was shocked as everything was happening so quickly, but with this newfound need to please Lamar, I listened to what he asked of me.

I used the douche first and it went surprisingly easily considering it was my first time.

I took my time using Jenna's razors and shaving cream. Even though I didn't have much hair to begin with it felt so nice to be completely smooth. It made my tiny cock twitch with excitement. I went to touch myself and was instantly rock hard. As I was about to begin playing with myself Lamar came back in to leave me a pink robe of Jenna's to wear when I got out.

"No touching!!" Lamar said. "You don't want to blow now and miss out on the fun we could have. I'm gonna be right back but no touching while I'm gone."

I reluctantly let go of myself and listened to his orders.

He returned a couple of minutes later with some stuff behind his back. I was just finishing up and got out of the shower and put on Jenna's robe. He stood behind me and told me to stay still.

"Do you trust me?" Lamar asked

"I... I think I do."

"Ok then, this is gonna be strange but you have to trust me ok?"


"Ok, what?"

"Ok.. Sir."

"That's better"

Lamar put a blindfold over my eyes and instructed me to put my hands behind my back. As I did he put some hand restraints on them. I was confused and a little scared but I was in deep at this point and my little penis was as hard as it could be. All of a sudden I gasp as I feel an ice cold sensation on my dick. Lamar had put my small erection in a glass of ice water. Confused even further I went to ask him what he was doing but he cut me off.

"No questions! Just trust me."

I stood silent as the cold water shrunk my tiny cock to what felt even smaller than it normally is. Then I began to feel Lamar fondling it with something, almost like had put a cock ring on me. Then I felt something covering my embarrassing member before hearing a *click*. Lamar then removed my hand restraints and blindfold. I looked down confused as to what had just happened and was terrified at what I saw. Lamar had put a tiny pink cage over my excuse for a dick and locked it shut!

I started to panic. "What the hell is this? What have you done?"

"Relax, you would never have let me put it on you if you knew what I was doing."

"Of course not, take this off me now please, this is all too much, what am I doing? What have I done?!"

"It's ok, it's ok, It's just a little fun. Jenna picked it up as a joke. I clearly could never fit that over my cock. I almost didn't bring it but was gonna show you guys how funny it was this weekend but then I had a great idea. It's called a micro-chastity cage and with you so willing to do what I've asked so far, I can't afford to have you play with yourself when I'm not looking and lose interest after you cum. This is just a way to help you control yourself. Once we've had our fun I'll give you the keys back I promise, but for now they stay around my neck."

Lamar then added the keys to his chain.

I was still panicking but was also incredibly horny. Kylie and I hadn't had sex for over a week as we'd both been so busy. I hadn't even had time to jerk off since then so I was really backed up.

"So you promise to give it back after we've fooled around?"

"Yes, I promise, baby girl."

The way he said baby girl instantly calmed me and I immediately began to feel my cock strain in its new home.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get used to it. Now put these on and follow me."

He handed me Jenna's slippers and then guided me upstairs to my bedroom.

My room was huge, and oddly feminine.

He had unpacked Jenna's 2 huge suitcases and set out her lingerie for me, there were also several sex toys of different sizes.

"You guys packed all this for the two of you?"

"Jenna and I didn't tell you but we were planning on staying a couple days after you and Kylie left so that we could have some alone time. She actually was gonna use all of this to see if she could try anal again. I didn't have my hopes up though. She's tried to do this before but she always quits before we're even close to giving my cock a go. It would be a shame to waste all of this, so we'll see if we can get you to where she couldn't."

"I guess so haha", I said nervously.

"Perfect, I'll give you some time to get ready. Take as long as you need, sugar."

Lamar left and closed the door behind him. My head was spinning but after a moment, my sexual desires took over again and I started getting dressed.

Lamar had set out a white PVC outfit. There was a sleeveless one piece that had an open crotch and frills on the hips. Next to it were arm length gloves and thigh length high heeled boots. As Jenna was only one shoe size smaller than me, I'd probably be able to squeeze into them even if it was a tight fit. I covered myself in some of Jenna's body lotion. Little did I know it had very small glitter in it and made me glisten like a stripper. I started with the one piece, slipping it on with ease with the help of the lotion. I couldn't zip up the back so I knew I'd need Lamar's help for that. Then, with a little trouble, I slowly managed to get the gloves on. I squeezed into the shoes and the tops of them fit me perfectly. Sitting on the bed I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked so sexy all dressed up.

That is, until I tried to walk. I almost fell flat on my face immediately. I crawled over to the vanity and got my butt into the chair

I blow dried and brushed my hair. It looked so girly after using Jenna's shampoo and conditioner. I put it back in a high pony tail as it seemed to fit the outfit best

Lamar had also set out Jenna's make up too but I hadn't had much experience with it before so I kept it easy. I have naturally soft and clear skin so I didn't need much anyways. I put on some red lipstick and mascara as they seemed easy enough. I finished it off with a touch of blush on my cheeks, applying it the way I'd seen Kylie do so many times before. I was very happy with the results. In this outfit with this make up, I looked like a huge slut and it made my chastity tighten. You'd think I was a woman if it wasn't for the pathetic pink cage between my legs. It really showed how submissive I was becoming.

I took some time to practice walking and when I felt like I was starting to get the hang of it, I took a deep breath and headed for the door.

As soon as I opened it I felt incredibly nervous about what Lamar had in mind. So I just called for him to come back in.

Hearing his footsteps come up the stairs turned my butterflies up to 11.

"Goddamn baby girl!" He exclaimed as he walked into the room. "Give daddy a twirl."

I did as he said, trying to be sexy but also not die of embarrassment.

"Can you zip me up please, sir?"

"Of course."

I turned and he zipped me tight.

"Do you like it?"

"Do I like it, what?"

"Do you like it, sir?"

"That's better, but I think I'll have you call me Daddy from now on ok baby girl."

"Ok... Daddy."

"Now, what was it you had asked me?"

"Do you like it, Daddy?" I must have been bright red and the blush I had put in was only making things worse.

"Yes I do baby, you look amazing," he said before walking over to me, grabbing me by my ass, lifting me up, and giving me a long, passionate kiss.

I had never felt so small and fragile as I did in his arms. I wrapped my legs around him and let out a soft moan as his tongue danced with mine. All my fears had washed away again and I was ready to please. The inner slut that had been unlocked in the shower was coming out again.

"Come down stairs, I got the outside heater and fire table going on the deck. Finish up your drink and make us a couple more, then come meet me out there. We're gonna smoke a little weed."

"Yes Daddy, I'll be right there."

Feeling buzzed from the stiff drink we had been enjoyed already, I had my last couple sips and strutted down the stairs with a new found confidence from the mix of the booze and the horniness.

I made the drinks, only a single this time for me, and a triple again for Lamar as I knew he could handle it.

I stepped out onto the beautiful covered deck. It had a picturesque view of the mountains on what seemed like there own private valley, not another house to be seen. I found my new man sitting with a blunt in his hand. He was dressed in a red velvet suit jacket, a slim fit black turtle neck, tight black pants that came just above his ankles and a pair of Italian, red velvet slippers. He finished it off with his gold chain draped low over his chest, clearly showing the keys to my cage and the power he held over me.

He looked insanely hot and seeing the keys around his neck made my now obsolete cock strain in its temporary home.

"Come take a seat baby girl," Lamar said as he tapped on his knee.

I handed him his drink and sat where he instructed. He took a sip from his drink and let out a refreshed sigh.

"Delicious as always, but not as delicious as you."

He set down his drink and pulled me in for another passionate kiss.

Afterwards I reached for the blunt and he moved it away from me.

"This isn't for you baby, this is a man's blunt."

"But I thought you wanted me to smoke with you, Daddy?"

"I do, and I have the perfect joint for a little sissy bitch like you."

I was a little taken back when he called me that, but being buzzed and horny it soon amped up my arousal.

Lamar then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small joint, rolled with a pink rolling paper.

"Here you go slut."

He placed it between my bright red lips before lighting his zippo and bringing it to the joint.

I had smoked before but not too much. I instantly made fool of myself by coughing as it lit.

"That's why silly little virgin sluts get joints like this. You have to start small and work your way up to big thick blunts like mine."

I took a second puff and handled it better this time, but Lamar soon took the joint from me and put it out.

"We can't have you getting too lit. The fun is gonna begin soon. But you do look better with something between your lips, so why don't you get on your knees and make yourself useful."

"Yes, Daddy," I said before climbing off of his lap.

I took another sip of my drink and bent over to place my drink on the table. I felt his hand grope me as I did. I then turned around and slowly lowered myself to my knees. I reached up and unbuckled his belt. I started to salivate at the thought of tasting him again. I undid the button of his pants and pulled down the zipper. There I saw the base of his incredible cock as he wasn't wearing underwear. I reached in and tried to pull it out. He was not even half hard and I still needed two hands to get him free. It was finally staring back at me and I opened my mouth as I leaned in.

"Nah ah ahh, sissy. Did you ask Daddy if you could suck his cock?"

"Please may I suck your cock, Daddy?"

"Well, it doesn't really sound like you want to that much. I can always put it away and we can go to bed."

I can't believe he was going to make me beg, but I was desperate to taste him again. It was so close and I wasn't going to let anything get in the way this.

"Please, Daddy, please may I suck your cock? I really need it, Daddy. Please, let me suck it, Daddy."

"That's better, sissy. Since you asked so nicely, you may suck on my cock."

After that I couldn't get it in my mouth fast enough. I went full slut on him. The mix of the booze and the weed and the chastity had me so horny that I sucked on his cock like my life depended on it. I was so focused on him that I completely forgot about my little locked dick. That is until he made me stop and suck on his fingers for a moment. After he let me go back to blowing him he reached over and started circling my hole. I immediately began to strain in my cage. It was like I was trying to break its walls but to no avail. It started to hurt and I pleaded to him.

"Please, Daddy, this feels so good but my cage is really hurting my cock. Please take it off of me."

"Sorry slut, that's not what we agreed to, and if you ask me that again, I'll flush these keys down the toilet and you'll never get out. Now, apologize for such a ridiculous request."

"I'm sorry, Daddy."

"For what?"

"I'm sorry for asking to be unlocked. I won't ask again, Daddy."

"That's better, but I still need to punish you for being a bad girl. Get up and bend over my knee."

I knew what was going to happen, but Lamar sounded serious and I needed to be unlocked, especially before I saw Kylie again.

So I stood up and bent over his knee as instructed. He put one hand on my back to hold me in place and started rubbing my ass with the other. He then gave me a hard spank. It hurt a lot and I let out an involuntary whimper. He then rubbed my sore booty which helped, but then he spanked me again. Spanked me 5 times. Tears were starting to well up in my eyes. I didn't know how much more I could take.

"That's all for now, slut. Every time you disobey me or act up like this, the spanks will double. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy," I say while sniffling.

"Good girl. Also, don't ever let me hear you refer to that locked up thing as a cock again. Sissy girls like you don't have cocks, they have clitties You are to refer to it as a clitty and nothing else. And it isn't your clitty, it's my clitty. While that cage is on you, you are mine, do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Perfect, now the reason your cage is hurting is because you need to learn that your ass is your only source of pleasure from now on, and even so, my pleasure should be the only thing you're concerned about. We do need to train you so you can be ready to please me with that ass though don't we sissy?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"So, let's start that training."

Still on his lap, I can feel him reaching into his coat again. I hear a cap click open and then the feel of lube landing on my ass. It was pleasantly warm from being against his chest.

"We need to start loosening you up so daddy can breed you later. This is gonna make you forget all about that useless thing between your legs."

As Lamar said this, I felt one of his fingers start to press against my hole. Though his fingers were much smaller than his cock, he still had big manly hands with thick digits.

"Just relax, baby. Soon you'll be craving this, I promise."

I took a deep breath and tried to relax as best I could and then it happened. His strong, middle digit, broke past my weak defence. He was inside of me.

I let out a gasp as Lamar stopped for a moment. There was a slight pain but nothing too bad. Once seeing I was ok, he pushed in deeper and curled his finger. I suddenly felt pressure on something that sent a burst of pleasure through my body and I let out a high pitched moan.

"That's it, my little slut. That's your sissy button. When you think about sex, you're going to think about spot inside of you for pleasure, not that useless clitty between your legs."

He kept pressing up and down on my prostate, slowly making me melt into a puddle on his lap. Suddenly I didn't care about my clitty, I just wanted him to keep going.

"You like this, don't you, pet?"

"Yes, I love it, Daddy."

"I knew you would. You were meant for this. Nothing but a little, sissy, anal, cum slut. Time to take it up a notch."

He removed his finger and I immediately wanted it back inside me. I turned to see him lubing up two fingers this time.

"Get your head down, slut. Unless you want to be spanked again."

"I'm sorry, Daddy. It won't happen again", I said while returning to my original position.

This time he was less gentle and just forced his 2 fingers in quick and hard.

This was more painful but it soon faded back to pleasure. Lamar was being much rougher this time, but I liked it.

"I'm gonna open that ass bit by bit until you're almost ready for me. That way when I finally fuck you, you're gonna feel one last big stretch as I claim you, once and for all.

He removed his fingers and fastened a collar around my neck. Then came hand restraints, tethered behind my back. Once they were secure, he pulled me up by the leash on the collar. I moaned. It was scary how he did it with such ease. He looked down and saw that I was leaking from my cage. He reached down and scooped it up what had leaked out with the fingers he had just used to open me up.

"Now, open your mouth and have a taste of that fresh bussy, with a little sissy juice on top."

I was so turned on I didn't even care what he was making me do. I opened my mouth and he put both fingers right in and moved them all over my tongue.

"Now close your mouth, and suck them clean."

I did what he asked, trying to get every last last drop. The taste was amazing. I was cum drunk. My ass tasted better than expected.

Once he was satisfied with my efforts, he removed his now clean fingers and pulled a metal butt plug with a clear gem on the outside, from his pocket.

"Open again, and lube this up nice and good, because it's going straight inside you."

Again I complied, alarmed and excited by the size of it. It was definitely the biggest thing yet. He removed it from my mouth and told me to assume my previous position. I bent over him and then he forced the toy that was covered in my juices into my wanting ass. Like before, the pain increased, but I felt whole again.

He pulled me back up by the leash and put a ball gag in my mouth, securing it tightly.

"Now stand up."

I rose to my feet, struggling to balance in the heels with my hands bound. Lamar then picked me up with one arm and threw me over his shoulder. He grabbed our drinks with one hand and moved us inside. He headed straight for the stairs and went up to my room, gently laying me facedown on the bed. He then grabbed a spreader bar and attached it to my ankles. Reaching between my legs and past my clitty, he lifted my midsection up with one hand and placed a pillow underneath my tummy with the other.

"There we go, ready for the next step."

Lamar grabbed something from Jenna's sex toy bag and came up behind me. Then I thought I heard vibrations. I was right, as he pressed a vibrator against the gem of my butt plug. It sent shockwaves through my body. I started to squirm as it was too intense, but Lamar just put his arm on my back and held me in place.

"When I'm done with you, you'll never want anything but cock again."

After what felt like an eternity he let up on the vibrator. He then started pulling the butt plug out to its widest point and pushing it back in again. After stretching me several times like this he removed it and I saw him reach for the smaller of the 2 dildos on the bed. It was about 6 inches long and slightly thicker than the plug, but still nothing compared to daddy's... sorry, Lamar's cock. He pressed it against my learning entrance and slowly worked it in. All I could do was moan in pain as he guided it deeper and deeper inside of my still technically virgin hole. By the time the dildo was balls deep I had began to relax again. He then removed it all the way and immediately pushed it back it, slowly picking up the pace.

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