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The Man Who would be Queen Ch. 11

Story Info
Dexter appears dressed as girl in front of his Siblings.
4k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/09/2018
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Chapter 11

"Michelle's New Sister?"


"I'm just not ready for all this," Dexter said to Angela as she prepared things for him.

Dexter was completely naked sitting in a wooden straight back chair in the bathroom. Angela was busy removing all her clothes too. She was trying to keep the male female fires glowing between the two of them as Dexter was pressed more and more into womanhood. It was tough on both of them and they were only just getting started.

Angela took a towel and placed it under his chin and over his shoulders. She took a can of shaving cream and straddled the chair, then sitting in Dexter's lap facing him, she filled her hand with shaving cream and began spreading it over his cheek.

"I'm not ready for all this either Dexter," she said looking at what she was doing. "I am trying to help. Most men would find what I'm doing right now very sexy," she said spreading the shaving cream on his neck. "Being shaved by their naked girlfriend while sitting in their lap. Maybe next time I will wear a sexy garter belt, stockings and high heels for you."

Angela wiped her hands on the towel and took the razor in her hand.

"It is Angela, it really is sexy but I am so preoccupied with the thoughts of losing my manhood. It is so unfair that I have to do this just because the Queen says so."

"," she said pulling the razor down the side of his face. "That is why you and I must create moments like this where we can share the man you really are. You need moments like this and so do I."

"They want to cut my dick off. That's what they do to serious sex offenders, so why me? I've done nothing to anyone?" he said in a whining voice.

"Shhhhhh.......I know baby, but it's there now baby. Let's focus on the now. Be the man you are when you are with me Dexter. Pretend the rest is just a charade."

"My brother and sister are going to laugh at me when they see me Angela, you know that. They don't know what is really happening. They will think I really want to be a girl."

"We've been over this Dexter. Yes, they will probably laugh at you initially when they see you, and it is because they don't know. If they really knew what was happening they would be very sympathetic to your situation I'm sure. Remember that. Let them have that spontaneous moment. We can't change that."

"Then they will start telling all their friends, and my friends will find out I'm wearing women's clothes all of a sudden," he said distressed at he thought.

"They are all going to find out sooner or later," she said tilting his head back and shaving his neck.

"Angela I will be too ashamed to be seen by my friends anymore."

Angela removed the towel and wiped his face.

"Tonight you and I will both feel humiliation and embarrassment standing in front of your brother and sister with you wearing a dress trying to explain your desires to become a woman. It will be a low point in both of our lives, but it will also be our first experience in what we will surely be facing as we move forward revealing this publicly. Our friends I'm sure are going to be much less sympathetic than your family."

"Thanks Angela. Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"No, it's just a reality Dexter that we are both going to have accept and face.......together," she said now standing up.

She put her arms and around him and hugged him. Their naked bodies held tightly together. Angela allowed her hand to slip down between his legs and gently rubbed his balls, soothing his tension somewhat, and then she kissed him on the lips.

"I love you Dexter," she said softly. "I'm here for you."

They broke the embrace and Angela picked up the panties that were on the counter and handed them to Dexter.

"Tonight, after you have come out with your desire to be female for Aaron and Michelle, you will take off all your feminine attire and make love to me like the man you really are. We will escape that humiliating experience through our passion for each other. I want to be fucked hard by you this evening."

Dexter was surprised at the direct talk. Angela never talked like that, but things were changing fast and she was very emotional about his masculinity. Dexter found it kind of exciting being talked to like that.

Dexter stepped into the pink lace panties. Angela rubbed his penis through the thin nylon material.

"See baby. You're still in there and it's all man," she said holding his nylon and lace encased balls in her hand. Angela wasn't sure she said that for his benefit or her own.

A little over an hour later Dexter was almost ready to step out. He was arguing with his mother about wearing makeup as she applied it to his face. Angela took a deep breath as she watched her boyfriend and lover being transformed into a very feminine version of his male self.

His mother twisted a gold and black tube and a red lipstick emerged.

"Is this really necessary?" he asked his mother as she prepared to apply the final touch of his makeup by applying lipstick to his lips. "Isn't this demeaning enough for one night?" he said gesturing to the way he was already dressed.

"Yes you have to wear makeup, now just sit still and let me get this done," she said applying the lipstick to his lips. Angela turned away for a moment. It was just too much for her. Maybe Dexter was right, did they need really to go to this extreme all at once just for tonight? He had never worn a single woman's item in his entire life nor had he any desire to do so, and he was now getting the full treatment.

"Honey," his mother said after painting his lips a bright crimson color, "Let's give the kids the full impact tonight. You look very elegant this evening. Makes no sense for us to escalate this slowly trying to add a little each day or week. If you wore jeans tonight they would still react the same and you will experience the same emotional feelings you would feel if you were wearing a dress. Then you would get same reactions again the first time you actually wore a dress in their presence, and the same with high heels. Let's give the total package tonight and let them see you as a young woman, let them react and then they can start the process of understanding."

"Yeah right. Understanding. They don't even know what is going on. How can they understand?" he said his male voice speaking as his feminized face looked at his mom.

"Dexter, they understand just fine, but it's what they are understanding. They understand that you wish to become a woman. That is what they are being told and asked to accept, and if you were smart you would do your damnedest to convince them of that, at least for now."

"I have six months to work this out," he snapped at her.

"No you're wrong. You have six months before they do the surgery," she stared at him hard, "You start hormones on Monday Dexter. This a not a game. They are not fooling around."

"Please excuse me," Angela said softly before she hurried out of the room. She knew about the female hormones starting next week, but hearing it stated in such a conversation made her upset and emotional all of a sudden.

Dexter stood up quickly. He looked to his mom after Angela left the room.

"I don't want to........" Dexter started before being cut off by his mom.

"Don't say that again. The people that know what you are going through all know you don't want to be a woman, so no need saying it again. It's getting a little whiny."

"Look at me," he said ashamed of his appearance. "I feel totally humiliated mom. There is no pride here."

"You know Dexter, you actually make a decent looking woman when fully dressed."

"Don't say that."

"Well think about it. Imagine if you were out in public and looked like some guy dressed in women's clothing how bad this could be. Especially if the Queen insisted you still be a woman."

"It's going to be bad mom," he said trying to be realistic.

"But at least you can fool most of the public with a little practice, and being able to see you pass as a woman, will make it easier for people and friends to accept and understand. The will see that you look like a woman, maybe he was meant to be one."

"I don't want........" he was stopped again.

"Yes you do Dexter. You want to do this. Get that in your head. Now let's go see you brother and sister."

Angela was standing just outside the door when Dexter stepped out of the room. She had regained her composure and gave him a warm smile.

"You ready," she asked softly taking his hand.

"No," he said firmly.

"Me neither," she said as they walked down the hallway.

Dexter was wearing one of his mothers black cocktail dresses. With a low cut back to just above the strap of the black c-cup padded bra he was wearing. This gave him a vulnerable feeling of being somewhat exposed. The sleeves were long and sheer with ruffled cuffs at his wrist. The skirt was pleated, and the top of the dress filled with black beaded designs. A very elegant look for any woman, but Dexter was a man, and it was such a demoralizing experience wearing the dress and being presented to his family.

His feet were encased in a pair of red patent leather 3" spike heel pumps with pointed toes. His legs sexily clad in sheer seamed black stockings that hooked to the garters on the girdle his mother had bought him the previous day.

That too was another point of humiliation that he felt could have been bypassed. Why did he have to wear such under things? Nobody could see the girdle and it gave him such an anguished feeling knowing he was wearing vintage women's underwear. It was something his grandmother would have worn. It was decided that it would make his clothes fit better for now.

A string of pearls around his neck and clip on earrings to match.

The hair was a huge topic earlier that day. His mother wanted a quick trip to the salon for a shampoo and set just for the evening, but the resistance to that and the necessity to do something had ended up with him in hot rollers at home, and a quick brush out as long as he agreed to wear barrettes in his hair. He had decided that barrettes with the way he was dressed was less of a trauma than sitting in a beauty salon having his hair done with other women.

His heels clicked down the hallway slowly. His mother holding one arm and Angela the other. It was as much to steady him as it was to keep him moving forward towards his reluctant fate. Dexter was escorted around the corner and into the living room.

"WHOOOOA!!" Aaron yelled out grinning ear to ear at the sight of his brother Dexter. He had been told that Dexter would be dressed as a young lady for this evening, but this was way more than he had imagined. He pictured Dexter as his brother in a dress, something simple not this refined feminine image that stood before him now. Dexter actually looked like a real girl.

Michelle's reaction was completely different. She was shocked initially then disgusted with the feminized brother that stood before her.

"OMG," she exclaimed out loud. "You can't be serious. Please tell me this is a joke," she said with a scowl look on her face.

"Now Michelle, this is no joke," Lynn said trying to temper the situation. "This is not easy for Dexter. He has secretly had deep suppressed desires of becoming a woman for many years. Now that he is of age he has decided to act on those desires and we all need to be understanding and supportive of his decision to become a woman."

Dexter felt a twisted knot in his stomach as he stood there feeling nothing but utter humiliation. His masculinity hidden under this new feminine image he now was required to present as his own deeply held desire. Angela held his hand for what little moral support that offered.

"You really want to be a girl? I mean seriously?" Michelle asked Dexter directly with a disgusted look on her face.

"Yes," he said softly after a bit of hesitation, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment. He had no other choice.

"Oh Yuck! How am I going to face my friends when this gets out. I'll be so humiliated at school. My big brother is a fag. OMG!" Michelle said in a desperate tone. Her only concern was for how she would be treated when this was all public.

"Michelle," Lynn snapped, "You will not speak of Dexter in such a way. Dexter is a woman trapped inside a man's body. He needs our help to correct this."

Dexter squeezed Angela's hand at the sound of that statement.

"That's disgusting," he thought. He really didn't blame Michelle, though it was demoralizing and sad for him to see her so upset. Her reaction was normal for what she knew. The problem was she didn't know the truth.

"You feel you should have been born a girl?" Aaron asked unable to remove the grin from his face.

Dexter looked at him. Aaron had a curious yet amused look on his face. Then Dexter lowered his eyes and said, "Yes."

"Wow, you really hid that well. Since you are really a girl inside, do you secretly find other boys attractive?" Aaron asked his eyes big in anticipation of the answer.

"AARON!" his mother snapped. "That is out of line young man."

"What? I was just curious how deep his girly feelings went."

"Your brother loves me," Angela spoke up.

"Are you two still going to be a couple when he becomes a girl?" Aaron asked quickly.

"NO MORE," Lynn said, but Angela answered the question.

"I will be there for Dexter. He will be the same person we all love. Your opinion and reactions right now are all based on the way he looks and not who he really is. Love the person."

"Yeah ok," Aaron said unconvinced.

"Are you really going to have the surgery? I mean, you know breast like a girl and a real, uhm, well..............." Michelle found the words hard to say, but not Aaron.

"PUSSY," Aaron blurted out.

"That's it Aaron. Go to your room. I will deal with you later," his mother said furious.

"Wow, you do look good dressed like a girl though." Aaron left the room looking amused by the whole thing.

"Yes," Dexter said softly answering Michelle's question after Aaron left the room.

"Do you want to have babies? Those womb transplants that some of those guys have. You don't want that too do you?" she asked. Michelle was visibly disturbed by all this. She couldn't understand how any man would even consider dressing like a girl much less wanting to become one. Her narrow mind told her it wasn't natural.

"No, I will not be having a baby. I have no desire to do what you are talking about," Dexter said softly trembling a bit at the thought that such a thing could actually be done.

Lynn closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew that the process that the Queen had decree included a womb transplant for him, and she knew that if they couldn't stop this process that Dexter would in the end have the ability to have babies whether he wanted to or not. She kept silent. Dexter didn't need to know all this right now.

"How can you do this to me. You're destroying my life. It's not fair," Michelle said standing up looking distraught now.

"Michelle," her mother tried to settle her.

"Can I go now?" she asked.

Lynn looked at her for a moment then considered how the reaction of the two had affected Dexter.


Michelle moved her shoulder to get around Dexter and stormed out of the room.

"EEEWWWWW!" she yelled walking down the hall to her room.

"You ok honey," Angela said softly.

"No, no I'm not." He looked to his mother. "I need to know why mom. I can't go on not knowing why. Is there some perverse lottery that a man is chosen to become a girl for the amusement of the Queen? Nothing will cause me to accept this. Nothing at all, but I need to know why. Does that make sense to you?"

"Yes I do understand sweetie. I will call Sarah and see what she has found out."

"Can I take this dress off now?"

"No," Lynn said, "You need to keep it on. Get used to it Dexter you are a girl at least in appearance. You have no choice right now. Remember it is very risky for you to appear not dressed as a girl."

"Come on, let's go sit out back for a little while," Angela said leading him by the hand to the back door. The back yard was very private but Dexter felt the whole world could see him.


"The EKG know about me Clarence. He said they know who I am. That means they know my past," Sarah said reclining in a chair while Clarence rubbed her aching feet. Standing in a pillory for six hours was very uncomfortable for the back and feet, as well as a persons self esteem.

"So. That shouldn't be a big surprise. Your past was hidden by the state at your request, to help you get established without the baggage you would have to deal with." Clarence said rubbing her ankles.

"It was hidden Clarence to save the Queen an embarrassing political blow. She gave me concessions and a new start to keep my mouth shut." Sarah rubbed her temples.

Clarence ran his hands up to her knee and massaged her calves.

"Just the feet and ankles Clarence. I appreciate you offering to rub my feet, but let's keep it that way." She knew that Clarence was infatuated with her. He always had been since he came to work for her. Maybe that's why she could trust him so much.

"Sorry," he said moving his hands. "I was just trying to........"

"I know, trying to massage my crotch," Sarah said closing her eyes.

Clarence chuckled at the statement.

"The guy said my getting this case was no accident. Why would he say such a thing?"

"Because you are the defender of those criminals that are forced to have sex changes as part of their sentence for sexual crimes."

"How many appeals have I won in those cases Clarence?" she asked her arm across her eyes.

"None," he said quickly, "but you have the reputation of defending these types of cases and your access to the Queen is quite impressive."

"Yeah, yeah. They wanted me on this case. The King's people. I don't know any of them. I never dealt with them, I only dealt with the Queen's people."

"I hate to ask, but how are you emotionally after standing out there in public all day. It must have been very demoralizing for you," Clarence asked cautiously.

"It was Clarence. Nobody should have to do such a thing, especially for the petty type things people are sentenced to the stocks for. I have to say though I can't wait to be placed in the pillory again."

"You are joking," Clarence exclaimed.

"No I'm not. I'm working, I need to talk to that so called janitor again, For that I would stand there all day."

"If your clients only knew what you do and have done on their behalf they would be so surprised."

Sarah said nothing. She was breathing slowly and deeply.

"Poor girl, she's out cold," Clarence said softly sliding his hand up to her thigh.

"Clarence," a firm voice said.

"Just checking if you were asleep."

"Uhm hmm," she said and soon a gentle snore escaped her lips.

Below are comments on the chapter from my blog

comments kellen January 1, 2015 at 11:40 AM

interesting. Aaron is an interesting person. He seems so eager and happy at this. Maybe he sees this as his chance to be the man of the house instead of his big brother. or he has a sadistic side

I figured the sister would have fun with it, feminized brother but maybe you thought that was too cliche' lol. She hates it and thinks she will be embarrassed.

Wonder if she will come around

wonder if the brother will come around, maybe has and will be supporting

or perhaps his brother is an asshole

cant wait to see

I enjoyed reading his, i will read it again

thanks Rikki and Happy New Year

Anonymous January 1, 2015 at 9:36 PM

why do I have the feeling Aaron is going to figure it all out. Or at least that his brother doesn't want to do this. He's asking the right questions and is aware that his brother had shown no indication that he was TG at all.


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