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The Man Who would be Queen

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A strange tale of a young man faced with a decree.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/09/2018
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Dark Tales of Forced Feminization

"The Man Who Would Be Queen"

I have recently began finishing this story. I'm sure some of you have read parts of it. The chapters have all been revised. I hope you enjoy the Tale.

This story is a work of fiction and takes place in a fictitious place in the not so distant future. Forced feminization, forced womanhood, B/D, S/M, fetishes, public humiliation and bi/gay sexual activities, are used to color this dark tale of forced feminine transformation of a male into an interesting setting of old and new customs, laws, politics, folklore and the dark secrets of royal powers.



On a cold dark night, the year was 2037, a young woman is escorted quickly across the courtyard of the posh hotel by two government officials and a woman military officer. The young woman's hands are handcuffed behind her back and she pulls at the men's grip as she is hurried along.

"Please, what have I done. Am I being arrested?" she pleads with the woman as she is taken placed in a car and taken away. The woman had been picked up on a warrant, it was a decree from the king himself, but no explanation was given to her. It was not required.

The trembling young woman stood teary eyed looking about nervously, wondering why she was brought here. Her hands were un-cuffed.

"Please place your wedding ring in here," a large woman said opening a small velvet covered ring box.

"What? Why? What did I do?" she asked removing the ring as instructed and placing it in the box.

The door to the room was opened and the girl was ushered inside. She was left standing just inside the huge ornate bedroom. The door was closed and she heard the key turn the lock.

The three that had escorted her then turned to leave.

It was early the next morning just before sunrise, when the young woman was released and taken back to her own room at the hotel. Her husband arrived soon after having been called for special duty that very evening.

"I was ordered to stay here. Why were you arrested?" he asked worried.

Her eyes fell softly, as she composed herself.

"It's ok now honey. It was a mistake. I am no longer a subject of that matter." she said kissing him softly.

Sometimes a young woman's beauty is more of a curse than an asset.


Chapter One


"Darling, would you please bring me another glass of wine?" Olivia said holding out her wine glass as she sat on the couch reading a book.

"Right away milady," the maid said laying down her feathered duster and mincing daintily over in her pink 6" high spike heels, taking short quick steps as she walked. A girly shuffle as Olivia liked to call it as the maid held her wrist limp out to each side.

The maid gently took the glass with two fingers holding her pinky finger out daintily then turned away to refill the glass.

"Wiggle that ass a little more there missy. Those petticoats need to have more frou frou when you walk. I should be able to hear them moving. Why do you think that skirt on that uniform is so short?"

It was true. The pink maids dress had a very short skirt that flared out over white petticoats, exposing the tops of the maids stocking and the garter snaps that held them in place.

Upon returning the maid handed Olivia the glass of wine and then curtsied.

"You're such a doll Emily. You've done very well with your chores today. Why don't you sit down here with me for a while and I'll let you rub my feet."

"Thank you milady," the maid said sitting on the other side of the couch.

Olivia turned and placed her feet in the maids lap then reclined back laying propped up on a couple of pillows.

Olivia was dressed as if she had just returned from the opera. She wore a deep sapphire sequined gown that had a slit on one side that was mid thigh. She also had 4" blue high heel sandals on. Her hair was done up in a very tight French Twist with not one hair out of place. Her makeup was glamorous but not overly done. She was beautifully jeweled, necklace, earrings, rings and she sparkled with excellence. The only thing that made it a bit odd was it was late morning, just before noon and she was just lounging around the house, not going out.

Emily removed Olivia's high heels and then slowly placed her hands up under Olivia's dress and carefully detached her nylons from her garters.

"Oh Emily, you naughty girl," Olivia sighed as Emily pulled her stocking off, then allowed her fingertip to run down the full length of each soft, smoothly shaved leg.

"Madame, your toenails are so pretty today. I love your nailpolish," Emily said while she rubbed Olivia's feet.

"Thank you dear. Toenails are suppose to be red. I notice you never paint your nails Emily. Why is that?" Olivia asked.

"I don't have time to take care of those things madam. I have a very busy schedule."

"Oh pooh. With that pretty blonde hair on your shoulders it would add such a pretty look for you."

They both laughed.

"Madame, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course darling. What is it?"

"What is your opinion on a young man being forced to dress like a woman?"

Olivia looked a little surprised at first then regained her composure.

"How do you mean darling? You mean for a little fantasy fun?" she said sipping her wine.

"No, I mean actually being forced to change his lifestyle and become a woman. Do you think he could ever be resigned to accept such an arrangement if he really didn't want to be a woman in the first place?"

"Oh darling," Olivia chuckled, "This is one of your philosophical 'what if' questions isn't it? I guess you could force such a thing on a young man, I mean if the alternative to not cooperating was so bad he went along, but no man would ever accept such a arrangement I'm sure," she said again looking at Emily.

"What if he was taken care of with lavished surroundings and never had to want for anything ever again? All the material things in life he could ever want would be his in exchange for his maleness."

"I would think he would still want to be a man again," Olivia said as if joining a conversation. "In fact I'm sure of it. Darling the man would be so demoralized at his friends seeing him changed and other people finding humor in his undesired lifestyle."

"All men will always want for many things. Wouldn't you say? What if that was only one of three things he'd ever have to want for. And those things would be like dreams we all wish for and can't have in life anyway, his would just be his manhood."

"Do you have dreams of things you can't have Emily?" Olivia asked as the maid ran her fingers up and down the full length of Olivia's legs now.

"Yes I do and I assume most people do madam. Don't you have dreams that you know are unachievable madam? Even with all the things you have in your life?"

"Yes," she said a little softer now pondering the thought, "I do have dreams, and hopes for someday," she added softly.

"See what I mean. Now that narrows it down to things we dream about and not what we look like right?"

Olivia looked at the maid.

"That's a pretty simplistic explanation darling. Why would you ever think about forcing a man to be a woman? Would you really want to see a man mentally and physically suffer through such an ordeal?" Olivia asked.

"Yes. I think I would," Emily said as she rubbed the soles of Olivia's feet now.

"Why would you want to do such a thing Emily? I mean we are talking about somebody else's life here," Olivia sat her wine glass down surprised and wanting to hear her answer.

"I'd want to do it just for fun I'd suppose. Watching him try to understand why he has to do such a thing." Emily smiled at Olivia.

Olivia's mouth was agape with surprise and shock at the answer she just heard.

"You would do that to a young man for fun? Do you have such a sadistic streak in your nature?" she asked looking at the smiling Emily.

"I'm not sadistic madam I'm curious," Emily said in a cute way.

"I'm not sure the feminized young man would agree with you."


"Is that why I'm..."

A cell phone rang interrupting Olivia. It was sitting on the fireplace mantle.

"I'll get it madam," Emily said getting up and gently laying Olivia's legs down on the couch.

Olivia was still stunned at what she had just heard from Emily about forcing a man to become a woman. "For fun? No."

Emily pranced across the floor, limp wrist hanging as she walked to the phone in her 6" high heels.

"Hello," Emily said now in a male voice now instead of the silly high pitched falsetto voice he had been using all morning.

"I understand. Tell her I'll be there in half an hour," he said hanging up the phone.

Olivia stood up as the maid approached. Emily turned his back to her.

"Please unzip me," he said removing the blonde wig from his head and pulling off his false eyelashes.

Olivia unzipped the maids dress. She pulled his petticoats down to the floor so he could step out of them, then she slid the dress off his shoulders so he could do the same with it.

He turned around to face Olivia. He pulled his erection out of his panties.

"I have to go. Let's get this over with, as fast as possible if you don't mind," he said pushing Olivia slowly down to her knees.

"Yes sir," she said as he stroked himself in front of her face.

"Open up, I don't have all day here. I have things to do," he said without any sense of compassion.

Olivia did as she was told, and he pushed his now erect penis into her mouth. The man held a hand full of Olivia's hair tightly on the back of her head holding her head at the perfect angle while he humped her face with hips. His public hair hitting her nose with each thrust. Olivia gagged a few times as the thrust were deep and uncaring. A final deep and prolonged thrust that literally choked Olivia as she pushed back on his hips unable to move him, and the job was completed.

"Ahhhh yes," he said after his orgasm. "Wasn't that nice?" he asked her letting go of her hair and pulling off the high heels he was wearing.

"Yes," Olivia said unconvincingly gasping for air and coughing, then slumping to a sitting position on the floor wiping some of the semen away from her lips with her hand.

The man disappeared into the bathroom and cleaned up. When he emerged he was wearing black slacks and a tie. A rather sharp dressed man. Olivia kept her back to him for the most part as he straightened himself up in the mirror.

"That was a very nice time we had today. Wouldn't you agree?" he said as he got ready to leave.

"Yes it was, thank you," Olivia said softly as she followed him to the door her head hanging low.

"They should be by to pick you up in about thirty minutes. I've already called and informed them I was done with you," he said turning to face her again.

Olivia struck a sexy pose for the man. Hands on hips with a huge smile on her face.

"Thank you so much. I'm so glad you had me here and enjoyed yourself," she said as she rocked sexily. "Maybe next time we can..."

"Yeah, we'll see," he said cutting her off. "Thanks for getting the blow job done quickly."

The man opened the door then Olivia heard the sound that always caused her heart to sink. The turning of the three locks on the door.

"You bastard," she said under her breath coming out of the silly pose she had been holding for him. "It's been five years. What have I done to deserve this?" Olivia yelled.

Olivia hurried to the windows that were all barred.

"Hope you enjoyed your little perverted outing you ass hole," she screamed at the closed window as the man drove off.

Olivia didn't even know who the man was. It was the first time she had met him. A friend of her sadistic husband's no doubt. Playing secret dress up games with members and friends of the royalty. At least this guy didn't want to spank her like the last guy did.

Olivia knew the answers to the three things a man forced into womanhood would always desire.

One was to be able to look and act like a man again. Second was to have sexual relationships with women. It was only natural. And three, self determination. Be free to make his own decisions about himself and who he was and not let others make those decisions.

Olivia knew because she was one of those men.

Olivia knew the routine. They were coming to pick her up now. She had served her purpose and it was time to take her back to where she lived.

She removed her dress and hung it up. The rest of her clothing, stockings, panties, bra, girdle she placed in a bag that was provided.

Olivia stood naked now. Her rather large but limp uncircumcised penis hanging between her legs, and firm D-cup breast on her chest created a visual paradox. Her breast were implants and were very firm jutting straight out from her chest with no sag. The skin was firm to the touch, not the way a real woman would want her breast to hang and feel, but Olivia was not a real woman.

Olivia picked up the gray non descript, loose fitting jumpsuit. She stepped into it and zipped it up the front. She stood bare foot her red toenails displayed against the floor in a foot fetish lovers delight. She slid on the loose fitting brown loafers.

Looking out the window Olivia could see the large estate on the top of the hill over a mile away. She was allowed no where near the estate, only to see it from afar. This cottage is where she was brought for these perverted games her husband liked to play for his friends.

Soon a truck with two men would arrive to pick him up. They would cuff her hands behind her and a leather strap tied tightly around her thighs that would hobble her and prevent any unwanted kicking. They would slip a hood over her head, and she would be ready to be taken back.

It was always the same. The same big burly transport guy would always send the other man out to prepare the truck, leaving Olivia alone with him. He would then kiss Olivia about the neck and lips as she struggled against him. The man would fondle both Olivia's feminine breast, suck her nipples and grab her male genitals while he was jerking off himself. When he had his fun, his semen would be on the crotch and leg of Olivia's jumpsuit. He then slipped the satin drawstring bag over Olivia's head. Pulling the cord tight and tying it off at the back of his neck,

Complaining never helped. It seems this was allowed. A little tip for the pick up and delivery guys. Olivia just stood indifferent trying her best to not react to this man's gestures and disgusting words of endearment. She only fought the kissing of her lips. That was too much.

The truck had arrived and as usual, the events happened just like clock work. Olivia was picked up and carried to the van. She now on her way back to her home, hooded and tied in the back of the van. She had no idea where home was.

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PaladinDansePaladinDanseover 2 years ago

certainly, an interesting concept and a disturbing variation on sexual servitude because being forced to put up with sexual abuse is not good enough, lets's strip the poor man's very identity from him as well!. frankly, I can see the transgender fanatics that are being allowed to take over schools totally supporting this kind of thing, it's literally what they openly preach and they start at the age of four. it's a very real thing that is actually happening.

BJGoodheadBJGoodheadabout 6 years ago
excellent beginning

Very much looking forward to these chapters and your revisions. I know you mentioned once going back and resuming this tale. I can't wait to see the story unfold!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Rik! You have to continue this story--I'm so drawn in! Hot, and mysterious, I haven't read anything like this in so long. Thank you so much for sharing your work!!!

UnrighteousUnrighteousabout 6 years ago

I wonder, was this all?

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