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The Marine Ch. 06

Story Info
Nate enjoys time with his sister and cousin.
9.1k words

Part 21 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2021
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I slept pretty much the entire way to Manchester. The only time I woke up was on the M5 when Amy pulled the car into a services, stopped and turned off the engine before she clambered over to straddle my lap to simply kiss me for what felt like half an hour. My hands ended up underneath her shirt, running down her back while getting a good feel of her tits.

When we finally pulled apart, both of us breathing heavily and definitely desperate to fuck, she leaned back. "So how was Hannah?" I gave her a look that made her pout. "I'm teasing but... You looked after her?"

"I did."

"Love her?"

"As much as I love you, Amy. But it's why I also let her go. She could barely cope with training, and we knew that, once I graduated, she couldn't handle the life I was going to live. I haven't really heard from her since she sent me the text. I know why. She's worried that, as soon as she sees me, she'll want to be with me again."

"And how do you feel?"

"I'm going to be living a couple of hundred miles away. And, to be honest, I'm just going to focus on my career for the time being. I'm still not even 22. There's plenty of time to worry about my personal life." I leaned forward and kissed her. "Why don't we continue this conversation in a more comfortable setting?"

"I really want your dick, Nate."

"Good. Get us to the hotel and you can have it."

She groaned but opened the door, sliding off my lap and walking around the back of the car. When she sat back behind the wheel, she made me laugh by laying her panties on my leg. With a smirk, she started the car and re-joined the motorway taking us north. It was dark by the time she pulled into the car park. I let her take care of the checking in process, heading upstairs in the elevator. Dropping my bag, she asked if I wanted to get some food first. I answered that by pulling her towards me and kissing her.

"Food can wait," I growled.

I wanted to see my sister naked for the first time in two years. She definitely wanted to see her brother naked in return. So clothing was removed incredibly quickly. Once I was naked, she stepped back and just looked me up and down. "Holy shit!" she exclaimed. I simply smiled at her reaction. "I mean, you were fit before you left, Nate." She pressed a finger into my chest. "Are you just hard muscle now?"

"Mostly. Want me to tell you about my morning exercise regime?"

"You'll probably wear me out just telling me."

I laughed. "True. But I feel... great, Amy. Better than great, to be honest. Sixteen months of hard graft has got me to where I am. And this is still only the start of my career. This is just training done. I still have to get used to living the life itself."

A smile lit up her face as she would have heard the enthusiasm. I couldn't help it. "You really love it, don't you?"

"It's been worth the pain I'd feel waking up after a day of exercise and marching, the agony of making a massive fuck up and being yelled at for being such a dunce, the endless cold and feeling of being wet. But now? I wouldn't change a damned thing. It was all worth it to be here now. I passed, Amy. I've completed what I set out to do. The whole reason I left home to begin with."

Taking her hand, I led her to the bed, lying her down before joining her. Feeling her hand immediately gasp my cock, I gently held her wrist as I spread her legs with my other hand. She grinned, knowing exactly what I wanted to do. "I got a taste of your scent from your panties, Amy. I was nursing a stiffy half of the time."

"That was the whole point."

I would have spent a long time teasing her at first, but I wanted to eat her out them make love before heading out for food. Running my tongue down her body, that first taste was as good as I remembered. She shuddered immediately as I wasted no time getting to work on making my big sister orgasm. And I had a feeling it wasn't going to take long as she was obviously turned on.

She moaned softly as my tongue plunged her depths, remembering how her body reacted to anything I did, almost grinning to myself as I could sense it wasn't going to take much. Sliding a pair of fingers into her pussy, she moaned again as I teased everywhere except her clit. She looked up and met my eyes, pleading with me to touch it.

"I really need to cum," she pleaded.

I relented easily, remembering just how she loved her clit pleased, and with my fingers pleasing her by finding that particular spot all women enjoyed men finding, her hips were soon moving, her breathing rapid but ragged, and she was moaning gibberish. It was utterly mesmerising and beautiful to watch, the fact I could turn my sister on to such a degree.

Then she had an orgasm. Quite a large one, from my vantage point. As soon as she recovered, she begged for my cock. Slowly sliding inside her, I didn't know if she'd burst into tears or smile. To my relief, it was the latter, and as excited as I was feeling, I knew I'd last another couple of minutes at most. I don't think she cared, hearing her whisper how great it felt that my cock inside her once again.

"No longer my little brother," she whispered, "He's just... big now, and he's got a lovely big cock. Is it bigger?"

"Well, technically I am still growing. Not taller, but I'll get even broader, and might even get smarter!"

"And your dick?"

"That just feels big because I'm excited to be making love with my sister once again."

That set off the tears, or at least just a couple, pumping her for a couple more minutes until I came inside her. First time I'd done that in two years. Meant a lot to me as well as I kissed her deeply, arms wrapped around the back of my neck, feeling her legs wrap around my hips. I was easily able to roll onto my back, taking her with me so she was resting on my chest.

I was still mostly hard, so she immediately started riding me, siting up so I could get one of those still perfectly perky breasts in my mouth. Gasps and moans followed as she rode me nice and slow, feeling her hand on the back of my neck, running up and over the back of my head. I'd kept my head practically shaved the entire time.

"So the hair will stay gone?" she wondered.

"Yep. I've grown used to keeping it trimmed with clippers."

She smiled, running her fingers over the stubble on my scalp. "I like it. Your face has changed, but when you look at me... You still love me?"

"Never stopped, Amy. Thought about you all the damned time."

"Except when with Hannah?"

I lay back down as she rode me, waiting until she enjoyed another orgasm before she relaxed on my chest again. I finally replied, "Amy, does it bother you?"

"Of course not! She's our cousin, and I could see, even during our last trip here, that she was nursing a little crush. I've caught up with her since we landed here, and we've already talked. We both love you to bits, that's what we agreed on."

Rolling off my chest, I turned onto my side she could spoon back against me. I felt her move more than once so she was pressed back against me as much as was humanly possible, not that I minded. Holding her then reminded me of how much I'd missed her. I'd just buried all those feelings since I'd boarded the plane to Hong Kong.

Waking the next morning, early as always, Amy had turned to snuggle against me during the night. I simply milked in the view until she woke up, chuckling as she started to blush immediately, whispering I was just used to waking up bloody early, though I wasn't going to complain about just gazing at her while she seemed so peaceful.

After making love, the sort that simply reinforced our feelings hadn't changed one iota since I'd boarded that plane, we enjoyed a shower together before walking downstairs for breakfast. I ate my fill as usual, Amy giggling as I packed away bacon, sausages, eggs and hash browns. I had to explain that, on most days, I burned off thousands of calories. Sure, I'd not burn off anywhere near as many when not training, but I was just used to eating a lot, and my body would hopefully still burn it all off.

"Nate, can you wear your dress uniform today?" Amy asked, "I mean the one that means the most."

"It's in my bag. Any reason?"

"I loved seeing you in it."

What my sister wanted, my sister got. Plus, I'll admit, I thought I looked pretty good in my dress uniform. When I walked out of the bathroom once I showered again, then shaved and dressed, her eyes simply lit up. Good idea she wasn't naked. Walking outside hand in hand, she turned towards me just before getting into the car. "Can I ask another favour?"

"Of course."

"I need you to... wear a blindfold..."

"Are we going to get kinky, Amy? I mean, you are my sister so..."

"Humour me."

I humoured my sister, of course. Once I'd settled in the passenger seat, she placed the blindfold over my eyes. Did a pretty good job. Couldn't see a damned thing, so although I knew when we were on a motorway, it was when she turned off onto A-roads and otherwise, that's when I lost track of where we were going.

The car she was driving eventually stopped, hearing her switch off the engine then get out of the car. The passenger door opened and she helped me out, taking my hand to guide me into somewhere. I was left thinking it wasn't a pub as there was usually far more noise. But I felt carpet underneath my shoes and I assumed we were in some sort of club.

I had no idea what to expect as she asked me to stop. Asking me to close my eyes, I felt her remove the blindfold before she took my right hand again. "Okay, Nate, open your eyes."

The first person I saw was my grandfather. He wore his Royal Marines dress uniform, green beret on his head. He saluted, tears slowly running down his cheeks. I returned the salute immediately before stepping forward to shake his hand. We grinned like fools at each other. "I don't know what to fucking say," he exclaimed.

"I'm pretty fucking speechless myself, Grandad!"

We both laughed before we embraced. "Nothing but pride," he said softly, "I'm proud to call you my grandson."

That got to me. It really did. I hugged him just that little bit tighter. "Thank you," I said softly.

Letting him go, I looked around the room to see the family around us, including family I simply hadn't seen in years, the extended lines that were related to us but not close. But what I didn't expect to see was my two best mates from back in Australia. Once I saw them, I strode across the room. "What the fuck are you two cunts doing here?!!?"

We all laughed before there were handshakes and hugs. "Your family insisted we fly here to see you," Steve replied.

"Plus, we've done some reading," Patrick added, "We know what you've been through, mate. We had to come."

I stood back a pace and just looked at them, feeling my cheeks almost hurt as I grinned at them. "You cheeky fucking bastards. Not a word in any of your messages."

"Um, surprise!" Mum exclaimed softly.

I turned towards her. "Your idea?"

"They were going to come regardless. You've been gone two years, Nate."

I sighed, "I know, but I thought..." I sighed again. "Never mind. It's good to see everyone, even these two clowns."

Then I noticed Hannah. She was standing alone behind everyone. They seemed to part as I slowly stepped towards her. Eyes were for no-one else but me in return. The only person I sensed nearby was Amy, glancing to see she was by my side, as I stepped towards my cousin.

"Hannah," I whispered, immediately caressing her cheek, "Where's..."

"Not here. We're not together anymore. I couldn't bring myself to even get naked in front of him, god forbid... you know, sex..."

I sighed. "Hannah..."

"Nate... Just let it happen," Amy whispered, "She loves you. I love you. That's all that matters."

When Amy stood next to Hannah, I glanced from one to the other. They were... beautiful. They looked completely different. Their personalities were nothing alike. But I'd fallen in love with both of them. But the pair standing in front of me then and there? I had no fucking idea what they intended. Okay, that's a little lie, but I wasn't going to get ahead of myself.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I glanced left to see my father. Checking as everyone else was taking a seat at one of the tables, I turned towards him. "Nate, we accepted what was going on with Amy. No, we didn't just accept, we approved."

"Dad..." Amy whispered.

"It's been obvious since the day we arrived how Hannah feels about you, simply because she hasn't shut up about you. You will live your life how you seem fit, but just know these two women adore the hell out of you."

"I know, Dad," I said softly.

"Your mother and I don't exactly understand. It was difficult at the time, but we accepted. We could see the love. We will do nothing to stand in the way of whatever happens."

"Dad," Amy whispered again.

The conversation took place quietly so no-one else heard what was said. The room was decorated to celebrate my graduation to become a Royal Marines officer. It was your typical English buffet dinner, though thankfully most of the food was hot. The English and enjoyment of certain things cold instead of hot was something I'd never get used to.

No idea how long the party lasted. I talked with everyone, fielding plenty of questions about my training, while Mum wanted to hear about my trip to the United States, needing to explain I spent the entire time working, not playing tourist. Stories about my trips around the United Kingdom. Impending trips to northern Norway for cold weather training.

Asking what plans I had with my two weeks, I admitted to having none except getting some regular sleep. Instead of waking at 0500 every morning, I'd wake up at 0700, as now that I'd finished training, my work day would be somewhat regular going forward. When asked what I'd be doing day to day at my home base, I admitted that's something I'd have to learn to adapt. I'd have a regular exercise routine as keeping the level of fitness is something expected of everyone, but mostly I'd actually continue training while in charge of my own troops of Royal Marines.

"Maybe you'd like to see a bit of the UK as a tourist?" Hannah wondered.

"Guess a trip to London would be good. See all the sights. But, to be honest, two weeks of just chilling out sounds perfect, though I'll be going for a long run every morning and I'll need a daily gym session."

"Never stop?" Amy asked.

"Nope. And I want to arrive at my new home as fit as I was leaving CTCRM." I glanced back at Hannah. "You got time off?"

She smiled. "Two weeks. Amy has already suggested a trip together."

I almost snorted as the insinuation was clear to me. Glancing at Amy, she smiled before resting her head against my shoulder. Katie eventually joined us, sitting on my lap, leaning against me, whispering that she'd missed her big brother. Asking what my two mates would be doing, they admitted that they would be going on a European trip, but just had to spend at least a day with me before they headed off.

It was great seeing my family again for the first time in two years. When the party slowly but surely ended, we ended up outside, Mum almost refusing to let me go as I hugged her, mentioning more than once about how tall and broad I now was. Dad, Mum and Katie, who did leave with a rather longing look in my direction, eventually left, Amy and Hannah remaining by my side.

"Sooo... Back to the hotel, Amy?"

"Hannah is joining us, Nate."

Chuckling, I just nodded. "Do you like the idea?" Hannah wondered.

"I think we should get back rather quickly, don't you think?"

The three of us piled in Amy's hire car and she practically raced us back to the hotel. Walking through the lobby in my uniform with a girl on each arm certainly earned a couple of glances in our direction. Soon as we were the bedroom, the two girls were stripping off. I was a little more careful with my uniform, laying it down so it didn't get wrinkled.

Turning back to the bed, Amy and Hannah were already naked. While I preferred to take off their underwear while teasing them, they quickly dropped to the floor before me, pawing at my underwear to free my cock. "So is this how it's going to be the next two weeks?" I wondered.

"Not all the time. We'll want you alone from time to time," Hannah replied, "Though Amy will obviously get you more."

"Just want him in my pussy all the time, Hannah. I've got two weeks for him to fuck me as much as possible."

"Feel the same way," I replied, before looking at Hannah, "You?"

"I couldn't cheat on him, so I ended it. Plenty of fish in the sea, Nate."

"You ended it just for two weeks?"

"I'm tempted to move further south... maybe Bristol..."

"That's not too far away."

She smiled as Amy wasted no time swallowing my cock, head bobbing up and done as I couldn't help the groan that escaped me. "Your role should be more in line with a normal job, right?" I managed to nod. "So you should have weekends free?" I nodded again. "So I'll get a transfer to Bristol and we'll just meet up when we can."

Amy removed her mouth as Hannah swallowed me immediately, reaching down to caress a cheek each. Amy couldn't stop smiling up at me, though Hannah provoked another groan. She knew exactly how to suck my cock nowadays and bring me to orgasm. She stopped, though, allowing Amy to bring me off. "Watching you suck your brother's cock, Amy..."

"Hot?" Amy asked before resuming the blowjob.

"So fucking hot. Can't wait to see him slide his big cock in you too. Sibling sex... I'll admit, I might have watched some videos after he told me. Obviously fake as fuck, but still..."

Amy was now looking at me, eagerness in her eyes for me to cum and fill her mouth. Hannah sat on her knees, simply watching, and it was obvious how turned on she was watching my sister suck my cock. Any time I glanced her way, I knew Hannah's turned on 'God, I really need to be fucked' face, and that was in full bloom.

"Fuck," I groaned, Amy moaning softly at the first spurt that fired into her mouth. Gently grabbing her hair, I kept her in place as her eyes never stopped looking up into mine as I unloaded. Amy kept on sucking long after I'd finished, glancing again at Hannah to see she was fondling herself.

"Are... you two..." Amy removed her mouth from my cock and giggled, Hannah joining in. "Well, I know Hannah has had a little fun before..."

"It's a threesome, Nate, so there's going to be at least a little experimentation. I'd happily eat my cousin's pussy though."

Amy looked at her, noticing the blush form. "You would?"

"We've discussed it already, I figured he'd like to hear it put bluntly."

"Yes. Yes, I did like hearing it put that bluntly."

While they might have been comfortable fooling around, I was the major object of their affection, love and desire. Lying them down side by side, I sat back on my knees a moment and just gazed down at them, realising how fortunate I was. The pair started to giggle as I was already rock hard again and rather happy just looking over their naked bodies. Completely different. Amy was tanned, Hannah was pale. Hannah had bigger tits than Amy. Hannah had dark hair above her pussy, Amy's was fair compared to her cousin. They were as tall as each other. Amy had great legs. Not that I had a fetish, but Hannah did have cute little feet, her toenails always painted.

Lowering my mouth to Amy, I focused on her pussy while fondling Hannah at the same time. "Wow, a man who can do two things at once," Hannah moaned, no surprise she turned to look at Amy. She turned to look at her cousin and they kissed without any hesitation.

Lifting my head a moment, I had to say, "Okay, that's fucking hot too."

"Nate, is this not a fantasy of young men? Two women at once?" Amy asked.

"While it probably is, fantasy likely never matches reality. Still, not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and all that nonsense."

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