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The Marriage of Martin Hastings Ch. 03

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Martin's wedding comes off without a hitch. Hmmm...
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 21 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 04/25/2011
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Martin shifted his eyes back and forth, looking at all the people standing, and now totally focused on him. He could not turn his head, but he saw many people smiling and some giggling, but politely covering their mouths as they did so. An older couple looked shocked at his appearance, and seemed to be judging him for what they saw. "Oh my god, look how that young man's dressed." Martin saw her lips say to her husband. He wanted to shout out, "Don't just stare at me, help me." but he walked down the aisle feeling more and more ashamed with each step. Did all these people really think he was a willingly part in all of this?

"I can't take this anymore. It's absurd." he said softly to Missy his voice wavering.

"You're doing just fine Martin. Don't make a scene honey. We will figure this out. I promise." she squeezed his hand as they slowly continued down the aisle. Martin minced carefully because of the high heels he was wearing.

"Damn it, everybody's laughing at me. This is degrading." he hissed silently to her.

"They're admiring you Martin. You look so beautiful in your dress. Try and give them a smile." she said.

"Shut up Missy. I don't need that kind of shit." he got a little loud.

"It is very appropriate at this moment that you are dressed the way you are, so just calm down." she patted his hand as they walked down the aisle.

"What's appropriate about it?" he argued. "Why do I have to dress like this? How come I have to be the bride?"

"Because he is the groom." she said sounding a like an airhead, and making absolutely no sense at all to Martin. Though Martin felt great shame being paraded in front of all these people dressed as a woman on her wedding day. His posture that was now being dictated by the crushing corset and the neck corset he wore, made him look in many ways like a proud bride. His head forced high so all could clearly view his beautifully madeup face. The tears he shed were tears of humiliation and frustration and not tears of joy that many in the church were mistaking them for. His high heels causing him to take short, but appropriate steps.

"Missy.....This corset is crushing me." he gasped.

"It looks so good on you."

"I don't care how it looks. It hurts, and I can't get my breath." he insisted.

"That's enough about the corset Martin. Now hush. You'll survive." she looked at him.

"It's time Martin." she looked into his eyes, "Be strong, honey." she said as the came to the end of the aisle. She gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

"This can't be happening. It has to be a dream. Things aren't done this way." he became even more desperate now.

"It's not a dream sweetie......I'm sorry Martin." she said softly lowering her eyes.

"I....I..don't want to do this Missy." he stammered as he was moved closer into position.

"I know you don't honey, just try and go along with the ceremony. I promise to do all I can as fast as I can. You'll be fine." she looked away.

"Missy......Mother, please....." he pleaded now, not knowing what else to say, but she did not respond.

As they got to the front alter, the groom turned and looked at Martin. Martin was too nervous to understand what they were wanting him to do. Martin balked. Slightly pushing away and pulling his hands back as he was forcibly positioned nearer to the groom. His lips formed the word "no" but nothing came out. He felt himself lifted off the ground by his arms and placed next to the groom. There was a little laughter that ran through those who were in attendance as he was placed in position for the ceremony to begin..

The Justice who was to perform the ceremony, was a pleasant looking middle aged woman wearing a red satin robe. She was wearing high heels, and had a warm smile for Martin as he was positioned next to the groom for the ceremony. The groom was a large man. Much taller than Martin, with thick black hair and a mustache. He seemed to be in his mid forties. He smiled at Martin and looked him up and down from head to toe. He then laughed to himself in what seemed to be satisfaction with Martin's appearance.

The Justice nodded and proceeded with the ceremony as everyone took their seats.

"Today....we have gathered here together to join this couple, the Baron Vargos and Martin Hastings in blissful wedlock." Martin's hands were shaking as he stared at the woman Justice.

"Who is giving the bride, Martin Hastings away?" she asked smiling and looking to Missy.

"I am." Missy spoke up. "His mother." Missy said holding out Martins hand to the Baron. Martin's bright red fingernails were a testament to his new feminine state. Martin flinched as the Baron took his hand in his. The Baron smiled admiring Martins hand and nails, which now seemed so delicate in this mans large hand.

"Is the dowry acceptable to the Hastings family?" she asked.

"Yes." said Missy looking to the Baron. "Thank you." The Baron nodded as she thanked him.

Martin's brow wrinkled a bit as he wondered, "Would this be happening if the dowry was not acceptable? Who got it? Wait a minute isn't this backwards? Doesn't the dowry go the other way?" He was for all intents and purposes being sold to this man by his own family.

"Wait." said Martin. They Justice looked surprised, as she looked at him as to what his inquiry might be.

"I didn't agree to this marriage." he said softly.

"Was the dowry paid?" she asked the Baron.

"Yes" he said.

"Did you receive it, and was it adequate?" she asked Missy.

"Yes" she said meekly.

"Well it sounds to me we have all the required consents. Mr. Hastings, this is an arranged marriage. The Baron has requested your hand in marriage and your family has found the Baron to be a suitable spouse for you. Shall we continue?" she was interrupted again as she started.

"What about my consent? I don't want to do this" he said with a trembling voice.

"But you are the bride, and everything is in order. Your consent is not required." she smiled. "Now. Shall we continue?"

"I don't want to get married" he whined softly as tears of frustration started to flow again.

Martin looked at the groom who seemed concerned. "I don't want to marry you." he said to the Baron. The Baron looked at him with a caring smile.

"Don't do this to me" he pleaded through his tears. The Baron patted Martins hand before turning his attention back to the Justice and the ceremony continued.

Martin stared straight out, the neck corset holding his head erect, but couldn't block out the fact that every eye in the house was now fixed on him. Not to mention the fact he was a man being forced to marry a man in a legal, same sex, arranged marriage. Why didn't this seem odd to any of these people. Some seemed to even find his appearance dressed as a woman unacceptable, but they stared at him as if it was his desire to be dressed this way, so their disdain and disgust was directed at him. Others smiled, girls giggled and fought back outright laughter. Whispers behind hand covered mouths.

"No!" Martin blurted out again.

"Stop this." he looked around franticly, now crying steady streams of tears. One of the security detail approached Martin with a small strap. It was a ball gag. Martin had caused enough disruptions and it was about to come to an end.

"Don't make me do this......ooogghh......mmmppfff!" he squeezed out his last words as the ball gag was put between his lips. The strap was fastened behind his head.

"UMMPPFF!!" he squealed again as the gag strap was pulled very tight, hurting his cheeks. His humiliation was even more evident now as he stood facing all in attendance, beautifully dressed as a woman, gagged and now about to be married to Baron Vargos in a ceremony they were all there witness and seemed to approve of. Martin's attention was brought back to the ceremony. Martin reached up and touched the ball in his mouth with his fingers. He tried to put his fingers under the straps to get it out, before the Baron took his hand back.

"Will you Baron Vargos, promise to love, cherish and care for Martin. Take him into your life and hold him special among all others, love him in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." the Baron said in a deep voice.

"MMPPFF!!" Martin tried to interrupt and turn his head.

"And do you, Mrs. Hastings," she said looking to Missy "Being Martin's mother, also feel this marriage will be a beautiful part of Martin's life, committing him to the of love and protection of The Baron Vargos, sharing his life with him till death do they part."

Missy looked a Martin a little hesitant, then smiled."Yes. I do."

"MMPPFFF" Martin reacted, trying to lash out.

"You may place the ring on the brides finger." The Baron was advised.

"MMPPFF....UMmmmm!!! Martin squealed in the ball gag as the ring slid down his slender finger. Tears on his face.

"With this ring as a symbol of your love together, and by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man." the Justice looked at The Baron, "and wife." the Justice smiled as she nodded to Martin.

Martin felt the strap of the gag being unfastened now. It was removed from his mouth.

"You may kiss the bride now." the Justice said with a joyful smile

The Baron lifted Martin's vail. Martin was stunned. Before he could say anything, The Baron had pinched his cheeks into a pucker and was now kissing Martin deeply. Martins eyes were squinted shut, his palms on the Barons chest in a lame attempt to move him back. A slight sound of pain from the squeezing of Martin's cheeks was muffled by the applause of those now standing in the audience. Total disgust was the look on Martins face as the Baron released his kiss.

"NOOO!!!" Martin shouted out, as the Baron took Martin by the hand, and one arm around his waist. They walked up the aisle to the well wishes of all, as they made their way to the back of the church.

"Let me go. I'm not married to you." Martin shouted out unable to turn side to side. Martin had to take two steps to every one the Baron took which gave him a pretty mincing stride as he doubled timed to keep up in his high heels.

"We're not married." Martin had a distressed look on his face as he was escorted up the aisle. As they reached the top of the aisle they were greeted by those who had helped prepare him for the ceremony. They were all smiling and clapping. Martin was stunned at what he heard next.

"Are you ready to get out of that corset Mrs.Vargos? Just come this way. We'll have him back in about ten minutes Baron."

What was this? Mrs. Vargos? Why are they referring to him in the feminine way? He walked with them dazed by what had just happened.

Leanne took Martin by the arm and escorted him to a side room. Martin was in pain from the crushing affects of the corset he was forced to wear. Leanne positioned him under a small pulley in the upper beam, and Martin knew what this was for now and gave no resistance as he wanted this corset off as soon as possible.

"That was a wonderful ceremony Mrs.Vargos" Leanne said as she began to loosen the laces on the neck corset that held his head rigidly still and his chin a bit elevated.

"Don't call me that." he hissed and glared ahead with teary eyes. He was not buying any of this and he was not going to let her humiliate him anymore.

"What's that ......Mrs. Vargos? What should I call you then. That is who you are." she said in a surprised way as she continued to loosen the laces.

"Call me Martin! That's my name!" he spat out.

"Oh, Mrs. Vargos. I can't call you that. It would be disrespectful. Besides you are now legally Mrs.Vargos, and that is how I must address you." she opened the neck corset and removed it from around his neck.

"Disrespectful!!!! Disrespectful!!!!! You think dressing me like a woman and forcing me to stand in front of all those people is not disrespectful? I'm a man. I'm not a woman damn it. Stop trying make me one." he was ranting, his eye makeup in need of repair.

"Mrs. Vargos, of course you're a man. Nobody is saying you're not. It wouldn't be a same sex marriage if you weren't a man." she smiled.

"You enjoy tormenting me, don't you. You like seeing me like this." Martin was venting his frustrations openly.

"Mrs. Vargos....Please! I do enjoy my work. And my job is to tend to your beauty and fashion needs, for which I'm compensated very well. I don't feel I'm tormenting you at all. I'm helping you, and yes, I do like seeing you like this, as that is what I do, and I do it well." she said asking for his hands so she could remove his fingerless gloves, and tie his hands together.

"Men don't have beauty needs. This is crazy."

Martin allowed her to tie his hands and pull the rope through the wench raising his hands over his head. She carefully unzipped Martins dress and let it lay on the floor.

"Would you do this to your son?" he aked being sarcastic. "Dress him like a woman and and force him to marry a man?" he ask without looking at her.

"No." was all she said as she readied him.

"Please lower your head Mrs.Vargos so I can lift you now, and we can get this corset off you." Martin did as she said and the strain became tighter on his arms. He felt his arms being pulled tighter till the weight on his high heels became all he could do to stand on tiptoes and then............his feet hung just off the floor. His red toes spread and strained for the floor for a moment. He swung slightly for just a moment till Leanne steadied him. Leanne took the tension bar used to put him in the corset and torqued it to enable her to undo the first strap. Martin felt little relief initially but as she loosened the laces the pain began to subside. As he was let back down to his feet Leanne stopped just short of letting his hands down. She stood in front of Martin and spoke very directly as he hung suspended.

"Mrs. Vargos. I will be attending to your needs this evening and in the morning. I hope we have a let's say, mutual understanding, from here on out. Even though you are now my employer, I have specific instructions from the Baron that override anything you might say that is contrary to my instructions. At least those things in conflict with his directions. So, please understand I WILL do what I'm suppose to do. And you will have it done. Now. You are Mrs. Vargos I can't change that ma'am, and I will call you that as it is appropriate. If you want to be referred to in a masculine way, in private only, then fine. I'll call you sir, if you like, but not in front of others. But so you know, I have security to help if you get out of line." she stared at him causing him to shy away.

"Get out of line. What are you going to do? Make me dress like a little girl? he said mocking her.

"No ma'am. I'll spank you like you're a little girl, but I'll hit your bare ass with a board like you're a grown man."

She walked behind him and raised the dress back up and zipped it. She used her hands to lift his padded bust and make sure the bullet bra points were still dominantly protruding horizontally against the front of his dress.

"So, when can I go home?" he ask as she cleaned up his face a bit.

"Sorry sir, I'm not allowed, nor would it be appropriate for me to comment on the Barons affairs." she put mascara on his false eyelashes.

"So....what happens next?" he asked just before she reapplied his lipstick.

"Well, I suppose you will leave with the Baron and go to the Estate. I am to meet you there later. So, I'd say a couple of hours prep time and then, the fun begins" she smiled as she escorted him to the door.

"What fun is that?" he looked at her nervously.

"Well ma'am, I don't know, and it's none of my business, but when I got married the first night was very exciting and I was very nervous." she grinned trying to stay coy and get him back to the party.

"What do you mean Leanne? Tell me" he insisted.

"Well sir, based on the way you're to be dressed this evening and.......well it is your wedding night. Figure it out." she cringed a little as she said it smiling.

"I'm not having sex with that man. Oh no." Martin pulled away.

"Well sir, you are his wife now." she talked logically.

"Forget it. Let me out of here." she stopped him. "I'm not going to allow myself to be fucked by some guy."

"Mrs. Vargos!!! Settle down. He's not just some guy. He is your husband." she looked at him in a sympathetic way. "Listen. I know you're nervous, and you've never done this before."

"What!" he interrupted. "I'm a man Leanne. I don't want to be here. Nervous has nothing to d with it. I've never done this and we're not going to start today. I'm not doing this do you hear me? he spat back, his arms still extended over his head.

"YOU ARE HIS WIFE!. Accept it." she snapped back. "You said you weren't going to have your body shaved, your nails painted, your hair rolled, wear that dress or those high heels. No way were you getting married to the Baron, and you are now Mrs.Vargos. All those things did happen. So I would prepare for the evening if I were you, as if it will happen." She leaned over to his ear and whispered as they got to the door.

"I'll give you some good newlywed advise for a the bride. Try and relax and go with things. A big smile and a little cooperation, and your husband will guide you through with no problems." she grinned a sinister grin, and pushed him on out the door to the handlers who were waiting.

"I'm not doing it, you sick bitch." he hissed as the handlers took him by his arms.

"See you in a little while" she waved.

Martin struggled to keep up with the two men escorting him down the hallway. He was having to take two steps to every one of theirs because of the 5" heels and wedding dress he wore didn't make things any easier.

"Where are you taking me?" Martin asked as he hustled along. But they didn't reply.

Their grips on the backs of his arms were tight and intimidating. As he strutted down the hall to the door, his heels clicking loudly, he saw a limo waiting with the doors open. He was led through the door and stood next to the limo, where his hands were lifted by one of the escorts and the other wrapped a black patent leather belt around his waist, and buckled it behind his back. Then his hands were lowered one at a time and fastened to cuffs at his side that were attached to the belt.

Martin stared straight ahead. Ignoring the men as they trussed him up. He felt the back of his dress being unzipped and the wedding dress top being flipped down in front to just below his chest exposing his large padded bra cups. The bra was unfastened and removed leaving him bare chested. His breast and nipples exposed, though he had a masculine chest, he was shaved and felt very vulnerable. They helped him into the back of the car, careful to not injure his hairdo or the dress. Martin sat in the middle of the back seat while he was strapped into a seat belt. He noticed another young man, dressed like the others sitting in the seat across facing him in the limo. He had a slight grin.

"What are you looking at asshole?" Martin snapped at him as his feet were secured to the bottom of the seat. Martin wiggled his red toes a bit in the 5" peep toe pumps to get comfortable. He looked around to see what was taking so long. Nobody seemed to be around and he was just setting here. He looked down at the bonds holding his hands at his sides. He looked at the wedding ring he now wore, fanning his fingers for a better look. His red fingernails and slender fingers made for a rather "natural setting" for his ring. He looked at the man again who was still staring without emotion.

"What's the matter. Never seen a man forced to get married to another man before?" he looked away again in disgust. His bare chest making him very self conscious now.

"Where are we going?" he asked, but again the man did not acknowledge him.


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