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The Massage Away Ch. 03 Pt. 05-06

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The massage continues, and much much more...
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Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/05/2018
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This is Chapter 3 of the story. Chapters 1 and 2 help set the stage. Again, I was not sure where to put it...Loving Wives? Interracial? Transsexuals and Crossdressers? BDSM? Group Sex? I settled on Fetish. Not for everyone, but I do hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3- Part 5

I woke up to another twist in my cage. Whoever thought that a cage would be comfortable always has never slept in one. Morning wood is a common occurrence when you need to pee, but morning wood in a cage means your balls are pulled down as the cage moves downward. An erection caused by anything is still an erection and it makes things tight! This extension makes you a little more susceptible to the pain of that twist I mentioned, and it certainly did this morning.

Moving into my bathroom I lifted my nightie and sat down to relieve myself. With a cage, there is no standing up as without perfect alignment you end up peeing out the air holes on the side! Once finished, I took care to rinse myself well, washing the cage as best I could.

I wandered out to the kitchen, the chill of the morning making me realize that a fire would be in order as soon as the coffee was brewing. Looking out the window I could see that the snow had fallen like the forecast had said. Coming in off the lake, the drifts were up against the windows and the deck was covered in about a foot of new snow. Once the coffee was underway I built up the kindling, arranged the smaller pieces of wood, and started the fire. Allowing it to build in intensity, I then built the framing up around the small flames to form the warming blaze I needed. I opened the mudroom where the dry wood was stacked and reloaded the wood holders built into the base of the fireplace. I found myself looking towards the closed Master bedroom door repeatedly, wondering when I would get my call. Pouring myself coffee, I sat at the hearth for 20 minutes, staring into the blaze, waiting.

I was surprised when the door opened. Instead of a call, my Queen softly closed the door behind her and walked into the room. She looked radiant. The red silk robe wrapped around her was a gift to her for Christmas, intended to be her spa attire when I did her pedicure and spa treatment. Now it was a simple covering worn to emerge from 'their' room.

"Good morning, my Queen." I offered, "Coffee?" I asked moving towards the kitchen, already knowing the answer.

"Yes please" she replied, taking a place on the hearth of the fireplace. "Lovely fire."

Bringing the steaming mug to her, I passed it to her handle first. "Sleep well, my Queen?"

"Quite well my love. You?" came her response as she sipped the coffee, warming her hands around the mug.

"My love?" I asked. "Not Stacie?"

"My love." she repeated as she leaned over and kissed me. "It will be Stacie again soon enough."

She studied my face for a moment, looking from one eye to the other, hoping to read my emotions.

"Are you OK this morning?" she asked quietly. "That was quite an evening."

Looking downward, and then raising my eyes to meet hers, I nodded. "Yeah, that was quite the evening for sure!" I laughed, not hard, but enough to keep some lightness in my tone.

"I kind of surprised myself, love." she continued. "I really did not think it would go as far as it did. I mean, I was kind of annoyed you took the liberty to make those arrangements without talking to me. To be clear, my response last night was not to get even or anything like that. I got carried away, pure and simple. You chose well when you selected my masseur!" she smiled at me. "But I need to know, my love" she asked as her eyes lowered, and she placed her hand on my leg "How are you? Are you still OK with this? Do you want to stop? I do not want to risk us. Nothing is more important." her eyes raised, meeting mine. The honesty in her eyes left no doubt that her fear was real.

I placed my hand on hers, wrapping my fingers around her hand I lifted it to my mouth and kissed it softly.

"My love, my Queen, I adore you." I offered softly. Looking into her eyes I continued, as carefully and accurately as possible. This was too important to gloss over.

"If I said I did not feel jealous I would be lying. If you are asking if I wish I had not done this, the answer is no. I am extremely excited by what has happened and the connection you have with Marcus. I am turned on like I could not imagine before. It is the positives like this that also lead to the jealousy. Without these positives it would not work for you." I knew this confusion was not helping, but it was the truth. My Queens enjoyment was essential. A connection is essential to her enjoyment. The connection makes me jealous. "Does this make sense, my love?"

"I think so." she responded. "If I understand, you want me to be happy, to be turned on. It turns you on more. It is required. You want me to connect for my own pleasure, and that is more important than your jealous feelings. Is that right? And more, is this what you want and are you sure it will not be a problem for you after our trip is done?" she asked, almost imploring me for assurance and honesty.

"Yes," I nodded and looked to her. "I love you, I trust you and I trust our love. I really do not know what else to say, darling. I am very happy," I laid my response out carefully. "I am comfortable in us, my love."

Looking at me, she nodded and smiled. "My Queen." she corrected, snapping back to role.

"Very well, then. I will call for coffee within the next 15 minutes. Two cups. I hope you will have had the time to change into something a little more appropriate. Sleepwear is hardly what I expect to receive my breakfast service in." she added, tapping my leg as she stood.

"I am returning to see if Marcus is awake and your service will be required promptly upon our call." she stated, now fully back to her position.

"Yes M'Lady," I replied, "and thank you." adding a small bow as I stood.

Once the Master door was again closed, I turned to make myself presentable. I chose my tiny shiny pink mini skirt, mini being the operative word. Pink nylons and a white tank top. I had time to wash my face and apply minimal eyeliner and mascara, jell my hair, grab my service shoes and head back into the kitchen, just in time to hear Queens "Find Me Somebody To Love" play out on my phone.

"My Queen?" I answered.

"We are ready for our coffee, now, and it is Master!" came Marcus's voice.

"Apologies Master. I will be right in." I replied as the phone was clicked off.

Bringing in a tray with napkins, cream, and sugar as I had no idea what my Master took in his coffee, and two steaming mugs, I turned the handle and walked into the room. The blinds had been opened to allow the light in, the brightness of the snow outside enhanced to glow. The room smelled of sex, that unmistakeable sensual scent of sweat and cum. The two sat up against the head of the bed, my Queen snuggled into his chest, his large arm around her neck, holding her against his torso. The sheets were pulled up to cover most of their bodies but had certainly been moved around a lot since I last was in the room. Bringing the tray first to my Queen, she accepted the coffee with a nod and a smile. Walking back around the bed, I offered the cup to Marcus. "Milk or sugar, sir?" I asked as I held the tray out.

"Just a little milk, please Stacie. I think I have all the sweetness I need" he smiled and kissed Kalie's head. I passed him his mug and asked if there was anything else.

"I think I might like breakfast in bed, this morning Stacie" my Queen instructed. "A couple of poached eggs, orange juice and toast would be lovely. Marcus?" she extended her offer.

"Perfect for me as well, Stacie." Marcus replied between sips. "After breakfast, while we shower I think you should come in and clean up our room. I will say that these sheets will need to be cleaned for sure, and I would like fresh sheets each night" he stated, obviously making his plans, and position, clear.

"Yes sir. Of course," I agreed, and left to prepare breakfast.

I must say that my breakfast was perfect. I added bacon as I knew they would need their strength (lol). The trays I used had legs for bed service, and I was quite proud at how each meal was prepared, timed, and delivered. I wanted to impress both with my service, and I believe I did. Once they had finished, and they had gone to shower, I replaced the sheets on the Master king sized bed and started the laundry. I found myself relishing the service attitude, perhaps muting some of the effects of the jealousy that crept in periodically.

As they emerged from their room for the day, I had already put everything away, prepared the sitting room and the living room from the previous night, and the fire roared, its warmth and crackle filling the great room. My queen wore colourful, bright yoga pants, the form fitting material leaving little to the imagination. A white sport top completed the ensemble, and even with the support underneath, her nipples were clearly on display. Marcus had a pair of black sweat pants on with a black tank top, his physique visible and impressive.

My Queen climbed the stairs and sat in a chair overlooking the shoreline and settled in with a book. Marcus escorted her upstairs and sat with her for a moment. The two were in conversation but from that distance I could only watch. Standing, he leaned over and gave her a soft kiss, slow and gentle, before straightening up and coming downstairs.

"Your Queen would like a sparkling water in about half an hour, with lemon but you probably know that." Marcus cast across the counter. I watched as he fiddled around with the fire for a moment and then sat on the couch, watching the blaze.

"Would you like anything, Sir?" I asked after watching him for a moment.

"Some water would be nice." he glanced up, not fully taking his eyes from the fire. I would have loved to know what was in his mind.

As I brought the water to him I realized I was swaying my hips as I walked. That was something I have tried to do for my Queen, of course when in role, but had not realized I was showing off to Marcus until that moment. Handing this the water, he thanked me and then held his hand out to the chair opposite him. "Have a seat, Stacie."

I sat down, careful to smooth my skirt behind me, sitting with my legs together. I had a feeling I might hear what he was thinking about.

"Everything cool?" he started.

"Yes sir, everything is quite cool. I believe Kalie is quite enjoying your company" I played back the conversation I had with my wife, almost in the same location and wondered if they had shared their thoughts about my feelings.

"Just so you know, Stacie, I am enjoying my time with her as well. And a large part of it is the relationship you two appear to share." He watched me as he continued "Your wife, your Queen is quite aware of your interest in seeing us together, but she is also quite concerned about ensuring you are involved and happy."

"Oh, but I have..." and Marcus held up his hand to silence me.

"Yes, Stacie. I know. Often when I am entertaining someone's wife, kind of being the Bull in the china shop, the husband is not considered in any way as important. The wife belittles him, complains about his inability to satisfy her, small dick, that kind of thing. Often that is what the man wants, but not always. But that is not the case here. Kalie speaks of you with passion, with respect. I like that part which is why I am quite comfortable with being here for the weekend with the two of you." He watched me, but I did not respond, other than smiling slightly and looking at my hands folded in my lap.

"If, however" he continued "you are not comfortable with a guest being invited for dinner, I will understand. There would only be one due to the snow regardless, but you must be comfortable. Your missus felt that it would be better with one more anyway, but I wanted to ask your feelings." I knew that my demure stance was not enough.

"If I said I was not nervous, I would be lying" I met his eyes. "I have never shown myself to anyone, until now," I opened my arms and looked at myself then back to his eyes "and presenting to you was difficult. I know you had, uh, an incentive, so that was different. What is this guest going to think? Is the plan for him to stay as well? Does he know already?"

"I spoke with your Queen before I spoke with him. And yes, he knows. Danny, my other buddy may have had questions about this arrangement and might have been a little harsh on you. It would have been playful but would have been harsh. Based on your wife's thoughts, that may not have been cool. She did not think you were quite ready for that. But Adam is different. He is quite comfortable with the idea. Actually, he asked if you do your makeup well!" Marcus smiled and laughed.

Smiling a little nervously, I looked at the handsome man in front of me and accepted his comment at face value. "I think it would be OK." I responded weakly. My stomach did not feel it was OK, but I did not want to disappoint my Queen, or my Master.

"Sir." Marcus completed my statement.

"Yes Sir, I corrected myself. Dinner for three would be my pleasure." I offered, regaining my position.

"When you take up the sparkling water, you should let your Queen know we have talked" he closed that portion of the conversation, "one other item to ask," he continued. I had a feeling there was another shoe to drop.

"You told me when we first talked that the idea of a black man taking your wife was exciting to you. I have noticed you have not played with the idea very much at all. I mean, expanding on the Black Master idea. Is that something that interests you? Where are you on that part? I am comfortable either way. I like to be the Black Master when appropriate, but..." and he opened his hands towards me, palms up.

I thought for a moment. I knew this idea excited me, but my fear was taking a generic, racial based stance. The stereotype of a large black man sat right in front of me. He was large, muscular and had a beautiful, large cock, but it was his intelligence and charm that brought my fantasy to full life. The appeal of him to my wife required the full package, and he was just that. Could I admit that?

"You are right Sir. The Black Master concept appeals to me. The idea of black supremacy, Queen of Spades, all that stuff is exciting, and I read about it. I think you are impressive, black or white, and I enjoy your company, but the black part is kind interesting if that does not make me sound like a jerk!" I laughed "But frankly, I do not think Kalie's fantasy goes to one colour or the other. She looks for the brains and charm, AND body of course, but the black master side she has mentioned is more for me."

"Well, we spoke of that, and I think you are bang on. She also indicated that she is not averse to allowing your enjoyment, provided of course I am comfortable," he explained "and I am. I like both of you and that would work for me if it comes up. Besides," he added with a smirk "I am superior to you, White Boi." His mouth opening into a wide smile.

I smiled back, completely comfortably "Yes Sir, and thank you, Sir."

Taking the water up to my Queen, she watched me as I reached the top of the stairs.

"Ah good. Timing is perfect, Stacie. It is quite warm in the window with the sun beaming in"

Placing the water on the table beside her, I paused, her eyes following me.

"My Queen?" I asked permission to interrupt her beyond simple service.

"Yes, Stacie."

"Marcus and I spoke just moments ago. I very much appreciate your concern about a guest for dinner. I told Marcus I am comfortable with Adam coming for dinner. His acceptance of this environment and what is happening makes me feel more comfortable. I wanted you to know." I realized I had not looked at her eyes. My admission was almost too much for me. I was embarrassed taking this scenario further, and I was admitting it was all right with me.

"Excellent Stacie. Yes, Marcus and I spoke at length. I do want to ensure you are comfortable as I proceed to enjoy your service, and of course Marcus's service!" came her response with a chuckle, allowing me to meet her eyes.

"I am pleased about dinner. To that end, I thought I would tell you that I brought a new dress for you. I had intended on having you wear it for New Years Eve, but with a guest coming tonight, I think it is appropriate for tonight. It is in my closet. It has a sparkling rhinestone collar, so a service collar is not required. I think with dangling earrings, a tiny thong with garter and black nylons would be appropriate. You should be quite stunning."

"Thank you, my Queen. Thank you very much!" I beamed.

"And you are comfortable with Adam's orientation, Stacie?" her eyes penetrating me, eyebrows raised.

"Adam's orientation?" I responded, quickly, a little uncertainty in my voice.

"Ah, that part was left out?" she smiled. There was a pause, I could feel my stomach again. "Adam is bi-sexual, Stacie."

I looked at her, knowing my thoughts were flashing all over my face.

"There is one word that stops everything, Stacie. If you do not plan to use it, I suggest you have some work to do to prepare the home for dinner and our guests" came her directive "and I believe that includes your Black Master."

No words came from my mouth. I nodded, bowed slightly, and went down the stairs.

Part 6

Marcus was standing under the loft when I came downstairs. I could only assume he had heard everything, but never turned to look at me. He appeared lost in his own world, staring out across the snow, over the water. I admired his outline from the back, his strong, broad shoulders down to his narrow waist. Even in sweats you could tell he has a nicely shaped, firm ass.

I smiled to myself. Yeah, I chose well for my Queen.

I walked into the great room and stood in front of the fire. I started to go over the conversation I just had with my Queen and began to think about what needed to be done. Staring into the fire I did not hear Marcus approach me from behind. I was startled when he spoke.

"I think I could use a massage, Stacie."

I turned around to his smiling face.

"All the physical activity I had last night, I can just feel the need to have my...kinks worked out." he smiled at his double entendre. "I think here, in front of the fire where I massaged your Queen would be appropriate."

"Yes, Sir. I would be delighted to take care of your needs." I responded respectfully. "I will go and change into something more appropriate for your massage and will prepare the table and oils."

"Actually Stacie, what you're wearing is fine. I think perhaps you should remove the skirt to avoid getting oil on it, but everything else should stay." came his directive.

I moved the table closer to the fire again from its place against the back wall and placed the tray of oils on the mantle to warm the bottles. I brought out a white sheet and lay it over the table. Looking up I noticed that my Queen had turned her chair to allow her a view into the main room and she was watching me prepare the room. I looked at Marcus and watched him as I slid my skirt down to the floor and placed in on a chair.

Marcus grasped the bottom of his shirt and raised it over his head, looking at me while he dropped it to the floor. He then pulled the waist band of his sweatpants down and stepped out, leaving his pants with the shirt on the floor. This was obviously a presentation of authority, his clothing strewn for me to pick up. His cock swayed back and forth as we moved towards the table and I could not help but watch it. He knew it. In a single motion he placed his hands on both sides of the table, and lifted his leg onto it, then lowered himself down as if completing a push up.

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