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The Miami Swinger's Club

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They lubricated me with their fingers.
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Note from the Author.

This story is completely fictitious, with all of the imaginary people being presented as consenting and over 18. Please add constructive criticism publicly, or send me a pm, to which you will certainly get a reply if you want one.

The Swinger's Club

The Miami Swinger's Club was looking for fresh meat, and they were willing to pay for it!

It usually cost a cool 30k for a single starting membership, but they were running a contest for graduating University students. All I had to do was fill out an application, get my blood tested and a physical, go through an interview, then I could be chosen to compete for the free admission.

The online form was simple, but then I had to fill out a lengthy questionnaire, outlining my sexual experiences, fetishes (if any), biggest turn-offs, and the sexual experiences that I crave the most.

I was surprised with the number of things that I could not tick off. Of course I never had sex in a submarine nor in the snow, though I could tick off the 'behind a waterfall' box. Never with siblings, parents, or teachers, but I did have a thing with a Physical Therapist, an Auto Mechanic and a Hotel Maid, but not at the same time.

I filled out most of their questionnaires on their cool website. My list of sex toys was confined to a vibrator and my list of sex Apps on my phone... Well, I didn't even know it was a thing, but now I have two!

The following day they informed me that I could make an appointment at a nearby clinic. I booked the blood test for the same visit as my physical. Three syringes seems like a lot, but you can't be too safe. After the Vampire did her work, she put me in a private waiting room, with an open back examination gown, and linen slippers.

The Physical Exam.

I recognized the application form in the Doctor's hands, but I was a lot more interested in him. Tall, very dark, and 'shut my mouth' handsome. With a chin like The Rock, I instantly wondered if he was gay.

"Limeric? Is it? Lymeric...Lymeric Sanders?" he asked, before he looked up from my chart.

His eyes stripped me instantly! I almost covered up, then I remembered that I am a confident, vibrant, and voluptuous woman.

"Lymeric," I responded, changing the 'lime' sound that he had used, to limb.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear," he continued. "Could you please..." he indicated for me to lose the medical gown.

"I am Doctor Kahab," he held his hand out, to complete the introductions.

When I took his hand my straps fell to my lap, exposing me to the room. His face lit up when he caught sight of the girls.

"Very nice," he immediately spouted.

He bent down really close, handling my right breast with both hands, he lifted it and examined the bottom for a scar, then when he saw nothing, he pulled over a magnifying light and studied my nipple with his eyes and his ungloved finger tips.

"Are these natural?" he mused, not really talking to me, but muttering under his breath.

"Dr. Michaels," I informed him in a whisper.

"Oh, I didn't see it on your medical records," he said, picking up my chart to confirm.

"He might have, hmm.. Maybe he did it off the record, and under the table..." I obscurely suggested. "...but you didn't hear it from me."

The good doc leaned back and looked me over again.

"A week at his cabin?" the knowing Doctor mused.

I nodded, though I hadn't known that it was the kind of thing that Dr. Michaels did frequently.

"Well, that says a lot, young lady. Dr. Harold Michaels is the best breast man in the state. So, did you get to meet Dr. Weirmeir and Dr. Hudson? They usually attend his fun parties, out at the lake."

"Oh, I think I got to meet half the Doctors in Miami that week," I answered, remembering the dozen old farts that squeezed their little pricks into me.

"The ones that used breath mints were my favorite," I admitted, remembering one of the foulest, cigar smoking fat old fuckers, that managed to turn my stomach.

"You may get some old fuckers at the club, Lymeric, but everyone must be fit enough to pass the quarterly health exams," the Doctor explained things, like he was a member himself.

He checked out my nostrils, ears and throat, using his magnifying tool and light. His breath was minty, with a hint of curry, but I love curry, so that was fine.

"One hand on your head please? Like a teapot." He instructed me.

I placed my hand on my head and he palpitated my breast with one hand while holding it softly with the other. I watched him, concentrating on the feel, staring at the nipple and absently licking his lips.

He must have spent ten minutes on my right breast. No lump or oddity could possibly have escaped his detection.

"Humph, humph," I cleared my throat.

I obviously startled him, but he recovered quickly, moving to the other side, where he only needed 60 seconds to check that one.

"Have you ever taken a galactogogue? It would be used to increase your breast milk volume." He asked, while looking at a blank in my application.

"Oh, is that what the galacta thingy was? If I ever took that drug, I wasn't aware of it, and I don't think that I have ever produced milk, though many have tried to milk me," I admitted, with what I hoped was a cute giggle.

I liked the way he was touching me.

"Oh, nice blood flow I see," he quietly murmured as he lightly caressed the nibs.

I had to stop myself from saying, 'wait until you touch my clit'.

"Okay, let's get you up on the gyno-chair, Lymeric," he said, patting the cool vinyl pad with a void in the middle.

I set the flimsy linen wrap on the seat to protect my ass, then climbed onto the narrow platform and shuffle-turned to sit in the Queen's chair. I knew this made my girls dance, but that's what I wanted.

As I sat, I had to lean way back to get my legs up and into the stirrups that every woman looks at with dread.

The Doctor had no interest in my toes or my knees, he dove straight into the nest.

"Have you been shaved clean for long, Lymeric?" he asked me, but spoke to my vagina.

"I kept it in a clean strip, throughout college, but it's faster to take it all now," I admitted, to the top of his head.

Dr. Kahab leaned in close enough that I felt his breath. He used his fingers to push in, on the left and right of my mound, then he rolled his palms along my vulva and popped open my vagina, like it was an over-ripe orange. My clit pulsed, so he blew on it and smiled while my sex button throbbed, yearning for his further attention.

He kept blowing until I thought that I would burst.

"Is it okay if I touch it with my tongue?" he whispered so quietly that I wasn't sure that he said it or, it could have been the pounding in my ears!

"Did you say something," I cried, almost holding my breath from being so close to an orgasm!

"Oh, did I speak out loud? ...I suppose I might have said that you are incredibly beautiful, Miss Sanders."

He sat back as if the inspection was over.

"I need to make it clear that you will be physically dominated for most of the competition." The Doctor was still licking his lips, in a way that was entirely erotic to me.

He was looking intently into my eyes, from only a couple feet away.

"We... I mean 'they' will do their best to make you have the deepest of orgasms, and they will cover you in their milky emissions."

The good Doc had an unusual way of saying things, but the image he created just made me hornier.

"Okay then. Good luck with the competition." He backed up and waited for me to pull my legs out of the stirrups. Then he shook my hand, as I stood there, wearing nothing but a cotton swab and a piece of tape.

He turned, and practically ran from the examination room.

I dressed without interruption, and headed for home.

My roommate Kyle was playing Grand Theft Auto with his homie, Jori when I came hurrying in. He's not very masculine, but beggars can't be, ... you know."

Kyle never looked up as I came in.

"I was just given a full pelvic exam by an incredibly handsome Indian man," I announced.

"Big woopy!" Kyle responded without turning his head.

"Did he treat you with respect, Lym?" Jori asked the exact right question.

"He was a perfect gentleman, thank you for asking, Jori. Now, would you like me to show you what I was hoping the incredibly sexy man would do to me?"

I dropped my bags on the kitchen table and headed straight for my room.

I heard the scraping of the furniture and Kyle's indignant voice.

"Oh, Come on! We almost got to the next level!"

I turned briefly, to see that poor Kyle was crying to Jori's back, while Jori was pulling his shirt over his head and charging after me.

"Jim and Tucker are coming over!" Kyle cried in frustration over the team game that he was still hoping to play.

"Don't send them both at the same time, Kyle honey," I instructed him before I shut the door.

"FUCK!" he screeched.

The Interview

The next morning I had an email from the Contest Committee. It congratulated me on making it to the next stage, which would be an interview with their admittance committee. It went on to state that I should come alone, and to expect that it would take up to 3 hours.

When Jim came out of my bedroom I wondered to myself why I bothered with the Miami Swingers Club. I was getting plenty of sex, but then I remembered that I wanted someone to be a little more forceful. I wanted someone to use me. I wanted it rough. I wanted it hard.

"Would you eat me out, while I have my cereal?" I asked Jim, wanting to test my power.

"Okay," Tim responded as he went to his knees.

"Just suck and tongue me through the panties please," I instructed, while I pulled my bowl closer. I didn't want to be rude, and spill some on his face.

He started quite gently, but he reacted to my needs very nicely. Soon he was reaching up and handling my breasts with one hand, while his tongue found a way past the elastic at the leg and along my swollen labia.

When I finished the Captain Crunch, I leaned back and rubbed his earlobes. This prompted him to speed up.

When he started lapping at my clit, I swung my legs up and onto his shoulders.

"You started breakfast without me!" Tucker moaned as he came into the kitchen.

I knew he wasn't talking to me, and I was hoping that he would take his shirt back off. His full chest looked so, so good!

Tim started playing with my bum hole and that shot me over the moon.

"Do you need any help after breaky, Lymeric? I don't work till 3." Tucker asked, and he gave me a kiss too.

"Thanks for the offer, stud, but I have an interview this aft." I explained, without any details.

"Need a lift, Lym?" Tim asked as he got off his knees, having earned his cereal.

"Nope, I'm good to go." I said, and I really was.

The Uber dropped me at the Ashford Medical Clinic, out in the posh Westchester subdivision. There would be no lineups here, it was an expensive, private clinic, though it could have passed itself off as an Architect firm or any modern business.

The mature and professional receptionist asked me to wait, just a minute, and sure enough, a well dressed older gentleman came out to personally escort me.

The room that we entered had a raised dais, like something you might see a statue presented on. Lights helped to keep everyone's attention on the stage.

"Please remove your garments, Ms. Sanders. You can place them on the chair. You won't be sitting any time soon." The gentleman explained as he went to a vacant chair, supposedly to watch.

He joined 3 men and 2 women, already sitting in a semicircle fronting the platform, leaving me no doubt as to where I would be interviewed.

I hadn't been warned about the need to perform. I did try to be fast, but I didn't really hurry. I took my bra off before my thong, causing one of the women to hand a bill over to the other lady.

"I would have taken my bra off first too," she offered as an explanation for their bet. "Especially if mine were as luscious as yours, honey."

I pulled off the thong and I hopped onto the stage.

"I can tap dance a bit, and I can hold a tune," I offered, jokingly.

"Can you do it while you're being porked from behind?" One of the younger guys asked.

"I suppose I could sing, but the dancing would be difficult," I reasoned.

"Shoulders back please, and spread your feet to the edges of the platform, dear," a woman instructed me.

I thrust my chest out and my shoulders back, arching my back slightly.

"Lovely," someone mused.

The younger man stood and came in close.

"Hi, Lymeric. My name is Roger, and these are Peter, Jan, Sean, Chris, and Ashley. They nodded as he gave intros.

"It is our job to make sure that we find a beautiful Submissive. So your rapid compliance is critical to your success."

I smiled, in understanding and acceptance.

"Yes Sir. I am here to please you," I stated so all could hear.

"Could you please masturbate for us?" He asked, then he turned and went back to his chair.

There was no reason to hesitate. These people would certainly want to know more about me than the titles of the books that I had read in the last year, or how many countries I had traveled to.

I brought my right hand up from below and behind, while my left hand went straight to my clit. I spread my labia, then I parted my vagina lips simply by tipping my hips forward. Next, I slipped two fingers into my pussy while strumming my clit swiftly with the index and middle finger of the other hand.

"Oh, Chris! You should have given her the dildo!" Jan squealed as she stood. She grabbed a pink dildo from a shelf and brought it over to me.

I watched it swing back and forth as she got very close to my crotch.

"May I?" She asked, with raised eyebrows.

"Please." I agreed.

Her tongue came out as she pressed the phallus into me. Her eyes kept going from my eyes to her task and back to my eyes.

With it all the way in, she started to pump it. I kept my fingers on my clit, but I shared her intimate stare.

It took less than a minute of slow pumping for me to start pushing my hips into her hand, needing it to go faster. She obliged.

"You may cum, whenever you like, dear," she said, as she gripped my thigh and held my leg against the side of her body.

She bit her bottom lip as I reached orgasm. I was grateful for the added support, as my knees got wobbly during my orgasm.

She kept stroking me as I recovered and my focus came back to her face.

"That was a nice one. There will be more before you leave here. Is that acceptable, Lymeric Sanders?"

"Yes," I whispered.

"We must hear you too, Sweety," Sean insisted from his seat.

"Please fuck me hard, Sir!" I answered him loudly.

"She's got spunk," Ashley mused.

"Okay, let's get the Specialist," Sean decreed.

Their specialist was a small elderly man. He had a leather satchel, like a Doctor might have had for a 'house call',like they did in the 1800's.

"We need to calibrate our instruments to your body, Lymeric," the little man explained in his high pitched voice. It was not as high as a munchkin, but I still giggled a little.

"We will want to see just how far we can push you, so I'm afraid it'll just be me and the plunger!"

He brandished a long fleshy dildo.

First, he pulled a narrow band around my throat, and clipped it in the back. My first thought was that they would choke me, so I started to feel the juices flowing.

He paused, looking at my pulsing clit.

"She looks ready," he squeaked.

"I am ready!" I cried. "Let's get it on, old man!"

He sneered and rammed the thick pole into my wet slit.

The look on my face was enough to make him smile as he turned on the vibrator.

"Oh God," I moaned, but it was only meant for God and me.

The orgasm was one of the good ones, and I could tell by the look on the face of the man called 'The Specialist', that he was very familiar with the look of pure bliss that he had forced from me.

"Can we put her through some multiple orgasms next?" Peter suggested.

The Specialist took off his shirt, exposing a well muscled chest for such a small man. There was some dark hair, but most of it was light gray.

"I need you to fuck yourself, dear," he insisted.

I took the free end and continued to pump it in and out, while my interrogator added more lubricant to the toy.

He found another toy and he turned it on as he brought the vibrator to my nipples first, then he pressed it firmly into my mound above the long dong.

I could see a video screen with a list of sensory data. Blood pressure, heart beat, and respiration were obvious, but there were a few others.

My vision narrowed as I was forced to cum again. I did not bother to suppress any of it, feeling only the slightest twinge of embarrassment.

The Specialist kept studying my face as I cried out with climax after climax. He looked like he wanted to stroke me, but he just watched. He was looking younger and more desirable by the second. I wanted to see his cock!

"Check the anal too please," Pam decreed.

The plunger was removed, and I felt my pussy lips yearning for the feel of it. I imagined my vagina reaching for it, like a friend.

A big glob of cool cream was added to my pucker hole. I hoped that they would go slow, since I don't do a lot of anal. I'm not a porno girl, but the right cock does go nicely, especially when there is more than one!

Now it was my love tunnel and my clit that got attention from the vibrator, while the dildo moved slowly in and out of my ass.

It did not take long.

"She will do," Ashley murmured, while watching intently.

"She'll do fine," Sean agreed, as he looked at me with hunger.

The woman that drove the Uber was using headphones. I found it rude, and her rating would suffer. She was a careful driver though, so I got to think about my Interview as she drove me home. I could have fucked a troll by the time I got back to my apartment, but I saw two guys playing with a football in the small front lawn of the complex. They were easily coaxed into my bed.

The next morning the same email flag brought me an official invitation to the grand contest. I would be one of twelve to be publicly fucked.

The Contest

They lubricated me with their fingers.

I could see the circle of contestants, all being lubed by hand, no tongues or cocks...yet.

I wondered if I knew any of my competitors. All of our skull covers were the same, thin, dark and clingy, they covered the entire face, everything but the eyes and the mouth. The mouth openings were on the large side, suggesting there were some monster cocks among the participants.

Each of us had multiple handlers, and not all were male. They were naked, though most wore cute masks of various designs. I recognized a few of the maskless ones. They had interviewed me for the contest just last week.

Twelve of us were being mounted to our special presentation racks. All of us wore special high heeled boots that gripped our legs to just below our knees. The heels were fastened to the floor with our legs spread wide.

These were well disciplined jailers. Most of the cocks were stiff or semi, yet I was not fondled or probed, beyond the application of the cream, to keep me safe from the friction that would soon be applied to that area.

We were displayed like 12 fingers of a snowflake. The audience was above and below us, sitting in lounge booths with glass tables so they could look down and up, or they could view one of the giant screens, which alternated with closeups of crotches and pans of the room.

My handlers leaned me forward over a padded rail, positioning my breasts just over the stuffed leather pad. My arms were brought down and back around my thighs. Softly lined cuffs completed my confinement.

A hook on the top of our skull masks was used to pull our heads back, so that we faced each other in a circle with our mouths agape.


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