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The Mighty Sword named Flame Tongue

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An erotic DnD adventure, Gangbang, Wife Sharing, bisexual.
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"You see a deep, mysterious cavern ahead, It's dark, and enticing. The entrance has two mighty doors, there is a giant pearl above the opening, glowing" Sarena, the Dungeon Master, said.

The cavern of wonders, at last!

"I check for traps." I said, rolling the dice.

"No traps, but you feel a sense of foreboding..and promise!" She says, mysteriously.

"I carefully approach the doors." I say, rattling the dice in my hand.

I'd met my friend Mike after basic training, and met Paul through him. They introduced me to Jock, a veteran on base and quickly took to coaching us as we started out, and soon were hanging out after work. Jock was about 10 years our senior, but still cut and lean like a new recruit, his tanned body covered in tattoos. Daily workouts and mandatory athletics kept us sharp and fit, even if we outwardly griped about it. One night at a local bar, Jock introduced us to Sarena as his 'old lady", a biker term for "Not married but might as well be" even though she was slightly younger than him. I was in love at first sight, or at least lust, she was totally hot and an insatiable flirt, evidently something Jock seemed to take it in stride. In fact, he seemed proud that she attracted so much attention from younger guys.

One of our favorite ways to relax was a game of Dungeons and Dragons, many evenings were wasted at Jock's house, rolling dice and fighting orcs.

"You know, this activity (Dungeons and Dragons) is more than a game; It's intellectual practice for ingenuity, teamwork, and individual action, initiative.." Jock had explained, weeks ago as he was teaching us how to play. "it's not for everyone, not anyone is open to learning, or honing those qualities."

That weekend we had spent the day hiking a challenge trail from sun-up to early evening, returning to relax via a little water volleyball in Jock's backyard pool. I hadn't brought a swim suit with me, but Sarena and Jock simply stripped nude and jumped in, Mike, Paul did the same and I shrugged and followed them, naked and laughing. Sarena was stunning, lean athletic and stacked! She had tattoos everywhere, even on her magnificent tits! I would have loved to be the tattoo artist that got to paw her boobs for a few hours while inking ravens, daggers and viking symbols on them. Jock told me she confessed to an orgasm or three while getting the largest one, maybe that explained why she had so many?

It had been a long day, Sarena suggested we start a DnD game to chill out and enjoy the evening. Mike and Paul played for a while then gave up and returned to the pool, I could hear an occasional laugh and splash from the backyard. Jock and I played armored Warrior characters and under Sarena's Dungeon Master skills, ran an adventure dungeon, just now finishing and dividing up the loot.

"Suddenly, a tall warrior appears from the cavern, in full armor. His helmet has a single thin eye slit, softly glowing white, He draws his chain mace, it's huge and the two spiked iron balls swing free, and you hear him say: "This place is not for you, run away in fear like the rest of your kind."

"The mighty guardian blocks the cavern entrance." Sarena explained, checking the instruction manual. "His mighty armor shines in the dim light, his helmet is scarred and battle worn, but his one-eye glows with fierce light, striking fear into your heart." Then in a low voice, she spoke for the warrior: "The common are unworthy. Challenge me, or leave this place!"

"I draw my sword, and raise my shield" I tell her, checking the stats on my player notepad, making sure my hit points are up.

She rolls her dice behind the cardboard Dungeon Master screen, and says "Before you can strike, the one-eyed guardian swings his mace and...."

I hold my breath, waiting on the results of her dice roll.

"The hit knocks you backwards and down, and does..." she pauses, "23 hit points of damage. It breaks your sword. " She grins and evil grin, and continues "You fly backward Into a marsh that you realize if full of dead but armored bodies." She continues "The warrior speaks, saying "You are not worthy", and disappears.

After Jock finished our group game, Sarena asked me "Do you want to play a quick dungeon, it will get you to the next level?" As a lusty youth, I would do anything to spend more time with her, so yea, I eagerly nodded my head.

Jock leaned back and closed his eyes. We were still just wearing our underwear, the only dry things we had, while Sarena wrapped a towel around herself after swimming, we played the game nearly naked for a few hours. Sarena loved to flirt, and the sexual energy was high most of the day, but now, here, in only my briefs and with her towel falling away occasionally, it was in high gear.

"I search the bodies." I say. She rolls the dice again.

"One of the bodies was female, her armor is of fine quality but is damaged. She still has her sword sheathed on a belt slung from her back."

Then, she pauses, and whispers "The sword feels warm, like a powerful enchantment still lives on it."

I say: "I take the sword, and draw the blade."

"A woman's weapon?" Sarena asks.

"I need powerful magic, in this fight!" I say, "A warrior is a warrior!"

She describes the next event: "As you touch the sword, you hear a sound like a burning forge, and the smell of brimstone burns your nostrils."

She pauses for a moment.

"As you draw the blade, it shines as if lit by a roaring fire, as you swing it you hear the sounds of an inferno as if being fanned by a gust of wind."

"The sword sings out: "Flame Tongue!"

I was lost in the imagery, and thinking of my next move when she said: "With your sword drawn, the steel clad guardian appears again, defending the cavern."

Feeling a little reckless, I say "I charge the warrior!"

She tells me "Roll a dice for initiative!" I roll a 20.

The next minutes are filled with DnD combat: Me swinging at my opponent, and blocking his attacks with my shield.

She describes the combat as we both roll dice over and over again. "The warrior is weakening, every blow seems to split his armor, and a pure, white light pulses from within his steel shell, but he stands fast!" She rolls dice again, then gives me this advice: "The guardian of the Cavern of Wonders is recovering faster than you can attack him, your defenses are holding you back."

I sense victory, and say "I drop my shield and grasp my sword with both hands!"

"You rain down blow after fiery blow, as if you were made of hot searing flame! Each hit causes the warrior to cry out in sensual agony!"

"The Warrior swings his chain flail over and over, hitting you but the spiked iron balls seem to have no effect!"

"At last, with his armor shattered, he lowers his weapon to the ground."

Sensing my opening, I say "I thrust "Flame Tongue" with both hands directly into his eye opening!" She rolls a handful of dice..

She describes the scene: "Your sword finds it's mark, and buries itself deep into the warrior's skull. Just then, you see a white glow flowing from where your sword hit, and feel pure energy run up your arm and into your body, giving you a feeling of strength and fearlessness."

Then, she says "The warrior seems to collapse, and shrink back into the moss-covered and wet stone of the cavern's darkness."

Relieved, and a little elated, I mark up my player sheet and make a few notes..

"The pearl over the cavern glows..." she says.

"Can I touch the pearl?" I ask.

She rolls a few dice, then smiles and says "Yes. It feels warm, and pleasant, you get a feeling of charged energy from its surface"

"I continue to rub it." I say, feeling something is happening.

She rolls the dice, and says "The cavern doors are opening, slowly."

"I penetrate the darkness.." I say, "into the cavern..."

Sarena put the dice down, and leaned in close, making me excited and scared at the same time. Her eyes seemed to get dark, she moved closer... "Did Jock tell you we have an open relationship? I fuck anyone I want to, and I want to, a lot" she confessed, sporting an evil grin. "I'm not a slut, you understand, I am very selective." Her lips pouted and her eyes closed to almost slits. She held that pose for a moment, I clumsily moved in as if to kiss her.

Sarena pulled back, as if oblivious to her effect one me, and said "Of course, being very selective, means I look for something special, someone who earns my attention!" she explained, switching her tone now as if describing her grandmother's biscuit recipe. It was maddening how she could turn her sexuality on and off like a firefly.

She looked at me. Jock was right there, but I wasn't sure if he was awake, or what he would do if he heard us. I was scared, but my dick was thinking for me..

Sarena let the towel fall away from her shoulder, her soft, round breast was exposed, as well as her upper thigh almost to her bare pussy. I'd seen it in the pool, of course, waxed and smooth, but here in a more intimate setting, I was painfully aware of how close I was to it. My cock swelled, straining against the thin cotton I wore. "You have to be worthy" she said, "Win my challenge, win me."

I was unsure, did she mean fight? Like a real fight?

"What would you do, to be my lover?" She asked. I almost choked. Lost for words, I hesitated. "To fuck my hot cunt" she explained, unnecessarily I might add, leaning back against Jock, slightly. "Would you prove yourself to me?" My dick answered before my brain knew what the question was. "I'd do anything, Sarena!" She smiled, wickedly. "Would you take my sword?" She asked.

"What?" I replied, genuinely puzzled.

"Would you suck my cock?" she asked, as if explaining to an idiot. That was me.

Some part of my brain heard the phrase 'Suck my cock' and jolted me at least partially into reality. "I'm not gay." I said, puzzled as to what she meant.

Sarena said "If you were gay, it wouldn't be a challenge!" "And by the way" she continued "Most gay porn is shot with straight male actors. It makes it so much hotter that way!" She sighed, dreamily. Lazily, almost as if recalling a particularly hot fantasy, and then turned and tugged Jock's boxers off, tossing them aside. Jock acted as if he barely noticed. His semi-hard cock flopped over his thigh, he was smooth, like Sarena.

She looked at me, fiercely, and said "I want you, Mickey. I want your warrior passion, your youthful energy, your innocence." she spoke like a seductive character from one of our DnD games. Dripping with evil, but sensual to the ears. "Accept the challenge. Or..." she said, standing up, letting her towel drop, exposing her luscious body completely to me "You can refuse this challenge, run away and spend tonight (like so many others) alone in bed, jerking off to other men's stories."

Jock took that as his cue to slowly stand up, fully erect now, his uncut cock swinging free. She took his cock in her hand, as if she was drawing a sword.

She leaned over to me, her face inches from mine. "Take the challenge and win me. Write your legend tonight, and have a story that you take with you for your entire life!" She slowly, catlike, stood up next to Jock.

Her pussy was inches from my face. I could see the glistening of her hot female nectar along the soft lips, her skin slightly swollen and reddish pink.

"I accept your challenge" I said, in a daze. Sarena smiled.

She took a small tube of some liquid, emptying it into her hand. I caught the scent of lemon. Then, she massaged what looked like a thin oil into Jock's hard cock, slowly, like polishing steel. Then she stood in front of him, and he move directly behind her. I saw him push his hips forward and his cock appeared from between her thighs, just under and riding up against her cunt lips. She moaned in pleasure and jock wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling himself closer. He slowly began thrusting between her thighs, his foreskin rolling over his shiny cock helmet, exposing the pink head then hiding it again. "Suck my cock" she commanded. " the end". His cock went from just the head rubbing against her clit, to pushing out maybe 4 inches or more. She rode him like this, an erotic outercourse.

Jock started playing with her tits, roughly pinching and twisting her nipples, Sarena moaned with ecstasy. As if being watched made it hotter.

Sarena said "Hurry! If I cum before you start, you lose!"

I'd never sucked a cock before, never considered what I had to do. I quickly put my mouth over it, tasting the lemony oil and a slight flavor of her musky pussy, as it passed over her swollen cunt lips. The lemon seemed to make me drool, and that lubricated my lips against his cock skin. I realized how much it filled my mouth, the spongy firmness of the head, the slick foreskin, and the hard, silky shaft. I became aware that while I had only a few inches in my mouth, that was all that was going to fit. Suddenly, I was very in-awe of anyone girl who could take a hung monster dick balls-deep! I was also conscious of my teeth, but not sure how to cover them when that invading cock literally had my mouth stretched to the limit.

"That's it, baby!" Sarena cooed. He was hidden behind her, for all intents this was her cock I was pleasuring now. My cheeks were pressed against her thighs, my nose was hitting her clit, the hot sexual aroma was addictive, it beckoned me to succeed, to win a chance at tasting that forbidden fruit: Jock's woman's cunt. But it was all I could do to keep my lips tight around his shaft. He thrust in and out slowly, over and over again, I could feel the head of his cock swelling. I wasn't sure how long I could last like this. Then I remembered my tongue (I know it sounds stupid, but it was pressed flat and out of the way to make room for his dick) but I started using my tongue to flick the skin under his piss hole, running it over his cock head when he pulled back, and under it when he pushed in. "Flame Tongue!" I thought, recalling my earlier adventure. I wondered if that name was accidental?

I felt a tiny pulse of fluid, tasted a hot, slick liquid, then I heard Jock moan softly and knew he must be close, his pre-cum was leaking out with each thrust now. Sarena was moaning louder, her breathing getting faster. "Yes, that's it!" she said softly, looking down, "That's so fucking hot!"

Her cock was thrusting harder now, his shaft rubbing against her pussy and the head in my mouth, I heard Jock grunt and seconds later a gush of hot sticky cum flooded my mouth. I started to swallow as fast as I could, but he pumped cum into my throat faster and faster.

"Oh, yes! My sweet little whore! My warrior cock sucker! Drink the potion, swallow every drop!" she said, her legs quivering and her pussy grinding almost involuntarily against Jock's dick and my face.

Finally, I felt the last weak spurt hit my throat, and heard Jock sigh, as he pulled his cock back through Sarena's thighs. I followed it with my lips and tongue, until I reached her hot wet cunt, then I licked it from the end of Jock's dick up to her clit, then sucked on her clit, hard. The magic pearl at the cave's entrance. Sarena cried out in pleasure, falling back into Jock's arms, and spread her legs for me. Encouraged, I dove in! I'd earned this pussy, I was going to enjoy it to the fullest!

Jock helped Sarena to lay back on the couch, her legs pulled back and opened wider. I slid up, somehow doffing my briefs and slipped my hard cock into her dripping cunt. She gasped and I pushed into the hot, moist depths until I was balls-deep. Sarena rotated her hips, and I started fucking her like a wild animal, uncontrollable, deeper and deeper in a desperate attempt to reach orgasm. She shuddered and writhed under my onslaught, crying out and grunting as I pounded her!

I reached down and sucked her nipple into my mouth, biting gently (at first) until Sarena pushed me head into her tit and cried out "Yes! Mickey! Bite hard!"

Then, I felt my cock swell and I came, hard, my ass pumping as each angry jet of hot cum deep pulsed deep into her wanton, hungry cunt, over and over again. I reached up and kissed her deeply, snaking my tongue into her mouth, letting her taste Jock's cum on my tongue as my cock filled her cunt with my own. She kissed me back, hungrily.

I was panting, and felt the last few squirts of cum leave my cock, I was aware of Sarena's heavy breathing and felt her hips grinding against me still. Feeling like I was coming out of a daze, I looked up to see Jock, with Paul and Mike both there, and both stoking their cocks to full hardness. Paul moved in and asked 'Done, Mickey?" I barely rolled off Sarena when he slipped his hard cock into her and started to hump her wildly. Sarena pulled her legs up, putting her knees on Paul's chest, saying "Deeper Paul! Deeper! Oh! Oh! Yes!".

Paul's muscular ass cheeks clenched and his hips rotated, he grunted as he dumped his hot load into Sarena's cunt. He rolled off her and Mike quickly took his place. He thrust with short, powerful jerks of his ass, Sarena seemed to be on a continuous orgasm. Mike made animal sounds like 'Ugh, Ugh, Ugh!" over and over until he came, then it was "Ughhhhh yea, man!!"

Jock was kissing Sarena as Paul fucked her, and shot his cum into her, it was so erotic to watch.

As he rolled off, Jock stepped up and helped Sarena into a doggie position, slipping his giant cock into her cum filled, hot pussy in one smooth motion. He started pumping slowly, but powerfully, using his grip on her hips to keep her from falling over. Her tits were swinging wildly. "Harder! Harder! Fuck me Hard!" she demanded, between cries of pleasure. Jock wasn't going fast, but he was going deep. Sarena was like a rag doll, her face buried in the couch cushion. Mike slid under her and pulled her face to his semi-hard cock, she devoured it like a hungry animal even as Jock pounded her from the rear.

As soon as Jock emptied his nuts into Sarena's cunt, Mike slid free and took position behind her. He started out in doggie also, but after a few minutes rotated her body sideways and pulled one of her legs over his shoulder. I could see his hard cock sliding in and out of her pussy, covered in slimy white cum and frothy gobs of combined girl honey and cum all over her thighs and ass.

Paul threw his leg over and lowered his balls to Sarena's mouth, she licked them and sucked them so roughly I winced at the imagined pain, but Paul seemed to get off on it. Sarena grabbed his young ass with both her hands and turned it, sticking her tongue up his exposed pink asshole so deeply that his cock jumped a squirted a little precum. It was wild. After a while his cock was incredibly hard and red and he turned and shot thick ropes of sticky cum directly as Sarena's face, she greedily gulped down what hit her mouth, and licked up the rest all while Mike was still pounding her.

At one point, Sarena's pussy was such a mess that Jock got a towel soaked in warm water and gently cleaned her cunt and thighs, I swear she was humping his hands while he worked, until he tossed the towel over to us, we took turns cleaning up as well. I looked over and Jock was licking her cunt again, making her squeal and squirm. I laid down on the floor to get a closer look, and Sarena moved over me, in a 69 position, gulping my cock down hungrily. It sent shivers down my spine, and I felt my cock getting hard almost with a will of it's own. I looked up to see her red, swollen and well fucked cunt just a few inches over my face. Jock was still licking at it, from her clit to her ass hole. His tongue pushed int her ass, causing her body to shudder and shake each time, like it was getting a jolt of electricity. It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen.. so far (it would turn out).

Jock moved out and Mike put his cock into Sarena's wet pussy with a single stroke, balls deep. His nuts were almost on my forehead as I watched in fascination as his cock split her cunt with each stroke. He was taking it slower this time, his shaft slid in and then out, shiny and covered In girl cum, his balls swinging and slapping into her clit. It was an incredible sight, years of watching porn on my phone had nothing on this. Then, I felt Jock sitting on my legs, and Sarena took his and my cock together in her hand and stroked us into her mouth, licking and sucking us together or as much as she could. His smooth balls were swinging into mine and the combined sensation was overwhelming! I started to cum, and Sarena stroked us both using my cum as lube, until Jock came too, then she stroked us both together while licking us clean. I felt like I had the longest orgasm of my life!


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