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The Mom-Daughter Lovers Club Ch. 07

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Her aunt and cousin visit Ellie and her mom.
10.6k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/10/2021
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"Mmmnn" Ellie Carter let out a moan of passion satisfied, her mouth enveloping her Mom's.

Amber Carter returned the kiss with interest, her lips opening and closing as she tried to engulf her daughter back. The tips of their tongues collided and fought, each trying to curl around the others. Amber's hands squeezed at her daughter's butt, her fingers rubbing at the denim, teasing and tantalising, the touch, sensual and sexual, felt even through the jeans. Ellie, in turn, was gripping her Mom's waist, holding her tight as if without her hands the older woman would fall away.

"I can't believe this is the last time we get to make out," Ellie reluctantly broke the kiss.

"It's not forever," her Mom corrected, "It's just for a few weeks whilst Jade and Hanna's new house is sorted."

Ellie always got on well with her Aunt and cousin. Jade was her Mom's slightly older sister (and to Ellie, before she and her Mom had begun fucking, cooler as well) and despite, or perhaps because of, the two year age difference with Hanna, Ellie had always got on well with her cousin, having the same taste in many things albeit with Hanna, as the elder, being sometimes ahead on which was the best band or what ensemble was in this season. It probably did no harm that they were near enough to visit for three or four long weekends (plus Christmas) a year, without being so close they were living in the same house and cramping her style.

Of course this was before Jade was offered a job in the next town over, too far to commute from her current house, but certainly near enough to travel from Amber and Ellie's, whilst she bought a new place "It feels like forever," Ellie said dismally.

"It won't be, I could hardly tell her she couldn't stay with me because I'm being fucked by my daughter," Amber said reasonably. "She is my sister and you always liked hanging out with Hanna."

"I know," Ellie gave a small sigh and pout, "but it's going to be hell, seeing you every day and not able to wiggle you of your sexy dress and get your head between my thighs."

"Think about how it'll be all the sweeter when they go and we get the house to ourselves again, I'll promise you I'll let you do anything you want, no matter how kinky," Amber lifted her daughter's chin up so she was looking in her eyes and smiled, "Promise."

Ellie was hardly placated, "Mom, given last night I shared you with my best friends, whilst their Moms watched, there's very little more kinky we haven't done."

Her Mom giggled, perhaps remembering the 'goodbye orgy' they'd had with their fellow members of the unofficial Mom-Daughter Lover Club. "Okay, I'll make you pizza with your favourite toppings and then whilst you eat it I'll eat you, before smothering myself in ice-cream for your dessert."

"I suppose they have to stay somewhere," Ellie conceded, in what was probably a little bit too much of a 'brave little soldier' voice for an eighteen year old.

"Also," her Mom continued, "If it's any consolation, every night when you're in bed I'm going to be under the covers as well, driving a dildo into my cunt and imagining it's you strap-onning me, sometimes I might turn over and ram it up my ass as well."

As Ellie was sharing her room with her cousin and wouldn't have the space for night-time masturbations that was of limited solace, but before she could say anything the doorbell rang. Immediately she and her Mom dropped each other, as her Mom pointed out the obvious, "They're here."

Jade Carter had a couple of years on her sister and a couple of cup sizes as well, but apart from that the familial resemblance was obvious. "Hi" she called out excitedly as Amber opened the door, immediately embracing her sister before she could respond, before immediately breaking it and opening her arms for Ellie to step forward for her hug as well. "You've grown since I've last seen you," she said as she released her niece. This was unlikely, the teen thought, as she was at the age where she grew slowly, if at all, and it had only been four months since they'd last met. Still she nodded in agreement and said some words of welcome, even if she didn't really mean them as much as she normally did.

She turned to her cousin, who was following her Mom up the path, after tipping the cab driver for unloading their suitcases. She had changed in the last few months, not just in that her hair was shorter and that there was a small ring through one side of her nose, but also that she now had a tattoo, a series of colourful roses and stems intertwining just above her wrist to the elbow. She grinned as she saw Ellie looking at it and held it up for inspection as she got closer, "Do you like it?"

Ellie nodded, "It suits you."

She glanced at her Mom, who looked momentarily less impressed, but equally seeing that her sister didn't seem to mind, raised a smile, "Come on in," she said, "You have to tell me everything about your new job and I'll tell you about town."

"I'm sure Ellie, can tell me about the unsuitable bits you leave out," Hanna grinned and slid her arm through her cousin's as she followed her Mom and aunt into the house.


The next few weeks were suffering. Every day Ellie would see her Mom as she came down in the morning, the older woman always looking radiant in her nightdress and gown, even if they weren't the sexy translucent ones she normally wore for her daughter. She'd be able to smell the scent of her shampoo and imagine her Mom naked under the steamy shower, suds sliding down her sexy, perfect skin. Then at school she'd see Shawna, who'd tell her what she and Dawn and their Mom's were planning for Friday or had done the week before, lots of hot lesbian sex between teens and Milfs, the older women always ready and willing to satisfy their nympho daughters. Ellie would nod, through gritted teeth, knowing that until her and her Mom had the house to themselves they wouldn't be joining in again, the two of them going out on Friday night and not inviting their sister or cousin would have raised to many questions. Then back home again, with her Mom, in her sexy jeans which showcased her butt and blouse which clung to her round titties and with the waft of her perfume following her, a different one every few days, but all alluring to the teen, as if her Mom was out to deliberately tease her.

They managed a few quick make-outs, usually no more than a minute or two, when they were alone, with Hanna out for the shops and her Mom in the shower. Though these breaks were few and far between, her Aunt Jade's hours were such that she only left a few minutes before her niece in the morning and arrived back in the late afternoon, and when she wasn't around Hanna was, there was no mention of why but it seemed that the nineteen year old was still not going to college, though she had some brochures for the local community college, which she seemed to be considering.

The best that could be said is that within days of arriving Jade had put an offer in on a house. It looked a little dilapidated to Ellie and her Mom had said the same to her sister. But Jade had just grinned and looked sideways at Hanna and mentioned it could be a project for the two of them.

That all changed one Saturday morning...

After a brutal masturbation session Ellie stepped out of the shower as sated as she ever was, which wasn't much. Her Mom had murmured in her ear, in one of the few moments they were alone, that every night she thrust the dildo into her pussy, repeatedly and vigorously, whilst imaging it was her daughter fucking her. It was a lovely vision, though it was impossible for Ellie to do the same, as her cousin tossed and turned on the camp bed on the other side of Ellie's room. However, a nice long shower had allowed the teen plenty of time to finger herself whilst thinking of her Mom naked and in ever more delightfully depraved positions, the strap-on cock sliding up her hot Milf ass as the teen took her all around the house and outside too.

She reached for a fluffy towel and wrapped it around her body, before slipping into the white woollen bathrobe and her slippers. She really should have got her fresh clothes from the laundry and put them in her room before she'd showered, but she'd been so horny and desperate for relief she rushed straight there as soon as it had been free. She vaguely remembered her Mom calling through the door that she was going out to get some fresh milk, but as Ellie had been deep in an imaginary sixty-nine with her on a deserted beach, she hadn't replied. She didn't know where her aunt and cousin were, they might have gone with her Mom or be downstairs watching television or having a late breakfast. She wondered whether to call them and ask for them to bring up her top, before deciding that was lazy.

Down she went to the laundry. She was about to enter when she heard noises, soft moans and slurps, embarrassingly obvious that either her aunt or cousin were doing something private. Which, was obviously why she looked carefully round the door to see what was going on.

She almost gasped when she saw what was happening. She had imagined that it'd be either Jade or Hanna on their own, perhaps sucking at a finger before they jammed it in their leaking hole, instead it was both of them, crushed together and arms embracing each other as they engaged in a kiss that was very non-familial (unless your family relationship was like Ellie and her Mom's) their hands rubbing at each other's pussies under their skirts. The teen continued to look for a moment, a thousand thoughts rushing round her brain at once, before she quickly withdrew. She backed away and headed up the stairs, before descending deliberately making as much noise as she could whilst calling out if anyone had seen her new top.

Her aunt immediately appeared from the laundry with a pile of clothes, "I think it's in amongst your things, I ironed earlier" she said innocently.

Ellie took them with equal innocence, "Thanks, I'll just get changed."

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and her cousin called through it, "Are you changed?"

"Yeah, I'm decent," said Ellie, though she deliberately gone for her shortest mini-skirt and tightest and smallest top (which wasn't the one she'd been planning on wearing).

Her cousin gave her a glance as she entered and Ellie thought she saw a hint of desire on her face as she got a look at the teen's toned stomach and long sexy legs. "I'm just getting a book," she explained as Ellie sat on her bed with a magazine.

"Have you got a few minutes to talk?" Ellie patted the bed in front of her.

"Sure," replied Hanna in the unsuspecting tone of someone who didn't realise their entire life was about to be turned upside down.

There was no point in delaying with small talk so as soon as her cousin had sat cross-legged on the bed, Ellie asked, "Are you fucking your Mom?"

"What?" Hanna gave a rigor mortis smile which reached nowhere near her eyes.

"Are you having sex with Aunt Jade?" Ellie asked again, she hoped her smile was a casual and relaxed one, though her stomach was suddenly heaving with butterflies like she had walked into a swarm of them in a lepidopterarium. When Dawn had asked her the question she had seemed so laid back, but suddenly Ellie realised what a risk the question was and that if she was wrong, if it was an innocent mistake she was ruining everything. But it was too late, she had to go on and hope her own smile wasn't trembling and that the expression on Hanna's face was caused by the horror of discovery rather than being falsely accused of lesbian incest by her cousin.

There was silence from Hanna, her only movement a small twitch of her lips as if she couldn't keep the smile up. She was obviously on the edge of denying everything, as Ellie had done when first asked (though she hadn't actually being fucking her Mom, only wanting to, and she was sure her, or at least pretty sure, that her cousin had gone further). The younger teen knew she'd have to make the first move and she suddenly wished she'd planned this better rather than just immediately diving in. She gave a casual shrug as if what she was about to say was no big deal, "I'm fucking mine."

Her cousin's expression went from a strained death mask to gawping surprise. Ellie heart was beating at twice it's normal rate as she reached for her phone, "Here's some pictures." She thumbed it to the album with them and holding the cell in front of her cousin's face quickly scrolled few the first two, one a picture of her Mom lying topless in the bed they were currently sitting on, a broad smile on her face as she rubbed a dildo between her tits and another one of her in standing in the kitchen wearing a expensive hat and some high heels and nothing else. "I've more," she added and scrolled to a third, her Mom lying on couch masturbating with a dildo, her skirt up round her thighs and her blouse undone to her navel.

"Yes," squeaked Hanna. Then she paused and took a deep breath, "Me and Mom, we're an item." She paused again and then added, as if she needed to clarify, "We're having sex."

Hanna reached into her own pocket and pulled out her phone, skimming it so that Ellie could see the photographic evidence, a shot of Aunt Amber, wearing just a bra and suspenders, working her pussy up and down an empty wine bottle, another of her leaning against a door frame completely nude and a third of her standing with her back to the camera, a tattoo just visible on her hip, as she grasped her buttocks and seemed about to ease them apart. She put the phone down on the bed, "You freaked me out when you asked. How did you know?"

Ellie blushed a little, "I saw you in the laundry when I went down to collect my clothes."

Her cousin gave a small shrug to show that she didn't mind, "Figures. I knew it was stupid and risky, but I just had to have a quick make-out. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing you and Aunt Amber, but God I can't wait until Mom and me get our own place, I'm just so horny."

"Preaching to the choir," agreed Ellie, remembering the times over last few weeks when her and her Mom had risked all to feel their lips against the other's. "So how long have you've been together?"

"About six, seven months," her cousin admitted.

"So last time we visited..." Ellie did the Math in her head though four months from six wasn't hard.

"Yeah, we were a couple then," Hanna nodded, "A weekend was doable, though I've got to admit as soon as you were reversing down the drive I was undoing Mom's pants. How long have you've been...?"

"Fucking? I think we can say the word," Ellie grinned, "About three months."

"I'm so glad you know, it's been hell keeping it secret," Hanna said, "How have you managed?"

"Um, well, a few people know about us," Ellie gave a small shrug.

Her cousin had looked surprised when Ellie had come out as a mother-fucker, she looked even more shocked when she said it wasn't just a secret between them. "What?" she gasped.

"A couple of my friends and their Moms are also in relationships, we have a sort of club," said Ellie and then explained all to her cousin, about how she'd been encouraged by her friend and school counsellor Dawn and how her other friend, Shawna, had joined them and the orgies they'd regularly been having. Once she'd explained it, she added, "You and Aunt Jade ought to come along, you'd be welcome."

Hanna nodded, biting her lip as she thought, "But what do we do now?"

"We go downstairs and tell our Moms' her sister is fucking her niece," grinned Ellie, standing up and putting her phone in her jeans pocket.

Her Mom had returned from the shops and was in the lounge having a coffee with her sister. Amber looked up as the two daughters' entered the room, "What have you two been up to?"

"Just talking about how we fuck our Moms," replied Ellie with a smile.

Whilst Amber straightaway believed the teens, possibly because she knew it was Mom-daughter loving was more common than her sister supposed, it took a while to convince Jade it was anything but her niece and daughter playing a bad joke on her. In fact the only way to persuade her was for Ellie to sit on her Mom's knees and have a hot and heavy make out with her in front of her aunt and cousin, her Mom returning the kisses with an equal fervour, her hands all over Ellie's body half-stripping her even as Jade and Hanna watched. It did the trick because by the time they'd finished Jade was standing up, gasping and groaning as her daughter necked her.

That finished the two couples stood. "What now?" Jade asked.

"I don't know about the two of you, Aunt Jade," Ellie grinned, reaching out to take her Mom's hand, "but I'm taking Mom upstairs to spend the afternoon fucking her, we've got a lot of catching up to do."

She didn't wait for a reply before dragging her uncomplaining Mom towards the stairs. The sound of giggles and footsteps behind her, showed her cousin had exactly the same idea...


Pulling back the covers of her bed, Amber slipped out and sashayed across the floor, her ass wiggling seductively, well aware that her daughter was leaning her head on hand and watching her intently. It felt almost a betrayal to stop by the door to take the robe off the hook and to wrap it around her otherwise nude body. If it hadn't been dinner time, with pangs of hunger beginning to gnaw at her stomach, Amber would have been quiet happy to remain in the bed with her daughter. Not that she didn't feel thoroughly fucked, after famine came the feast, or perhaps, given how soaked her pussy had been as her daughter's fingers drove in, after the drought came the flood was a better metaphor.

If it had just been Ellie around she'd have left it open so her daughter could get glimpses of her slit and titties as she walked, but with her sister and niece around she tightened the robe's cord, whilst it had been a surprise, albeit a very pleasant one, to find they too were lovers, she wasn't sure she'd should yet be flaunting her goodies, at least without some sort of discussion with her sister. Though she suspected that Jade might be as liberal as Amber was, why not? they had the same genes and upbringing, and anyway Ellie had been certain that Hanna was up for joining their club and that hopefully meant her Mom was. She turned back to her naked daughter, "Pizza? I'm not going to do anything complicated tonight."

"Yep, sounds good," Ellie stretched and Amber admired her sexy teenage body, so hot and enticing that she was almost tempted to skip dinner.

Leaving her room she walked down the hall to the spare room her sister was in, though she suspected that she'd be sharing it with Hanna from now on. She tapped lightly at the door, saying through it "Pizza alright for dinner?"

It was immediately opened by Jade. Like her sister she had a robe on, though hers were still open and beneath it you could see she was wearing suspenders attached to a belt, though nothing else. Behind her Hanna was lying in the bed, the covers up to her waist leaving her tits on display. Neither seemed worried about be seen in a state of undress, which seemed a good sign. "Did you say Pizza?" her sister asked, "I'll come down and help you."

It didn't take two to take a pizza out of the freezer, but Amber didn't argue. As she got the pizzas out and put them in the oven her sister set the table and together they made some salad, neither talking as if by an unspoken agreement, until they sat down. "I thought Hanna and I were the only ones who were in a sexual relationship," said Jade.

"We're sisters, it's no surprise we have the same predilections," Amber replied with a smile.

"Hanna told me you have friends who are the same," it was half a question.

"Yes, we often meet for some fun, I love being with Ellie, but it's really liberating to be able to meet others who won't judge me for having sex with my daughter, and I've got to admit it's a real turn on watching Ellie have sex with other Moms and knowing she's watching me having sex with their daughters," Amber said. "I'll introduce you, if you and Hanna want."

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