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The Mountain Ch. 07

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Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/01/2017
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Thanks so much for all your comments and encouragement. It's good to be back and I am so excited to be sharing another chapter with you. I want to give a big thanks to ACTX for being a thoughtful, no-nonsense beta reader for multiple chapters, including this one. Also thanks to audreydarling (check out her story, Identities, in this category!!) and ESK for pre-reading. Anything that works is due to their awesome support--the mistakes and mis-steps are my own.

The rest of "The Mountain" is written and I'm working on edits for the final three chapters. A warning--it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but I think the arc of the first story is resolved. And I'm working on a sequel!


Persephone insisted on cleaning the room before they left. She explained, with the tone of someone speaking to a small and somewhat stupid child, that this would create plausible deniability. "If Warder finds out, I can tell him you talked me into taking you for another bath. That's not as bad as going outside. He'll probably only kill us."

Lucy let out a feeble laugh, but it died when Persephone just put a hand on her hip and studied her disdainfully.

Lucy swallowed her laughter. "How long do we have? Do you know when he's coming back?"

It was something she had wondered about. How well-informed Persephone actually was of Warder's movements.

"We have time," said Persephone, not elaborating.

Persephone's housework was more meticulous than usual, but finally, there was nothing else to be folded or swept or shined. She nodded to Lucy, who jumped to her feet.

Persephone didn't tie Lucy's hands: "You'd be completely vulnerable, stupid."

She did, however, take her shoes as Lucy had suggested.

Persephone also forced her to wear several layers topped off by one of Warder's jackets and a hat. Despite her lack of footwear, Lucy was actually sweating as Persephone surveyed her.

"Anyone who took more than a glance would know it was you," she said.

"Let's avoid running into anyone then."

Persephone snorted. "I am certainly going to try to do that. If we do see anyone, keep your mouth shut."

Lucy nodded. She wasn't going to risk saying anything now to keep the outing from happening. Luckily, Lucy had been able to slip the antenna into her pocket while Persephone was searching for the right clothes for the journey. It was buried now under several more layers, but Lucy knew she would have to ditch or distract Persephone anyways to do what she needed to do. She would deal with that problem once they were outdoors.

The hallways were fairly deserted, but not completely. Persephone had hidden her own hair, too, for fear that people would see her and discern the identity of her companion.

The halls narrowed and Lucy began to feel tired. She was out of shape after weeks of being trapped inside the mountain. They started to ascend and the slight but persistent incline added to her fatigue. The lights in the hallway became less frequent so that Lucy had to squint to see. At least the dim light meant they were more easily hidden. Persephone seemed to think so, too, because she picked up the pace and she actually spoke to Lucy.

"We're close. Stay to the right."

Lucy stopped short when Persephone led her straight into a dead end. The confinement put her on instant alert and she resisted the urge to look backwards in search of a clear escape route. It was possible that Persephone had only agreed to this plan as a safe way to get rid of Lucy. Lucy had believed that Persephone's loyalty to Warder protected her, but she didn't really know what the mountain people were like.

"Relax," said Persephone, seeming to read her thoughts. "It's a door."

She reached for the wall and a lighted panel came to life, casting the hallway in a bluish glow. This time, Lucy did glance behind her, hoping that no one would see them.

"No one comes up here usually," said Persephone. She pressed her palm into the panel. There was a whirring noise and the wall ahead of them--which appeared to be solid stone--slid slowly open. It was dark on the other side, but a friendly, familiar kind of dark. And Lucy could feel actual wind on her face.

"I know you said you wanted to see the sun," said Persephone. "But it's too late. It was now or never."

For a moment, Lucy wasn't thinking about her mission at all. She took a few tentative steps past Persephone, emerging onto a small stone balcony. Stars--real stars--glowed above her.

"You can't go back on our deal," said Persephone from behind her. "It's still outside."

"It's perfect," said Lucy.

It was cold on the mountaintop--especially barefoot. She hugged herself and leaned into the wind grateful to feel cold on her own terms. Far in the distance, she could see the faintest lights--like stars, but softer. Lanterns, lighting the homes of the islanders. Beyond those lights, hidden by darkness, was the sea. She closed her eyes and wondered if the very faint rushing she could hear was more wind or, through some miracle, the waves.

"We should go back."

Lucy snapped her eyes open and saw that Persephone was still standing in the doorway, arms crossed. She was tapping her foot impatiently.

"I need a little more time."

Persephone sighed but Lucy could tell that she wasn't yet at the point of forcing her. She knew that she should start looking for a way to set up the antenna, but she was still overwhelmed by the sensation of having sky overhead. She leaned her head back and looked at the stars, amazed by how close and how many they seemed from high up. Unbidden, the memory of standing with Warder in the empty Great Hall came to mind.

He had kissed her.

No, she reminded herself. You kissed him.

She understood now that Warder had somehow been trying to hurry their mating. Kissing him had sealed her fate. But why had she really done it? To placate him, certainly. To try to regain some semblance of control. To answer his challenge because he thought that she was too afraid to do it.

Because she had wanted to. Because he was beautiful. Because he had shown her the stars.

Lucy realized that her eyes were watering in the wind. She looked down, trying to get her bearings, but the tears kept coming. She sniffled and was surprised when a sob escaped her lips. She looked at Persephone in horror, swiping at her face with one bulky sleeve.

Persephone looked uncomfortable. "I'll give you a minute," she said. "Two minutes. Then we have to go." With that, Persephone turned her back and walked a few feet past the door and back into the hall, giving Lucy some semblance of privacy.

Persephone pitied her. The realization made Lucy want to cry harder. Worse, she realized that in her sadness, she longed for Warder. She could almost feel his strong arms encircling her, his large hands brushing away her tears. He would laugh at her for crying. He would reason with her, maybe, and then--

Despite the cold, Lucy was starting to feel uncomfortably warm. She shook herself and checked on Persephone. She had said that Lucy could have two minutes, but it was just as likely that she could turn around at any moment. Lucy stepped a few feet away, just barely out of Persephone's view. She and Sheera had practiced setting up the antenna over and over again back home. They had trained to be able to do the job as quickly and inconspicuously as possible. They had never allowed themselves to really believe that they would be caught, much less so quickly. And their practice sessions had all taken place in sunlight as the intention had never been to try to sneak onto the mountain at night.

That, Lucy thought, choking back a laugh, had been deemed too risky.

Lucy unbuttoned Warder's coat and retrieved the antenna. She fit the pieces together quickly, relying more on feel that sight, praying that all those hours of practice would be enough. Sheera's father had long insisted that the trickiest part of the operation was to find a way to hide the antenna without allowing the signal to be completely blocked by the mountain. It helped that they were so high, but outside the balcony area that had obviously been carved into the stone, the mountain here was rocky, with a large peak jutting up to either side. It might not be the best place for the antenna, but it was the best chance Lucy was likely to get. Gently, she leaned over the front of the balcony and nestled the assembled antenna between some rocks. She was considering moving it when she felt a sharp tug on the back of her jacket.

"What are you doing?" hissed Persephone.

Lucy whirled around, praying that Persephone could not see the antenna glinting softly in the moonlight.

"I was trying to see my town," said Lucy. "I thought I could make out some of the lights."

"You're an idiot," said Persephone. Whatever pity she had felt for Lucy over her tears had obviously fled. "Warder is going to struggle to keep you alive."

"A few more minutes?" asked Lucy, taking in deep breaths of the mountain air.

"No. We have to get back before he does."

Lucy allowed Persephone to lead her back into the mountain. When the panel in the wall slid shut behind them, leaving the antenna safely on the other side, she almost sighed with relief.

Now, she had to find a way to escape.


Warder watched on a small screen as Persephone led his mate down a deserted hallway. He had been waiting for something like this ever since he found the contraption that Lucy had hidden on the mountain on the day of her capture. What surprised him was that she had managed to rope Persephone into her plans.

He had made an unusual miscalculation when it came to Persephone. He had understood the the girl felt something for him, but he had believed it to be harmless, childish love--something that would fade when another man captured her attention. He hadn't minded her possessiveness because he knew her to be loyal.

But she had put his intended mate in danger. Tried to keep them apart when Lucy needed him--called for him.

He hadn't known if he would be able to master his anger. But Persephone seemed to have learned her lesson. And even now, her actions showed temperance and recklessness in almost equal measure. She should not have taken Lucy from his rooms by herself. But they were safe enough. And he had little doubt that the excursion had been his mate's idea. If Persephone was allowing herself to be influenced, perhaps she would content herself to the situation as it was.

The women slipped out of sight on the screen and Warder's fingers moved swiftly over the control panel as he changed the view. Persephone was hurrying Lucy back towards his rooms, pausing only when she heard footsteps in adjoining corridors. She had been smart enough to wait until dinner, when the majority of the mountain's denizens were ensconced in the Great Hall. He was almost grateful. Now that Lucy had made her move, he could confront her. She would learn that she could not keep her plans secret from him. They were mated--he knew her, understood her. He would have to punish her for sneaking away, but he would also show her that he could be merciful. And eventually, with time and proximity, she would reach for him again across their bond. Ask him--beg him--to take her to bed. With time, she would seek to earn his trust, like any member of his household, his army.

If he didn't feel patient--that was his weakness. An enjoyable one, even, coaxed into life by his desire for his mate. He could endure.

The image on the camera flickered and Warder frowned, adjusting the controls. The cameras weren't used frequently--they took a large amount of resources to run and there were other methods used to ensure that the mountain was secure. But something about the sudden disconnect between himself and his mate made him nervous. He fiddled with the controls again and blinked at the screen. Then, as realization dawned, he bit out a command, calling for his second.

"Rader, with me."

Rader flew into the room, solemn at his commander's tone. "Yes, sir?"

"The lights are down in the sector nine hallway. Six hundred feet. Send someone immediately."

"Yes, sir."

Lights. It had happened before, but there was always concern over the cause. Sometimes it was nothing--a damaged circuit or a flicker whose origin could not be determined. But this felt wrong. And his mate was there, in the darkness, invisible now on the cameras even as they continued recording.

He was halfway down the hallway, heading in her direction, when he heard the clang of steel on steel. Shouting. Screams.


This is a code six. All areas, code six. Until further notice, code six. Please proceed immediately to your stations.


Persephone cursed loudly enough to be heard over the sirens. She grabbed Lucy's hand and looked up and down the hall. She started to run, dragging Lucy with her.

"Persephone! What's going on?"

As if in answer, the voice sounded again.

This is a code six...

The rest of the message played and then after a few seconds, it started again on a loop.

Persephone dragged Lucy around a corner only to pull her backwards out of the way at the last moment as a group of soldiers ran past, their weapons drawn. Lucy stifled a scream and pressed her body against the wall. "What is this?"

"We have to hurry," said Persephone. "We'll be safe in Warder's rooms."

Lucy was afraid to argue. Anxiety was coursing through her. She realized, faintly, that not all of it was actually her own. As she ran, she attempted to separate out the feelings coursing through her.


She knew that he could hear the sirens and that he was worried for her safety. She hoped he didn't know that she was outside of her rooms.

Behind that, there was something else. As if the mountain itself were anxious and speaking to her.

Run. Run. Run.

There was a loud popping noise and Lucy hit the ground, convinced that she had heard gunfire. Persephone stumbled and fell next to her, cursing as her knee slammed into the stone.

Lucy realized that the noise had been light bulbs popping one by one, plunging half of the hallway into darkness.

"I'm sorry," she said while Persephone groaned at the pain in her knee.

"Just shut up," said Persephone. "Let me think."

Lucy huddled closer to the stone wall, squinting into the darkness for fear of what might be out there. "What does Code Six mean?"

"Hostiles inside the mountain," said Persephone.

Lucy felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Islanders?" she asked, unable to keep the hope out of her voice.

Persephone snorted. "Idiots with a death wish," she said, getting to her feet. "The old apartment is closer and I still have the key."

Limping only the tiniest bit, Persephone grabbed Lucy's hand again and started dragging her in a new direction, almost immediately taking a turn. Lucy tried to loosen Persephone's grip. If she could run, she might be able to rendezvous with the islanders. Of course, there was just as good a chance she would run directly into a warrior...or seven.

She settled for keeping a close eye on her surroundings as they hurtled through the dark, hoping that if an opportunity came, she would be ready.


Miles hung back as his fellow islanders fought their way into the mountain via the door they had breached. It was one of the only visible doors into the mountain--an obvious, vulnerable point of entry. But after weeks of planning, they hadn't been able to find any other.

Miles knew that his reluctance made him look weak, but he had a specific aim. The other islanders were here to get revenge. If they were able to rescue Lucy, they would. But hope that she was even still alive had faded. So, they would do as much damage as they could, try to take down warriors and, ultimately, set the mountain aflame, smoking the rest of them out to where archers waited in the trees surrounding the mountain.

If the plan worked, the islanders might finally conquer the invaders, take back their lives. But the plan depended on many factors and with the first steps an islander had taken into the mountain, the feeble protection of the treaty had been ended.

Sheera had said that the rebels were foolish. Maybe she was right. But Miles had intel that no one else did. He had a plan that no other islander knew.

The woman had found him in the woods one day when he was trailing Sheera through the trees. She had appeared out of nowhere, soundless as a panther, and cornered Miles against a tree, one hand over his mouth, the other locked painlessly but immovably around his neck, holding him against the tree.

"You're out of bounds," she purred.

Miles had felt his lunch roil in his stomach. He threw up from fear and the woman took his hand away just in time, looking at him in disgust.

"I thought I'd captured a rebel, but you're nothing but a terrified child."

The derision in her voice reminded him of Sheera. Miles stood as tall and brave as he could when he answered her, pretending not to feel the sick that was coating his jeans.

"I am. I am a rebel, you bitch."

The woman had looked him up and down, a sneer on her face. "Good," she said.

And then she told him that Lucy was dead.

At first, Miles didn't believe it. But the woman explained that Lucy had been claimed by a fierce warrior. He had used her and discarded her, refusing her help when she fell sick within the cold of the mountain. She was gone.

Then, as Miles's mind reeled with thoughts of Sheera, Lucy's family, the woman detailed the method through which Miles might seek revenge for what had happened to Lucy.

"Why?" he asked, unwilling to trust one of the mountain scum. Even--or especially--one as icily beautiful as the stranger bringing news of Lucy's death.

"We are not all so cruel as the warrior who killed your friend," said the woman. "We liked her. She was sweet. She did not deserve to die."

So Miles listened to her plans.

Her friends, the warrior explained, would know Miles' face. They would ease his way if they could. But Miles needed to be swift. Brave.

"No one will suspect me," said Miles.

"No," the woman said. "I don't think they will."

And it was treason to plot with the warriors. But avenging Lucy--if she could no longer be saved, it was the next best thing. Her disappearance had sparked the renewed war between their peoples.

Miles decided not to tell Sheera. He would wait until he could also promise her that Lucy had been avenged. And Sheera would know that Miles was the one who did it, proving once and for all that he was smart. That he was brave. That he was worthy of her, her quick mind and her beauty.

Inside the mountain, a sword flashed through the air and Miles screamed. Another warrior knocked the sword away. The warrior seemed to recognize him. "Go, boy," he snarled under his breath. And then, to the warrior he had parried, "we are to take as many of them alive as we can. That one seems no threat."

"He's getting away," snarled the other warrior, angry to have lost sight of his prey.

"Londin is down that corridor," said the warrior. "He will catch him easily."

But if Londin was the terrifying, scarred warrior who Miles streaked past a moment later, the warrior just snarled and slapped Miles on the back, hurrying him on his way.


Lights kept breaking around them. Lucy became used to the sound, barely flinching as she followed Persephone. Despite Persephone's injured knee, she was moving fast and Lucy struggled to keep up. She felt guilty for causing the injury. Yes, Persephone was her captor. But in some ways--in some ways Persephone seemed just as trapped as she did.

Persephone changed course as another set of lights broke above them. Lucy felt shards of glass settle in her hair and she could smell a faint burning released as each light broke apart. Persephone turned again, backtracking down a different hallway and Lucy realized something.

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