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The Mountain Ch. 1

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Quiet weekend turns into nightmare.
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Gray skies cast their foggy gloom over her first sight of the morning, though the warm breeze soothed this feeling, enhanced by the sweet lilac scent carried as whisper of the garden the window overlooked. Relaxed, she smiled a sly little grin, thinking of the weekend just beginning, then peered out at the darkness just lifting off the lake's surface in a subtle dance of shaded forms, shadows of trees, and the dim rays of the dawn's muted light.

The sudden call of a meadow lark startled her mind from its sleepy repose, as she stretched out her soft form like a dew covered lily reaching to drink in the sun's morning glory. Alive, each breath savored in a renewal of spirit brought on by the realization of no more work for the next few days, no hassles of having to be cooped up in an office, no pressures from her boss bitching about a project not yet finished...just rest, relaxation, and that comforting feeling of nothing special to do, no pressing deadlines, no forced smiles for fellow employees she'd just as soon not be around...etc, etc... "Damn, life really CAN be wonderful"

The chitter-chatter of two squirrels fussing with a mockingbird over a few crumbs made her giggle. It sounded more like her boss arguing with an irate customer over a bad transaction or failed delivery...

Chitter, chitter, chatter, chatter...who really gives a damn? "Wake up people, get a fucking life!!" she thought. Ahhh... but no more of THAT for the moment, four days off would do her good...

Now, first things!! She never could quite get those emerald eyes open without her first two cups of java...pulling on her white cotton robe over her luscious firm frame, she wandered down the stairs, heading for the kitchen and her most loyal companion, Mr. Coffee, dutifully stopping by the lavatory to make enough room for that first cup...

As the brewmaster started to perk, the hardy aroma of her favorite French roast filled the air, blending with the scents of lilies and lilacs into a sensually pleasing aromatherapy of delightful rejuvenation.

After sipping on the first cup, she downed the second cup quickly, anxious to get outside in the fresh warm air and start her holidays with a walk in the heavily wooded glen surrounding this mountain hideaway she had rented for the weekend.

The smell of oak, birch, pine and maple mixed with the crisp freshness of the crystalline lake and light mountain air, laced with honeysuckle and wildflowers, forming a myriad of scents and bringing back memories of her childhood days, spent playing with her friends in a park nearby her parents' house...

Lazily, she strolled back up the stairs to take her shower, and get dressed for a day of peace and quiet solitude...just the cure for the doldrums she had been in lately. The hot water flowing down her hair, then shoulders, then cascading over her body in streams of refreshment, brought both a sense of calm and a feel of sensuality to mind...

She took her time washing off, pausing periodically to playfully tease herself in those "oh so sensitive" areas, priming a mindset of adventure with a mingling of sexuality. It had been much TOO long since she had languished in that glow of complete satisfaction, and this shower of delight reminded her of just how long!! "Oops", she thought, better turn on some cooler water...

Refreshed and now wide awake from her shower, she dried herself off with a nice huge and warmed towel, feeling the freshened cotton brush gently across her tingling bare skin. She just loved the softness of a warm towel after a brisk shower!

Nothing else made her sense of femininity come alive quite like this every morning... then, pulling on her favorite velvet warm-up suit, she decided her normal thong and bra would not be needed, and their absence would allow her a certain sense of freedom she rarely could afford to experience. The isolation of this little hideaway provided more than ample comfort and security from prying eyes...

Stepping out of the cabin, she breathed deeply, taking in as much of the scented fresh air as her lungs would allow...the crispness caused her smallish pert breasts to harden a bit, and her nipples told her it was much cooler than she had expected...

Strolling leisurely down the slightly used trail, through massive oak trees more ancient than she had remembered, until the woods became less and less dense, finally opening into clearing where the trees greeted the lake with soft green grass and sweet smelling clover patches...

The peacefulness was overwhelming, as a deep serenity began to set in... quiet, except for the whispering tweets of birds and gentle rustling of the autumn leaves, combining with a trickling brook emptying itself into the lake right along the path where she strode. Elysian-like in its beauty, stimulating in its freshness, and awe-inspiring in its ancient splendor, this mountain respite was very near pure perfection!!

Hearing a sudden rustle of leaves, she spun around to catch a glimpse of a large doe and tiny fawn skittering across the path from where she had just walked...she smiled, knowing the love this hoofed mother had for her babe, teaching it caution and alertness, while also to find food and clear water to sustain it...pure natural magnificence in a light brown fur wrapping, the younger one dotted in its autumn spots. Never could she remember having such an absolute feeling of contentment as she now felt washing over her inner spirit like the warmth of a mother's womb to the unborn child...and happened...

As she languished in the thoughts of peaceful existence, a powerful arm suddenly encircled her waist, as simultaneously a rough hand covered her mouth, preventing the instinctual scream from leaving her lips...

Fear gripping her being, she struggled against the immovable embrace briefly, then heard a deep threatening voice say, "If you fight me, I'll have to hurt you more, so STOP struggling and be still"...her mind raced with the illusional options she thought she had, then she realized..there were NO options except fight and get hurt, or be still and see what happened next...

Strong, powerful hands pulled her arms behind her back, and she felt the cold metal handcuffs clamp down on her was too late to fight, though the fear was sweeping through her like a tidal wave over straw huts!! There were no more thoughts of peaceful serenity, nor of the natural beauty surrounding her...this was her worst nightmare becoming a frightening reality

The heavily callused hand still covered her mouth as she again heard the deep voice grunting out commands to her... "Always wanted a blond beauty to play with, so be cooperative and you just may survive to see another day!" Her thoughts were flashing through her mind so fast, she could barely separate them from the mass confusion of fear and panic overtaking her whole being...then...

"What a fine body you have", came the terrifying comment..."it will do my bidding, like it or not!!" Pulling against the metallic restraints locked on her wrists, squirming, aching to scream out her horror, she realized there was nothing she could do...she was totally defenseless, and completely helpless...

"NOW...if you promise not to scream, I will release your mouth so you can breathe easier"... against her will, she nodded her agreement, and the hand was slowly removed from her mouth..."Do not speak, do not move, do not resist, and maybe I won't have to hurt you too bad...and...if you do not obey me in total silence, I will gag you, then whip you until you beg for death, just to escape the torturous pain...I swear you will deeply regret you ever you understand?"

Reluctantly, she again nodded her understanding, and stood in silence awaiting her fate..."This will be a weekend you will never forget, so you better learn to obey me now, without hesitation, without comment, and with enthusiasm for each breath I allow you to still take!"

Her fear was in complete control now, and she could do nothing but whimper softly, anticipating the evils this large mountain man had planned for her...before he spoke again, she felt a black silken blindfold as he covered her eyes, blotting out all light, leaving her thoroughly disoriented and completely terrified...

"I would like the pleasure of your company for the weekend, and judging from what I've seen as I watched you over the past few hours, I don't think anyone will be bothering us, or looking for you any time soon"...her heart was in her throat as she remembered there was no one that knew where she was, or that would even come to look for her until she failed to show up for work in a week or so...

Why...why hadn't she thought to tell anyone where she was going, so they could check up on her? The price of solitude seemed MUCH higher now, than it had yesterday when she left the big city behind her!

"My, are quite beautiful aren't you?" came a sarcastic tone, as rough hands grabbed at her breasts, harshly twisting her now erect nipples, hurting, yet somehow kind of exciting her as well..."Before the sun comes up again, we'll see just how well you can learn to share your beauty", said the threatening voice..."and share it you will, my little lovely!"

It seemed like hours, though really only a few minutes, as she was guided along by the vise-like hand on the scruff of her neck, stumbling along a rocky path as she blindly tried to walk...finally, she heard the creaking of a door and felt the harsh shove forward...she stumbled, then fell onto what felt like a hard wooden table...she tried to mumble a pleading moan, but out came a muffled grunt instead...

"Don't move, and don't make a sound" was all she heard in response...she held as still as she could, feeling the hard but smooth cold surface beneath her, and realizing the fall had been only a few must be a dining room table, or something similar she thought, while at the same time feeling strong hands grabbing her arms and pulling her backwards a foot or so until she was in a completely prone position on top of the hard surface...

Petrified to even move, and with her arms hurting from lying on them with her wrists locked behind her back, she didn't resist at all as her right ankle was strapped down, then her left one, opening her legs and her most private areas to full view for his inspection, or whatever else!

She felt embarassed, completely vulnerable, and totally horrified at what she was imagining might happen to her...she had always been in full control of her actions, and the situations she allowed herself to be involved in...this was her greatest fear, come to life as a nightmare of reality unimaginable to her psyche...she realized she was trembling uncontrollably now, and the deph of the fear was making her nipples stand up, and each sensation of touch all the more intense!

Her arms were aching, and as he sat her up slightly so he could unfasten the cuffs, it was almost a relief for a moment until he pulled her back down, stretching her right arm out over her head, then strapping it down...the left arm was next, leaving her completely spread-eagle on the cold wooden surface, unable to move or resist in any manner...

"Now that's much better, and I won't have to worry about you hurting yourself trying to fight any more", he said with a degree of sarcasm...Still blindfolded, she wondered just how tempting she must look to this maniac, as waves of terror washed over her mind of the things he could do...Suddenly it dawned on her, there seemed to be subtle but distinct sounds of movement coming from different directions all around her...she tensed, trying to figure if all the sounds were from him, or were there too many for one person to be making?

She cringed, still whimpering softly to herself as she felt her prized velvet suit being rudely cut off, one arm at a time, then the whole jacket removed, then one leg at a time until she lay there, strapped down into a vulgar, spread wide open position, completely naked except for the blindfold still covering her eyes, and absolutely vulnerable to anything, in any form, and for any length of time this fiend desired...

So many horrifying thoughts were shooting rapid-fire through her mind's eye, each more terrifying than the next, as she instinctively let out a sobbing, "No, please don't do this, please let me go"... WHAP ... she felt a sudden sharp sting across her face as her head jerked to the side from the force..."Maybe I should just slice off a few pieces of your lovely flesh and feed my pets...maybe that would keep you quiet and cooperative"? said the gruff voice...

She felt a threatening edge of something very sharp glide around her breasts, then a very sharp point being dragged slowly down her belly until it stopped just above where her hair line would have been, had she not been in the habit of shaving her private parts, leaving only a faint "V" at the very top of her love canal...she was far too scared to make a sound, but quietly shook her head to indicate a "no, please don't"...

"Let's see now, does THAT mean you wish to cooperate now?" he said..."Or ... maybe you would prefer servicing some of my pets instead? My horse, or maybe my dog?" The very thought made her want to throw up! How sick could this monster be!!

"Now...If you would rather cooperate in whatever I decide I want you to do, you can nod your head...if not, well, I'll just give you to Rex over there"...she could hear the panting of a large dog, and then a short but deep growl...She nodded her head slowly to indicate her final submission to whatever he desired, she was now absolutely defeated...physically, mentally, emotionally...he had ultimate control over her...she was his willing slave now, ready to beg, to degradate herself, to do anything he wished without any objection whatsoever!

"Excellent", came the only reply... suddenly it seemed there was movement all around her, as she first felt rough hands stroking her tied-down arms, moving slowly but purposefully down and circling her firm breasts, now becoming rock hard with each brushing stroke... over, around each one in turn. then over and around again...

Startling her a bit, she felt another pair of strong hands stroking her long soft legs, moving steadily upward, while the first pair continued their teasing assault on her fully extended nipples, playfully pulling, then kneading, then brushing cross them, squeezing her tits hard, but not painfully... the second pair had stroked the inside of her legs, each in turn, in time stopping just short of her most tender prize, frightening her and yet exciting her beyond her mental ability to understand what was happening...

All the caressing was taking its toll on her senses, her brain flashing with alternating rhythms of fear, pleasure, terror, and intense excitement...she had lost her ability to reason, and was now merely responding to whatever sensation she felt, uncontrollably trembling like a virgin in the throes of her first masturbation session..."Ahhh, very nice, and very sensitive", said a new voice distinctly masculine but not as deep as the one who had kidnapped her...

"My turn", came a third, sultry and unmistakably feminine voice!! Her mind exploded in a flash of overwhelming terror and surprise... Then she felt the third set of hands, first making soft circles around her belly, then moving up to caress her quivering breasts, and then back down, down further and further, until she felt a finger tip gently prodding her slit, now dripping wet from the unrelenting myriad of sexual sensations she had been forced to endure so far...

"Let's see how cooperative she's willing to be now, or should we bring Rex over to test her resolve?" came a sneering comment from the woman now stroking her love purse softly, frequently sliding a finger in and out as if to test how wet she had become..."Awww, honey...are you ready to perform now?" came the next snide question...

Still horrified by the threat of bestiality, she nodded her surrender to do whatever was asked of her...

"OK, open your hand"...she heard next, and quickly opened up both of her hands despite her wrists being snuggly tied down...she felt something warm and hard, immediately recognizing the feel of a large, fully erect cock as it rubbed across her right palm..."Now make it happy" was all the woman said to her...

She started gently squeezing her fingers down around the hard shaft, unable to do much besides a soft squeeze, then release, then another soft squeeze , and on and on...

She could feel the throb of the thick cock with each soft squeeze..."Very nice", said the sultry voice, as she now felt another huge cock dragging itself over her left palm...without further comment, and without hesitation, she began working the same magic on it as she continued on the first one in her right hand...

"Very very good girl", came the pleased response...As she blindly worked on alternately squeezing and tenderly kneading both the massive cocks in her hands, she sensed new movement between her legs, and felt the warm, wet and familiar sensations of a tongue licking up the inside of her upper thigh, then eagerly lapping at her little love button, now hard and incredibly sensitive from the prior caressing...

She shuttered as it swirled round and round her clit, then gasped as she felt her clit sucked into tender lips, while the flicking tongue continued its teasing... she could no longer resist, as she felt a gigantic orgasm building within...

Wave after wave of intense sensation washed over her pussy, dripping a flood of her own juices, betraying her mind's attempts to resist feeling the extreme sexual pleasures...a hand turned her head to one side, as she felt the cock slide out of her hand, then push against her lips...

"Open wide", said the harsh voice of her kidnapper, "and treat me like your life depends on it", came the next snarled line...

She let the massive cock slide into her mouth, licking it as it slid deeper and and out it slid, up and down she licked, then sucked, then licked some more...deeper each time, she sucked it in, feeling it hit against the back of her throat, but never stopping her simultaneous licking and sucking...she would deep throat this cock until it burst wide open if need be, she thought to herself, all the while feeling her own impending climax build, and build, and build...

The tongue inside her was still steadily licking her clit, and the soft lips still sucking out her juices eagerly and with a steadily increasing rhythm...harder and faster, faster and deeper, deeper and harder...her body could take no more, as the first of several intense orgasms swept over her, each increasing in strength and duration, one right after the other...the huge cock in her mouth trembled and throbbed as she sucked it deeper with each wave of pleasure than drowned her senses...

Suddenly her head was lifted from beneath, and the cock exploded its hot sticky stream down her throat in gush after salty gush...she swallowed as quickly as she could, eagerly lapping down each drop as it squirted into her mouth...and with a final gulp, she felt another orgasm wash over her as the flicking tongue inside her worked its continual magic ...

"Hmmm...seems she really enjoyed that little episode, she's coming like a whore turned loose at a virgin's party", said the woman as she withdrew her tongue... "wonder what else she might like?"

Feeling totally exhausted, she was unable to even think, much less move as she felt her wrists being released, then her ankles...she was lifted straight up by two pairs of strong hands, then turned over in mid-air onto her belly, and lowered she was being lowered back onto the table, she felt gentle soft hands clasp beneath her chin, holding her head up, then lying it down onto something warm and soft, which she realized was a female leg...


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