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The Nanny

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Young woman encounters her future.
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It was back when I was eighteen and a cute little thing just into the latter half of my freshman year in junior college. My parents decided to hire me out as a nanny during the summer for this couple out in the backwoods who had three daughters and needed a hand. Not to mention the fact that my parents needed the money. The Wednesday afternoon drive out there with my mom was uneventful and boring and the last ten miles on the gravel road were, to say the least, uncomfortable. We pulled up to a modest and very rustic looking cabin with a barn not far off on the one side, a lush lawn on the front and a ring of pine trees all about the property. It looked like the olden days from the history books at school.

We arrived and a gaggle of little girls came out to greet me and Mrs. Young (really, as she was only 28) came out and took my bag. She pretty much ignored me and just spoke to my mom who was a friend of hers so I kind of understood. Mrs. Young and the three girls were all in farm dresses and looked so old-fashioned compared to what I was used to. I went into the house with the girls and shortly after my mom left and Mrs. Young came in with my bag.

"Christie, you'll be staying on the cot in our room so have Rachel take you in there and put down your stuff."

Obediently and without having to be told, Rachel all of eight years old and the eldest of the three girls, came over and took me by the hand and led me to the master bedroom. When I went to put down my bag on the cot there was a handmade farm dress laid on the bed, as if waiting for me. I was about to ask but Rachel read my mind.

"Momma wants you to put on this dress while you're here because Daddy says ladies don't wear pants 'specially around the house." With that she pirouetted and was out of the room in a flash.

Even though I didn't much go for the old fashioned thing back then I was a nice kid and I went along to get along. So not wanting to make waves I shed my jeans and my tee-shirt and put the dress on. It was mostly modest except for the front where it showed a bit more of my chest than I would've preferred, but then in a way, that was kind of liberating to show off a little, too. All dressed up now just like the other ladies of the house I went out to the kitchen where Mrs. Young was working on dinner.

"Christie, you look lovely! Let me see you!"

She took my hand and spun me around. Then, with a disapproving look she looked down at my fancy sneakers.

"Sweetie, around here we don't wear shoes in the house. Shuck those ugly things off and let your toes breathe a little. And while you're here I don't want to see those again, okay?"

"Yes, Mrs. Young." I replied.

"Sweetie," she took my face in her hands in a very motherly way, "another thing you can do for me while you're here is call me Anna, okay?"

"Yes, Anna."

A minute later I came back to the kitchen and got an approving smile from Anna as she looked down at my very white and unusually bare feet. She asked me to help with the dinner and I went right to work doing so after she handed me an apron to put on. I was no stranger to a ktchen and Anna was pleased to let me make my own recipe for biscuits and I got a serious nod of approval when she dipped a finger in the dough and sampled it.

I was having a fine time with Anna and the girls making dinner when I heard a pickup truck coming up the road. You could hear everything in these woods, it seemed. Anna heard it, too, and undid her apron and put it down, as did Rachel. I took off my apron and followed them outside to join them on the grass by the drive. The grass felt so cool and sensuous on my bare feet that I was distracted by the feeling as the truck came to halt just in front of me.

"Christie? Is that you?"

Anna was smiling as her husband came up to me. Randy was the spitting image of Sam Elliot, the actor, but in his thirties and not in his sixties. I must say that my heart jumped a bit when he took me by the shoulders to inspect me.

"You've just become the most charming little thing, haven't you?" He smiled at me so warmly that I felt a little glow come over me.

"Thank you, Mr. Young," I think I blushed, too.

"What's this 'Mr. Young' stuff? You can call me Randy while you're here, okay?"

"Yes, Randy."

"That's better," he chuckled, "now I smell something good cooking! How 'bout we get to that, huh?"

The six of us went back in and were son sitting down to dinner at the kitchen table and we had a lovely conversation about my day so far, getting used to the house rules, and about Randy's day at the bank he owned. It was when we retired to the living room that I noticed there was no TV and no radio. I wondered what they did for fun and Anna saw my lost look and chatted with me about how they didn't let the outside world into their world with the girls. The girls were playing with dolls and Randy was reading a newspaper while Anna busied herself with working on what looked like a nightgown. I found a book with some old stories in it about some guy named Ivanhoe and was really enjoying myself when Anna broke my reverie.

"Christie, why don't you come and I'll show you how to help the girls with their evening bath?"

We padded off to the bathroom and I was surprised to see that while the rest of the house was so old fashioned, the bathroom was really very nice, even though all the brass and wood made it seem to match the rest of the house. Anna got the water going and the bathroom steamed up in a pleasant way.

"Kimmie!," Anna called to the three-year-old, "Bath-time!"

"Yes, Momma!" was the ever-obedient reply as the little girl came running.

The little girl came into the bathroom and held her arms up and Anna swooped the dress of of her in one motion. It was cute as the naked little thing jumped into the water and it splashed about a bit.

"It's the one thing where we let the girls misbehave a little so you have to deal with it a little differently." Anna said this as she turned her back to me.

"Would you be a dear and unbutton me?"

I just kind of gaped at her for a second.

"Christie, I want to wear this dress tomorrow and I can't hardly do that if Kimmie gets it all wet, now can I?"

Okay, that made sense. "Sorry, Anna, I just haven't ever..."

She leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. "That's fine. I'm sure we're really weird to you up here in the woods with our own ways of doing things, but this is who we are and you're part of who we are for a while at least. You may as well get used to some surprises, now help me out of my dress."

She turned her back to me and I undid the buttons down to her waist and it was then that I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra. When she stepped out of the dress I noticed there were no panties, either.

"Okay," she said, "turn around."

I did as I was told, afraid to do so and afraid not to. Just as I thought, Anna undid my dress down to my waist. I held it to my chest as she motioned for me to turn around.

"C'mon, Christie, we're big girls here."

She gave me a motherly look and eased my hands from the dress and I stepped out of it. At least I still had my bra and my satiny Victoria's Secret panties.

"Christie?", her look was clearly impatient, "Kimmie's water is going to get cold. Now give me that bra and those awful panties."

It wasn't in me to disobey so I was soon bare and Anna had my undergarments in her hand.

"Hmmm. Size three on the panties and..." she fiddled with the tag "...34C on the bra. You are growing up, aren't you?" She smiled at me.

"Okay, c'mon and let's clean up some little girls!"

The next thirty minutes was really kind of fun with water and laughter and a lot of playing around as we got the girls cleaned up and ready for bed. The girls went out to join their father after their baths and then Anna had me get in the bath and it was kind of neat to be a little kid again and have her be a mother to me as she cleaned me up. I dried off and we traded places and then she had me get into the nightgown that she'd be sewing for me. I went to reach for my panties and bra as I was about to get into the nightie.

"None of that, Christie," she said as she took them, "those things are the Devil's own handiwork and you'll not be wearing those things in this house. Now you're not on your period so you don't need any drawers and if you do we have some. Girls your age get awful yeast infections from not letting themselves air out down there the way God intended and you're going to be healthy while you're here, you got it?"

I nodded.

She went on, lecturing me as we both stood there in the nude.

"Don't you ever get itchy down there when it's hot?"

I nodded 'yes' because, come to think of it, I did.

"That's why. Now go keep an eye on the girls."

She turned to the door as I pulled the soft and recently handmade nightie over my head.

"Randy? Your turn, hon!"

I walked out the door and down the hall and Randy smiled at me as he made his way to the bathroom where he properly closed the door.

It was not that long afterwards when Randy and Anna came out in their nightclothes, Anna in her nightie and Randy in pajamas, to see the girls to bed. I went with Anna to tuck the girls in and then we both went back out to the living room where three small wine glasses were waiting.

Randy handed both Anna and I a glass.

"Christie, this is a little tradition of ours and I know you're not old enough to drink, but we'll make an exception for you tonight as we welcome you to our home."

He held up the glass in a salute to me and Anna did the same.


They downed the wine and looked at me to do the same. Which I did. It was sweet and syrupy and the tang of the alcohol was rather pungent. I found out later that it was forty year old sherry from Anna's parent's vineyard.

We sat and chatted and I kind of liked how they treated me as an equal and when it came time for bed we all three went to the master bedroom and Anna gave me a hug and then Randy did, too. It was strange to feel my little boobs squish up against Anna's ample chest and then when Randy hugged me I went to hug him in that way where you just lean in to someone, you know what I mean? And he just took me by the hips and pulled me close for a bear hug. I realized he only had just the pajamas on and his manhood became the very first to press against me like it did.

I was a little dazed as Anna tucked me in and, I guess it was the wine and the busy day, but I soon fell asleep.

I'm not sure when it was during the night, but I heard Anna whimpering and I heard the big bed squeak with a sort of rythym. I listened for a while and realization slowly dawned on me that not five feet away from me that Randy and Anna were making love.

I didn't hear Randy leave in the morning but I did hear Anna as she came back to the bedroom to get me up.

"C'mon sleepyhead, we've got work to do."

Anna and I brushed each other's hair as we were getting cleaned up for the morning and then I helped her button up her dress. It felt sort of naughty to me as she buttoned me up in my dress; here I was getting dressed and I had no panties on and no bra on. When I went to the bathroom later in the day it was strange to not have to pull down my panties as I peed, all I did was lift up my dress and sit down and go.

The day was a blur of activity and daily chores as Anna had me help Rachel with her lessons while she played with the other girls and then there was lunch and more lessons and chores and more playing and then it was time for dinner and then we were doing bathtime again. This time Anna stayed out with Randy and let me bathe the girls by myself and I followed the household tradition of doing so in the buff. It made sense to me now to keep my one and only dress dry because the laundry wasn't done until Saturday to conserve on hot water and just because it made sense to them to do all the clothes on just one day a week.

When I got done with the girls there was no wine waiting for me as I went out to the living room and Anna and Randy took my place.

Afterwards we chatted for a while and then it was bedtime. Again, I promptly fell asleep being as I was tried from the busiest day of my life

The sky was clear on this night and the moonlight was shining brightly in the window when I woke up to the sounds of Anna and Randy making love again. My teenage hormones and curiosity demanded that I try to see what was going on and I turned in my bed as quietly as I could to see what they were doing.

My heart was in my throat as I saw Randy naked in the moonlight. Anna was on her back with her knees on either side of Randy as his hips made a slow and steady motion back and forth at Anna's body. Her hands lovingly wandered over his body and caressed the muscled back that I could see so clearly in the moonlight. It was fascinating to see something up close that I'd only ever heard whispers about before. Without thinking, I sat up on an elbow to watch the loving parents of three children go about the business of trying to make number four. As before, Anna started queitly whimpering as Randy pushed harder at her. I thought for moment that she was uncomfortable but then heard her whisper, "Harder!", at Randy and I knew she was enjoying herself. Randy was soon making the bed noticably squeak and then Anna gave out a little shriek which I knew to be one of joy. Seconds later, Randy moaned a sigh that sounded like relief and it was then that I noticed he saw me looking at them in the moonlight. I instantly rolled over and feigned sleep while I heard Anna whisper something to him and then they giggled a little before we were all asleep again.

Friday was a repeat of Thursday except that while I waited for the nightly bedroom activities to take place that evening none did.

Saturday was a different routine.

Anna awoke me and I saw that Randy was still in bed. We did our morning routine of brushing each other's hair and then we got dressed and made the breakfast. The smell of the coffee brought Randy and the girls out from their beds just as we were setting the breakfast on the table. Breakfast was a wonderful affair with laughter and giggles and food and then Anna told me to get the table and the kitchen cleaned up while she started the laundry.

It seemed strange to me that Anna would go outside first to start the laundry, but that's exactly what she did. I was cleaning the dishes and the pans and watching Anna carry armloads of sheets outside. One by one, the girls went out to join their mother. Randy sat at the table sipping coffee as the ladies of the house busied themselves together.

"I saw you watching us the other night."

Crap. I was hoping to avoid this conversation.

"I didn't mind. Really."

He didn't?

"You're eighteen and you're old enough to know about these things."

I was in the middle of breaking a sweat when I heard a scream. I ran outside and Anna was holding a naked little Kimmie who had stepped on something and fell when she tried to get away from whatever it was.

"Christie, please get Kimmie inside and settle here down. Tell you what, put her on your bed and close the curtains and we'll have her take a little nap to get over this."

I did what I was told and soon had the little girl hushed away on my bed which was currently just a bare mattress. I put a light blanket over her and smoother her hair until she was asleep. When I figured she was sound asleep I went back outside and found the whole family naked with a big kettle boiling over a fire.

Anna broke my trance-like state.

"Christie, get your dress off and into the pot so we can wash it. We boil the laundry once a week to make sure any ticks are dead."

Okay, again that made sense. I shucked my dress and it disappeared in the frothy, boiling water.

I don't know what it was, but something made me look at Randy and I found him giving me the once-over. I was sure Anna would kill him for the way he was looking at me.

"Anna, isn't Christie beautiful?"

Anna looked at me the same way, more or less. "Yes , she is. You're really pretty, Christie. You're going to make a good mother, too, I bet."

Randy nodded approvingly.

The rest of the day we all went about our business naked and I even stole a few furtive glances at the strange looking equipment hanging from Randy's front. I tried to imagine that all inside of Anna and it just didn't seem to make sense when I'd look at Anna and she seemed so small down there.

About an hour had gone by since Kimmie was sent to take a nap and she came out of the front door crying. Anna handed me the paddle to stir the laundry and admonished me to be careful before she went to attend to Kimmie.

It turned out that Kimmie always cries when she wets the bed and today she had wet my bed. Oh, lucky me.

Randy went into the house and brought my mattress out and threw it up on the metal roof of the chicken coop to dry up and air out.

A short while later the laundry was flapping in the light summer breeze and I was amazed to see that our cotton dresses were dried by lunchtime. I was absolutely relieved to be covered by at least the dress for the rest of the day. By the afternoon the sheets were all dry and Anna and I made the beds, except for mine, while Randy kept the girls busy.

We had our dinner and the sun went down and my poor little bed was still unfit to sleep on.

"No problem," Anna said, "We'll make room for you in our bed tonight."


"That'll be nice." said Randy.

Gulp again.

I wondered about Randy and his manhood as I stripped myself and bathed the girls. I was and wasn't surprised when Anna came to the bathroom as I stepped into the water to mother me and she poured a lavender scented oil into the bathwater..."So we can smell like ladies tonight."

As is common for the backwoods high country, an evening chill set into the summer air and when I reached for my nightie after Anna had had her own bath and dried off Anna gently took it from me.

"We're friends, Christie, and you won't need that tonight."

A knot entered my stomach as we padded out to the living room and Randy's eyes perked up as he saw us. He'd taken his own evening bath in the stream outside saying that he liked the bracingly cold water sometimes. From the looks of him at the time I now know that the water wasn't cold enough.

There were three glasses of wine ready again and when we repeated our ceremony from the other night my throat burned a bit with the wine.

"That's a little of my Everclear fortifying that glass of courage for you there, Christie. Hope you don't mind."

I could only nod that I didn't mind, but I also had no idea what it was that I didn't mind.

My head was a bit buzzed as Anna took my hand and led me to the bedroom. I'd had a few fears about the evening but the rush of the liquor did, indeed, take them away and I was relieved to climb onto the soft bed with the cool, white sheets.

"Spread your legs a little, sweetie." I didn't bother to question, I just did it and Anna rubbed me down there with something cool and slick.

Anna then lit a candle on a side table as Randy came into the room.

"The girls are all asleep." He said to Anna.

I was transfixed as Anna sidled up to him and kissed him while at the same time her hand sought out his manhood. I saw it rise up and was amazed when Anna knelt down and took it in her mouth and did things to it that I'd never imagined nor ever heard of. Randy's head went back in pleasure as she did what she did and then he came back up and kissed her on the lips as she rose from her knees.

"She's ready."

Randy nodded at her and then looked at me as if he were starving and I was a hamburger. Anna got up on the bed and cuddle up next to me and pulled my lips to hers and gave me what was my very first romantic and passionate kiss. I felt her hands on my breasts and then felt them wander down between my legs where her fingers started to do magical things to me. I felt my glow come up and felt myself relax with her touch. I didn't complain when she slipped a finger into me and the magic just got better. It was as if she knew everything to do to make me feel so special and warm inside. I felt myself answering her probing at me with my hips, I was trying to get more of this fabulous feeling into me. Anna stopped kissing me and turned to Randy who was at the foot of the bed.


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