Stories by Christie052780

by Christie052780
First Time& more 06/09/2023
199.8k 135 49 242

Societal collapse, anarchy, slavery, and a nice Chianti.

H 4.64 107k 88 21 169

Slavery, drugs, anarchy. And a nice Sauternes!

H 4.62 68.5k 29 14 45

Part three...finally!

H 4.68 24.2k 18 14 28

Art can be very creative.

4.17 15.2k 15 6 30

A young lady finds a novel way to pay for college.

4.48 188.2k 175 38 295
Liar 2 Parts
287.5k 141 25 205

A liar lies his way into a young woman's body.

4.3 105.6k 71 7 113

A man cheats on his wife with a college cutie.

4.26 181.8k 70 18 92

Not one of my better moments.

4.12 40.1k 15 8 20

The story of how I met my Mister.

by Christie052780
Romance 07/13/2011
4.32 48.7k 29 11 43
477k 171 63 295

College bound girl experiences a change of life.

4.41 272k 106 34 193

Where do things go next?

4.49 107.4k 31 7 58

The plot takes a turn.

4.22 97.5k 34 22 44

A nightmare is a bad dream.

4.22 107.6k 20 7 42

Author explains herself and her work.

H 4.63 42.3k 11 20 22

Young woman encounters her future.

4.41 354.4k 177 24 265

The guy next door lends a hand.

4.36 119.7k 24 4 36

Young lady tries on a new position.

4.23 112.2k 27 6 63

Young woman seeks an older man's help.

by Christie052780
Mature 06/23/2005
4.42 239k 54 15 95

The joys of twins revealed.

4.2 111.7k 17 25 33

Young lady takes care of her charge.

4.19 130.7k 29 6 41

Modeling, not just a job, it's an adventure.

4.14 261k 50 22 81
459.5k 164 36 220

She hires sexy sitter to test her husband's faithfulness.

4.2 278.4k 105 11 146

As if once isn't enough...

4.33 181k 59 25 74

Professor takes advantage of a mistake.

by Christie052780
Mature 11/26/2003
4.32 165.7k 28 3 56

A student plays with fire.

4.24 247.7k 42 8 64

Housesitting turns into an odyssey.

H W 4.54 1.04M 566 92 809
Raped 9 Parts
3.66M 1k 99 1.3k

Young woman has a really bad day.

3.97 601.1k 163 16 307

Young woman and her sister have another bad day.

4.37 599.2k 203 16 247

The sisters become willing acomplices

4.3 485.2k 152 24 178

A man and six females.

H 4.58 342.3k 60 4 78

A Man and six beauties all alone for the winter.

4.34 622.6k 101 6 125

Sixth installment of the series. Four down, two to go!

H 4.53 282.3k 80 6 94

Christmas Eve dinner is interesting.

4.46 216.6k 61 2 71

Karen tries 'safe sex' with the man of the house.

4.45 236.7k 76 4 88

Rebekah joins the family.

4.45 280.3k 109 21 144

She gets a surprise from older sister's man.

4.38 670.3k 227 25 332

Answer to the FAQ of "How did I develop my fetish?"

H 4.58 202.2k 40 64 55

Kidnapped woman ends up missing her captor

4.03 499.3k 184 25 284

Au pairs' English adventure continues.

4.05 227.6k 52 9 91

Au pair is used by her boss.

4.29 533.9k 137 15 248

New nanny in London gets more tea.

4.02 269.7k 35 7 57

Christie runs off with John.

4.33 61.6k 8 3 18

Virgin loses it to her friend's father.

by Christie052780
Mature 07/19/2001
3.79 456.8k 54 7 110

A mentor decides to take the next step.

by Christie052780
Mature 05/17/2001
4.01 380.3k 85 18 147

Him, 31 & Married - Her, just 19 & stupid.

4.26 316.9k 72 20 147
by Christie052780
Erotic Couplings& more 09/22/2022
571.8k 130 22 259

Married woman makes a request of her sister.

E 4.32 223.3k 67 7 135

Kevin and Jody go even further.

4.39 174.1k 37 6 72

Kevin gets out of control.

4.15 174.3k 26 9 52

Young lady finds love with a married couple.

4.18 234.6k 62 11 83

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