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The guy next door lends a hand.
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I've lived in my house for several years now and due to my busy schedule at work have had little time to get to know my neighbors or anyone else for that matter. I could go on and on about my life, but I won't bother you with those details.

Josh and Renee are my next door neighbors and they're a beautiful couple in their mid-thirties. They have three daughters and they seem to have the whole storybook marriage going on. That's why it was such a surprise to me to see Renee and the girls leave in a van to the airport for Christmas while Josh stayed behind. From the kiss goodbye that he gave to Renee I knew there was nothing wrong with their marriage, but still, to see your family leave you alone for Christmas isn't right.

Being as that I didn't bother them all that much it really wasn't any of my business. But still, Josh was attractive and his way with his little girls was so...sexy! There's something that's just so seductive about a man who's good with children...it makes you want him.

Fast forward three days to Christmas Eve and we're having the storm of the century it seems. The National Weather Service was sending out alerts on the TV almost constantly to announce new flooding in different areas and even a few rare tornadoes. I felt even more alone as nature vented her fury at the earth.

Around seven that night the rain was just coming down in sheets and I figured it was somehow appropriate for me to be spending yet another Christmas Eve alone. Naturally, I got a hot bath going and then cracked open my gift to myself for the season, a bottle of single-malt Scotch older than I am. Between the several shots of Scotch and the hot bath I was soon blissfully ensconced in the comforts of the season. Mozart, Domain & Chandon, bubble bath...life can be good even in the midst of the storm.

And then I heard a big bang of some sort and the power went out. I sighed and realized that it was my lot in life to never enjoy a moment of peace. I got up out of the bath and just grabbed my robe and wrapped it around me. Looking out the window I could see the whole neighborhood was dark.

Naturally, that was the moment my garbage cans got blown over. Loudly.

"Dammit!" I said as I padded downstairs to clean up the mess I knew I'd find. I could hear the wind outside as I went into the garage and the chill went through me as my bare feet hit the cold concrete.

The rain was almost coming down sideways and the wind was just awful. I propped the side door to my garage open with an empty soda can and went about getting the mess cleaned up and put in order so's I could get back to my warm bath all the sooner.

Once again, the Fates pulled down their panties and peed on me.

The garage door was pushed in by the wind and I watched as my soda can blew away and then the wind changed direction and I watched in slow motion, it seemed, as the only way into my warm house slammed shut.

I honestly don't remember screaming, but I guess I did. I banged on my door and pleaded with it to open and, predictably, it didn't. I gave up and sat down in the rain and just whimpered and cried knowing full well I'd be spending the night outside.

My indulgence in my misery lasted maybe two or three minutes when I heard a familiar voice and looked up to see a flashlight in my eyes.

"Christie?" It was Josh. I leapt to my feet and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him both for my joy at seeing him and for the warmth from his body. I didn't notice my robe opening but Josh soon betrayed the fact the he was enjoying feeling my naked body against his. I don't recall exactly what he said next but I got it across to him that I was locked out of the house. Nature, of course, blew her winds colder and wetter once I was trapped outside.

"C'mon, let's get in where it's warm."

He put his arm around me and ran with me across the muddy yard and over to his back door. We both wiped our bare feet and then walked in. It was then that I noticed he was just in his boxers and a soaking wet t-shirt. Seeing him staring at my body I gathered my robe up and instantly felt a little uncomfortable.

He took charge and led the way once more.

"Fuck, it's cold. C'mon...we'll warm up and talk later."

He led me through the darkened house with his light and then into the upstairs bathroom where I heard him get the shower going.

"Go on, Christie, get in there and warm up and I'll go get some towels."

I dropped my wet robe with a plop and almost jumped into the warm, steamy flow. My toes tingled as the feeling came back into them and I shivered with joy as the warm water flowed over my hair. The feeling of the warm water was almost painful on my cold feet and it was somehow an exquisite pain. It was a couple of minutes when I heard Josh come back.

Even in the fog of the warmth and the Scotch I recolied a bit when Josh stepped into the shower. I don't recall exactly what I said, but he gently moved me aside and stepped into the water saying, "Excuse me, sweetie, but I need to warm up, too. Here, " he reached across me, "we'll turn on the other shower head, okay?"

I lost myself again as I now had my own personal supply of *warm* and I'd almost forgot I was with a naked man until I felt his hands on my waist again. He went to turn me around and I just went with it thinking he was gong to do something else and I was right.

He kissed me the softest, sweetest kiss I think I've ever had. I melted like butter in his arms and let him kiss me and feel me all over. I didn't even stop him when his searching hand sought out my most personal place and I gasped as he did something I realized he must've done with Renee hundreds of times.

Josh played my body the way a concert violinist caresses his violin and I must admit, that he eveoked in me what I can only describe as joyful music! He started with a gentle opening and played me on into the first act and then into an overture only to close with the most memorable crescendo.

When he was done I was the most relaxed I had ever been in years. And I didn't complain as he turned me around and caressed my body as he placed my hands on the cool tile wall of the shower. The combined fog of alcohol, pleasure, and warmth had me not realizing what was happening until I felt his chest press against my back. He kissed my neck and I leaned my lips back to meet his and we kissed. It was as we kissed that I felt him press against me. I moved just enough and was rewarded with his moan of pleasure as he slid himself into my body. I let out a gasp of sheer joy just to be filled with a man. It had been so long since I'd been with someone. It had been too long.

Gently he slid himself completely into me and I had no shame in letting him. He withdrew from me momentarily and leaned in to kiss me on the neck again.

"We shouldn't be doing this." I said.

"I know."

He kissed me full on the lips and I arched my back for him, offering my body to him and he accepted. I savored every feeling as his cock pushed at my body and then slipped into me again.

This was the most purely sexual experience I'd ever had and the morality of being with someone else's husband never crossed my mind. I lost myself in the pure pleasure of the moment and wondered if such a wonderful thing could really happen to me. I reached a hand down between my legs and felt gently for my opening and was electrified to feel Josh's manhood gently pressing in and out of my body. I wanted more.

I broke from our kiss and lowered my head and arched my back like the gymnast I'd been in my teens, pushing him back a step or so. He took my belly in his hands and seated himself firmly into my body. It was indescribably wonderful! I surrendered myself to his needs and, as I recall, I also surrendered to my own. For too long I'd been wanting just what I getting right then and the pent-up want was being released with every thrust of Josh's wonderful tool into my body.

I could have died happy at that moment. Seriously!

The final reward was when his breathing became jagged with gasps and I knew he was getting close. Part of me knew that I needed to stop this and there was this other part of me that ached to see this through. My own pleasure and anxiety came to a crest as Josh started into what I knew was his own crescendo. I arched my back even more to accept his gift.

I reached between my legs again and gently held his balls as he led himself into me. I don't know why, but I had the most amazing orgasm of my life as I felt his balls contract and then felt his cock surge as it rushed its seed past my fingers and into my body.

I honestly can't remember too much of the rest of the night expect for a blur of sex and joy. It was noon the next day when I awoke in Renee's bed to find Josh next to me, smiling as he moved himself on top of me to take me again.

It was an hour later when Josh got me back into my house and then only two hours after that when his family came home to spend Christmas Day with their husband and father.

Over the next few weeks Josh and I exchanged furtive glances, but nothing more.

It was literally Valentine's Day when Josh came over and had a little present for me. I invited him in and told him that come late September or early October I would have a little present for him.

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Steelyblue1213Steelyblue121312 months ago

I wish my wife would have the same encounter. to see her belly swell with another man baby.

FirediamondFirediamondover 11 years ago
His face!

Imagine the look on his face!

don87654don87654almost 17 years ago
Very erotic and natural....

Here it comes again.....I'd love to meet you and make you and your babies mine to love and care for.

don87654don87654almost 18 years ago
Very normal and erotic animal behavior

I wish you would give me a chance to have a little present from you, too, in about 9 months?

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