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The Collapse Ch. 03

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Part three...finally!
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/15/2012
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Disclaimers: Again, the grammar is exactly as I intended it to be. Everyone in the story is over eighteen (even though most of them haven't been born yet). "Deseret" is a very real thing and it is not a spelling error. Google it if you want.

Sorry it took me six years to get to chapter three.


August 1, 2074

Not long after Mr. Evans gave me the Kicks he'd had to go to Texas for a trading trip. He had some things that the Texas military wanted and they were offering a good price so he had to go. We didn't see him again until March and for a while we wondered if we would ever see him again.

While he was gone my blood came again so I knew I wasn't pregnant. Maggie explained to me how all of that worked with the blood coming and then you had a few days to yourself before you might get pregnant. My family never spoke of such things so I think I was lucky to have Maggie around to tell me how these things really worked.

I'd helped Maggie and the farm ladies get the gardens planted but I always noticed the farm ladies treated me different. No matter how friendly I'd try to be to them they would all smile and be polite but they were never really friendly.

One time I asked Maggie about it and she says to me, "I wish I could be nicer about it but they think you're Mr. Evan's sex toy and they're right because that's what you are. You're not his wife, you're not his girlfriend, you're a girl he bought and he has his way with you when he wants to."

"But why is any of that my fault?"

Maggie shook her head. "Amy, people been like this forever. I used to be called a whore just because I was a cocktail waitress. I mean I wasn't no nun or anything like that but I never sold myself. Still, you get people who think less of you because for those people it makes them think better of themselves if they can call someone else a name. And all of those so-called farm people are just slaves themselves and they sold themselves into it for food like anyone else would."

No one had ever called me a whore before but that's what this meant. And where Maggie had never sold herself for sex it was true that I had done exactly that. I'd sold myself to Mr. Evans and I guess that made me his sex toy and his whore. I suppose this was all meant to make me feel bad about myself but in a way it made me feel free in a way I had never felt free before.

See, I was raised in a family that always saw the world as us being good people and the rest of the world being people you had to be careful around. And that meant we were all supposed to be good people and there are a lot of rules and things like that when you try to call yourself good. But if you're not so good anymore then you don't have to worry about all those rules so much.

The first thing I changed after that was what I wore to bed at night. Instead of wearing a big nightgown and underwear like Maggie and everyone else did I started just wearing the satiny things Mr. Evans had given to me. And nothing else! It was so daring to get up in the morning and walk out to the kitchen and be wearing just a blue satiny thing. Especially when a farm lady was bringing things in for Maggie and I'd see them. They'd look at me and see me and you could see their eyes get all big! It was funny to me.

Maggie liked that I was making the women talk and she agreed with me that since they were going to talk anyway I might as well be worse than what they thought.

Of course, during the day I'd wear a dress like always but unless I was having my blood I didn't bother with underwear anymore. No one knew I was doing it but it felt naughty and I enjoyed it just because it wasn't something you were supposed to do!

I also took up braiding my hair and that made the women talk, too. Seems you're supposed to let your hair loose to cover you up but I'd put up my hair and show off my neck. Strange thing is it made some of the farmer men take notice but I liked it and would smile at them to make their women jealous!

Then it was the very first day of March when we heard this odd sound outside. It sounded like someone beating a drum way off in the distance but it was louder than a drum. It was a lot louder than a drum! Maggie and I walked outside to see what it was and I noticed a couple men running to the shack where we kept the pulse generator. In a few moments you could feel the energy from the pulse generator running through the air but the sound of the drumming only got louder.

I screamed when the giant machine flew right over us!

It was huge! It was as big as any of the old airplanes in the desert but it didn't look like them. Not at all.

It flew up the valley and then pointed up and turned at the same time. Now it came back our way.

"I ain't seen anything flying for years." Maggie wiped her eyes as if not believing what she was seeing.

I noticed the men staring at the shack where the pulse generator was. We could all feel the familiar energy but it had no effect at all on the flying machine.

As it approached we could see it slow down and everyone relaxed a little. So did I.

I also got a better look at it. It was long and looked mostly like an airplane but it didn't have jet engines. Instead it had these things like huge windmills on each wing and at first they pointed forward but as it slowed and came closer they rotated until they pointed up.

The huge machine blew dust everywhere and then it landed out in the wash, well away from the house. We started walking towards it simply assuming that it had to be friendly and by the time we got to it the big windmills had stopped turning, the engines had stopped, and a ramp at the back had opened up.

We heard a truck start up and then out the back of that aircraft came Mr. Evans' truck! He was driving it and after he got it out of the aircraft he stopped it, got out, and went to talk to the men who were with the machine. We would have got closer but Mr. Evans waved at us to stop. After a few handshakes with the men from the machine he got in the truck and drove up to meet us.

Before he could get out to talk to us we heard the engines on the aircraft start up. It was like a whining that built in intensity and then it just seemed to go from a whine to a roar all at once. The big windmills started turning again and in a few moments the same machine that had carried a whole big truck inside it rose off the ground! I mean I had heard all my life of things like this but here I was seeing it and it just seemed unbelievable that something so big could just fly like that!

It didn't seem right that something could fly without someone or something throwing it into the air! I used to look at birds and see them use their legs to jump into the air and that made sense to me but seeing that machine just float up like it was nothing seemed wrong! Still, it was amazing!

It rose up pretty high and then the windmills started to turn forward and the thing started moving. It moved pretty fast after that. It went back down the valley and then over Tower Mountain and then it was gone! We could hear the drumming sound for a few more seconds after that but then it was over.

We were all just staring at the direction it left and no one said a word for a moment.

"Is anyone gonna welcome me home?" said Mr. Evans from his truck.

It was like we all woke up and suddenly everyone was talking and excited and in all the commotion I never got a chance to say hello to Mr. Evans. Him and Maggie and a few other people got in the truck and drove up to the fortress we just called a house while me and some of the farm people walked on behind them. As I think about it I was dressed for the farm that day so I suppose I just looked like everyone else on the farms.

Maybe that's why Mr. Evans didn't notice me.

When I got back to the house Mr. Evans was explaining to the men how the metal that some of them mined on our mountain was important to the Texas Republic. He said we had 'Rareth Metals' and Maggie later explained to me they were called 'rare earth metals'. Like Mr. Evans was explaining, the Texas scientists had taken some of our metal and instead of making light weight weapons with it they found a way to make electricity work even around a pulse generator. That meant they could make flying machines again and not have to use smoky oil trucks like everyone had to use.

The Texans promised Mr. Evans a lot of things but they paid him first with a truckload of medicines, weapons, and gold. I never saw so much gold at one time! Mr. Evans even said that the rest of what they had paid him would be arriving by train down in Elko in a few days. All of that was for just maybe two full sackweights of the rare earth metals. And I knew we had at least one more sackweight of the stuff stored in an old mine.

Mr. Evans said we were going to start mining the metals all the time now that Texas would buy them.

After the chatter settled down the farm people went back to their business and I went up to the house to clean up. Mr. Evans was still busy with some of the men getting the truck unloaded and getting things put away.

I got myself showered and fresh and after I was dry I put on one of my short satin sleepshirts and was about to put on undershorts but then decided to try being naughty like all the women thought I was.

When I came out to the kitchen Maggie was getting an early dinner started since she said it was dinner time in Texas. I didn't understand how it was a different time in Texas than it was here but I let it go and helped her out.

During dinner Mr. Evans told us all about Texas and how their scientists had figured out how to use rare earth metals to do something with electricity that made pulse generators useless. It was a lot of words I had never heard before but I got the general idea that Texas was going to be running things from now on.

After dinner Mr. Evans stripped down to his teeshirt and undershorts and settled into his recliner chair to watch the holo. I noticed it wasn't one of the old movies but instead it was live news from Texas.

"Yeah, the Texans gave me a paired receiver and now we get the programs from Texas. You even get programs from Israel and England on this thing!" He was clearly very happy with the receiver thing and I kind of liked it too.

The news people were talking about the new capital city being built in Abilene and how the Texas Republic now had twenty million people in it. There was news about the new air force and they showed the aircraft that Mr. Evans had been on and then they showed a picture of at least a hundred or more of the military aircraft and said they were going to build even more of them for regular people to use to get around the Republic. They also told about a hurricane hitting the Cuba Colony and how the Texas Republic was helping Texans in the Colony.

After the news Mr. Evans picked a different holo channel and it was a movie that was just starting.

"Amy, why don't you come over here and sit on my lap and we'll enjoy a nice movie."

It wasn't a question and I did what I was told. He was laying back to watch the holo and had me lay back on top of him. His hands were in my lap and I ended up with my hands on his.

The movie was a holo remake of something I'd seen before called, "The Blue Lagoon". The original movie was really nice to watch because it was so beautiful to see the ocean and all the fish but the rest of it was pretty bad. I mean I understood it was supposed to be a love story but it made no sense why anyone would kill themselves just because they were in a boat on an ocean. I mean you just wait for the wind to blow you to the beach and you'd be fine, right? Lakes aren't that big so an ocean can't be much bigger.

Oh, well.

The remake was pretty, too. You could tell they holo'd it in Cuba from the clothes they were wearing and it made more sense. It was set after The Collapse and it had a sailing ship in the Caribbean sailing to get away from one of the plagues when the ship exploded and sank.

An old man, a little boy, and two little sisters ended up on an island they called a 'key' and like the original movie the old man eventually died but from a plague. The little boy and the two little girls grew up together and when they got older the holo showed them discovering sex.

It was at about that part that I felt Mr. Evans starting to get hard.

The holo went on to show the grown boy start to kissing the one grown girl who was at least my age from what I could see.

I had my hair braided and Mr. Evans kissed me on my neck.

The couple in the holo were starting to do it and she made a squeak and you knew he'd poked her at that point. The view came back from the two of them and you could see everything as the two lovers went at it.

Mr. Evans was pushing at me while this was going on but he was doing it slowly and not at all like the boy in the holo.

The holo had the two lovers finish all sweaty and out of breath and then they were talking about the other sister and how they didn't want her to be left out of what they were doing.

Mr. Evans had me lift up for a moment and then when I settled down again I felt his cock right under my pussy. He ran his hands down my sleepshirt and then when he was touching my bare thighs he ran his hands back and felt around.

"Amy, are you wearing any undershorts?"

"No, do you want me to go put some on?"

He pushed at me a bit before replying. "No, I think this is just fine."

Back on the holo the story had moved on to where the girl who had done it was talking to her sister who was crying because she didn't want to be alone and then the boy came into the scene. The three of them were getting pretty busy but most of the action was between the boy and the girl who hadn't done it yet.

Mr. Evans was doing much of the same stuff to me that the boy on the screen was doing. He had his hands all over me, he kept kissing my neck, and his cock kept running back and forth between my legs.

The boy in the holo got the second girl on her back and instead of squeaking like her sister did she just sighed when he got himself into her. He was a lot more patient with the second girl and he took his time.

That was when I felt hands on my hips. Mr. Evans pulled me up on him and I felt his length slip between us until the head of his cock was right at my pussy. He pushed a couple times and missed but then he got it in. Just like the girl in the holo I sighed as he slipped all the way into me.

We were doing the same thing as the couple in the holo and somehow that made the movie even better! I was watching the girl being fucked and I could feel the same things she had been feeling when the holo was made.

When Mr. Evans held my arms up I kept them there until he got my sleepshirt off. It felt weird to have him inside me as I folded up my sleepshirt and set it on the table beside us.

I was going to just settle back but Mr. Evans had the chair sit up until his feet were on the floor. My feet were on either side of his and then he put his hands on my back and had me sit up while he slouched down in the chair a little. The result was he was in me as deep as he could be. But instead of thrusting himself into me he used his feet to start the chair rocking. I have to say it felt amazing because he stayed all the way inside me but the way we were moving it was like only the very tip of his cock was fucking me deep inside.

The couple in the holo were still going at it. The sister was watching them and then she kissed the boy as he was fucking her sister. That made Mr. Evans groan and his hands went to my waist and pulled me down as much as he could.

I loved it. Between watching the threesome in the holo and letting myself be the whore everyone thought I was I was the most sexually charged I'd ever been. I didn't think it could get any better than that.

Then the drama in the holo moved to the end of the scene. The two lovers started fucking faster and then the holo closed in to show the boy's cock throbbing and pulsing into the girl.

Mr. Evans started thrusting into me and I was loving every moment of it and then suddenly everything became a million times more intense as the lingering effects of the Kicks took over.

I held onto his bare knees as he fucked me and then realized I was fucking him back. I was pounding myself onto him over and over and then the world exploded as the ecstasy of the Kicks overtook me. I felt my pussy spasm repeatedly and even though it became a little painful it felt so good! Every time I felt that lovely cock plunge into me a new round of spasms and pleasure would be released and somewhere over the sound of my own wanton moans I heard Mr. Evans cry out as he released himself into me.

The two of us fell back and he reclined us again. We were both wasted from our exertions yet we were still coupled. Even though I was sore from all of the spasms it felt good to have him stay inside me and I laid back and tried to relax.

The holo movie continued on with scene after scene of the threesome making love. Sometimes it was the boy with one girl or the other and sometimes he was with both of them at the same time.

As it went on you could see the two girls were pregnant. Their bellies got bigger and their breasts got bigger, too. The erotic scenes were somehow even more intimate as the boy made love to the girls. The discovery of their pregnancies as they realized they were carrying babies was really sweet and I even shed a tear when the boy told them he was happy to be the father.

Then there was a scene where the three of them were throwing berries at each other for fun when a ship appeared on the water. The man on the ship had binoculars and when he saw the purple-spotted threesome he yelled to the man at the ship's wheel, "Come about! PLAGUE!!"

The men on the ship moved quickly to set their sails and then the ship disappeared.

Time went on and soon enough the first sister was delivering her baby. It was the first time I'd seen a baby born and it was pretty scary. There was screaming and blood and some white looking paste involved and then a baby was born! The father cut the umbilical cord and tied it off and then carried the baby to the water to wash it. It was clearly a little girl. When she was clean he brought her back to her mother who immediately took the baby to her breast.

The second birth was mostly the same but the baby was a little boy.

The story saw the babies growing to be toddlers and then the father and the two mothers decided to have more babies.

While they were busy making more babies in the holo I felt Mr. Evans get hard again. The first time he thrust into me it hurt just because I'd spasmed so much. Then somehow the pain felt good and it turned to pleasure.

By the time the family at the Blue Lagoon was pregnant again Mr. Evans was letting himself go inside me. I didn't get the crazy pleasure of the Kicks that time but I did enjoy the satisfaction of pleasing Mr. Evans. When he was done he shut off the holo and turned off the lights.

* * *

The next day Mr. Evans took me for a walk and we got some time to talk. We talked about a number of mundane things concerning the gardens and chores around the house but he eventually got on the topic of sex.

He asked me about the changes in my modesty and I told him that the farm ladies thought I was a whore so I decided that I was free to be a whore. I decided to enjoy sex and I decided to be sexy and available for my owner.

We were down along the creek when he asked me if I was wearing any undershorts.

I told him I wasn't.

"So if I wanted to fuck you right now you'd lift up your dress for me and let me do it?"

Seems to me I had a better understanding of being a slave than he did!


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