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The Neighborhood Spanker


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I hear a book open and pages turn. Oh my, he's actually doing this! I'm too distraught to think and just have to pray my spread pussy doesn't get any wetter. After a few grueling minutes, he remarks that these are his two favorite sights.

"The Bible and you...."

His compliment fills my heart with the most unholy desire. How can I still be attracted to this man after what he's done to me? But on the other hand, he knows me more than anyone but God himself! How can I not...?

Mr. Sorensen highlights important scripture aloud.

"Timothy 2:12

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."

I'm in a frenzy by the time he removes the straps, exhausted but also exhilarated. I shake off my legs and try to cover up in vain.

"Off to bed with you, sweetheart. And remember, God's watching...."

His threat makes it impossible to play with myself. My clit is tingling incessantly but I'm too disgusted to touch it. I wish Mr. Sorensen were here to do it for me, his warm hands are so inviting.... Fuck! I hate myself for these thoughts but they won't stop! I have a deep, twisted longing for this cruel man.

"Unnhhh.... Unnhhhh....."

My hand slips down anyway and begins circling my clit. I feel so dirty but find comfort in Mr. Sorensen's claim that I'm one of his favorite things. He's stripped away my modesty and there's no going back. As usual, I can't even make myself cum and fall asleep with my hand under the covers like the wanton slut I've become.

This week is even harder than the last. I haven't been told if Mr. Sorensen is returning which leaves me distressed. Though his punishments are awful, I crave his otherworldly pleasure. I'm also struggling with whether or not to tell my parents about what happened, but as I ruminate on it I'm sure they're involved. How else could he have gotten that spanking bench? But even if they're not, I'll never tell. I'd be going against the church, becoming a nuisance. Like Mr. Sorensen said, a woman shall be silent.

"Clara!" my Father calls from the kitchen on Thursday night. "Come in here, we need to speak with you."

I race down to see him and my mom sitting at the table, their smiles concerningly wide.

"Sit down, honey, this is important!" My Dad looks so giddy he can barely breathe. "As you know, you're going to begin courting soon. Well, your mother and I were going over options when it just so happens a very eligible bachelor asked for your hand specifically."

Blood floods my crotch and my lips instantly slicken. They're now warm and wet, gliding with no resistance. Surely Mr. Sorensen couldn't have asked for me. He's too old and men in his position don't wed. But even the thought has me dripping...

"We've set up a date for you two on Sunday. If things go well, and I'm sure they will, you'll be married before the end of the month!"

What! I've never even met this man and am expected to live with him forever! I look over at my mother who reminds me she married my Dad after only two dates.

"And look at how happy we are!"

My Father beams at my mother who's smiling demurely. It's true, they do seem happy, even if weird things go down in their closet.... And their relationship is grounded in more than just love. My mom respects my Father's authority, which I've been told is the most important thing for a healthy marriage.

"M-may I ask who he is?" I ask cautiously.

"You'll see on Sunday," my Dad answers. "Now back to work!"

When Sunday finally arrives I'm visibly in heat. My pelvic muscles won't stop clenching and my thighs are permanently moist. I rub nervously while waiting in the hallway with my parents.

"Remember to be on your best behavior, Clara. You don't want to embarrass us."

"Of course, Father....."


"Oh, he's here!"

As my mother opens the door, I see the man who has put me into this crazed state.

"Oh my...."

My panties instantly flood. I'm hyperventilating, not sure if it's a mistake.

My Father throws me an annoyed look. "Uh, Clara, are you going to say hello...?"

I promised not to embarrass him but here I am panting like a horse! My pupils are dilated, sweat is forming on my nape.

"Are you okay, honey?" my mother asks.

Mr. Sorensen replies for me, "she's just a bit shy. Nothing we can't fix."

"Well I don't need to give you two an introduction!" My Father looks at me. "You see, honey, Mr. Sorensen came to speak with me after your session last Sunday. He told me he's never felt such a strong connection with a girl he's trained and that he'd be going against God's will to deny it."

"It's true," Mr. Sorensen interjects. At this point I can't feel my face I'm so red. "I've been waiting for the right girl to come along. One who I know will submit to me completely. And God told me that girl is you, Clara. I want you to be my wife."

Everyone is smiling at me and I'm frozen solid. Sure I'm attracted to this man, but do I really want to marry him?? He's so much older than me, and a strict disciplinarian! I doubt I can be the perfect submissive wife and am terrified of his training methods. But what can I do?? My parents want this, he wants this, God wants this!


"What Clara means to say," my Father steps in, "is that she would be honored to begin a courtship with you." I exhale as the world spins around me. "Now since you two have already been acquainted, we're going to leave you alone tonight. We thought it'd be nice for you to spend an evening together like Husband and wife. How does that sound?"

Mr. Sorensen steps forward and boldly puts his arm around me. "That sounds wonderful, Mr. Yoder, I'll have her in bed by 11."

I've never felt less autonomy than this moment. It's as if my reins are being literally passed from my Father to my future Husband and I have no say in the matter. When the door closes Mr. Sorensen turns to me.

"I meant everything I said, sweetheart. I'm stepping down from my position to be with you."

The pressure is even more intense now that I know the lengths he's gone to secure me.

"Now I can focus all my energy on turning you into a true Biblical wife. First I'm going to break you down, then I'll build you up in God's image--in mine. And if you misstep, which I know you will, I'll always be right behind you, ready to bring you back to the righteous path. Because that's my duty."

I shake as he wraps his strong arms around me.

"You're going to be my perfect little pet, Clara, all mine to do with what I please. That's why God made you. For me."

Tears fall as I imagine my life with this man. I'm never gonna catch a break! He'll always be controlling me!


He's pulled up my dress and his hand is between my thighs.

"I can feel your heat, sweetie. Don't pretend you don't want this."

I cry harder into his chest, confused out of my fucking mind.

"Before you take off my shoes, how about we remove that dress. No sense in you wearing it during our date."

When he pulls it off, I realize I've spent far more time with him naked than clothed and that it's becoming strangely normal. He watches my breasts sway as I crouch down, sees my hourglass figure as I sit on my heels. My legs spread and cool air hits the moist center.

"Let's get you into the kitchen now. Tonight you're going to make me dinner."

This request is more demeaning than I could've imagined. I feel thoroughly humbled as Mr. Sorensen watches me chop vegetables and boil water from the table.

"Come refill my glass."

When I walk over he slides his hand up my smooth thighs until the side is resting against my lips. He saws back and forth, sending me to my toes. I try not to show him my desire but it's impossible to stay dry. When he pulls his paw out there's a shiny snail trail of girl juice. He sniffs it crudely then smacks my ass as I walk away.

"Back to work, honey."

The rest of the meal is painfully awkward. I'm made to stand in front of him with my back arched, spreading my cheeks with my hands.

"Pull 'em a little wider, that's it. Mm, what a lovely view."

Mr. Sorensen has begun to touch my body like he owns it and I've given him no reason to believe otherwise. With my little butthole and cunt on display he pokes them as he pleases. He presses against my wet hole, glides in to the second knuckle and maneuvers around all while still eating! I can't believe I'm part of such an obscene spectacle but am too weak-willed to stop him.

When he's finished, I'm told to clear his plate and begin the dishes. While I stand at the sink, Mr. Sorensen lumbers over and grabs my waist. I try to slink away but he scolds me.

"Uh, uh, a wife doesn't run from her Husband." He kisses my head and sniffs my hair. "Ahhh, I can't wait to have you in my kitchen every night. You're never allowed to wear clothes in my house, do you hear me?"

I shiver sensually and juices drip down my leg. Mr. Sorensen says he can smell them, that he needs to taste them. Paralyzed, I stay spread while he drops to his knees and licks.


His wet tongue and scratchy beard are delicious against my soft skin. I push back to feel more and he reciprocates with growls and deep kisses.

"UHH! UHH!!"

I'm on my toes squealing as my date eats me out. It feels amazing, then even better when he adds a finger! One knuckle, two, all the way till his palm is resting against my flesh. I'm freaking out now, terrified he'll soil me for my Husband. But wait.... Isn't he gonna be my Husband? So maybe this is okay....? Either way it doesn't matter because he's not stopping. In out in out, so fast I can hardly think!

"OoOoOoO! AHH!!"

He's sucking my hole, preparing it. In a hasty maneuver, Mr. Sorensen stands up and drops his trousers. I can hear him rummage impatiently before lining his hard flesh up against me. Unlike the last time though, I know he won't stop. He's already been given my hand, he can do what he wants with me....


I inhale sharply as his spear pierces its prey! I've never been penetrated by something so large and it's bizarre! Painful, yes, but also strangely fulfilling.... Like my body has finally found its missing piece.

"Oh, Clara...." Mr. Sorensen huffs. "Clara, my wife." He stabs me again before declaring, "the wedding's next Sunday, not a day later! Then I'm going to do this for eternity!!"

He pulls out and glides in, stretching my pink lips beyond their limit. I shriek with pain and pleasure while Mr. Sorensen has his way with me at the kitchen sink.

"Oh God! Oh God!"

His devilish fingers are fiddling with my clit while the others are squeezing my tits.

"I'm gonna own you," he grunts gruffly. "You're going to be mine."


My body can't take this much stimulation, it's gonna burst!!


Suddenly it happens!! My inner walls contract rapidly on his thick flesh which is lodged so deep it's grazing my cervix! I squeeze my thighs tight around him while my pussy spasms into oblivion.


The orgasm lasts nearly a minute, increasing with his humps.


Mr. Sorensen roars as he explodes directly into my womb. I'm too stunned to process what's happening and hang dumbstruck in my future Husband's arms. He's panting above me, his neck and hairline as sweaty as mine. His flesh is still inside me, though I can feel it shrinking. It eventually slips out, followed by a puddle of semen.

"No! We can't let this go to waste!"

Mr. Sorensen is hastily pushing his seed back in. There goes any hope of escaping this, I'm surely pregnant now... By the time I've turned to face him, my tears won't stop. I can't believe what he's done to me! I've been deflowered, soiled forever!

"There, there," my lover consoles, wiping away my tears. He brings his wet hand down to my sore hole and mixes it with the other juices. "Since I'm going to be your Husband, God will forgive you. Remember, what I say is law and I say it's fine. But let's keep this little secret between us, okay? Nobody needs to know you threw yourself at me a week early."

He rubs my belly to emphasize his point. Damn, we truly do need to marry next Sunday to avoid any suspicion. Suddenly I'm more lost than ever. I've gone from being the property of my Father to that of the man who assaulted me and can't say a thing! What has my life become.....

"I know you want to go again but I promised your parents I'd put you to bed. Come on, sweetie, let's go."

I'm shell-shocked as we walk upstairs to my bedroom. It's another violation entirely to have him in my private quarters, but I can no longer hide anything from him. He knows all of me. Mr. Sorensen tucks me in then leaves me with a warm forehead kiss.

"The next time I see you you'll be in a wedding dress. You're going to look so pretty, sweetheart. I can't wait to start molding you into my perfect helpmeet."

I whimper at this terrifying prospect but also get terribly wet. I hate how well my body responds to his authority. He slides his hand under the covers and grabs my cunt.

"Awww, baby, I know you're needy but you'll have to wait. Just remember, once we're married you'll get more pleasure than you can even imagine." Before he leaves, Mr. Sorensen gives my pussy a firm smack and says, "this is mine!"

"Unh! Yes, Sir..."

I'm white hot again as he exits my room. My pussy is begging to be touched but I feel as though I'm breaking a vow. It's sick how quickly this man has taken over my thoughts, but maybe it's for the best.... If we want a long, successful marriage in this church, I need to submit....

I think about all of this as I drift off to sleep. My sexual awakening with Mr. Sorensen, his big punishing hands, and of course his seed that's still swimming inside me. Most of all though I think about the hollow emptiness in my cunt. The sweet ache, the desperate need to be pumped and filled by my betrothed. I'm not sure how I got here, to this raunchy, heathenish place, but there's certainly no going back. In a week's time I'll be Mrs. Lars Sorensen, then I'll never have to worry again....

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OlsterOlster2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I really need a part 2! Or a series of them🥵

Peter851Peter8514 months ago

She’s enjoying her journey! Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


JustBobbinAlongJustBobbinAlong4 months ago

I love this story, what a fantasy. I hope you'll give us more of Clara and Mr. Sorenson!

Spank11Spank115 months ago

Excellent story would love more like this, would have been nice if Mr Sorenson had forced her anally!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Damn this is sexy. Kept imagining Mr. Sorenson looking like Harrison Butker. I hope there's a chapter two for the wedding and for Clara to learn what it's like being being kept humbled and controlled as a wife.

mrBIGbmrBIGb5 months ago

Good story THANKS

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