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The Never Ending Buffet Ch. 02

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An old man gets to live out his fantasies.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 07/15/2011
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I debated whether to call her or not. She thought that she had left me no clue as to her identity, but the caller ID on my cell phone said that her name was Jennifer Williams. I decided against contacting her, she was probably very embarrassed at her actions and I may never see her again. I had no doubt though that the memory would last the rest of my life.

She called next week, the night before I was due to take my niece Melissa to her doctor's appointment again.

"Walter, are you willing to talk to me, or are you upset?"

"I'm not upset. I understand that you were embarrassed and didn't want to talk to me last week. I'm very glad that you called me Jennifer."

"I'm at work right now, but I'd like to see you again. Are you busy tomorrow?"

"I will be at my post at Target again tomorrow. It's doctor day for my Niece so I will have some time to kill."

"So that is what you're doing, besides girl watching of course. That would be fine. Would you mind if I brought someone with me? I told my best friend what had happened and she wanted to meet you. I wouldn't be taking away prime girl watching time will I?"

"What makes you think I won't be watching the girl next to me? Now that I know what you are hiding, I want to look even more. Your friend won't have the police coming behind her will she?"

"I don't know if you are just flattering me or if you really mean it. Amy is not angry, just curious."

"I mean every word; I have no reason to lie to you. I've already visited heaven."

"Oh my, I'll see you tomorrow then."

I was barely back into my spot in my Dakota the next day when a light blue mini-van pulled up next to me. The driver was a middle-aged brunette with her hair pulled up in a bun. I was prepared to watch her get out when I saw Jennifer in the passenger seat waving at me. I got out and walked around the van to her window. I unashamedly stared at the driver's legs and decent cleavage. After appraising her as much as I could I directed my gaze at Jennifer. She was in very short red shorts and a sleeveless white blouse. I gave a soundless whistle, and then turned back to the driver.

"Hello, you must be Amy, I am Walt. What can I do for two lovely ladies this day?"

"See what I mean Amy? Get in please Walt and we'll talk for a bit, we have some questions for you."

Once I had situated myself in the middle of the bench seat, I looked up to see both of them staring at me.

"What? Have I got spinach in my teeth or something?"

Amy spoke up, "no, nothing like that. I just have trouble believing what Jenny told me. She said that you thought that she is attractive and really enjoyed being with her."

"Is that all you told her Jennifer? That I was with you last week? Didn't you tell her how good I thought you tasted or how I worshipped your lovely tits?"

Jennifer blushed very red and was kind of sputtering, not really saying anything.

"Yes she did tell me about that, is it all true?"

"I can tell you or I could show you. One of you come on back here and I'll be happy to dive in."

"Here? In the parking lot?"

"It would have to be. My niece Melissa will be done at the doctor's soon and I will have to take her home."

The two women looked at each other, then Jennifer nodded to Amy and Amy unbelted and got out of the van. She stepped back to the side door and slid it back, stepped in beside me and closed the door.

"Are you willing to do a fat old lady stud?"

"I don't see much fat Amy, very nice legs and tits yes, fat no." I put my arm around her shoulders, "just lean back and relax honey, let me drive."

I bent over and kissed Amy as thoroughly as I could. As we kissed, and she did kiss me back, I started exploring her. She was right in thinking that she could lose some weight, but it wasn't as bad as she thought. There was a small roll around her waist and her hips were collecting cellulite, but I didn't mind. She was very soft and warm.

"What is this about taking your niece to the doctor's? Why are you doing that?" Jennifer asked.

I had to remove my lips from Amy's to answer, "I'm all she has, her parents are dead and her boyfriend left when he found out she was pregnant. She doesn't like to drive as large as she is now plus her car is a piece of shit, so I help out. You're going to have to lose the shorts if I'm going to do half of what I did to Jennifer, Amy."

I was afraid that Amy would tear the shorts she was trying so hard to get them off. I was kneeling behind Jennifer when the shorts and panties came off. Amy had not trimmed her bush any more than Jennifer had and it was pretty full. I looked behind myself at Jennifer and saw that she was staring at her friend's pussy. I just nodded and ran my hands up and down Amy's legs. I started kissing at her knees, and moved forward slowly to approach my goal. I didn't want to take too long and be interrupted by Melissa's call.

As I moved between her thighs, I reached behind Amy and pulled her to the edge of the seat. I inhaled her aroma and sighed deeply. "Marvelous, just marvelous. There is nothing to compare to the scent of an aroused woman."

"I can't believe that I'm sitting here in the parking lot with my pants off waiting for you to lick me. The idea that you are going to put your face in between my legs has got me so excited I may come without you touching me. Please quit teasing me and just do it if you are going to."

"Oh I am certainly going to do it." Putting action to words, I reached forward and gave her the first lick from bottom to top. The hair was a bit of a bother, but once it was wet I was able to move it to the sides. Amy's vaginal lips were very loose and hanging slightly. I inserted my tongue between them and tried to fuck her with it. I sucked the lips into my mouth and pulled back slightly. Amy was already breathing hard and when I did that she gasped and I could tell that she came as she tried to close her legs on me.

I wasn't going to let that stop me and I renewed my attack on her by moving up to her clit. Hers was the largest clit I had ever come into contact with. My wife's was so small I had trouble finding it sometimes. This one was almost an inch long and as big around as a small child's finger. I was able to wrap my lips around it and sucked it through a very long duration climax. Amy literally howled until I let off and gave her a couple of ending licks to gather her moisture.

Just then my phone went off.

"Perfect timing Melissa. I'll tell you about it later, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Sorry to eat and run, but I need to go ladies. I enjoyed this and last week, but if we are going to do it again, it would be nice to get one of you into a bed." I leaned over to kiss Jennifer and then Amy. "Please call me if you want more, I'm very glad to have met you."

With that I slid open the door and got out.

I left with Amy scrambling to get dressed and Jennifer looking at me strangely as I drove away.

Melissa was again waiting in front of the doctor's office. She got into the seat of my truck with her normal complaints about how large she was.

As I drove away she looked over at me with a quizzical expression. "What is that smell Uncle Walt? I should know it but...Damn, you got laid. That is a woman I smell, and she was most definitely in heat. Did you please her enough to come back, you didn't have much time?"

By this time I had a blush that could guide Santa's sleigh. Since she had guessed already, it didn't seem worth the trouble trying to lie.

"No, I did not get laid, as you so crudely put it young lady. I did however provide a lovely woman with some sexual pleasure. As to whether she enjoyed it or not, I can't see any reason for her to fake that with me. Her friend seemed to like it last week, and brought her to see for herself."

"Her friend? Uncle Walt, what is going on? You have not had a date since aunt Jessie died, and you have never said anything about this before. I'm glad that you may be getting back into life, but I am worried that you can be taken advantage of and hurt. Can I talk to these women?"

"And just who nominated you to be my guardian? I'll have you know missy that I am quite capable of looking after myself."

"Please don't be upset Uncle Walt. I do worry about you, and that you are spending too much time taking care of me and not yourself. I just want to talk to them a bit to make sure that they know how special you are."

"I'm not upset Melissa. I don't know if they will talk to you or not. I haven't said anything to you because this just happened this past week." I decided to go ahead and tell her everything. I knew she cared about me, and maybe talking to her about it might put it into a little better perspective for me as well. "Why don't you come on home with me for lunch and I'll tell you everything?"

"Okay, but you had better tell me everything. I want all the juicy details."

A little later she was sitting at my kitchen table as I prepared tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. She was already halfway through her first glass of milk.

"I don't know what it is about being pregnant, but I love drinking milk now, and I never liked it before. Enough delay now, tell me all."

"You know how I often spend my time when you are in the doctor's right? I sit in parking lots and watch the girls while reading a book or listening to the radio. Well last week this woman came up to me and started complaining about me being a pervert watching women with binoculars. I explained to her that I was not going to do harm to anyone, that I just liked to look at pretty women and their legs. She agreed then that it was probably okay and went into the store. When she came out, I was still watching and took a good look at her. She got upset and said that I was making fun of her, that she wasn't pretty. I guess that I convinced her otherwise, and told her that I would love to have her legs around my head. She was shocked at this, and as a consequence I gave her my name and number. She called me that night and after we talked a bit she came over and I stripped her down and ate one of the sweetest pussies I can remember. How much detail do you want Melissa?"

"That is probably enough from you Uncle Walt. I'll get more from her, whatever her name is. Now what about today? Why do you smell like sex?"

"First off, her name is Jennifer, and she called me last night and we set up to meet today while I was waiting for you. She brought her friend Amy, and I ate her in her van parked in the lot at Target. I had just gotten her off when you called to be picked up. If I had thought of it I would have gone into the store and washed up."

"Do you have a number I can call for them?"

"Jennifer's number is in my cell, here, give her a call."

I didn't really think that she would, but she surprised me by immediately finding the number and hitting dial.

"Hello Jennifer, my name is Melissa. I'm Walter's niece. Could we meet somewhere to talk about him?"

"Okay, I understand that you have to work, how about this Amy that Uncle Walt told me about? Is she available? She is? Could you put her on please?"

"Hello Amy, I want to talk about Walt. I love my uncle very much and I'm very concerned about what he has been telling me."

"You can? I'm at his place right now. Would you please come over so we can talk, I really would like to meet the new women in my dear uncle's life."

"Okay, I'll see you soon."

Melissa turned and looked at me. "You've been a bad boy Uncle Walt. Both of those women are totally taken with you and they are afraid that I am going to take you away. It has been a while since I have had that particular feeling and I can understand how they would feel if it has been even longer for them. What do they look like?"

"Well, Jennifer is about 5'5" and stocky. Her shoulders and hips are wide and her thighs are thick. She has short blonde hair and a kind of squarish face. She is not fat and it is obvious that she works out. She doesn't feel that she has anything to offer so she hasn't done the depilatory and other beauty items many women do. She is quite attractive to me and like I said, she tastes sweet. Amy on the other hand needs some work on her hips and thighs. But she is still not bad. Her face shows that she has had some hard times, but her taste is also pretty nice, and her responsiveness is out of this world. I don't say anything bad about your aunt Jessie, but sex was not very high on her list of priorities. She never said no, but she never instigated sex either. I was never grabbed and told to perform like Amy did to me. I could really get to like that."

"Well you might get the chance. Amy is going to drop Jennifer off and come over here to talk to me. She also said something about some other friends who might like to meet you. Your life may be about to get interesting."

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't believe what had already happened, and Melissa was saying something about it getting better. I was in shock.

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Uh, huh...uh, huh...UUUHHH, HHHUUUHHH!!!!!! THIS SMORGASBORD of ladies is going to be expansive for Walt; word-of-mouth is making him very popular...

And, I think niece Jennifer is becoming interested here; she IS pregnant, her hormones are rampant, she is HORNY, and "may" take advantage of Uncle Walt (like she thinks these other women are doing themselves!!)


Diecast1Diecast1about 2 years ago

Good second chapter. AAAAAA+++++

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

Life is great if a man is not too picky!!! I agree that every woman has something beautiful about them...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
great storyline

gives us old geezers hope

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Makes me wish I was part of the buffet!

HoosierFriendHoosierFriendabout 13 years ago
My! What a lovely buffet!

and learning from your profile that you have a special appetite for pregnant, it looks like Melissa and your readers are in for a sure enough feast. Yum yum . . . . .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

That is my favorite part about "SEX" ~~ Breakfast ~~ Lunch & Dinner ~~ plus Desert before bed.!

Very nice story so far and you have 2 ~~ '5's' to show for your stories.!*

Keep them cumming with more about this and I do believe we all will read.* Thanks.

{PS: ~~ I know I will anyway even if the rest don't read a line.* But I think you got us hooked.!*}

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Me too!

I'm 65, have ED, so I put it out there on a dating site, that if their guy didn't satisfy them, my tongue and fingers could give them as many orgasms as they could handle at one time. Some were Ha, Ha, but a couple took me seriously, we hooked up and now I'm doing 5 ladies at different times of the month.

I give a damn good erotic massage with it so it's like a long fore-play session, that goes on and on. I met a lady at a Xmas party, she was a widow and drunk, wanted a little more so I took her out on the patio and did her on the picnic table. I now do her and her 35 year old, disatisfied

daughter at different times, so that's 7 and counting.

I keep on ticking with some big time licking!

northlandernorthlanderabout 13 years ago
Go For it

Good for the mature male, we still have much we can teach the callow youth.

visualwillvisualwillabout 13 years ago
I'm jealous

I wish I could find a situation like that. I'd go for it!!

bruce22bruce22about 13 years ago
The Same old Story

You have to communicate if you want to enjoy life. Though there would be people who want to arrest him!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Love the story...

I wonder does Viagra work on the tongue too??? I might have to get some...

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