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The New Employee

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Charlotte gets a new worker with a big personality.
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The store was mostly empty as Charlotte sat by the counter, tapping her nails on it. She glanced up at the clock on the wall and sighed with displeasure. It'd been two hours since she opened for business and not a single customer had come through the door. The only other person there was her only employee, Harold, who was in one of the aisles, stocking the shelves. Harold was in his late thirties but he looked like he was reaching his sixties, though Charlotte was forty five her appearance looked youthful compared to her employee; his balding hair was white-blonde, while hers was jet black. His eyes were brown, whereas hers were green. His face wrinkled and sunk, hers was spotless and graceful. Charlotte seemed to enjoy his company, although he was often quiet.

The bell above the door rang out as someone entered and Charlotte looked over to see a young and quite handsome eighteen year old boy with bright blue eyes and short black hair walking in. He was of Hispanic descent, with light caramel skin. He had a strong, broad and well defined body, his face was somewhat chiseled and attractive, and he walked with a confident swagger. He was wearing a blue tank top under a long, light green hoodie which were tucked into dark blue jeans.

"Can I help you?" Charlotte asked, looking him up in down.

He smiled and approached the counter, "Hi there. I was wondering if you guys were hiring? I'm looking for a job around here and I'm sure you could use a new employee right? My name's Armando."

Charlotte smiled. She liked the way his voice sounded when he spoke. It was warm and smooth and seemed to echo in her ears. She felt butterflies in her stomach and took a moment to compose herself, trying to act as normal as possible. "Yes, we are. I think you'd be perfect for the job. Why don't you come around back and we'll get straight to your interview."

Armando smiled went around to the back of the counter, he noticed Charlotte's large breasts which were straining against her t-shirt. They were very firm and round and he couldn't help but imagine how they must feel. Her waist was thin accompanied by wide hips. She turned around and led Armando behind the counter and into the small backroom. He looked down at her as she moved into the room, noticing that she had a good pair of legs that led up to her big round ass which jiggled as she walked.

They entered a mostly empty room with a few chairs and a table Charlotte sat down, gesturing Armando to sit next to her. They both sat down by the table, Charlotte faced Armando with her thick legs crossed. Charlotte smiled at him, feeling slightly nervous, but also excited at the same time. She cleared her throat and began her interview, "So tell me Armando, what kind of job are you looking for? We do a lot of different things here, from cleaning up, cashiering to stocking shelves."

Armando sat there, looking at her legs, and then back up to her face. "I can do anything, really. I've worked in fast food restaurants before, so I can work at a fast pace. I'm really good with my hands too, so I can do a lot of different jobs without much trouble."

She smiled, "So, you seem like you have a lot of energy."

"Oh yeah, I do. I just love being busy, always need to be doing something. I've always been like that."

She nodded, still looking at him with her big green eyes. She couldn't help but stare at him; he had a good build, an attractive face and a nice smile. His blue eyes seemed to have an intensity to them which caught her attention. Charolette regained her focus and continued "So, what would you say is your biggest strength?"

"My biggest strength?" Armando replied with a smile on his face, "I'm a fast learner and I'm really good with my hands. I can also handle a lot of stress and pressure."

Charlotte smiled, thinking how good he sounded, "What about weaknesses?"

He paused, considering what he could say that would not make him look bad, then finally he answered. "I think my biggest weakness is I'm kinda impatient sometimes, like I can get ahead of myself."

Charlotte took a moment to think about what he said. It sounded like he was smart with a lot of drive and motivation. He also seemed to be a hard worker who would fit in well. "That's not such a bad weakness to have. A little impatience can be a good thing, it keeps you moving forward."

Armando nodded, feeling pleased with himself. She didn't seem to dislike him at all, in fact he felt like he was winning her over. It was strange though; he thought that she'd be more critical of him, but instead she seemed to be more encouraging towards him.

Charlotte leaned closer to him and smiled, biting her lip, "Armando, you know what I think?"


"I think you have what it takes to be an employee here at our store."

He looked up at her with his eyes wide, "You really think so?"

"I do. You'll make a good employee."

Armando let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, I'll do anything you need."

Charlotte chuckled and sat back against her chair, "When can you start?"

"As soon as you want me to."

"How about tomorrow at 10:00?"


Charlotte grabbed a piece of paper from the table and handed it to Armando "Great, just take this home and fill it out, it's simple stuff like your number as well as your email in case I ever need to contact you."

Armando smiled and stood up from the table, as he took the paper. Charlotte rose as well, smiling as he came close to her. He extended his hand and shook hers firmly before saying goodbye and heading home.


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, a few customers came in here and there. Charlotte arrived at her house and walked inside, set her keys down and sat on the couch. As she waited for Harold to come in and turn off the lights, she laid on the couch trying not to fall asleep. Her body felt heavy as she relaxed. Her husband James walked into the living room. He had a kind face with hazel eyes and slicked back brown hair. "How was work today?"

"It was okay."

James chuckled, walking over and sitting next to her on the sofa. He took hold of one of her hands and gave it a kiss, feeling how warm it was. "Any customers today?"

"Yeah, a few. I also interviewed a nice young man today."

"How'd that go?"

"Fine. I think he'll be a good fit."

"That's nice, I'm happy that the store seems to be working out."

She smiled at him, her green eyes sparkling. "How about your day, honey?"

James sighed, shaking his head, "Well I got called into Clarence's office today."

"Oh no?"

"I got the promotion! Clarence got promoted to corporate and now I'll be taking his position starting next week."

"That's great honey!" Charlotte said with excitement in her voice. She felt relieved for her husband. After years of working for a company, it was finally time for him to move up.

Charlotte leaned up from the couch and hugged James tight around his chest, kissing him. Their lips pressed together passionately for a moment before pulling away from each other, focusing back on the TV.


The next morning Charlotte woke up early, her husband was already at work. She put on a pair of black jeans and a long-sleeved light blue button down shirt before getting ready to leave for work.

She arrived at the store a little after 8:30 AM, as she turned on the lights, she heard front door. Harold entered and came over to the counter. He had a tired look in his eyes and the little hair he had was messy. He always had bad luck with his hair; he tried using different products but nothing seemed to work. It was like his hair had a mind of its own. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Charlotte replied, "Did you sleep okay last night?"

Harold let out a deep sigh, "Yeah. I guess so."

"The new hire's coming in at 10:00, do you think you can train him, or would you prefer if I did?"

Harold shrugged his shoulders, "I'll be fine with it."

Charlotte smiled at him, "Thank you."


Armando pulled into the parking lot of the store at 9:45 AM, noticing how it was quite full even this early in the morning. He parked his car and got out, noticing how hot it was already. The sun was blazing bright above him as he made his way towards the front door of the store. He stepped inside and saw Charlotte who smiled and greeted him warmly. "Good morning Armando! I'm glad to see you again."

"Good morning." Armando said, giving a polite nod towards her as he walked up to her. Charlotte was wearing a blue button down shirt that revealed her ample cleavage. Her large breasts looked as if they were about to burst through the material of her shirt. He had to stop himself from staring at them as he talked to her. He had a strong desire to reach out and cup them in his hands, feel their softness against his skin. He knew that it would be wrong to touch her inappropriately but he couldn't help it. "What would you like me to do first?"

Charlotte smiled, and motioned him to join her behind the counter. "I need you to clock in first, silly."

Armando nodded, following Charlotte as she went behind the counter. He watched as she typed something into the register. His heart began to beat faster as he thought about how she looked with her big round ass sticking out in front of him as she typed on the keyboard. Her cheeks were round and plump and covered in a soft layer of fat that made him want to run his hand over them and feel them against his fingers. He had no idea why he was having these strange urges but they were very intense. When she finished typing she pressed enter on the keyboard, a pop up screen appeared. She grabbed a piece of paper and pen and began to write something down before turning around to him, handing him the paper and pen.

"This is your sign in information, keep this in your wallet or somewhere until you mesmerize it. Now to clock on you just have to press F4 then your info and then Enter. After that you're all set to work," Charlotte said as she gestured towards the computer on the counter. Armando took the paper from her, pressing F4 and then entered his personal information before hitting enter. It seemed to take a little bit of time for everything to upload onto the computer screen.

"Welcome to your first official day, Armando," Charlotte said with a smile on her face as she watched him type on the computer screen.

He smiled back at her "What do I do now?"

"Now, you're gonna follow me out back and meet Harold, he's gonna train you."

Armando follow Charlotte, his eyes glued to her massive bubble butt as it swayed from side to side with each step she took. She led him around the store and to a door that was labeled as being for employees only. She opened the door and they both walked inside. The room was full of boxes and several pallets full of merchandise that had yet to be moved into the store. Harold stood there on his phone talking into it when he noticed them approaching him.

"I have to go, boss. Family emergency," he told Charlotte as he hung up the phone.

"Alright. I hope everything's ok," Charlotte said, sincerely.

Harold then rushed past them but not before giving Armando a quick friendly handshake, "Nice to meet you kid."

"Nice to meet you too."

Harold nodded towards him before walking off down one of the aisles.

Charlotte looked at Armando as her green eyes shined brightly. "I guess I'll be training you," she said, as she placed her hands on her hips. She looked over to a bunch of boxes stacked on top of each other. "Grab a U-Boat and help me stack some boxes on it," she instructed.

Armando grabbed a U-Boat and pushed it over to her. They started stacking the boxes onto the U-Boat. Once they had enough, Armando followed Charlotte into the aisle that the products were supposed to go. He stared at her firm round ass as she walked ahead of him. He had never seen such an impressive rear end before and he wondered what it would be like to bury his face between those two round globes of flesh. He felt his cock begin to grow inside of his pants as he continued watching her walk. Her tight fitting jeans clung tightly against her thighs causing him to imagine running his hands over her legs, feeling the smooth texture of her skin under his fingertips.

Charlotte stopped walking once they reached the area where the product was supposed to be stocked. She turned to face Armando, smiling at him. "Okay," she said, placing her hands on her hips again, "Let's get started."

The two of them began grabbing boxes, opening them and stocking the shelves. It didn't take long for Armando to realize how much work it was going to be to stock the shelves by himself. There were so many things to remember, especially since he wasn't familiar with the items that he needed to place on the shelf. He felt his body tense and his palms sweaty as he worked. He was trying to concentrate and focus on his job, but he found that his mind kept wandering back to the fact that he had a beautiful woman with him. He was hoping that she wouldn't notice how distracted he was becoming. Armando grabbed another box and as he turned around he saw Charlotte bent over putting items on one of the lower shelves, her large ass was directly in front of him, almost grazing his crotch as he watched her. He couldn't stop his gaze from wandering downwards; he could feel his pants begin to tighten as his eyes fixated on her round cheeks, he could tell that it was toned and muscular. Her tight jeans were doing a great job of clinging against her thighs, making his cock begin to ache with desire.

"See something you like?" She asked him without turning around.

His eyes shot wide open in shock, scared he had been caught staring at her ass. "I uh.."

"If you wanna buy anything after your shift you're more than welcome to," Charlotte said as she finished putting items on the shelf before standing upright again.

He cleared his throat before replying, trying to act like he wasn't checking her out. "No, no, I was just looking." Armando let out a deep sigh, glad she didn't catch him. He knew that it was wrong but he couldn't help himself, especially with how hot she looked bent over with that huge round ass of hers sticking out in front of him.

A few hours had past and Charlotte figured Armando could handle stocking by himself. Armando was having some difficulty trying to figure what went where but overall he thought he was doing ok. He grabbed another box, opening it up to see what was inside. The box was full of toothpaste and toothbrushes. As he started putting them out he realized they didn't go in this aisle. He walked around the store, noticing there were no customers to be seen and found the Hygiene aisle. He made his way towards it, looking through the different products until he found what he was looking for: Toothbrushes and toothpaste. He began to stock the shelf once again, feeling proud of himself for getting the hang of things quickly.

He went back to his original aisle and grabbed another box, he heard footsteps coming towards him from behind him. It was Charlotte. "Could you help me in the back for a moment, please?"

Armando nodded his head and followed her to the storage room. "You see the box on top of that stack right there?" She asked, pointing at a tower of boxes. There was a small ladder placed against one of the walls that led up to the top of the stack.

He nodded as he stood there looking up at the box in question. "Yeah, I see it."

"It's a little too heavy for me, would you mind climbing up there and getting it? I can hold the ladder."

"Sure thing," Armando said, as he walked over to the ladder and began ascending it.

As Armando was climbing his crotch was at face level with Charlotte. She could see a very obvious and very large bulge in his shorts. It was enough to make her mouth water and her pussy moisten with juices as she continued staring at it. She wanted to reach out and run her fingers through that thick outline of his cock and feel its softness as it tickled against her fingers. But she knew that it was wrong and that she shouldn't do something like that, she's a married woman after all.

Armando finally reached the top box and he reached down to grab it and begin bringing it down to Charlotte. His muscles bulged as he tried to hold onto it as he descended down the ladder. Once he was at ground level Charlotte took the box from him "Thank you so much, you're such a big help," she said, smiling at him before taking the box over towards the shelf she needed it to go on.


Charlotte decided to close early since there wasn't much business today. She sat on her couch scrolling through her phone, bored out of her mind as she waited for her husband to come home, but that was six hours away. Her mind kept going back to Armando's bulge, she knew she shouldn't be thinking about him like that. It wasn't right to think about another man when she was married, especially one so young. He looked so innocent and sweet as he helped stock shelves earlier today, but Charlotte knew better. She could tell that he was attracted to her and she wanted him even though she knew she shouldn't act on it. Even though he was only eighteen he's so mature and the way he carried himself, so confident. She felt like texting him, she had his number after all. Charlotte shook her head, trying to shake off the thoughts of Armando before they got out of hand. Could a simple text really hurt though?


Armando was drying himself off after his shower when he received a text from an unknown number:

'Hi Armando, it's Charlotte'

He was confused but decided that he would reply anyway: 'Hey, what's up?'

The response came back almost instantly: 'I was wondering if you were busy.'

'No, not really.'

There was a slight pause before he received another text from Charlotte: 'Would you like to grab something to eat?'

His heart skipped a beat as he read this message. It was like a dream come true for him. 'Sure, that would be great.'

'Great!' Charlotte replied with a smiley face icon at the end of the message.


Armando arrived at a small restaurant close by that was only about a fifteen minute walk from his apartment complex. He walked inside where he saw Charlotte, she was wearing a low cut black dress that hugged her tight body from top to bottom, exposing her midriff and revealing her large breasts. Her hair was styled in a very sophisticated way as well, it was long and wavy but parted in the middle, it fell perfectly around her shoulders as it cascaded down her back. She noticed him and her face broke out in a smile as she started to walk towards him. Armando could see her ass swaying from the front as she walked towards him. She gave him a hug, her breasts pressed against him "I'm so glad you decided to come out with me."

"Thanks for inviting me," he said, trying not to stare at her chest too much. She lead him her seat and as he followed her he could see that her tight dress fit perfectly against her large butt and made it look even more amazing than it already was. As they were sitting down across from each other Armando couldn't take his eyes away from Charlotte. She looked so gorgeous and sexy as she smiled at him, Armando found himself wanting to lean in and kiss those pouty red lips of hers.

The waiter came over to take their order soon after they sat down. Charlotte ordered a salad while Armando ordered a sandwich and some fries. Charlotte had a glass of wine while Armando stuck with water. They talked about their days and their families and Charlotte started asking Armando about himself.

"Do you have any plans for college?" Charlotte asked Armando as she took a sip from her glass of wine.

Armando looked down at his hands as he thought about what college meant for him. He had no idea what he wanted to do for college or how it would affect his life. All he knew was that he didn't want to work for anyone else for the rest of his life. "Not really," he replied after a few seconds.

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