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The Next Game Master Pt. 02

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The Raven continues to explore the new world.
45.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/20/2019
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Synopsis: Shanghaied into a universe of gamers who are in a constant fight for survival Ralph Bronson took the fight to 'Goddess Lyria.' After ignoring her for 20 years she forces the character back into the game. After a shouting match with her that ended with him refusing to worship or venerate her, he found himself in blackness.

Inspired by so many things but not endorsed by any of them. © EmotionalStorm November 2019. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides without prior authorization in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Authors Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer. I do it to tell the story for those who wish to read them.


He found himself in the same place as when he destroyed the first world. AO looked puzzled, "I did not expect to see you."

He nodded, "How many populated worlds in this universe?"

She looked shocked by his question then looked at him, "Just over 500."

He looked at her, "What is the largest population of the most populated world. Players." She looked at him, "We have a couple of worlds with 400 players when they are fully populated.

He looked at her, "Total population 50,000-200,000. You need women to become complete experts in one gaming system with some knowledge of the others. Each world has rules. Let me guess the bitch who brought me in was a fourth edition 'expert.'"

She laughed, "She was. She was also the last one to become a goddess. Her world was not even partially populated when you were brought in."

He looked at her, "They also had so many children for you before they could ascend. Getting their genetic material to spread if you will. Once raised they had the ability to have one child. You did not set that limit upon them. Your creator did."

She looked at him and looked ashen, "Yes to both questions."

He looked at her, "You told me that you had been feeding information on the elves and dwarves into our world for centuries. Inspiring imaginations."

She nodded and he continued. "You also stated that time is not constant here and that is had been several centuries since a world has been destroyed. From what perspective? From an Earth perspective?"

She looked at me, "From the perspective of your ancestral home."

He looked at her, "Should that not be OUR ancestral home?"

She had lost all color, "Yes, though I have been gone from there for a lot longer than you would think."

He smiled, "There is no word, name of phrase that I say that will undo your universe?"

She shook her head, "Only in your movies."

He looked at her "Good. If I tell you what I suspect will you tell me how far off I am?"

She nodded, "We will see how much you suspect."

He looked at her. "You were called Adamah, Chava, or the modern name Eve. The mother of all humans. A woman with no mother; which is why the women of these worlds cannot keep their children.

They are taken from their mothers much as you were sent away from your children. You do this to try and protect them from the emotional attachment you lost. You never died. You ascended into being what you are now, probably to a smaller degree.

Maybe as a goddess on a planet where elves, dwarves, halfling, dragon, and such existed. Then the human souls were remade there like you do here. Except you made them or they happened to be compatible with the elves and already existed. The orcs as well because of the orc and elf relationship. You starting building up a population.

The other gods and goddesses had been there longer but they had to allow humans to remain. Something happened. You started pulling souls and to some extent the spirits of the elves. The dwarven and halfling followers you picked up as well.

You created a new universe over time. The others saw or felt the loss of so many of their own that AO elevated others on that world to be human gods and goddesses. Disheartened but undeterred you built up your world and then another.

The fact was you were running into issues with the genetic material. You needed fresh energy to build the people. The only condition our ancestral God put forth was free will. We had to be willing to go to your universe and your worlds. He might have even limited the number you could take in a year."

He saw her crying. He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, "What do you want?"

He looked at her. "How about we start with answers."

She nodded, "Years of giving painful births to one man. That was my destiny. I threatened to end it all. God heard my plea and this would not do. He needed me. We reached an agreement. When Adam died, I would be allowed to ascend and be a goddess in another world.

Until that day I could do no harm unto myself. I gave up my own free will during this time. He did not tell me it would be hundreds of years producing children. The world I went to had humans, or earlier versions were already there. They had no free will.

Compatible with portions of the local people. Elves, orc, and even halfling and dragons. They were a joy to watch over and I did get worshipers from the other Gods' races, especially from the half-elf and half-orc communities and some halflings and dwarves that were surface dwellers.

Then the elves who were involved in these relationships and even a couple of dragons in the same situation. Not many but enough that as they passed, I got that energy. I did not put it back into the world. I saved it and then built one. It took forever. No seven days or nights.

Then seeded it and created the oceans and life. I started creating higher life on it; humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and I even got some dragons to go as they were being hunted to extinction. Things were simple because we were in the same universe.

The job of running the world was taking its toll and I started to create gods and goddesses under me to manage the humans while I worked on this new world. AO as you call him became aware of my activity from some of those very gods I put in place. A few goddesses followed me and my world was spun into a new universe.

Part of that agreement is I would never take from that universe again. I could recruit a small amount from Earth. A percentage. I got my first big infusion of soul energy over a month period. When your God flooded the world; the exception to the rule.

That kept me occupied for a while and I built up several worlds and the elves, halflings, dwarves, and dragons each have a home that I oversee. Separate from the others." She nodded and manifested our chairs as she saw he had many more questions for her.

He looked at her, "How many worlds are waiting for a goddess to be ready?"

She looked at him, "Another 400."

He looked at her, "That explains why you almost cried. I take it that Myssara was one of if not the last one to bring a goddess or potential goddess into the world.

It took two goddesses with a male to create the child. One to place it in the man and another to place it into the receiving goddess."

She nodded, "Two goddesses who are compatible and willing to create one. The male is not required but does happen. She was the last. I was the exception. I gave it to you and you implanted it into me."

He looked at her, "You did not do that before because of your time with Adam?"

She nodded. "Yes."

He looked at her, "Was he the last man to stick it in your ass?"

She laughed, "Yes, just after leaving the Garden!"

He looked at her, "The last man you had sex with?"

She shook her head, "No, I have had a few men in my bed for a night. None like you. None for more than one night every few centuries."

He looked at her, "You never had a hymen before?"

She nodded, "True. A nasty addition that came with my daughters."

He smiled, "I was created with some of those elven genetics?"

She smiled, "I made half of you from elven genetic to create your new body."

He looked at her, "You created my body?"

She nodded, "The goddesses would bring in the recruits based upon what you wrote. I would form your bodies and transfer your memories from the energy into the bodies."

He chuckled, "You made it so everything I fuck gets pregnant?"

She shook her head, "First that is not true."

He put her off, "I have impregnated 2 goddesses, 2 party members, and just before my arrival 2 new recruits who graduated out. The one person I have fucked on this world who has not gotten pregnant is Lirana who was already pregnant."

She jumped up and went over and looked at something, "That little shit! If she was not dead before she would be now! She modified part of your genetics. The good news is that it will only be through this life.

As soon as you start a new life, I can fix it. The bad is no infertility object will work on you or the woman you are fucking. Short of cutting it off and even then, if you regenerate it the problem returns."

He nodded his understanding and looked at her, "You made a hard and fast rule about no Gods because you felt betrayed by them twice. At least."

She nodded, "I did not lie. I cannot change it or make an exception for you because of what I did when I created this universe to house my world."

He nodded, "You have been less than forthcoming in the one-off worlds from dragons, elves, halflings, and dwarves. Who knows what else."

She looked at him, "I was being blackmailed at the time."

He glared, "Before or after you attempted to have me kill my own child?"

She sighed, "You reacted to what I did. I did not see a need to be forthcoming at the time. You have not told me what you want."

He looked at her, "For starters, I would like to see my daughter at least once. Tomorrow night with my other daughter."

She nodded, "I can relent on that. You have no designs on taking her?"

He nodded, "We agreed on that point. However, I may end up visiting her world if you take me up on a proposal."

She looked at him, "What kind of proposal?"

He looked at her, "How many of your goddesses are as knowledgeable on the rules as I am?"

She looked at me, "I would guess at maybe 20-25%."

He looked at her, "I have more knowledge than 300 of your world's goddesses? What kind of apprenticeship program do you give them?"

She chuckled, "The games."

He smiled, "How many male players more skilled than say half of your goddesses. She thought for a moment. "50 or more. Less than 75. I am on the fence on that question for some as it is somewhat subjective. Some others are really close. That is why no exact number."

He looked at her, "Who has been seeding and tending to these worlds that are waiting?"

She looked at Raven and pointed at herself. "I thought as much. How many have the buildings town, etc. in place?"

She looked at him, "27." He looked at her, "Enough of a size for a proof of concept. If you have twenty-seven goddess candidates ready."

She looked at him, "Go ahead."

He looked at her, "You place 27 of these game masters into these new worlds. They work for you. They run with the parties. They help to advise the goddess and you of what is wrong or needs to be done differently. They are not Gods but trainers to players and goddesses.

Their suggestions have to carry as much if not a little more weight than a goddess. Especially a new one. Then you can tone it down from there. When the Game Masters identify another of that caliber, they let you know. The Goddess of that world concurs they finish the life they are on.

Then they are given an opportunity to be a Game Master somewhere else. An advisor and a player all at the same time. The big benefit to them is they get to remember all of their past lives. They will need them."

She looked at him, "I will consider your idea it has some merit given the progress you are making."

He looked at her, "Those twenty-seven include our daughter?"

She shook her head, "She would be 28. I have a world near completion so I can finish that one to do 28 if I do this."

He looked at her, "28 make 14. If you keep that going that 28 could create another 27."

She nodded, "I can do the math, which is why I will consider it. What about you?"

He smiled, "I have a lot more work to do in this world first. You know my biggest issue with your universe was I would always be relegated and defined as 'just a male player.' I had no designs on being a god. But to be called 'just a player' I found insulting."

She nodded. "Wanting to change your deal?"

He smiled, "It has only been a day in my time. Consider it my potential retirement plan."

She nodded, "I can understand that. Anything else you want?"

He looked at her, "I have 2 players in my group who have been here at least a while. Why the rule on past lives not being remembered?"

She looked at him, "A holdover from the reincarnation of humans."

He looked at her, "You can make exceptions for that rule. You have for me and potentially these new game masters. Would your goddess candidate also not improve quicker with the knowledge from their past lives?"

She looked at him, "It is something I will consider."

He looked at her, "You made humans eternal here running through multiple lives and new rule sets. How high is the suicide rate? I figured that for as long as you have been doing this you would have millions on these planets."

She looked at him, "Much higher than I like."

He looked at her, "Have you asked them or divined what the biggest reasons for doing it are? Is it frustration at the rate they are learning? A relationship they cannot continue?"

She looked at me, "A lot of both, and then there is the loss of children. I want to see how this dream trial goes."

He looked at her, "Have you thought about letting them have the relationship until they part ways. Keeping couples or groups together? Or letting couples pause in the game and raise their child if they choose. Sending them to school but teaching them what they know about the game?"

She nodded, "I am hoping this dream state idea will work toward that."

He smiled, "Then it becomes which is the dream and which is the reality."

She paused to think about his comment. "I see your point. I cannot support monogamy at this point. I need to build a population base."

He looked at her, "What is the population of the Elven and dwarven worlds?"

She looked at Raven, "Over two million in each."

He looked at her, "They have the children taken away and playing these games?"

She shook her head, "They live like families. I know where you are going with this."

He looked at her, "Do they have typical birth rates, losses, longevity, and pregnancies?"

She looked at me, "The mortality rate is lower the birth rates are about twice that of what they were before. Pregnancies are the same, except they experience no pain and the durations are shorter."

He looked at her, "Right now how many children do you have on these worlds?"

She looked at him, "Almost 800,000."

He looked at her, "The average lifespan of a player? The longest-running player still alive?"

She looked at him and sighed, "The average time is 30 years. The longest-running player is a male of course. A master of the games. He is 84 and from Earth. The next longest is 20 years younger and a male and a master of the game born here."

He looked at her, "In the adult population what is the ratio of women to men?

She looked at him, "Overall, around 3 women to every man. Yes, I have begun to level that number but it could take centuries to do. I have not been in a hurry to change it given the currently needed design."

He smiled at her, "You have more male suicides than females because women have the opportunity to be more than players."

She looked at him, "True, there are more male suicides. That is the largest contributor to the problem. That does figure into the frustration with the game."

He shook his head, "No, that is the frustration of the overarching rules of this universe, not the game. You cannot support monogamy but you could support polygamy."

She nodded, "Could but I still need the diversity."

He nodded, "Let the men wander a bit but have a core group of two or three he travels with."

She looked at him, "What are you wanting?"

He looked at her, "You told me about Kerria and there is no way to bring her back?"

She shook her head, "No, her energy was spread far and wide into many things in this universe. To try and 'reassemble' her is just not viable. At least, not with any memory or experience of her life or you. She would be closer to what you call a Zombie until she was trained to be human again. It is nothing I have ever done and I would not be respecting her wishes if I did that."

He hung his head and nodded, "I know you want me screwing around with as many females as possible to spread the genetics but why not allow me to have a couple of understanding companions. Non-gods if you will, to travel with?"

She sighed, "It is something I can consider. Carrying some of these burdens is weighing on you and I can feel that. Especially this close. We need players like you. I need you to fill this role. I cannot bring her back but I can find another who has a similar disposition that you could find love with, in the game."

He looked at her, "For one life or many? Keep in mind that disposition is only a small part of the equation."

She sighed, "Until the two of you tire of each other's company. Someone who will share your bed but keep it open for other women as well. Shia is too experienced to lock into that role and Ersa needs to grow on her own at some point. Of the two she is the closest one who would work in that capacity."

He looked at her, "What about Blossom?"

She sighed, "I could see her in that role as she has the same timid mouse who you have begun to turn into an adventurous free spirit. You could not find her at this point in this life. She is behind you and we need you to go forward. We need her to press forward. She and Eve both are searching for you."

He turned for a second, "Then Ersa will work for one of them, I do love them both and she was the first to approach me in-game within this world. I would have to find another. As we progress. Blossom would be my next choice but that is next life based on what you have told me. Can you bring Myssara here for a moment?"

She nodded and she looked over at us and smiled, "You are up to something."

He sighed, "I cannot have Kerria back in my life and I lost her long ago. While I love you deeply, we cannot be together forever in any defined relationship."

She nodded and sat down at a chair Mother provided. She nodded, "You are correct on both counts."

He looked at her, "I need someone in-game who can fulfill a role. A confidant who is accepting of my wandering cock because of the needs of this universe. Talking with Mother, Ersa is the best candidate for that role as Shia is too experienced. I would need to find another at some point. I cannot call her my true love; not yet. Even after 20 years those 2 words together still tear at me."

She looked at Mother and they appeared to be having a conversation. She looked at him, "I cannot do anything about bringing Blossom to you in this life but it is possible that I could arrange a meeting for you in the next life.

Ersa could travel with you into the next life to continue to learn. I would not tell her as I know her feelings for you already. Shia is more pragmatic about it. She eventually wants to be a leader again. That means leaving you."

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