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The Not So Sweet Date

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Does she like to be dominated?
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Sethp 2008 all rights reserved

(Edited by the incredible Meg1)

The day had finally arrived and Cgirl almost couldn't contain her excitement. She had finally convinced the sweetest guy she had ever known to drive out to Michigan and meet her for the first time. His name was Seth and he was a dream. He was kind and full of compliments and always made her feel incredible.

There was only one problem. She only knew him from Literotica and her only interaction with him had been online. Sure they had exchanged pictures and he was definitely one of the hottest guys that had ever shown interest in her, but there were still so many unanswered questions. What did his voice sound like? Was he really that sweet or did he just want to get in her pants? Was he a serial killer? Had she built him up so much in her mind that she would be disappointed when they finally met in real life?

It was too late for those kinds of thoughts now. He had directions to her house and was due to pick her up in fifteen minutes! Cgirl looked herself over one more time in the mirror. She knew that Seth had seen dozens of pictures in every pose and outfit imaginable, but she still wanted to look her best. She had on her sexiest pair of skin tight jeans, a wonderful pushup bra from Victoria's Secret that gave her the kind of cleavage that she knew Seth drooled over. She had on a very sexy, low cut white tank top and finished off her out fit with some very high heeled shoes.

Cgirl was petite, with small but perky breasts a very curvy ass and curly dark hair cut just above her shoulders. As she looked in the mirror, before going downstairs, she thought that Seth would defiantly be happy. She smiled at her reflection, her heart racing with anticipation and went downstairs to await her date.

It wasn't long before she heard the sound of a vintage Dodge Charger driving down the street. She would know that sound anywhere. After all she had one of her own. It was just another reason to meet Seth after finding out that he liked classic cars as well and even better that his favorite was the Dodge Charger.

She ventured outside to watch him pull up. His car was immaculate; candy apple red and was showroom ready, clean and powerful. There was something about these classic cars and hot rods that drove Cgirl over the edge, every time. Then he stepped out. She knew his smile in an instant and the curve of his face. Here he was in the flesh. The next thing she noticed as he walked up the path to her door was his heavily muscled arms and the tattoos just barely peaking out beneath the sleeves of his T-shirt. He was a dream. Cgirl hoped he felt the same way about her.

"Wow." He said smiling at her. "You're even more beautiful in person. I didn't think that was possible."

Cgirl blushed and sheepishly smiled at him. "I'm not often at a loss for words Seth but..."

"You don't need to say anything." Seth said, taking her hand and leading her toward her car. She felt like a girl on her first date with the star of the football team.

Cgirl couldn't take her eyes off of Seth as they drove to the restaurant, and her heart skipped a beat when he reached over taking her hand in his.

"It was a long drive, but worth every mile to finally have you near me like" Seth said.

Cgirl was normally very assertive and opinionated and had one of the strongest personalities around, but today she was completely off kilter. Maybe it was Seth's strong physical presence or his piercing green eyes that seemed to freeze her brain. She had never been in the presence of someone so commanding and strong.

Finally they arrived at the restaurant, parked the car and entered arm in arm. Cgirl opened her heart to him throughout their meal and Seth seemed to drink in every word she spoke. He was amazing and never once did his attention and firm, kind gaze focus on anything but her. It was the most wonderful date that she had ever been on and she knew without a doubt that he was a keeper.

After dinner they both enjoyed a few drinks at the restaurant bar, sitting next to each other on the bar stools. Cgirl didn't mind his attention but thought it was a little bit forward of Seth to keep stroking her legs and thigh as they sat there. His hands were so strong. If she wasn't feeling so shy around him she would have done the same to him, but her hands seemed to be stuck on the glass of her Margarita.

Cgirl gasped out loud as Seth moved his hand firmly between her legs and leaned over kissing her on the lips. "Seth. We're in public." She protested pushing his hand away, not sure whether to be upset or happy.

Seth just smiled at her and turned his attention back to his own drink.

"If you'll excuse me Sethie, I have to use the girl's room." Cgirl said kissing Seth on the cheek.

Cgirl was getting flustered. Seth was as kind and flattering as he had been on line but there was an aggression in his demeanor that scared her a little bit and he was moving faster then she had hoped he would. She didn't want to appear to be a slut to him but wasn't sure that she could refuse his advances. They had originally agreed that he would stay at the hotel down the street and now she wasn't sure if that was in his plans.

Cgirl entered the bathroom and picked the far stall on the left. The restaurant they had picked was rated 5 stars and certainly had the cleanest bathroom she had ever been in. She sat down and started to tinkle thinking about Seth. She was certainly no Busty Jessica and hoped that Seth knew that as well. He sure was cute though and had the most irresistible smile.

As Cgirl sat there peeing and thinking about her date, she heard the bathroom door open and the sound of footsteps. It sounded like the footsteps were coming right to her stall and she was right! There was a shadow on the floor of her stall door.

Cgirl held her breath. Was this some psycho woman? She had heard of a woman who did this sort of thing right here in town. Her name was Jane and she had an obsession with asses and other women's underwear. Sitting there with her jeans and pink lacey panties pulled down, Cgirl felt very vulnerable.


There were three hard knocks on the door. Unless that psycho Jane was a lot bigger then she appeared on the news, it sounded like a man doing the knocking. Cgirl wished that Seth would come in and save her. She would do anything to have Seth show up right now.

The door started to rattle. Whoever was out there was trying to open the stall door! Despite being a clean bathroom the latches on the stall were very cheap and ineffective. Cgirl guessed that you usually didn't have to worry about intruders in a bathroom stall.

Before she had a chance to grab the tiny handle, the door swung open and there stood Seth.

"What are you doing in here?" Cgirl asked in disbelief. "I..."

Before Cgirl could respond any further, Seth entered the stall and closed the door behind him. In the confined space, Seth's crotch was at face level to Cgirl and she could see that he had a growing bulge in his jeans.

"We can't. I can't." Cgirl looked up at him protesting. "This..."

Seth just smiled down at Cgirl as he unsnapped and then unzipped his Jeans. He pulled his jeans and underwear down just far enough to free his erection. Cgirl could see a drop of precum on the end. Seth's cock was so close to her face that she could have snaked her tongue out and captured his precum. Cgirl was starting to regret that Seth know all of her fetishes, including the cum fetish. Cgirl opened her mouth to protest once again.

Before she could say a word and stop this from going any further, Seth's strong hands gripped her head and he stepped forward pulling her forward into his crotch. Seth's large penis slid along her cheek and across her lips. Cgirl felt a shiver travel up her spine. She had never been treated like this by anyone and it excited her.

Cgirl snaked her tongue out across the tip of Seth's cock and then he pushed it into her mouth. He pushed more than half of his cock into her mouth and she gagged. Seth pulled his cock all the way out and then continued his assault on Cgirl's mouth. With his hands guiding her head and his cock thrusting into her mouth, Cgirl was at his mercy.

Each time Seth pulled out and entered Cgirl's mouth he went a little bit deeper and Cgirl started to relax, giving Seth full control. Cgirl was an expert cock sucker; it's just that she had always performed oral sex on her terms , insisting on being in full control.

Seth increased his speed as Cgirl grew more accustomed to the large invader in her mouth. Seth's cock seemed to grow larger and she knew in an instant that he was about to cum. He was actually about to shoot his seed into her mouth! Seth grabbed Cgirl's hair with more force causing her to wince in pain has he ejaculated into her mouth.

The amount of his sperm caught Cgirl off guard and she had swallowed two mouthfuls of his sperm before Seth let go of her head and pulled his cock out of her mouth.

"You don't know how much I needed that baby." Seth said smiling down at her again. "I'll see you back at the table." And with that Seth left the stall and the rest room leaving the stall door hanging open.

Cgirl was still in a daze after swallowing the cum of a man she had just met for the first time in person only a few hours before. There she sat on the toilet with her jeans and underwear still around her ankles, hair messed up beyond repair, lipstick smudge across her cheek and an errant strand of Seth's cum dripping off of her chin. Was this how Seth was on all of his first dates?

Cgirl pulled up her pants and flushed the toilet and was horrified to find that there were two women gawking at her by the sinks. She knew one of them from work. Both women hurriedly left the restroom.

"Just Great!" Cgirl said to no one. "No I'm going to be the office/town slut. Thanks a lot Mr. Sethp" She said with tears welling up in her eyes.

Cgirl fixed herself up as much as she could and went out to the table and Seth.

"I don't know who you think you are or who you think I am but..." Cgirl started at Seth.

Seth just smiled as he stood up placing a finger up to her lips. "We need to go." He said and grabbed her wrist leading her out of the establishment.

It was still light out as they left the restaurant and made their way to Seth's car. They sat in silence all the way back to Cgirls house. Once Seth had parked his car, Cgirl immediately sprang out and turned to Seth.

"Seth, this just isn't going to work out. I thought we were a match and I was wrong. I'm not the type of woman you were looking for." she said.

"I disagree." Seth said snatching the house keys from her hand and pulling her towards the house. Cgirl tried to resist but Seth was just too strong and easily controlled her as he unlocked the door and got them both inside.

Once inside Seth pushed Cgirl down on the couch and pulled her jeans down easily. Cgirl's breathing increased and she was frozen with inaction. A part of her wanted to be taken by Seth like this. What was wrong with her? Would he kill her after having his way with her? She had never been so scared and turned on in all of her life!

Cgirl jumped as Seth's finger slid across her labia and she felt his hot breath on her pussy just before his tongue flicked out and licked her.

Cgirl's eyes rolled back into her head as she moaned. "Oh god."

Seth's tongue was like a snake as he expertly worked it across her clit and his lips. What was he doing with his lips? Was this his secret technique? Cgirl found herself humping his face in time to the thrusts of his tongue. Her entire body was undulating and she was gasping for air. She almost stopped breathing when Seth gently bit and started sucking on her clit. How did he know how to do that?

Cgirl screamed as waves of pleasure coursed through her body. She almost passed out. Seth was merciless and continued to work her clit through the course of her orgasm.

Cgirl whimpered. "Please Seth. I want our first time to be special."

Seth knelt above Cgirl on the couch and slid the head of his cock across her slit; he certainly wasn't going to wait for permission. He pumped forward sliding his entire length deep inside her. Cgirl's whole body tensed. He was so big and felt so good.

"Oh Cgirl, you're so tight." Seth complimented her.

"I love your big cock, Seth." She moaned up at him looking into his eyes.

Seth pulled all the way out. "Beg for it."

"What are you doing?" She screamed at him.

"I said beg for it." He said again. "Tell me what you want."

She couldn't play his games anymore and she certainly couldn't resist him any longer.

"I want your cock Seth and I want it inside me. Please?" She grunted. "Please put it in me."

Seth grabbed Cgirls ankles, holding them high apart as he slammed his cock into her. Finally, after what felt like twenty minutes of hard fucking, Cgirl felt her body release in orgasm. Her whole body shook as her pussy clenched and unclenched around Seth's thick cock.

Seth pulled his cock out and moved up towards Cgirl's face. Still lost in the last throes of her own orgasm, she didn't catch on until it was too late that Seth intended to cum in her mouth.

As Cgirl lay there, eyes closed, breathing hard she was shocked when Seth thrust almost half of his cock into her mouth. Cgirl tried to turn her head but Seth had both of his hands around Cgirl's face, holding her head tight to the couch. Cgirl had never tasted herself on a man's cock and would never have done so if not forced by Seth now.

Unable to escape Seth's grip and invading cock, Cgirl accepted the second load of Seth's sperm into her mouth that day.

After ejaculating, Seth pulled out of Cgirls' mouth and lay down on the floor beside her.

"Cgirl?" He asked.

"What Seth?" Cgirl replied.

"You're the perfect woman for me." He offered. "I promise that I'll never hurt you. Can you give yourself to me? Can you?" He asked. "Forever?"

"Oh Seth."

The end. 2008 Sethp

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
how vain

All throughout you have been praising your Self

Vain. Self centred.

KonyhaKonyhaalmost 14 years ago
Maybe not a sweet date but...

You sure know how to show a girl a good time. This is one of the few stories I wish I could trade places with one of the characters. Well crafted and arousing as usual.

ellyneiellyneiover 15 years ago

loved it :)

janiexxjaniexxover 15 years ago
Great story...great writing!

It's been a while since I read your stories and I have to say that I really enjoyed this one! A very well-written tale that certainly did it for me!


meg1meg1over 15 years ago
I always liked the story

and I knew Charger would too. Keep writing sweet stories like this, and we'll keep giving your inspiration.

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