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The Nudist Father-in-Law

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A nudist father-in-law arouses her unmet desires.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 08/26/2022
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(This is a revised version of my earlier work. I expanded on the story a bit, and cleaned up the grammar / spelling).


Jenni hated how she looked. Married life, and now an active career, left her stress eating most of the day, with little time to work out. On top of that, being in her late twenties, she found she didn't have the same metabolism she once once had; it was harder and harder to shed the weight, once it began to creep back on. Her husband of five years, Bryan, wasn't exactly a voice of reassurance either. Sure, he said all the right things when needed, "No...you look great; I haven't noticed..." and so on. But, he always undercut it a few moments later with, "We could watch what we eat; it's important to be at a healthy weight; I can help you work out," etc.

She wished she could instantly be back with the body she had when they married—a big, full ass; tight belly; and 36C breasts. Now, those breasts sagged a little more, and that butt was now just fat, in her mind. Most days, she didn't work hard to maintain her appearance, choosing comfortable clothes over stylish ones, and the most minimal makeup she could get away with. She also wished she spent more time on her hair—her wavy, dirty-blonde hair was now a frazzled mess.

Bryan and Jenni met as a lot of mid-twenty-somethings did—drunk, and at a house party. Up until that point, Jenni had been a bit wild in her relationships, hopping from one guy to the next. She even experienced a drunken threesome in college. She thought Bryan was good enough for a one-night stand. He was cute, well put together with an almost-shaved head, and he turned out to be an incredibly attentive lover. He loved eating her out, even if penetrative sex was generally over quickly. That one night, turned into two, and she felt the pull and stability of a long-term relationship.

Their first few years of marriage were happy ones, but life and tragedy crept in. Bryan's parents were relatively young when they had kids, but still, ever since Jenni knew Bryan, her mother faced debilitating sickness. Only two years after they were married, she passed away. In the years that followed, Bryan and his siblings were growing more and more uncomfortable with their father's life choices. A little too many expensive trips, extravagant gifts for all his grandkids, and whispers of some 'odd lifestyle' he lived in secret. It wasn't that they were worried about any inheritance or his long-term health, per se; just a general anxiety that he was overextending himself a bit too much.

Just last week, he said he needed to move out of the family's home of thirty years 'for a few weeks,' and there were many little rumors about what this could be. Was he renting it out, some repair that he couldn't afford, was he looking to sell? Jenni never cared for the undercurrent of animosity there was amongst Bryan's siblings; Douglass seemed like a perfectly sweet man, who was trying to enjoy the life he had. After all, he was still relatively young to be a widower; and for a person in their mid-fifties who takes care of themselves, there's a lot of joy to be found. Jenni gladly offered that he could stay with Bryan and her for those few weeks.

Before his arrival, Jenni scurried around the house, cleaning up the last bits of clutter and preparing the guest room for Douglass. They lived in a modest, three-bedroom rancher, but had been neglecting some of the more basic household tasks. Both she and Bryan were traveling for work every other week; so in some ways, their home felt like just another temporary residence. But with Douglass coming to stay, Jenni felt some pressure to make their place welcoming and an actual respite. While Jenni was cleaning out the last moldy items in the refrigerator, Bryan was awkwardly lurking behind, leaning on the counter—nervous, even. He finally spoke up.

"There's something I need to tell you about him..."

It's been a long time since Jenni has seen him this nervous, "What? Is there some health thing wrong with your dad?"

"No, it's not that bad, it's just, he has a bit of an awkward issue."

Now Jenni stopped with her household chores and gave Bryan her full attention. "Is it why everyone's been so odd?"

Bryan nodded, then finally spoke under his breath, "It's just...my dad is a bit of a nudist."

That was the absolute last thing she expected him to say. She didn't find it awkward, unpleasant, or off-putting. More than anything, she found it funny, and did her best to stifle a little laugh. "What, like he likes going to a nude beach, or something?"

"Oh, I'm sure. But it's more than that...he'll just casually walk around the house, naked."

"What, like making coffee, or something?" Now, she was outwardly smirking.

"I guess. I've stopped by his house and he's just all out there. I try to ignore it, but...you know." Jenni was giggling through his words. "Look, I don't think it's that funny."

She now tried to muster a more serious and compassionate tone. "Sorry, sorry, and it's not funny, I guess it's almost charming. How long has this been going on?"

"Oh, not long after my mom died. I guess when no one else was around, he just kinda stopped wearing clothes and got used to it."

"Is he going to want to do that around here?"

Bryan shrugged. "He hasn't raised it and I haven't asked. Are you okay if he does? I can ask him to wear clothes if you're at all uncomfortable."

"Oh please, I want him to feel at home, it's fine. Nothing I haven't seen before. He's actually pretty good looking and fit for a man his age," she said. Being tall with a full head of salt-and-pepper hair wasn't a bad look, either. "But...he doesn't expect us to, you know."

Shock came across Bryan's face. "Oh, not in a million years. He's joked one or two times that I could go around like that, too—but never asked me. And look, he's not some perv, okay? It's just how he feels comfortable."

"Hey, look, it's fine, really. I'm glad if he can find ways to express himself and feel at home, here. No problem."

Douglass arrived shortly after dinner, in a whirlwind of bags and a case of wine. Jenni gave him a big hug.

"It's so good to see you! Easy drive?"

"Oh certainly, nothing to complain about. Thanks for being so welcoming."

"Oh, we're glad to! Please, if you need anything at all don't hesitate to ask. You know where our guest room is, right? Bryan can get all of your luggage in there."

She gently nudged Bryan with her elbow to get him moving. "It's good to see you, dad," he finally spoke up, then went in for a handshake that Douglass turned into an awkward hug.

"Yeah...you, too. Say, once I'm settled in a bit, I've brought some nice bottles of wine as kind of a thank-you gift. Would y'all like to break into them and have a nice night?"

Just as Jenni was about to say yes, Bryan spoke up, "Thanks, but I'm out really early in the morning, no fun for me. We're probably going to turn in soon." Jenni resented that Bryan was including her in his early-to-bed plan.

Douglass seemed visibly disappointed, "Oh, that's fine. Work trip?"

"Yeah, unfortunately, I'll be gone for a week or so."

"But I'm around," Jenni chimed in, to change the mood, "you won't be too lonely, I hope."

"Oh that's great, well, I'll let you have an evening together alone; a week's a long time to be apart," he said, with a wink.

Jenni blushed at the implication, "Yes, well...okay, goodnight!"

Later that night, Jenni indeed made a pass at Bryan. Their sex life was fairly quiet these days, even when they were both at home—the mood never seemed right. Bryan was fast asleep soon after the lights went out, leaving Jenni to her lonesome. After an hour or so, of tossing and turning in bed, she decided to sneak out of the room and read for a while in the living room. She wandered out in her typical sleepwear—no bra, old t-shirt, and shorts. Walking past the kitchen, she was slightly taken aback to find her father-in-law there, hunched over the fridge, appearing to be wearing a robe.

"Settling in okay?" she asked him.

He turned around, and that's when she got an eyeful. His robe was open down the middle, with nothing underneath it, revealing the full sight of his body. Douglass had a reasonable old-man paunch around his belly, and was well tanned. Surprising to her, he was shaved everywhere below his neck. She couldn't help but take a peek at her father-in-law's penis. And holy cow—was it a member! Long and thick, even when completely flaccid.

"Oh don't mind me, just seeing what I can find to eat," he said.

An awkward pause filled the room, as she kept staring at his penis. Is he a little hard, she wondered, it's already so big, nearly seven inches from the look of it. How big could it get? She had no complaints about Bryan's cock, but he wasn't like that. And how did he shave it so well, there wasn't a fleck of hair on there.

He cleared his throat, laughed softly, then said, "My eyes are up here." His comment broke the spell, and she realized what she was doing. She shot her eyes up to his.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I don't mean to stare, you just surprised me."

Douglass made a half-hearted effort to close his robe, but Jenni interjected, "Oh, don't worry about that. Bryan told me you sometimes go around like that."

"What did he say, that I'm a bit of a nudist?"

Jenni was now forcing herself to make eye contact, almost to an unnerving level. "Yeah, and it's totally fine. We want you to be as comfortable here as you are in your home. Please, let us know if you need anything. I'm just going to head back to our room now, goodnight."

Jenni now bounded back to their bedroom, completely oblivious to the fact she was looking to read for a bit. Once there, she slammed the door, still wide-eyed and stifling back a giggle.

Bryan woke up, and sleepily asked, "Everything okay?"

Biting her lip, she told Bryan, "I saw your father."

Bryan nodded slightly, "Oh? He need anything?"

She shook her head, smirking the whole time. "No, I mean, I saw—all—of your father."

"Ohhhh..." he replied. "Are you okay with that? Wait, what's so funny?"

"Okay, so I snuck a peak, at his, you know and it was...." and she motioned with her two hands to indicate, "...big." At this, she couldn't hold back anymore and just laughed. Looking at Bryan's face, she could tell he didn't find the situation as humorous as she did. "I'm sorry, was that too awkward?"

He shrugged. "No, I mean I've seen it. If I had a massive hog, I'd probably wander around naked, too."

"Honey..." she began, apologetically. "Yours is wonderful. But I guess he's just comfortable in who he is. Honestly, I bet it's really freeing to just always walk around like that and not worry what anyone thinks."

"What..." he replied, "you want to wander around our house naked, too?"

"I dunno, maybe someday." Honestly, the thought hadn't crossed her mind, and she rolled the idea around in her head for the first time. She couldn't help but be titillated by the idea, even if it was her father-in-law. He was still a decently attractive man with a long and thick cock, and to be comfortable wandering around naked with him, would be a spicy way to spend a week.

"It'd be a little weird if you started when he's around, I just thought you'd be too shy for something like that," Bryan said.

"I'm no prude, you know; just I can be a little insecure."

"Well, if it means something to you, go ahead," he replied, almost a little too casually. "He's probably seen a bunch of naked women in his lifestyle, what's one more? Anyway, it's a real early morning for me, we don't have to talk about this now."

"Oh, you sure you don't want me to send you off with a little something, tonight?"

Bryan smiled, "It's fine. I really got to sleep. Promise you, when I'm back, we'll have all the time in the world."

Jenni was used to the dejected come-on. She'd always been more sexually charged than he was, or any of her past partners, for that matter. Ever since college, she was well acquainted with her vibrator. No matter what her body image of herself was, she was proud of her sexuality. She liked her pleasure and her ability to achieve it when she wanted.

Jenni vaguely remembered Bryan kissing her around 4:00am, on his way out. She wandered out to the kitchen, to find her father-in-law on a barstool, naked, sipping coffee and reading his phone.

"Morning, glad to see a face around here," he said.

"Hope you slept well?"

"Perfect night! And the coffee's good, too."

As she put her own coffee together, curiosity got the better of her. "So, can I ask, when did you start feeling comfortable to be like that?"

"What, being nude? Oh, after Helen died, I guess. Not anyone in the house, just found myself wandering around like this. Over time, it became more and more comfortable. Then, I took a vacation to France for a while. Stumbled on a nude beach, and thought, what the hell? It was glorious, sun on my skin, nothing holding me back. Have you ever participated in it?"

That innocent question almost caused her a little pain. "Oh, absolutely not, I'm not comfortable enough in my own skin. Feel like I need to lose twenty pounds before I even try it around the house."

"Well, all shapes and sizes are welcome and beautiful. But if I may be so forward, you have no problem in that department."

"Thanks, well, I'm going to shower," she replied, "I'll try and save the hot water for now."

"No problem for me! Have all day to shower."

As she let the water hit her, she contemplated the feeling of being in just her skin, and what would it feel like to walk around a near-stranger like Douglass, like this. Honestly, it wasn't nerves that stopped her, maybe it was some sense of decorum. Or maybe, it was still that insecurity she felt in her own body. Would letting others see it so casually, help her overcome that? Would baring her imperfections so openly, help her realize they were no big deal at all? It was an intriguing, and slightly titillating thought. Before finishing up, she took a razor to her pubic hair. She'd never gone completely shaven before, but liked how it looked on Douglass, and was willing to try it out.

She turned off the water, and stepping out of the shower, realized there were no clean towels. In her haste to straighten up the day before, she must've taken them all to the laundry room and left them there. Her options now were to air dry for a while, put on some clothes while she was still wet, or...head to the laundry room as she was. "Fuck it," she thought, and wandered out.

Douglass was still in the kitchen, sipping his coffee casually. "Good shower?" he asked, not even doing a double-take to the fact that she was naked.

Jenni walked briskly to the laundry room, not exactly lingering but also not trying to draw attention to the fact she was naked. "I'm just grabbing a towel."

"Sure, it looked like you forgot to put something on."

She stopped in her tracks, and placing her hand on her hip, replied to him in a joking fashion, "You mind?"

"Oh, absolutely not! Feels freeing, huh?"

"I guess it is, huh?"

Now she was feeling a little bit cheeky. She stopped going to the laundry room and started grabbing herself another cup of coffee. "So what's your plans for the day?" she asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Oh, probably stay around here for most of it, is your backyard pretty private?"

She nodded. "You can see it's tree-lined, closest neighbor is a half-mile in all directions."

"Oh good...maybe sun out there for a back. You think it's freeing to be naked in the house, wait until you feel the sun on your body. What do you have today?"

The thought of doing actual work broke the spell, "Oh, just a few things to take care of at my job. Don't need to leave the house for it."

"Well, why don't you join me out back when you have some time, clothing optional?"

She smiled, "Why not? Well, I'm going to try and get a little work done. Let me know if you need anything."

"Will do," he nodded. "I like the business-casual dress code around here. Just watch out for any Zoom calls."

She playfully pushed his shoulder. "Well, what if I just do this?" she said, and proceeded to cross her arms over her breasts and put on a serious expression.

"The definition of professionalism," he replied.

She stuck her tongue out in reply, then skipped off to her home office.

Although Jenni decided to fully embrace the nudist lifestyle, she still found it a little distracting and silly to try to work that way. After a few hours or so, of some half-assed—or more accurately bare-assed—work, she saw her father-in-law out back, and decided to join him. Grabbing seltzer water from the fridge, she walked out.

She found Douglass laying in a chaise lounge. Turning his head to acknowledge her presence, he asked, "There, how does that feel?"

"Gotta admit, it feels pretty great!"

"Right? Right now, I'm back sunning on the French Riviera."

She sat in a lounge chair opposite him. "Yeah, Bryan's been telling me you've taken some big vacations recently."

Douglass's demeanor changed somewhat. "He also say he's worried about my money? Those kids have no clue, I'm quite well off from investments I've never told them about."

"Oh?" Jenni replied.

"Yup, that's why I'm here. I'm having some big repairs done on our house at the moment. Rented another house, but can't get in there for a few more weeks."

"Well, feel free to stay as long as you want. Hell, you can cancel the rental and just move in."

"That's awfully kind," he replied, "I have been a bit lonely recently."

That last comment hit Jenni. He no longer seemed like her father-in-law, but for the first time, saw him as a sensitive, older gentleman who was trying to find a new lease on life.

"Have you ever thought of dating again, finding someone to spend your time with?"

"Oh, it's crossed my mind from time to time. It's just I wouldn't even know where to begin. You think an old guy like me could just wander down to a bar and buy a woman a drink?"

"I'm sure there are online places to meet women in your life stage, or group activities and such."

"Now you sound like my kids. I just don't know if I'm ready to open up my life to some stranger, it's not like it's about just getting laid."

"Well, it could be about just getting laid."

Trying to break the awkward silence that followed, Douglass looked at his watch. "Well will you look at that? It's almost the afternoon, you know when you're semi-retired, that means you can start drinking. I may mix myself a Tom Collins, if you're interested."

"Sure, I can ditch out of work the rest of the day."

As he came back with the drinks, he caught her stealing another glance at his penis, and chuckled to himself.

"Like what you see?"

"Oh, sorry, eyes kinda wandered there."

"Oh I don't mind, I'm used to the stares, they're flattering."

"It's quite large."

"Oh I know it! Why do you think Helen used to call me 'Stretch'?"

"Was it a problem for you two?"

"Definitely at first. It made us both a little timid and scared in the bedroom. She was always uncomfortable, and it's not exactly arousing to see her constantly wincing. Eventually, we worked things out—we have kids, you know. Though, I'm sure you and Bryan had to work through that, too."

Jenni sheepishly looked away. Bryan was decently sized, though certainly not the biggest she had. That cock belonged to a one-time hookup shortly after college; a terrible lay, but a member she fantasized about from time to time.

They talked for a little while longer. An afternoon of quiet reading and drinking, taking in the sun and nature, in the buff. As dinner approached, Douglass prepared tuna steaks he had brought with him; Jenni had to admire his bravery to perform all the cooking in the nude. As they said goodnight, they hugged, she subtly and somewhat unconsciously pressed her hips in to try and feel his cock against her.

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