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The Outback Road Trip Ch. 01

Story Info
The girls take Tony on an adventure in Outback Australia.
11.2k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/31/2024
Created 08/16/2024
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This story is a direct follow on from the "A Day at the beach" series. But since they are going on an outback road trip, it seemed I needed to retitle the series.

Annika and Laila are two Swedish sisters, from what appears to be a wealthy family, visiting Australia, who have picked up Tony, a volunteer lifesaver at Bondi Beach.

They've managed to persuade him to accompany them on a trip through one of the most remotest part of Australia.


With only one day's warning of the trip, the next day was a flurry of activity.

I had a lot of tidying up of lose ends to do at Uni and of course, I had to go back to my place and pack, before heading back to the girls' unit at Bondi Beach.

The packing at least was light. We were heading into a tropical climate on the cusp of the start of the monsoon season. But opportunities to wash clothes may well be few and far between. So a stack of lightweight clothing, undies and swimwear; with one or two long pants and long sleeve shirts for bush walking was all that was needed. Walking shoes, thongs (flip flops in other countries) and a hat or two and that was it. After all, we had to pack all the gear needed for three people in the truck, plus camping gear. Space was at a premium.

When I got to their place, the girls were in the process of packing their gear into two separate lots -- one to be left at the hire car place and the other, in a soft, gym style bag, for the road trip. As far as I could see, most of what was going on the road trip was bikinis. OK, a slight exaggeration, but it was clear they weren't planning on wearing much in the way of clothes. I did suggest at least one, long, bush walking appropriate outfit should be included.

Whether you'd say it was on the bright side or not, I'll leave to you, but one result of the girls focus on packing was that I didn't get accosted for sex the minute I walked in the door.

Indeed, it wasn't until we went to bed that night that they instigated sex; in this case, pillow under their hips missionary sex with an orgasm for each of them and a single cum shot for me taken by Annika.

In the hurry of preparing in the morning, especially since I was up earlier then them, they both settled for being fucked while bent over the kitchen bench, once again with a single cum shot for me, this one taken by Laila.

Mind you, Laila was sort of cheating in taking the cum shot. In the middle of the night she'd found me awake at the same time as her and instigated what you might call 'cuddle sex'. A prolonged penetration on our sides, with intimate cuddling where I fingered Laila to her orgasm and then took mine half rolled over on top of her; all without waking Annika.

The trip to the airport and boarding went smoothly enough.

I'd never flown business class before; but then, for domestic travel, it was little more than a bigger, wider and more comfortable seat and better food; oh, and of course, admission to the pre-flight lounge. Nice when someone else is paying for it, but otherwise out of my league.

The four hour flight was only eventful to the extent Laila tried to persuade me to sneak into the toilet with her to join the mile high club. Given it was right next to where the flight staff were preparing food, I declined. She settled for pulling my hand across to her lap and holding it there as she expected me to finger her up her mini skirt. I did it as lightly and as subtly as I could; not really trying to being her to an orgasm, for fear she might vocalise it inappropriately. So all she ended up with were some wet panties and a bit of a smile on her face.

By the time we got to our hotel on the shores of Darwin Harbour, it was mid-afternoon. With a mixture of sharks, crocodiles and deadly stingers in the harbour, it was not for swimming. But it was hot and muggy and, while we could have just turned up the air-conditioning, the girls decided we'd go for a swim in the hotel pool.

At least they chose bikinis that covered enough of their bottoms to be at least half decent -- but onky just - as we went down to the pool in the lift dressed only in our swimwear; even if the small breast and mons coverage remained a bit dubious. They of course insisted I wear swim briefs rather than my preferred board shorts.

They were as frisky in the pool as they always seem to be with me when we are anywhere near water; but being a bit public were limited to playful high body contact frolicking and groping. Not erotic enough to get us kicked out of the pool, but more than enough to get me embarrassingly aroused; as was their intention.

I had to be really careful which way I was facing on the couple of occasions a lap swimmer came past and, as usual, had to do my own extra laps of the pool after the girls got out so that I didn't get out displaying a major boner in my swimmers.

So I wasn't exactly surprised when, as soon as we got in the door of our hotel room, Laila led me out to the patio, laid me down on the sun bed there and then laid herself on top of me, kissing and caressing me as she expected me to reciprocate; which of course I did.

As my erection grew in my swimmers, she lifted her hips just enough to let her straighten my shaft out with her hand and placed her mons over it; slowly rocking on it as she kept pashing me. When she'd got herself sufficiently worked up, she lifted her hips again, exposed my erection, pulled aside the gusset of her bikini pants and penetrated me into herself.

She laid herself back on me for a while, slowly just screwing my erection around inside her and bouncing on it a bit as she kept kissing and caressing me.

Always in a hurry to get on with it, it doesn't seem to bother Laila one way or the other whether she's completely naked as she fucks me. But personally, I prefer nakedness; for both of us.

She hadn't put the waistband of my swimmers under my balls, which means it was resting across my erection. Sometimes that means a knot or seam can seem abrasive, sometimes it means the waistband can be stimulatory as it is rubbed against my erection. This time, it was the latter. I had no hope of getting it right off, and concerned about being driven to a premature ejaculation, I asked Laila to lift her hips enough I could pull it down under my balls.

As for Laila, I looked out through the glass of our patio. We were fairly high up and looking over the harbour, so even though the glass was only very lightly frosted, there weren't many angles from which we could be seen; at least as long as we laid down. It might be different if Laila sat up to go cowgirl on me, as I suspected she would.

But it was safe enough to get rid of her pants, which I did by pulling the side tie strings and pulling it out from behind.

I hesitated on the top. Her breasts would be over the top of the glass if she sat up. Then I thought, what the heck. Her breasts were too beautiful to miss looking at as we made out. If someone saw her bouncing up and down as she would be, it would be pretty obvious what she was up to. Exposed breasts would be the least of the issues. I pulled the string ties on her top and removed that too; none of which she objected too.

Neither the girls, nor I, are much in the way of talkers during sex. It just happens. Once one of us gets started -- and it is always the girls -- things just follow.

And so it was with Laila as she sat up on me. But the narrowness of the sun-lounge -- no doubt intended for a narrow patio and relatively skinny users - let her adopt a slightly different posture to normal. Instead of kneeling over me as she would on a bed, she put her legs out to the side of the lounge, like she was riding a horse.

As she screwed herself down on me, I was sure I could feel myself going deeper into her than normal.

Normally she pretty quickly starts lifting herself up and down, leaning back to maximise the stimulation of her g spot. But this time, as I thought she was about to do that, she hesitated; instead twisting and screwing herself about on my cock. Then she started bouncing; very short, somewhat gentle bounces that certainly created a very nice movement of her breasts too as she moved her upper body back and forwards in synchronisation with her short bounces.

But something else was different. More than Annika or myself, Laila is prone to be a 'moaner'. I think it's rather sweet, even if sometimes too loud not to be heard by those nearby.

But this time was different. She started an almost machine gun like sequence of...


Not very loud; it was like she was expressing something deep within her. After a fairly short time, that suddenly changed to...


I watched as her chest shrunk down and her shoulders bent towards me, like she had lost muscle tension and then she started up the more machinegun like repetition again. Her eyes were closed, so it was not even as though I could make eye contact to read what was happening. Something was pleasuring her, but something well outside her normal sexual stimulation.

Then to confuse me even more, her whole body started quivering. I've seen her thighs quiver as she's about to cum, but never anything like this. Some insight into her behaviour came out as, seemingly talking to no one in particular, she moaned...

"Oh, my whole body's tingling..."

This time, when the longer expressions started, they were louder, more prolonged and had a sort of rolling motion to them where she'd start to quieten down, only to intensify them again.

The process went through about three cycles of short machine gun sequences and then a long prolonged, rolling motion one, each louder and more intense, before she suddenly started lifting herself powerfully up and down on my shaft, leaning well back to rub her g spot. Sort of what I'd expected her to do in the first place.

Three thrusts like that and she let out a gigantic moan as she squirted all over me, bent over me, and started furiously thrusting in a way that seemed to prolong and enhance her orgasm.

It was all too much for me. Her rubbing my erection with the waistband of my swimmers had already made my shaft a bit more sensitive. Now as she pounded me, it was like my cock was shooting its cum all over the place, even if it was all into Laila.

Her orgasm went on much longer than mine; to the point my shaft was starting to feel that post orgasm sensitivy as she kept hammering away at me.

As she finally stopped, she pantingly commented...

"I've never had orgasms anything like that. It was mad. My whole body felt like it was orgasming over and over again. Oh wow. I can't wait to do it again."

With her legs still outside mine and off the sunbed, and my cock still inside her, she bent down and passionately kissed and handled me in a flurry of intense post sex erotic interaction; seemingly overwhelmed by whatever hormones her orgasm had triggered.

I'm not sure how long it would have gone on, because there was no sign of it letting up when Annika poured a full bucket of cold water over our hips; well, really it was over Laila's bottom. But being under it, my thighs, crotch and the exposed part of my cock -- that part not still stuck in Laila -- coped most of it.

After a surprised gasp, we both turned our heads to Annika, who dismissed us with a cheeky grin and...

"Laila squirted and I thought I'd better clean it up before it soaked into the cushion. Besides which, Laila was so worked up I thought you were in danger of being eaten by her. It was time to cool things down."

Laila poked her tongue at Annika in what I took to be a playful retort. As she climbed off me, she replied...

"And I suppose you want a bit of him now."

"It would be nice, but I suspect he's going to take a while to recover from what you've just done to him. Why don't we go for a walk around the town."

Even though it was hot and muggy, it wasn't a bad idea. A quick dry off and change into street clothes -- shorts and a t shirt for me, mini skirts and crop tops for the girls -- saw us wandering around the waterfront. Partly just taking in the vibe of the place, but also sussing out where we might have dinner.

Still, we've got into this habit of me walking between the girls, a hand around each of their backs, their arm around mine. This certainly attracts attention, since it is something of a lovers walking embrace and you're not supposed to have two of them. This walk was no different. I saw many turned heads as we walked past. In the case of males, it might just have been because they were perving at the girls, since they looked pretty sexy in their outfits; not least because of the plunging neckline of their crop tops. But the women we walked past gave us some pretty strange looks too.

We stopped for an ice cream on the way back then headed up to the apartment again.

As we arrived at the apartment, Annika took my hand, looked towards Laila and commented...

"I'm going to borrow Tony for a while. I think he should have recovered by now."

Laila nodded her assent as Annika led me into the bedroom, closing the door behind us. She knelt on the bed, encouraging me to follow suit, then explained...

"I hope you don't mind me bringing you in here. But sometimes I feel the need for a more meaningful interactions than just sharing you with Laila. I am quite attached to you and would like to express that in a more conventional environment. I know we ask much of you. Can we share sex? Is that OK with you?"

I could see Annika struggling with the translation of what she wanted to say into English, but there was a certain sweetness to her message. And yes, the combined demands for sex they've made upon me are beyond anything I could have imagined. Was it too much? Maybe a little. As a long term thing, probably yes. But they were only here for a short while -- another month maybe. They were stunningly beautiful and a delight and fun to be with. There is an element of them using me for sex, but it has grown beyond that, as Annika's words tried to express.

And for me this is probably a once in a lifetime opportunity to live an experience most guys might only dream about.

I smiled at her as I answered...

"Yes, we can have sex. It will be nice to have you alone for a change."

Annika reached out and pulled my t shirt over my head; prompting me to do the same for her crop top,

She grabbed the waistband of my shorts and those of my undies at the same time and encouraged me to kneel upright, letting her drop them to my knees, then manoeuvre them off me altogether, leaving me naked; before she knelt upright, in effect, inviting me to do the same with her.

Once we were both naked, she shuffled towards me, slipping her right knee between mine until our legs were fully inter-locked, she was sitting on my left thigh and our bodies were pressed together.

She ran the back of her hand gently across my cheek as she leaned in to kiss me...

"Laila and I appreciate how much you have made our visit to Australia much more fun."

"It has been fun for me too."

"We have not asked too much of you?"

"You have asked for more than I could ever have imagined I would be asked for. But no, not too much. I have enjoyed your company immensely."

She embraced me, kissing me as she caressed my back with her hands and slowly and gently started rubbing her crotch on my thigh until I could feel it become wet with her juices.

I had one arm around her back playing with her bottom and the other cupping her breast; tweaking her firm nipple as it projected between two fingers.

I sensed a rising intensity to her pashing of me until she capsized us on the bed, straightening out our now horizontal bodies until they were once again intertwined. A few moments later she lifted her leg over my thigh and positioned herself to be penetrated by the erection I'd been displaying from the moment she stripped my pants off.

Then she rolled herself on top of me, pushing herself down hard to make sure my penetration of her was as deep as it could possibly go...

"It is nice just having you in me. Are you in a hurry, or can we take our time?"

"We can take as long as you'd like."

She rested her head on my chest and shoulder as she screwed herself down on my cock again and then just laid, still, on top of me; almost as if she intended to go to sleep. I put my hands on her rather delightful bottom, as if reassuring her she was welcome to be where she was.

But sleep wasn't really her intention. Every few moments, she'd raise her head, caress her cheek against mine, stroke my hair and screw herself back down on my cock again, least even a millimetre of shaft had exited her vagina; humming, not in stimulation, more in satisfaction...

"Can you hug me more tightly please?"

I moved my left arm up to embrace the width of her waist and the right one across to her further bum cheek; grasping it a little more firmly, enjoying the deeper intertwining of her beautiful body with mine; triggering her to comment...

"That's nice."

I suppose it was somewhere between five or ten minutes we laid there before she commented...

"Well, we'd better get on with it."

"Only if you want to."

"I want a happy ending. But Laila will get annoyed if I wait too long to take it."

She lifted herself into a reverse missionary, thrusting my shaft in and out of her as she rubbed her clit on my pubis. She must have been quite aroused just from lying on me, because it was only a few minutes before she climaxed, lying back down on me and moaning as her vagina pummelled my manhood with its contractions.

When they'd finished, she waited for another minute before asking...

"Would you like to roll over now and...what does Laila call it... hammer me to your finish."

"Is that what you'd like me to do?"

"Yes. I really get excited on seeing you do your male thing."

"Do you want a pillow under you?"

"No. Just you hammering is good enough."

Annika started to roll me on top and I followed her lead. I have to admit, boring and repetitive though it might be, it is my favourite position for taking my climax. I like face to face sex. It makes me feel more engaged with the woman I'm making love to and, with me on top, I get to control the thrusting to maximise my pleasure from it. Plus, when I'm raised on straight arms, I get to look at the beautiful woman I'm fucking; her breasts emphasising her womanly nature.

Of course, I'm equally aware it is not the best position for a woman to get an orgasm from; although a pillow under their hips can make a big difference to that.

But in this case, Annika has had her orgasm and is now offering me mine.

So of course, I raised myself on straightened arms and looked down at her beautiful breasts and I started sliding my shaft in and out of her body.

I immediately noticed that Annika had only a weak to moderate grip on my shaft. Enough to pleasure it, but not enough to drive me quickly to a climax. She didn't seem in any hurry for me to dump my load, so I felt I could take my time -- within reason of course.

By going for a deep and full penetration every few thrusts, I got to rub the base of my shaft against her vaginal opening; something I find quite stimulating if done in moderation. The rest of the time I stopped just short of that.

I can't deny, much of the focus of my eyes was on her breasts. There is something about staring at them that highlights the erotic sense of my making love to her. But every time I looked up from them, I found her staring aback at me, a grin on her face and her eyes wide open; as if she was enjoying staring at me as much as I was enjoying staring at her. That was good. I liked to think that was the case.

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