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The Package

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Role playing...with a twist.
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The package arrived on Friday afternoon, late. A rather large box which of course captured everyone's attention at the firm, especially since it was marked prominently, "PERSONAL". I'd been summoned from my office, walking to the receptionist's area, seeing several of the secretaries milling about, their curiosities piqued.

As soon as I saw it I recognized the writing, my heart skipping a beat. I felt the smile trying to come to my face, remembering he having mentioned a special Valentine's Day surprise and with it just around the corner, I knew this had to be it. I signed the courier's log and he handed me the parcel, which proved to be quite...heavy.

Walking back down the hallway, I felt the eyes, the stares of quite a few but I continued to hide my excitement, knowing full well the whispers and comments which were being played out as I moved past. Finally, I came to my office, going inside and to the disappointment of many, shutting the door behind me.

I put the box down on my desk, pulling the envelope which had been taped securely in place free. The single letter on the front making my eyes grow wide, knowing "S" stood for many things to him and I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps. In the past I had found that when he used an "S" in correspondence it meant he desired his "slut" and as my heart began to pound, I closed my eyes in anticipation. Not only would that mean he desired my submission but he desired me to be at my most...decadent.

My hands were trembling as I opened the envelope and pulled out a single sheet of paper and a key card to a room at the Hilton downtown, only a few short miles from my office. I turned the sheet over, the words precise and to the point saying, "Room 2202, six p.m. tonight, do not open this box until you are in the room, alone." There was no signature, no other hints, nothing to keep my body from beginning to shake.

It was only then that I happened to glance up at the clock on the wall to see it showing 5:18 and a wave of panic washed over me. I hurriedly shut down my computer, grabbing my coat, slipping the room key and instructions in the pocket as I turned quickly. I was almost to the door when it suddenly dawned on me and I remembered, grabbing the mysterious box and whatever secrets it held. I pulled the door shut, slamming it in the process, the sound not going unnoticed by several of the co-workers still milling about.

I paid little heed, walking quickly, with no time to waste. I was nearly running as I flew past the same desk I had just left a few scant minutes before. I pushed the front door open, trying to reach the elevator only to see the doors beginning to close.

Calling out, I felt my coat catch on the door, almost throwing me off balance. By the I had freed the fabric, the doors had indeed shut and I could only stand there and watch in frustration as it began to go down the fourteen floors to the lobby before beginning it's journey back to the top floor.

There was only the one elevator and though I looked to the stairs, I knew fourteen floors would be next to impossible with the heavy load I was carrying. Thus, I was forced to watch as it seemed to stop at every floor, the seconds turning into minutes, minutes seemingly into forever as I stood there, time flying by as I constantly looked from the floors to my watch. In reality it was only about five minutes later that it returned, I jumped inside and began to frantically push the button for the lobby.

Once again, the journey was stopped time after time, the Friday afternoon crowd, people smiling, laughing but by the time we finally arrived at my destination, I could feel the sweat pouring through my blouse. I almost knocked one man down, forcing myself out through the doors first, tossing a quick apology over my shoulder as I stepped out into the early evening air.

For once, luck was on my side. A taxi sat waiting, its engine idling. I opened the door, slipping inside only to hear, "Hey, you're not Mr. Andrews." I gave him a cool look saying, "Very observant. No, I'm not but I am a woman who will tip you fifty dollars if you can get me to the Hilton in ten minutes."

Almost precisely ten minutes later I opened my eyes, having finally shut them to avoid seeing each of the numerous close calls I had witnessed. The drivers face sported a wide grin and I forced a smile to mine as the bellman opened the taxi door and I slid a wad of bills to the driver.

I took the offered hand but when he reached for the package I stepped back, a quizzical look on his face as once again I had to try and smile while saying, "Sorry, I'm not supposed to let this out of my sight" and he nodded, tipping his hat as I went up the steps and into the lobby, yet another elevator awaiting me.

I closed the door to the room, the box falling from my aching arms as I looked at my watching seeing I had made it with two minutes to spare. I smiled, turning to catch a glimpse in the mirror, the reflection showing a woman with her hair a bit wild, disheveled, my blouse a bit worse for wear though my nipples stuck out prominently. It was my eyes though which caught me, they were shining, all in anticipation as I reached over and pulled the tape off the top of the package.

There was yet another single sheet of paper on the top of what seemed to be quite a few items packed within. I knew I was to read the instructions first but my eyes were drawn to the shiny metal it lay on top of. I lifted the chains and leather, each seeming to go on forever until finally it was out and I laid it out on the bed.

I looked at it with a bit of confusion, not quite sure until suddenly it hit me. My heart began to race, that oh so familiar feeling between my legs began to tingle as a soft moan escaped my lips. It was like no other garment I had ever seen and it had just dawned on me how it would fall into place as my legs gave way. I slumped to the floor, my hand reaching out, grabbing the piece of paper, reading the words, "In position, prepared, everything from the package in place, seven p.m.. The lights extinguished and leave the door...unlocked."

I looked at my watch for what seemed to be the hundredth time, my heart jumping to my throat, it was only 45 minutes away. Quickly, I pulled the remaining contents of the box out, laying each item in place as my mind ran wild with how each would play a role in the how the evening would progress. Finally, I ran into the bathroom, tearing clothes from my body, turning on the shower as the seconds ticked on.

As hard as it was to believe, I made it with seconds to spare. The sound of the door opening, a bit of light from the hallway filling from the room for a brief moment before I heard it close, the room turning dark again, the sound of the lock being put in place.

All I could do was lay there, the sound of muffled footsteps as they walked across the plush carpeted floor, a dark, silent silhouette moving towards the window. I couldn't help but jump, a bit of a muffled cry escaping my lips as he threw back the curtains and the room was illuminated by the lights of the city below.

My eyes grew wide as he turned, bag in hand. He was dressed all in black, including the ski mask which covered his face. He stopped, placing the bag on the bed next to me as she looked down upon the vision before him.

I lay there, having utilized each and every item of the parcel as commanded, the sight before him quite erotic to say the very least. The chains were almost like a short dress, a leather collar connected to them in place, the silver links cascading down my body to between my legs though in reality they provided me with minimal...coverage.

My hands were attached to the collar around my neck, a small lock which I had clicked shut only moments before the door had opened insuring my compliance. The ends of the dress found two leather straps which were pulled taught around my upper thighs, my knees bent, my ankles attached to the straps, forcing my legs to open. I moaned behind the ball gag which was tightly cinched behind my head as he reached between my thighs. His hand trailed over my sex as he moved even lower, feeling to make sure I had followed his instructions precisely.

The anal plug had been like none I had ever seen before. It had filled me completely and if I hadn't been in such a hurry I might have examined it further to ascertain what the clip on the end might have suggested. I would have my answer though soon enough.

I lay on my side, my head turned toward him as I watched the quiet figure pull out a set of black leather gloves from the bag, pulling each one of them on slowly. He knelt beside the bed, his hand reaching out, the leather tenderly caressing my face, my makeup heavy, the evolution into the slut who lay before him, waiting to be...used.

I moaned, my eyes once again having closed at such a touch, him pushing a lock of my hair back from my forehead where it had fallen. Finally, my eyes reopened and this time his face was mere inches from mine, his eyes peering deeply into my own. It was then I felt my blood run cold. His eyes were blue, this man's...were green.

I screamed, the sound loud but the gag muffling it almost completely. My eyes grew wild as I tried to pull back, to pull away but his hand was quicker, where it had touched me with tenderness now it found my hair, pulling it sharply, my head snapping back as he shook his head slowly from side to side, announcing his disapproval.

My heart was pounding, threatening to beat from my chest, unable to escape, only able to watch as he opened his bag. His back was to me, so I was unable to see what he pulled forth. By the time he was done, I saw him turn, walking away from me, the light in the bathroom going on, the door shutting the sound of a faucet being turned on.

I pulled frantically at my restraints, rocking back and forth wildly but there would be no release. I'd managed to only turn myself onto my stomach and as he returned it turned out to be precisely what he was hoping for. I felt one gloved hand reach down between my legs again, an audible click, the plug buried deep inside of me being opened as my head swiveled, trying to see what was about to happen.

My eyes grew wide as a scream died in my throat. I saw the bottle he held, the long tubing in the pale light snaking out and as he loosened the clip, I felt the warm, soapy water enter and begin to fill me. I moaned, loud and long, the bag beginning to deflate as its contents flowed into my body. The position I was in had forced me onto my knees and all I could do was watch as my stomach began to swell, to grow distended beyond its normal shape.

I felt the tube being removed, the clasp once again locking down but as I looked again, my eyes pleading there would be no mercy. I saw the switch in his hand and when he hit it, the plug began to rotate, filling me, swelling as my head went back and my climax took me. It was like none I had ever experienced before, the feelings so strange but as I was to soon find out, it was only the beginning.

By the time I had come down from the high my eyes were a bit unfocused, though he stood in front of me, patiently waiting until I was able to ascertain what he held in his hands. Once again my cry would have been loud if not for the circumstances as my body swayed to and fro, his hands reaching up underneath me, the steel clips, the nipple clamps, their serrated edges gleaming even in the dim light being positioned and he turned each loose at the exact same moment.

Once again I was as helpless to stop the tide as if I were to stop breathing. A second orgasm was building, this one causing the first to pale in comparison yet he would not be satisfied. As I felt it begin to take me away, I saw him hold up the large, phallus shaped instrument, as realistic as any I had seen and with a single thrust, he buried it inside of me, the latex creation coming alive, filling every inch of me as my back arched and one after another, my pleasure was control.

He would plunge it, in and out, maddeningly slow at times, frantic at others, playing my body, my mind lost in the moment, in the feelings he was creating until suddenly it dawned on me, he had stopped. I opened my eyes only to see him towering over me, his hardness out, his hand stroking it as he almost lovingly did the same to my stomach, now swollen to well over twice its size.

I moaned, groaning as he knew what I wanted, he could see it in my eyes. I could have sworn I saw his eyes twinkle but there would be no time for that, his body seeking mine as he buried himself inside my wetness. Once again, it was if he knew how to take me from one height to the next, though now not allowing me the release I needed so badly.

Pleading with him, my cries swallowed by the gag, spittle running from it I thrashed my head from side to side, but still the silent figure rode me, slowly, almost agonizingly so. Finally I simply allowed my head to hang, my spirit broken, an instrument to be used for his enjoyment and with that resignation came peace.

I allowed my body to be his, riding it and the pleasure it provided. I felt him remove the clamps, knowing full well that with that the pain/pleasure principal would begin again but if anything, I welcomed it now, knowing it would grant me that which I needed and he required of me. I was lost in the moment and as I writhed beneath him I wished for the stranger the same and I met his every thrust with one of my own, as best as I could.

Finally, I felt his body tense, saw his head go back, his back arch and I allowed myself to complete the circle, claiming him and granting myself complete release. In the silence, we took from the other that which we required, our bodies dancing together in the night until suddenly, all was quiet. I lay there, my body so alive, as he slowly stood, rearranging his clothing, moving silently until he reached over to a glass which I had not noticed, sitting on the nightstand.

He held something out in front of my eyes, forcing me to focus on it as he moved it to my hand, forcing me to close it around the frozen object. It was an ice cube, already near its melting point, the key to my captivity inside. I'm not sure how long it took to finally melt, nor how long it took me to contort myself into a position where I could put the key in the lock but I do know by the time I had freed myself and frantically moved to the bathroom it was in the nick of time.

After all was said and done, all of the objects I had worn removed, I had moved on shaky legs over to the mirror, a single sheet of paper on the vanity and as my hands trembled I removed it to read, "LOOK IN THE MIRROR, TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE." I looked up, seeing two objects held in place, green contact lenses as I smiled and I


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DixieBabeDixieBabealmost 12 years ago
Good story but....

I thought it was a good story line and set up I just wished for a little bit more detail through the hotel scene. Maybe that's not how the author wanted it told and if that's the case, ok, but in my opinion I felt a little more detail and describing would have gone a long way to make a good story great!!!!!

angelx602angelx602about 16 years ago

I loved this story, it's so in line with my own fantasies and the contacts in the bathroom at the end of the story was a good ending.

oldwinooldwinoover 17 years ago
Wonderfull Story

First the prose was excellent. The story line great. Hope you continue this story. Only complaint is that it was too short.

dweaver999dweaver999over 17 years ago

The set up and tension of being taken by a 'stranger' was well done. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
read the category label next time

it's nonconsent/reluctance. if this is not for you, then be mature enough to realize that. comment on the writing style, not the writer's taste. i LOVED it

FredricaForeverFredricaForeverover 17 years ago
Anon folks are such pricks

Fantasywriter, keep up the good work.

And to those cowardly pricks who don't have the balls to post under their own names, stfu. Who are you to self proclaim yourself a literary critic? His writing is vivid, well writen and full of erotic imaagery. So stop posting anon and giving other people crap for writing about what you don't find interesting. If you are clueless about the Lifestyle and the kind of kinks W/we enjoy, stop reading stories under the BDSM category and judging us for what we like to do and write about. Sheesh!

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