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Father's Day

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Step daughter inadvertantly gives herself up for the day.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 06/22/2012
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As I stand outside her bedroom door in the dark I can hear her gently roll over in bed. Her light has been off for about 3 hours, almost immediately after taking her nightly shower.

There is a faint glow from under the door, a nightlight she has used since she was three. Old habits die hard, at 19 you would think she would be over that.

Checking my watch, I see that it is just 12:01am, June 17 2012. Father's Day, and my gift is just a few feet away.

Let me explain. My step daughter Sara is now a college freshman, learning the ropes, and finally doing better after a disastrous first semester. My wife and I were very happy when she announced that she was coming home for the weekend, starting with dinner out and a movie Friday. We had a really nice time. The Avengers was playing at the local theatre, we all had a good laugh. Dinner was sushi (nice metaphor for what was to come, but more on that later.), something we enjoy just about every Friday. Saturday Sara didn't seem as pleased or happy as she did the night before. My wife and I both chatted her up, turns out she was just upset with herself for not getting me a Father's Day gift.

'Don't worry sweetie, it's just great to have some time with you' I told her in all sincerity. It was also nice seeing her tight young body in the skimpy outfits girls wear these days. I guess I am not all that good of a step dad........

'Ricky...' she said, using the pet name she had used for me since about age 3 when I came on the scene. 'How about on Father's Day I just do anything for you that you want? Let's make it your special day, you don't have to lift a finger, just tell me what to do... ok?'

I have to confess that I hesitated. Could I really have her at my beck and call for the day?

I had to ask, my wife grabbing my left hand as I did 'Sure sweetie, what did you have in mind? Anything in particular, or just whatever I want?'

Before she could answer, my wife (bless her) chimed in. 'You heard her honey, anything you want. She's good for her word, aren't you Sara?' I think she realized what she had just committed to by the look she gave me she said my step daughters name.

Sara just nodded and went back to texting as usual, my wife kissing me gently and giving me a deep, probing look.

Later when we were alone, my wife sat me down and said 'you know what this means don't you?'

Assuming that she meant that there were limits, I told her of course I did, and that I wouldn't take undue advantage of her offer (you can imagine how disappointed I was, but oh well!).

'No' my lovely wife said. 'This means that you get to have her do EXACTLY what you want her to do, and I am committed to helping thanks to me opening my big mouth! Let the monster out honey, this is your chance, I won't stop you. In fact, I will live up to my side and help if you need it. Or if you want it' she said, looking coy.

What could I say? I love my wife, now I loved her even more. Our sex life, hot as hell for the first years of our marriage had cooled considerably in the past 3 years, you see my wife is 10 years older than me, now 56 to my 46...... to my step daughters 19.

So there I was, at the start of 'my' day.

Now, let me describe my step daughter. At 19 she is slender. I mean SLENDER. She might weigh 95 pounds, but I doubt it. He has medium long hair, a pierced nose, tongue, 3 piercings in one ear, 2 in the other both with small gauges. She got her first tattoo at 16, a nice music note on her left hip, just above her panty line. She has a couple more now, one on her back, one on her thigh.

Cute as a button, with lovely firm breasts and an ass to die for. She wears this yellow bikini in the summers, when it's wet the bottoms are completely see through so I know she shaves her pussy, at least around her cunt lips. Her nipples are small and tight, with small areolas, just the way I like them. I only know because I can see them every time she leans over. The net effect of the push up bra she wears is to expose her nips just enough!

As I open the door I can just see her left arm outside the light sheet over her body, a slight rise where her breasts are. She is still wearing a camisole or some such garment, with a black bra underneath. Oh well, might be fun removing them, but I was hoping for slightly easier access.

Sitting on the bed wakes her slightly. As I brush the hair away from her eyes she starts, clearly realizing that someone is there.

'what....' She says, stopping when I put my finger to her lips.

'It's Father's Day sweetie, I am just here to start collecting my present' I whisper, gently kissing her forehead, smelling her clean skin.

'Ricky, it's still the middle of the night, what do you expect me to do...... go away, I will make breakfast in the morning....... I'm tired!' she says, rolling over face down on the bed.

Straddling her I gently run my fingers through her hair, gently massaging her shoulders, kissing her on each one at a time.

'That's ok Sara' I tell her. 'Right now all I want you to do for me is to just lay there.'

'mmmmm' she moans softly as I massage her neck.

Gently sliding her bra straps off her shoulders gets a reaction. She tries to roll over, both her arms coming up from under the sheet.

'What are you doing?' she demands, twisting her face around, glaring at me but unable to move the rest of her body due to the weight I am putting directly on her lower back.

'Taking you up on your offer' my wife says from the doorway. I had not heard her come out of bed, I thought she was asleep.

'Sara, don't you realize what you promised yesterday? Don't you?'

'I didn't mean this' Sara wails, thrashing a bit trying to roll over.

All the while I am still messaging g her now bare shoulders, pushing her bra strap and camisole ever so slightly farther down with each stroke of my hands.

'Get off of me!!!' She yells, bucking and trying to kick me with her feet through the bedding.

'Now you just hold on young lady!' My wife tells her. 'Stop acting like spoiled little brat! Let your step father have his fun with you today. Do you want us to keep paying for your college? Your fun? The concerts you go to? Do you?'

God bless her!

Sara struggles a bit more, and then clearly gives up. I can feel her body quiver every few minutes, 'my, my' I think. 'She's actually crying!' What a turn on!

As she is more relaxed now, I take advantage and lean forward and pull the sheet off her body and under me. Not the most coordinated of moves, but it finally works and I am now sitting on her tight little ass. The only thing separating my cock from her buns is the thin material of my PJ shorts, and the cute little boy shorts she is wearing.

The camisole easily slides down to her waist exposing the bra strap, unfortunately a sold band, no visible clasp. I guess it unhooks from the front.

Reaching around with both hands under her breasts I can feel her tense up, but she doesn't do anything to stop me as I get my fingers around the clasp between her tits and jiggle it until it releases.

Off it comes, sliding easily over her arms.

By now she seems resigned. Her tears have stopped, and she is pressing her face into the pillow trying to make it harder, but not impossible for me to fondle her young tits.

All I can do is sit up and enjoy the view. She is so slender and sexy, her tattoo just showing in the half light, her breasts slightly pressed out on either side.

Getting up off her I am able to make her sit up without too much difficulty, with a few twists I get her to kneel on the bed, facing away from me.

As I fondle her tits over her shoulders from behind, she grabs her ankles with each hand, bowing her head in obvious disgust at what I am doing.

By putting one foot on the bed and keeping the other on the floor I can grip her slender body between my crotch and my arms. Forcing her to sit still while I enjoy her smooth skin, firm nipples, and the smell of her body, fresh from deep slumber.

She endures my fondling her breasts for a few minutes, and then moves her hands to her knees, arching her back a bit, her obvious need to stretch working to my advantage. Heck, her nipples are taut, standing out like little periscopes, maybe somewhere deep down she is enjoying this! Seems like all she needs is a helping hand to bring out her inner slut!

As I continue fondling her breasts she tries crossing her arms over them to stop me. Presssing her hands onto her face, then back to her shoulders.

I gently push her forward onto her hands and give her tight little bottom a quick feel. She tries to turn a bit, I easily push her back.

Since she really isn't fighting me I try stepping back, off the bed. She turns and looks at me with the most forlorn expression I have ever seen. 'How can you do this to me Ricky' she says, lightly catching her breath at the end, perhaps still fighting off tears. 'How can you?'

Her feet look cute under her firm ass cheeks. Then she makes a quick dive for the covers, hiding under them with her back to me.

It doesn't take much to rip the sheet off and pull her up by her ankles, keeping her legs together and pushing her onto her back. She immediately raises herself up on her elbows, but can't pull her legs free from my grasp.

With a concerted effort I am able to pull her black shorts up and off of her. She kicks a little as I pull them over her feet, seems like a natural reaction, not resistance.

Now her cute little cunt is on display between her slender legs. Leaning against her forearms as she is pushes her breasts out, making them firmer than usual. Visually stunning!

As I touch her pussy for the first time, she turns her head away from me, her eyes close, grief and pain clearly evident.

'No Ricky, no please!'

But I am too into this to stop now. After all, this was her idea, wasn't it?

Gently spreading her legs gives me better access to her little gash. Completely shaved, not even a landing strip. Perfect.

She doesn't seem so sad now, smiling briefly as I tickle her pussy lips with my fingers. She is wet despite her aversion.

When I let go of her legs, she rolls onto her side, giving me the opportunity to caress her face, breasts, legs and ass. When I try to push my fingers into her damp cunt she pushes me away 3 or 4 times, before relaxing a bit and letting me probe her depths. Spreading her legs ever so slightly.

Rolling her on her back make it easy for me to kiss her nipples, then work my way down to taste her pussy. As my tongue makes contact she jumps. Startled I think.

'Ricky, no one has ever kissed my.........' she says.

'Kissed your what sweetie?' I taunt. No reply. 'Do you mean your pussy, cutie pie?' I ask. I can just hear her faint grunt of assent.

She tastes good. I mean I love pussy, nothing better. The taste of my little girl was just over the top. Clean and fragrant, but pungent from a few hours' sleep and the exertion of trying to fight me off.

She seems to forget where she is, or who she is with as I continue to lick her cunt, first like an ice cream, bottom to top, then flicking her clit with my tongue. Her lips are long lovely spires of flesh on either side of her pink cunt, the fact that they are a bit large is such a turn on. How nice that she doesn't have one of those pussies with hidden lips, impossible to grasp.

As I lick her cunt I pull her cunt lips apart, and run my face up and down, pushing first my tongue, then my chin, back to my tongue, then my nose as deeply as I can in her young little pussy.

Moaning softly she tenses up and shudders. In spite of herself she cums. Just that quickly.

Her look is one of ecstasy, then fear as she realizes that she just came after claiming not to want this. Tears begin to roll down her cheeks again, but this time no wracking sobs, just tears of frustration and embarrassment.

I roll her over on her belly again and spread her ass cheeks, licking my finger and probing first her pussy, then her ass. She squirms a bit when I touch her asshole, but doesn't object overly much.

While I play with her little cunt I gently slide off my shorts, leaving us both fully nude. I roll her over again on her back and lay beside her, my right leg over her left. She tries to jump up when she realizes that my cock is bare, but she is easy to hold down.

Climbing on top of her I gently begin sliding my cock against her wet cunt lips, up and down, pushing my cock head in a millimeter at a time. I hold her legs firmly so that as she tries to twist away I can easily keep her in position. Finally she calms down.

As I slide in about half way she reacts again. She doesn't say anything, just tries to jerk free, then relaxes and puts her hands over her face.

I adjust a bit to improve my angle of attack and push my cock all the way in. She groans and lets out a little sob, but doesn't do anything to stop me, her hands still over her face.

In and out, in and out. She feels so good. Tight, but no virgin. Her little tits jiggling nicely with every thrust. I can't see her face through her hands, but she is lovely. More lovely than at any time in our life together.

I am able to put my full weight on her and grasp her face in my hands, forcing her to let me give her a long deep kiss. Oddly she responds. In spite of herself I suspect!

Changing positions I roll her on her side and start entering her from behind. She covers her face again, clearly embarrassed, but also turned on as her cunt is simply sopping, moisture enough, no lube required.

I pull her hair to make her raise her face so I can nibble on her neck while I thrust for all I am worth.

'oh god' she says. 'Are you wearing a condom?'

'no' I tell her. Sitting up and pushing her into a classic doggy style. She doesn't reply, I think she is to far gone at this point to even care.

Seeing her ass cheeks, her tight little asshole and now slightly gapping pussy is just too much. I grab her hard and jam my cock into her wet cunt as hard as I can. She lets out a slight cry as I pump her young womb full of my cum. It seems to take forever, but the sensations are amazing. Wave after wave of orgasm. The best ever.

Just as I finish cumming, she climaxes again, gasping 'oh god oh god oh go oh god' her face still pressed into the pillow.

We lie there for a few minutes. All I can do is thank her for a lovely start to my Father's Day! At first she relaxes, and then she realizes that I said 'start'. Tensing up, she says 'what do you mean 'start' Rickie, isn't this enough? What more do you expect? Oh god, I can't believe my own step dad just fucked me in my own bed. Why? Why did you do this?'

I had completely forgotten about my wife who helped me out earlier, but right then I heard her start to say something, stop, then start again.

'Sara, while I can't say I approve, you did promise, and I did agree see that you did. I'd say you have a long day ahead of you.

End of Chapter 1

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Horny_RedHorny_Redover 2 years ago

While usually enjoy the slight non consent that typically turns into complete consent, I found this story to be a complete rape. I'm pretty sure that Sara's promise to do anything, did not include being forced by her dad and (essentially) her mother to let her dad force her to have sex with him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Lol the characters are pretty unrealistic. The stepdad is about the closest it gets since a lot of them do go on to rape their step daughters. Highly doubt the mother would casually watch the little girl she raised be held down and done by the man she recently married. By 'anything' a sane mother would assume things like 'trim the grass. Take out trash, do all the chores, etc."

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Made me soaking wet. Couldnt walk away...


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
This rape isn't it?

Forced entry

Rifraff123Rifraff123almost 13 years agoAuthor
Fathers Day

I agree, she certainly should! Will try and work that in.

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