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The Pantyhose Stalker Ch. 03

Story Info
Mike drugs and has non-consensual sex with Janine.
4.7k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 12/06/2011
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Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional and is a segue into the darker part of the human psyche where forced sex fantasises dwell. The author also does not condone non-consensual or physically forced sex, but acknowledges that men and women do have these fantasises. I certainly do; and I sometimes act them out in real life in my female persona when dressed as Michele. In fact as a transvestite I identify more with the female characters in my stories than I do the male. That said, being bisexual, I am turned on by both the male and female characters; and of course my nylon fetish is self-evident.

Part Three

Detective Mike Harris lay on his bed masturbating; his cock was encased in the tan pantyhose Nadine Bouvier had discarded after he had assaulted her. He had the gusset of the hose over his head and was inhaling the scent the juices of her cunt had left on the hose. He had one of the legs of her pantyhose pulled tight over his cock. He came and a puddle of white creamy semen oozed through the sheer nylon stretched tightly over his glans. He wiped up the mess and dropped the garment into a drawer on his bedside table.

He showered and dressed ready for work. He worked as a detective in the Sex Crimes unit down at city PD; most cops just referred to the unit as 'Sex'; on TV it was called SVU. The incongruity was that Mike was not only a detective in the sex crimes unit; he was also the Pantyhose Stalker.

It had been over a week since he had assaulted Nadine Bouvier and he had assaulted her mother only a few days before that. He had collected some pretty good trophies from them; a spare key to the Bouvier house, Michele Bouvier's cell phone, and a digital voice recording of Nadine Bouvier propositioning him and then having consensual sex with him. Well it was what she called a panty-pop, which is basically a dry hump. Mike had assaulted her after the panty-pop but had erased the incriminating part of the recording.

Now it was a matter of how best to use the things he had collected form the Bouviers to his advantage. His partner, Sergeant Janine Munner, was giving him a hard time of late because the Pantyhose Stalker case was not getting anywhere. That was mainly due to the fact that they could not identify the Pantyhose Stalker because the usually reliable fingerprint and DNA evidence was bringing them nothing.

"So we have five unsolved sexual assaults; all by the same guy. Same MO, same DNA, same fingerprints, but we can't match them with anything on file," Janine grumbled.

"And if there are five reported sexual assaults then he has committed at least twice that many because statistically less than half of these crimes ever get reported!" she continued.

Janine Munner hated men who forced themselves on women. She hated chauvinistic men for that matter. She was a lipstick-lezzo. A very attractive lipstick-lezzo and she was driving Mike nuts. Not only was she a pain in the ass as a partner; he found her tremendously attractive. The way she dressed drove him wild.

Today she wore a navy-blue pinstriped power suit. The skirt was so tight he was surprised she could walk in it and her jacket strained to contain her tits; it was a wonder the buttons of her blouse didn't pop. She wore a cream satin blouse under the jacket, taupe nylons and black high-heels. Her long blonde hair, usually worn in a single plait or ponytail, was brushed out today. She was wearing heavy makeup, perfume and lots of jewellery. Even her fingernails were painted blood red to match her lipstick.

It was almost as if she dared any of the men on the squad to complain about the way she dressed just so she could lay harassment charges. Most of the cops joked that she would never catch a bad guy dressed like she did; but none of the guys complained; she was the best looking piece of ass on the force.

"You know what Janine; maybe we should have another interview with the Bouvier woman," Mike said.

He was anxious to get a legitimate excuse to go back to the Bouvier house. He wanted to check out a few things there; he had further plans for the Bouvier women!

"I told you Mike, it's a dead end. She's told us everything she's going to," Janine said.

"Hey I tell you what though. I heard she kicked out that no good weasel of a husband. Good for her," Janine said.

"Yeah. Good for her," Mike repeated.

His mind began ticking over. This was a good thing! This fitted right in with his plans!

"You know what; if we don't get any more leads by five o'clock, what say we go for a couple of drinks? My life-partner is away on business and I could do with de-stressing." Janine asked.

Mike was a little taken aback; it was not unusual for partners on the force to go for drinks after work; in fact it was the norm. But Sergeant Janine Munner had never shown the slightest inkling of mixing with him outside of the workplace. This was an interesting turn of events.

Mike and Janine worked the case without progressing any further. Mike was distracted by his partner; she kept unintentionally providing him with tantalising glimpses of her legs and breasts. Her perfume drove him wild and he spent most of the day trying to hide a boner. At one stage Janine was bent over the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet and her skirt rode up high on her thighs. He could make out what he thought were white nylon panties under the sheer gusset of her hose. He moved to the cabinet beside the one she working on so he could look down her blouse and was rewarded with a glimpse of her large firm tits barely contained by the cups of a white lace bra.

"Jesus! You guys are so transparent!" Janine snapped at him when she saw what he was doing.

She looked pointedly at the bulge in his pants and smiled.

"Well; it goes to show I can still get a man excited; even though I'm not interested in what you have to offer. Not that you appear to have much anyway," she sniggered.

Mike blushed with both embarrassment and anger. He would show this bitch what for one day!

She surprised him when later that day she came over to his desk.

"We still on for that drink Mike?"

"Sure," he smiled wanly back at her.

"Oh come on Mike; I was just ribbing you earlier, we can still be friends and get a drink can't we?" she smiled genuinely at him.

Mike smiled back, but he was thinking to himself how much he would like to fuck her. He slipped his hand inside the pocket of his jacket and fingered the small bottle. It contained Rohypnol or Roofies as it was called on the street. This was not the Pantyhose Stalker's MO; he had never drugged a woman before, but it was an idea he'd been playing with for a while now. He smiled to himself.

"Sure; any particular place you wanna go?" he smiled back at her.

"Geez Mike, the only places I know are lesbian bars and I'm sure you don't want to go to any of those," she laughed.

"I know a place. It's not a cop bar; it's somewhere we can get a drink without the rest of the PD wagging their tongues," he suggested.

"Not a bad idea. No need for the rest of the guys in Sex to start unfounded rumours, I'll follow you," she said putting on her jacket.

Mike had to act quickly; this was an unplanned opportunity but he wanted this woman so bad he was prepared to take a few extra risks. He drove to his apartment block and Janine followed him, parking in the basement car park next to him.

"Geez Mike this isn't very subtle; is this your apartment block?" Janine asked him as she alighted from her car.

She owned an eco-friendly compact, a Prius or some such tree-hugging, fern-sniffing, lezzo-homo-mobile; 'just the sort of car a lezzo bitch would drive,' he thought but he got a great view of her legs and ass as struggled to get out of the driver's seat with her tight skirt constricting her thighs.

"I just thought it's out of the way, besides there's a bar I go to around the corner, very close. You can leave your car here and we can walk," he grinned.

She smiled back.

"Discretion is your middle name," she joked and followed him out of the basement door to the street.

"I know lots of partners go for drinks after work, but as soon as the guys see a female cop alone with her male partner they start tongue wagging," Janine said.

"Even if the cop is a lesbian?" Mike joked.

"If she looks as hot as I do they do," she joked back.

They walked the short distance to Mike's local bar in silence after that, each lost in their own thoughts. Janine couldn't stop thinking about their current case and why the DNA evidence didn't match anything they had on file. Most 'serials', as they called them, graduated to sexual assault after committing less serious offences such as break-and-enter, voyeurism, or less serious assault charges, so most of them had DNA and fingerprints on file.

Mike on the other hand was thinking how much he'd like to bend Sergeant Janine Munner over one of the many cars they were passing on the dark street, hike up her skirt, rip the crotch out of her pantyhose and fuck her brains out! He stole surreptitious glances at her big tits and fine legs. Her clothing, makeup and perfume drove him wild. She was asking for it!

They settled into a cosy booth at the back of the bar. The place was crowded, dark and noisy. Mike was sitting so close to Janine he could smell her sweet breath as she talked. She drank her bourbon with coke; he drank his straight. They chatted about the case for a while and then Janine excused herself to use the bathroom. This was his chance! He slipped a pre-determined amount of the Roofies into a fresh drink and placed it on a coaster on the table. He popped a Viagra in anticipation of the evening's entertainment.

He had to stand up to let her back in the booth and she squeezed past him. He felt her large firm tits rub against his chest and his cock began to thicken. He'd popped a Viagra while she was in the ladies and it was working already. They continued to chat and drink for a while and then a marked difference occurred in Nadine's speech pattern. She started to slur her words and she began to loose coordination. She had to reach twice for her drink.

"Whew Mike, I think I might have drank too many too fast," she said.

Except it came out "Whew Mick, I shrink I mitt have shrank too moony too fast!"

"Typical woman; can't hold her liquor," Mike chided her.

"I usually hold my lickers by the ears!" she said and winked at him, overdoing the facial expression like a drunk would.

"That's a lezzo joke!" she winked again, her smile was crooked; the drug was taking effect.

"Shleepy................" She yawned and her eyelids began to droop.

This was the chance Mike had been hoping for. He was hard as a rock in anticipation.

He half helped half-dragged Janine out of the booth. He put her arm around his shoulders and started to guide her to the door.

"Look out folks! Coming through, coming through."

"She's ok, just had a few too many," he said apologetically as they weaved their way to the door.

By the time Mike had Janine outside she was almost a dead weight. She wasn't fat but she was buxom and he had to use all his strength to half-carry her to his apartment. He was lucky! No one saw him take her into his apartment. If he had been seen his plan was to let her just sleep it off and put it down to too much work, not enough sleep and too much booze. They had both been working long hours. But now no one knew he had her in his apartment the coast was clear for him to have his way with her.

Mike would have preferred if she had been awake for what he was about to do to her; he would have loved her to fight him and for her to be aware of him forcing himself on her. But this was exciting in a different way; having an unconscious woman to whom he could do whatever he wanted.

Mike struggled with Janine's now comatose body and eventually got her lying flat on her back on the bed. He was very excited now and tore off his clothes and straddled her prostrate body. He could feel her breasts against his chest as he pressed his body against hers; her chest moved up and down and he was sweating from the exertion of getting her to his flat. He kissed her lips and then kissed down along the left side of her neck then up the right side, and then he kissed her cheeks and nibbled on both of her earlobes. He inhaled her sweet perfume. His cock was rampant.

Mike reached over and took an ultra-light condom from his bedside table. He opened the package and unrolled the thin latex condom over his erect penis. He really wanted to feel this woman's cunt on his naked cock, but he couldn't afford to leave his DNA on Janine; she might match it to the Pantyhose Stalker and then in all likelihood she would join the dots and figure out it was him.

Mike pressed his penis against Janine's dress; her stomach was flat and tight. He forced his right leg between her legs and pressed down, rubbing against her crotch. The fabric of her skirt scratched the sensitive skin of his glans even though it was covered with the condom. This particular brand of condom was advertised as 'super-sensitive' and it was almost like he wasn't wearing one. He moved his right leg down and inched her dress up her leg until he could feel her nylon-covered crotch against his skin. He rubbed his leg up and down then left and right against her panty covered crotch.

Mike caressed her long blonde hair and bought it to his face and rubbed it against his cheek. He inhaled her sweet perfume. He then arranged her hair, straightening it along her neck and shoulders; he wanted her to look just so. He placed the palms of his hand along each side of the front her jacket and caressed her breasts feeling her cleavage then moved his hands down to her waist. He rested for a few seconds and then unbuttoned and opened her jacket. He then slid his hands along her blouse and ran his hands across her nipples, his fingers sliding effortlessly across the sleek satin.

Mike traced the outline of her bra with his fingertips and then put his hands under her breasts, and hefted her cleavage and then gently squeezed her firm ripe breasts. His cock was throbbing, dribbling silvery pre-seminal fluid into the condom. He forced himself not to rush this. He could easily have just hiked up her skirt, pulled off her panties, ripped open her hose and fucked her. But no! Slow and steady was the way to go. He wanted to draw this out and enjoy it.

He slid off her prone body and placed his hands under her back to lift her stomach; he bent down and kissed her near her navel. Then he slid his hands under her buttocks smoothed out her skirt. He straddled her body so he was facing her feet and pressed her ankles and feet together. He removed her high heels and placed them beside her unperceiving body.

Mike moved to the end of the bed admiring his handy-work. He looked up her skirt admiring the view; even with her legs together there was a small opening in her skirt and he could see her silken clad calves and thighs. Mike reached out and touched her stocking feet and traced the outline of her heel, toes, and the arch of her feet with his fingers. He can now confirm she is wearing white nylon panties under the sheer gusset of her hose, and his cock trebles in anticipation.

Mike straddled Janine again and opened her jacket and unbuttoned her blouse and stroked her hard flat abdomen. He slid his hands up to her firm breasts and massaged them through her white satin and lace bra, her nipples harden to his touch and a light groan escapes her mouth. He lifted her breasts free of the cups and lowered his mouth to them, sucking on them alternately, flicking his tongue across her hard nipples. He traces her dark areolae with his tongue and gently bites her teats. She moans again in her sleep. He finished with her breasts by kissing each of them before moving on to explore more of her body.

Mike spun around to face her feet and slowly raised her skirt, marvelling at her long taupe pantyhose-clad legs. Her nylon panties are ghostly white in the darkened room, the sheer to the waist pantyhose covering her panties give them a smoky appearance. Mike plays with Janine's knees, tracing the little wrinkles and folds in her pantyhose and then he slowly runs his hands up her legs taking his time to admire how firm and well formed her muscles feel under the cool sleek nylon. When he got to the juncture where her thighs join her torso he explored the creases for a while, his fingers hypersensitive.

Janine's breathing had become ragged and deeper and little groans and mews escaped her lips. Despite being in a deep Roofies-induced sleep she is becoming aroused. This excites him more and his rock hard cock pulses once again. He slides his hands across her pubis and her pantyhose glide over her sleek nylon panties. She feels warm and soft down there, he can tell her pussy is shaved, the silhouette of her cunt is quite evident through the gossamer thin fabric of her hose and panties. He detects a faint whiff of pussy. She's getting aroused!

Mike lowers his face to Janine's pussy and kisses her through her panties. He traces the V of her pubis with his tongue and without warning Janine slowly opens her legs for him. He smiles and buries his face in her panty-clad cunt and begins to lap at her labia.

"Ohhhh!" Janine moans in her drug-induced sleep.

Mike can't take much more of this; he so wants to fuck her. He yanks at her panties and pantyhose and pulls them down to the tops of her thighs and then once again lowers his face to her cunt. It is fully shaven and the folds glisten with vaginal juices. He explores her outer lips and then her inner lips with his tongue and then he finds her clitoris and begins to lap at it with a steady rhythm.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Ohhhh!" Janine mutters and her hands lift unsteadily off the bed and rest on Mike's head encouraging him in his endeavours.

Mike laps at Janine's cunt for a good five minutes and she is soaking wet with his spittle and her own vaginal juices. She is mewing and purring like a cat. Her body began to shake and shiver as his tongue lashes her clitty. He can't wait any longer; he has to have her!

Mike climbed off Janine's prone body and admired his handwork. Her heavily madeup face is framed by her long blonde hair; a bemused smile is fixed to her drugged frazzled face. Her jacket is wide open, as is her satin blouse; the cups of her bra have been pulled free of her magnificent breasts, the white satin contrasting magnificently with her lean tanned torso. Her navy-blue skirt is hiked up and bunched around her waist; her white panties are entangled in the gusset of her pantyhose; pulled halfway down her muscular thighs. Her long well defined legs encased in sheer taupe pantyhose glisten in the light of the bed lamp. Her toes and heels are encased in the darker reinforced nylon of her hose; her dainty feet are spread about a foot apart.

Mike fell on her and began to kiss her slack mouth; he can taste bourbon and coke and her sweet breath. His hands once again find her breasts and he kneads them forcefully as he wriggles his ass to position his rampant penis at the entrance to her vagina. He uses his feet to force open her legs a little wider and then his latex veiled penis can feel the folds of her hot, slick cunt.

He pushes forward and she grunts.


Mike forces his tongue between her lips; his tongue invades her mouth as his cock invades her vagina. She is hot, tight and buttery and the walls of her cunt grip his rock-hard penis tightly. It's over far too quickly. Thrusting, once, twice, three times!

"Aggggggg!" he groans as he fills the reservoir tip of the condom with his hot spend.

Mike grinds his pubis against Janine's cunt and rubs his legs on hers so he can feel her nylons on his sensitive skin. Janine's cunt spasms and she moans in her sleep and Mike thrusts into her. Mike is kissing her fervently as his orgasm rages. God this just feels so good. Mike allows his cock to spasm deep inside Janine Munner until his orgasm is spent. He is kissing her, stroking her hair and rubbing his legs on hers; enjoying the sensations even though she is almost unresponsive.


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