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The Party

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Girlfriend is taken by multiple men during a party.
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Life moves on, and me along with it I suppose, having finished college and beginning the process of finding a job that at least used my learning's somewhat. Thus far I there had been a surprising lack of opportunities, I even tried an IT related position in the big city for a year, until I found out I was allergic to earth quakes and beat a hasty retreat to the safe confines of the college town. I suppose I had never really committed to the city job, still maintaining the duplex I had spent the last 3 years of college living in, one foot in the city and one foot out.

So I found myself a little at odds, working a few part time jobs to pay the bills, but otherwise finding a great deal of free time on my hands. I was without a steady girlfriend, too jaded to work the bar scene, and completely unmotivated to find real work. It was a Saturday morning and I was sitting on my front porch, sprawled in a lawn chair reading the paper (or trying to), when the phone jangled me out of my funk.

"Alec! How are you!"

"Good Dan, great to hear from you, how is sunny southern California treating you?"

"Fine fine, jobs good, Nina's good (Dan's wife of a year)...all good. And you?"

"Eh...things are good, back in town, left the city, it sucked. Just kicking it now, waiting for something better to come up. So what's up, I know you did not call to inquire about my health?"

"Well, I am calling because we are throwing a party down here next weekend and I would like you to come on down if you are available. Should be a fun party, lots of people, maybe even a few single women, and it's adult themed. You interested? Maybe we can make a week out of it and just hang out, catch up and get some guy-type bucket list things checked off?"

"That sounds pretty darn good. It is getting pretty hot up here, so the cooler weather would be nice, and I am always up for drinking your beer! I will get my schedule cleared and make plans to head down!"

"Great to hear, I'll let Nina know so she can invite more female types to the party. Let me know when you when you are planning on leaving so I can pick you up from the airport when you arrive."

"Will do, talk to you soon"

I hung up feeling a little more upbeat, looking forward to the trip, it would do me good. Packing would be light, all tank tops and shorts, maybe a polo shirt if I wanted to dress up (ya right) and flip flops. Oh, and I would need my running shoes to work off the beer! This promised to be a great trip!

Just then the phone rang again! What is going on, no calls for weeks then twice in the same day? What next, aliens or a Loch Ness sighting? I answered the phone, preparing a sarcastic comment for whoever had called this time, but changed my tone immediately when I heard the sound of crying on the other end.


"Alec <sniff>?" It was Beth, my long time girlfriend and more over the years, whom I had not seen in quite some time.

"Beth? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Fucking asshole boyfriend! Bastard cheated on me the son of a bitch!" Inside I was nothing but surprised, who would step out on her in his right mind? "Could I crash at your place for a while, until I can find other arrangements?"

"Of course! You know you don't even need to ask Beth! Are you I need to kick the guys ass?"

"I'm okay, more upset with myself than anything, I just need to get out of here, move my stuff to storage in the meantime. This is just such a hassle"

"Tell you what, let me head on over to you and give you a hand, I have nothing on my plate today, or even this weekend."

"You sure, I would really appreciate it but I don't want to drag you into this on your day off"

"Nonsense, give me the directions, I'll be right over"

She gave me the address, which I committed to memory, threw on some swim trunks and a tank top, then headed out the door. It was definitely starting to warm up and our town had some seriously high humidity, so after I burned my legs on the hot seat of my truck, I basically sweated my way over to where Beth was. When I arrived, Beth was sitting forlornly on a pile of boxes waiting for me to get there...and no sight of the boyfriend, no ex-boyfriend. The douche had not even shown up to help.

"So, want to trash his place?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"No, I just want to get out of here and be done with it. He is not worth it." As she said it though, I could tell that it still hurt from the look in her eyes, but I also say the beginnings of a bit of anger too. "But if we stay here much longer, I might change my mind!"

"Well, probably better happening now rather than later, before any real commitment." I added wisely (pffft)

I guess I should describe Beth. Beth was looking pretty damn stunning as always, wearing cutoff's and a yellow tank top, really showing off the summers tan. She was firm in all the right places and soft in those that needed to be, having gorgeous long legs and a killer which still haunted all of my "fun" dreams. Her breasts are C cup, but full and proud, with little sag. She kept in good shape (and tanned) due to her life guarding job, which she had not given up yet, even though she too had graduated college.

As we began moving boxes to the truck, it was impossible not to notice that her breasts were swinging free without the support of a bra, and when she bent down to pick up a box I could definitely tell that they were indeed free. Yum...followed closely by drool and a libido dance.

We quickly finished loading, chatting away like we always had, comfortable with each other, though I was having a difficult time concentrating on anything but the way she was looking. We hopped in the truck, both dancing back out for a moment due to the hot seats, but laughing got back in and pulled away. The storage place was on the other end of town, so I stopped off at a liquor store for some ice, beer and wine coolers before getting on the highway.

We had slipped into our old comfortableness with each other like a favorite t-shirt, so she was at ease talking out the last of the frustration she had with her ex, able to get it off her chest and vent. I just listened, more than a little irritated at the idiot she had been dating, but smart enough not to make any judgement where it probably was not needed. By the time we arrived, she was pretty relaxed about the whole thing, ready to start another chapter of her regrets. To myself I was hoping she was entering the revenge phase, hopefully I would be able to help her through it (thats what friends do right?), but I kept that close to the chest.

We groaned as we got out of the truck, as the heat was intense. The north end of the town was pretty dry and far from the river, so no humidity, but also no shade of any kind. We quickly cracked open a beer/wine cooler respectively, clinked the bottles together and got to work. We had to reorganize her locker a bit to make room for the new boxes, but that went pretty quickly. After the first drink, we both loosened up a bit and soon there was a little grab assing going on, literally.

There is nothing quite as fun as goosing a woman with a fine, rounded ass, and hers was spectacular. The first goose caught her completely by surprise as she was bending over to set a box down on the ground. She squealed loudly and I received a quick playful slap, "Fresh!". The cutoffs showed plenty of cheek when she bent over so I simply could not resist goosing her again at each opportunity that presented itself. So far I had not caught sight of anything resembling underwear, so either it was a very thin thong, or like her lack of a bra, she was not wearing any.

While we were resorting the boxes, the office manager drove up and informed us she was heading out to do some errands, so could we make sure that the gate closes behind us when we left? We assured her we would and got back to work. Like most typical California summer days, this one was no exception as it was getting hotter by the minute. We were sweating profusely even though we were not in the direct sun as the storage units were like little ovens. We of course cracked open a few more drinks to help keep the heat at bay.

Beth's tank top looked like she had stepped right out of a wet t-shirt contest, her breasts and nipples clearing showing through the nearly opaque shirt. I of course could not resist brushing up against them when I could, causing the nipples to harden visibly under her shirt, trying to poke through the thin material. I also changed tactics with my goosing, going for quality not quantity, though Beth's protests had pretty much ceased, in fact she was even wiggling her ass when I goosed her at times.

Sorting done, we began to move the boxes in from the truck, going from sun to hot shade. We quickly got them moved into the storage locker, whereupon Beth drug out a couple of suitcases to pack things she would need for the stay at my place. Beth bent over at the waist to sort through one rather heavy box full of clothing, placing both hands on the box to shift it slightly, presenting that wonderful backside for my viewing pleasure. I could not resist going for the mother of all gooses, the opportunity was simply too good. This time, as I reached to grab her ass, I instead opened my hand so my fingers slid forward, expecting to graze across the underside of her shorts before I grabbed her between my thumb and fingers. At the last moment her hips shifted slightly and a slight gap appeared between her ass and the shorts, through which my fingers slid, immediately sliding across the lips of her pussy, which were actually quite wet.

I heard Beth gasp out loud, gripping the sides of the box, but otherwise not moving, frozen in place. I waited for her to tell me to remove my hand, but when she didn't, I began to lightly stroke my fingers along her wetness, moving my index finger forward to rub her clit gently, trying to tease it from its hiding place. Beth moaned and arched her back as my fingers did their work, easily sliding between and up into the folds of her pussy. Beth pushed herself up from the box and backed up a step to she could press her body up against me, lifting an arm and looping it around my neck, pulling me into a deep kiss. I responded by removing my hand from her shorts, then bringing both hands up her waist, across her stomach and up under her tank top to grab both of her naked breasts, squeezing and rubbing them as I kissed her back hungrily.

Beth broke our kiss for a moment "Glad you decided to stop teasing me, you need to take what my idiot ex gave up." With that, she drew me back into the kiss, raising her other arm and hand behind me to scratch my neck with her nails, groaning into my mouth while I fondled her breasts. I shifted my hands to grasp her nipples, twisting and pulling them hard while pressing my groin hard into her ass, eliciting groans of pleasure and pain from Beth. After a few more squeezes on her nipples, I moved my hands down her sides and then to her shorts, unbuttoning them and lowering the zipper. Beth responded by bending back over, placing her hands back on the box, expecting me to take her immediately.

Instead, along with the shorts, I lowered myself down to my knees as the shorts slid down to her feet, revealing her glorious ass as they did so. Beth kicked the shorts away, then groaned loudly as I dove into her pussy deeply with my tongue, my nose pressed into the cheeks of her ass and tickling her small star there. I gripped her ass with one hand, then slid the other between her legs, going directly to her clit, teasing and stroking it, causing Beth to cry out.

"Oh god yes, Alec, that feels so good! I missed this so...ahhhhh...much!"

I felt her body begin to quiver and could hear the short pants and moans she makes when she is nearing the edge, so I backed off a bit, licking the lips of her pussy and moving my fingers away from her clit, her moans taking on a pleading tone as she slipped back from the edge.

"Please don't tease, I need it now...aaaaaaAAHHHH!" She yelled out as I once again attacked with my tongue and mouth, lapping up the delicious juices, revelling in the scent of her sex as I breathed deeply. I reached down with one hand and slipped my shorts down my waist to my knees, still working her over hard and bringing her almost to the edge once more. I waited for her body to begin quivering and shaking once again, small cries signalling she was almost there, before backing away and standing up, shedding myself of my shorts. Beth moaning pleas were mirrored by her hips as she rotated them, seeking my attention.

Without hesitation, I grasped my cock and moved up to her ass, seating it at the entrance to her pussy, before driving forward to the hilt, my hips pressing against her ass and my balls slapping against her pussy. Beth threw her head back and screamed as I filled her, immediately cumming around my cock as I began slamming into her. I was not gentle, single-mindedly driving into her to reach my own climax, battling through her clenching as her entire body spasmed around me. It did not take me long, but after just a few minutes of our hips slapping together, I felt the cum begin boiling in my balls. I pulled out and spun Beth around, pushing her to her knees and pressing my cock between her lips just as I began to explode. She moaned around my cock as spurt after spurt flowed into her throat as she milked me with her hands.

Light headed, I swayed unsteadily on my feet as Beth continued to gently suck my cock, catching the last spurt on her tongue, swirling it around the head of my cock before swallowing. She eased back from me, reaching down to take a swig from her wine cooler, then quickly standing and throwing her arms around my neck, crushing her breasts against my chest and kissing me deeply. We disengaged slowly and I helped her gather her discarded shorts, though I did goose her as she tried to put them on, grinning impishly. Once we were dressed, we sat down in the meager shade and grabbed another drink, quietly leaning against each other, glowing.

"Wow" I mumbled.

"Ya, been a long time since I have been fucked hard like that, certainly never came like that. The ex was a shitty lover"

"Why'd you stay with the dirt bag?"

"Not sure, misguided loyalty?"

"This might change the dynamic a bit, you okay with that?"

"Definitely...I trust you. You seeing anyone?"


"Okay, as long as we have that settled, lets go find somewhere to cool off!"

She finished packing her bags and we got everything into the truck, secured the locker, and hopped into the truck to drive back to my place. On the way I had a sudden thought.

"Hey, what are you doing next week?"

"Nothing, just work" Beth said, looking at me quizzically.

"Well, Dan asked me to come down and visit him. They are having a party on Saturday, so I was thinking about heading down Friday so I could hit the party, then just chill for the week. Interested? And can you get the time off?"

"I wouldn't cramp your style?"

"Not at all. Figured you could hang out with Nina when she is not working, or just lounge around the pool for the week. We don't have anything planned but eating bad food, drinking good beer and other assorted guy stuff...and you of course are invited to do that if you want."

"You know, I would love to, I could really use a weekend away from here, away from work...away from all of it for a spell. I'll see if I can get the time off!"

From my perspective this was excellent. I would now be in the company of a good looking woman who was already well into the "revenge" phase of her breakup, so I could do my part and help her along! Plus the three of us (Dan, Beth and I) had some history, including a wild few weeks that featured a rather heated series of threesome action. Of course Dan was a married man now, so probably best to not share that bit of information with Nina.

Beth was able to get the time off, so we made our plans and then spent the rest of the week settling in at my place. It was a grand few days too, as we spent time just hanging around each other, and yes, having a fair amount of sex. After that first mauling of each other at the storage place, we kind of settled into a gentle rhythm, not unlike if we were a couple, but definitely filling a gap we both needed filled.

The week went by fast, Friday upon us before we knew and we headed to the airport for our flight to San Diego. We arrived later that evening, around 8 pm, where Dan picked them up promptly the front gate. Dan did a double take when he saw Beth, but took it all in stride, though he hugged her far longer than he hugged me. He did look questioningly at me over her shoulder, to which I just shrugged and smiled.

We chattered all the way back to his place, which was about 45 minutes away, catching up on what each of us were doing these days. Beth did volunteer that she had recently had a bad breakup and that I had stepped up to help her, looping her arm into mine and leaning into me as she did so. Dan just chuckled at that, looking askance at me with a knowing look in his eye. We arrived at his house shortly thereafter, greeted by Nina, who had a few snacks laid out for us. We all chatted for a bit, but Beth and I were pretty tired, so retired to the guest bedroom for the night. We fell asleep immediately.


That next morning, Nina had to go in for a few hours to work, so it was just the three of them until the early afternoon. We spent the time before the party outside by the pool. Dan and I were on the deck, sipping coffee before it got too warm, when Beth came outside with a towel and a book to read. Of course we both stopped talking for a moment.

Beth, already quite tan, was wearing a small black bikini, with string ties at the sides of her waist, neck and back for the bikini top. While it was not the most risqué suit we had seen, it definitely hugged her, accentuating her cleavage and hugging her ass respectively. Both Dan and I groaned when she bent over at the waist to arrange the towel on the chase lounge, causing Beth to look back at us with a bit of a smirk. She proceed to unselfconsciously apply tanning lotion to her body, declining our generous offers to help.

"I know you two, you will get handsy and that will only lead to trouble." She admonished.

Disappointed, Dan and I turned our chairs so we could just watch her, smelling the coconut carried over on the breeze. We got back to drinking our coffee and getting caught up, keeping a sharp pair of eyes on Beth, just in case she needed our help...there might be an emergency tanning event, you never know.

Nina got home around 1pm, so the three of us chatted a bit until it was time for us to start party prep. We left Beth to her sun worshipping and got to work. The party looked like it was going to be a fun one as it had an adult them; sex toys and party favors. Nina had tracked down a site that catered to events with a more adult emphasis, and had taken it a step further by acquiring items that were a bit off the beaten path, like mini vibrators, body paints and lubricants.

Nina had placed all kinds of fun items like those, along with condoms, nipple clamps, and other crazy things in bowls placed at tables like munchies. She also had door prizes, adult "care" packages, and fun games to play during the party. If that did not create an interesting atmosphere, I don't know what would. Dan informed me that his contributions included a number of soft porn and hard porn titles that would be running on his big screen tv during the party, further amping the mood he hoped. He scattered various party favors throughout the room in the off chance that someone was REALLY motivated by the movies.

He shared with me that he did not know what would happen at this party, as he only knew about half of the invitees, with Nina knowing the rest, but he was aware she had invited a number of men she found attractive, just because she wanted to see them in bathing suits. Dan, for his part, knew there were going to be a number of fine looking women there, but he did not expect it to be a lot of single I would be out of luck in that department, though I was not worried since Beth was with me.

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