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The Party

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A non-consent fantasy gang bang.
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I'd forgotten all about it, the kinky conversation I'd had at my next door neighbor's party last week. I moved to New York City just a year ago, and Kyle was the first friend I made. He was hot. Tall, blond, and lean with muscular swimmer's body, but oh my God, he was kind of a goof-ball. At one point I thought we might hook up, but nothing ever happened. Still, when he asked me to come to his Birthday Party I definitely wasn't going to turn him down.

It was a nice party, kind of quiet at first, but after twenty minutes, more people arrived, the drinks started flowing, the music got good, and I had a great time. The conversation was cool too. Kyle's friend Cate is a sex therapist, and she started a hysterical conversation in the corner with a bunch of other women and a bottle of Cinnamon Schnapps. I have a weakness for Cinnamon Schnapps.

"What's your sex fantasy Jessica?" Cate asked. "Come on, everyone's sharing."

"Okay." I tossed back another shot and rubbed a hand over my face. "Don't judge."

"Never." Cate shook her head.

"Okay I have this like...rape fantasy."

Cate nodded seriously. "That's actually really common for women."

"Yeah well, as a feminist, I find it kind of fucked up," I said. "But I can't get away from it, it ramps me up like nothing else."

"Yeah but think about it," said Cate. "You're not talking about real rape right? It's a fantasy. You've consented to that fantasy in your head, so that's totally different."

I shrugged. "Sure, I guess that makes sense."

A few of the other women in the conversation nodded in agreement and that made me feel more comfortable. Like I was less of a freak.

"Have you ever acted on that fantasy?" Cate asked.

"No never." I shook my head. "Which is kind of hilarious since in my line of work, I could probably find plenty of willing partners but-"

"Oh? What do you do?"

"I'm a fetish model," I said. "I model kinky lingerie and let people tie me up for photos. I've also got a burlesque show at CupCakes-"

"Oh my God!" said Cate pointing at me. "I thought I recognized you! You're Jinx Numanox!"

"Yeah that's my stage name." I smiled and ran a hand through my long blonde hair.

"Wow," said Cate. "I was trying to figure out where I knew you from."

"Well I look a lot different as a civilian I guess," I said, with a chuckle. "I'm normally wearing a lot more body glitter and a lot less clothing."

"Of course."

"And I don't wear glasses on stage," I said with a laugh. "Well unless I'm playing the Naughty Librarian. Or Teacher's Pet."

Cate grinned and leaned close. "Okay so tell me about this fantasy? I'm dying to know."

Smiling, I reached for the bottle of Cinnamon Schnapps and poured myself another shot. "Alright, well, there's at least three guys, hopefully more. They invite me over to hang out and chill, I'm wearing something skimpy, oblivious to what it's doing to them. As the night wears on, I overhear them plotting, and before I know it, they're on me. Ripping my clothes off. Fighting over who goes first. Fucking me every hole..."

* * *

So, like I said, I'd forgotten all about that fantasy conversation. Hell, I'd had enough to drink that night I'd forgotten about most of the evening itself. My Schnapps hangover was so bad I swore off alcohol for a few weeks, which meant when New Year's Eve rolled around I was ready to spend it alone. Just a quiet night in.

When Kyle knocked on my door I was wearing a pair of leggings that had seen better days and an old sweatshirt that I had cut the bottom off of to get rid of a stain. The leggings were so worn out they were practically see through in a few spots, and the sweatshirt didn't cover the bottom half of my tits, but it was my comfiest outfit, perfect for lounging around at home.

"Hey you," Kyle said with a smile when I opened the door. "Thought you'd be out at some sexy fetish model party or something?"

"Ha, ha." I smirked at him. "Nope I'm afraid not. Just chilling with my cat and gonna watch Anderson Cooper ring in the New Year."

"Aw, no. Don't do that." Kyle frowned playfully. "Come hang out with me. I've got another bottle of Cinnamon Schnapps."

"Oh no, no." I laughed. "I'm not drinking that for a while. I had a headache for days after your birthday party. I'm just gonna stay in. But thank you."

"Come one." Kyle leaned against my doorframe and smirked. "You can't stay home alone on New Year's Eve. Just come over for a little bit. I've got beer, and I ordered a couple of pizzas from Grimaldi's."

I bit my lip and studied him for a minute. "I dunno," I said.

"Don't make me do it, Jessica," he said.

"Do what?"

"Okay fine," he sighed. "I hate to play the birthday card, but I'm gonna have to."

"The birthday card?"

"You didn't get me anything," Kyle said with a shrug. "Which means I get to pick my present."

"Oh really?" I crossed my arms over my chest and chuckled. "Is that how it works?"

He nodded seriously. "I'm afraid it is. You're gonna have to come over, at least for a little bit. It's your no-birthday-gift-punishment."

"Alright then." I sighed dramatically, and grabbed my keys from the side table by the door. "But I'm not getting dressed up for this."

"No need," he said as I followed him down the hall toward his apartment. "It's a come as you are party. Everyone else is casual too."

"Everyone else?"

* * *

Five guys. This New Year's Eve party Kyle was so adamant I attend consisted of five guys and me. I'd met these guys before, so they weren't total strangers to me. Still, talk about awkward.

"Hey Kyle," I said, sidling up to him in the kitchen. "Anyone else coming to this party?"

"Uh, lemme see," he took a bite of pizza and turned to the living room, lifting his finger to point off each guy as he counted.

"Mal," he said, pointing to a tall man with dark hair and bulging muscles.

"Theo." A guy with wavy brown hair and piercing blue eyes turned to Kyle and gave him a thumbs up.

"Brian." Dark skinned with an infectious smile, this guy was busy fiddling with Kyle's television.

"And Rob," said Kyle pointing to the last man, a massive dude with dark hair, and arms that had as many tattoos as they did muscles.

"So yeah." Kyle grinned at me. "Everyone is here."

"Kyle," I said, snagging a piece of pizza from the box. "I meant, are there any other girls coming?"

"Oooohhh." Kyle chewed his pizza thoughtfully, then shook his head. "Nope."

"Ugh." Yanking open his refrigerator, I snagged a beer, popped the cap and chugged. "Kyle, your party is gonna be lame."

"Oh I don't think so beautiful," he said, a twinkle in his eye. "How could we need any more women? We've got you!"

"Hey Kyle!" Brian called from the living room. "We gonna get this game started or what?"

"Yeah! Be right there!" Kyle finished off his slice of pizza and took a swallow from his beer. "You play pool?" he said.

"Not at all." I shook my head. "But hey, whatever. I'll give it a shot."

Kyle grinned and took my hand, dragging me into the living room. "Alright guys," he said. "Let the games begin."


I don't really know how to play pool, so I wasn't sure exactly what I was doing or who was winning or what. I do know I was having fun. Kyle kept coming up behind me and "helping" me with my stance. I felt his hips brush up against my ass enough times that it got me thinking...maybe we might hook up after all? Maybe that's why he'd invited me tonight? A girl could hope.

After a little while I got more comfortable with the guys. They were flirty and didn't hide the fact that they were checking me out. I didn't mind, it made me feel sexy, and if it made Kyle a little envious, so much the better. Nothing gets a guy interested in a girl like seeing his friends chat her up.

"Your turn again beautiful," said Kyle, pointing to the table. He didn't even look at me, instead he was watching Theo, who was sitting behind me on a low ottoman. I glanced behind me, saw Theo's line of sight and had a naughty idea. My sweatshirt, the one I'd cut off and that barely covers the bottom of my tits, it gapes something awful when I lean over. The bottom half hangs way down and and if someone was behind me, say, seated on an ottoman and they just happened to be looking in the right direction...well they'd see right up my shirt.

If I'm allowed to be vain for a moment? I'll tell you, I've got fantastic tits. Natural, big and plump, with large puffy areolas and gumdrop nipples. My tits have got me more modeling jobs than I can count, and I know they are one of my best assets.

"Alrighty, here I go!" I said, shaking my ass subtly as I leaned over the table. I adjusted my stance, and made sure the bottom of my shirt was gaping. I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me, and then some whispering I couldn't make out.

"What's that?" I said, glancing over my shoulder. "Am I doing it wrong again? More like this? Right?" Arching my back I popped up on my tiptoes and thrust my round ass high in the air, bobbing it up and down, just a little.

The room got really quiet and I caught Kyle's eye. He was biting back a smile. "No, that's perfect. Just perfect," he said.

After that, the guys got really into the game, fist pumping when they made a good shot and talking smack to each other. At one point it looked like Theo was winning and he could not stop gloating about it. But then, Mal did something magic with his stick apparently, because everyone started hooting and Theo's face turned red.

"Ha! That's it! I win!" said Mal, pumping his fist in the air, he spun around and then started thrusting his hips forcefully. "I'm first!"

"Not so fast," said Rob. "Best out of three games. That's what we all agreed on."

"Aw fuck. You're right." Mal grabbed some chalk and began polishing the end of his cue.

"Well," I said, hanging up my cue. "I'm out. I'll just amuse myself watching you studs." Wandering over to Kyle I touched his arm. "Ladies room?" I asked. He pointed down the hall and I headed that way.

I did need to pee, but mostly I needed to rearrange my thong. Flirting with the boys had made my panties damp and God, I was turned on. I had half a mind to rub one out in Kyle's bathroom, but then, I heard voices in the hallway. Leaning my ear up against the door, I held my breath and listened.

"Whoever wins goes first," said someone. "That was the plan. Everyone gets a turn, don't worry. All you want, whichever holes you want. Your choice, so calm down."

"Yeah but playing for first with a game of pool isn't fair. Rob is stellar at pool, we all know he's gonna win."

"So what if he does? Honestly it's better that way anyhow. He's intimidating, she won't fight as much. Look quit your bitching and just be ready. When I give the signal we grab her."

"What about Kyle? He's gonna try to stop us."

"Yeah, I wonder."

"What do you mean?"

"He's into her man. Has been for a long time. Once we get her down and spread that pussy, I think he'll come around."

I nearly tripped over my own feet jumping back from the door.

Oh my God. Kyle's sounded like they were planning to rape me!

I started to panic, my mind was racing and I looked around the bathroom, wondering if there was a way out. But we live in a high rise apartment building and even if we didn't, there was no window in that bathroom. The only way out was through the front door, and that lay just beyond a living room full of enormous horny, savage men.

I listened at the door again, the talking had ceased. As quietly as I could, I opened the door, and tiptoed down the hall. I was hoping they'd be so absorbed in the game that they wouldn't notice me leaving. As I got to the end of the hallway, I could see the living room was empty.

Huh? This was crazy. Where did they all go?

My mind screamed at my idiocy. Who cares where they went! I could see a clear path to the front door of the apartment. Quickly I ran for it, dodging the pool table and ottoman, rounding the sofa and almost...almost there...My fingers touched the cool metal surface of the door, as my palm slid over the handle...and hands of steel caught me around the waist.

"I won." Rob's voice sounded low and nasty in my ear. "So I get to go first."

"No, no, no, no, no!" I shouted as he dragged me back toward the pool table. His big hand clamped over my mouth as my ass hit the green felt.

"Guys," said Theo, his blue eyes cold. "Hold her down."

"No! Fuck you!" I kicked out, hard. My fists flew and I know I hit muscle a few times, but it wasn't enough. Theo got behind me and held my arms above my head while Brian and Mal each took one of my legs and drew them up high, so that my knees where at my waist and my legs were spread wide. Rob's massive torso shoved between my thighs and he grinned down at me. Then he turned to Kyle.

I looked at Kyle in terror. Would he help me? "Kyle, please," I whispered.

"What are you guys doing?" Kyle said, his face contorted with astonishment.

Rob ignored him.

"Theo," said Rob. "Let's see her tits.

"No!" I shouted, but Theo grabbed the base of my sweatshirt and pulled it roughly up over my head so that my breasts bobbed free. He tied the fabric around my wrists, trapping my hands totally.

"Fucking beautiful," said Rob. Leering at me lewdly, he reached up and slapped one breast so hard that it stung. I shrieked and started to curse him out. But, Theo put a hand over my mouth again, reached down and slapped my other breast, then grabbed one of my nipples and pinched hard. I shrieked louder, but my cries were muffled by Theo's hand.

"I've seen your fetish photos," said Rob. "I admit I've jerked off to them a few times, but damn bitch, you are so much finer in person." He grabbed both my tits in his massive paws and squeezed hard, then slapped them again and again, until my skin started to pink and I could see the outline of fingers on my pale flesh.

"Holy fuck!" said Kyle. "Get off of her! My God!"

"Kyle," said Rob calmly, his big hands moving to palm the inside of my thighs. "You've been mooning over this bitch for months now. It's time you did something about it."

"Not this!" said Kyle, his expression horrified.

"Trust me buddy," said Rob. "Yes. This."

Rob's hands began to slide up my thighs. I was paralyzed and all the sound went out of the room as his thick fingers pinched the thin fabric of my leggings and tore a large ragged hole in the crotch.

"Oh my God!" I wailed, the words muffled behind Theo's palm.

The only thing still protecting my quivering pussy was a thin slip of satin thong. Rob grabbed the thong and snapped it off my hips, tossing it over his shoulder.

I was bare.

"Very pretty," said Rob, sliding a finger over my lips. "I like a shaved pussy. But she's shy huh?"

I knew what he meant. I've got a polite pussy. The lips are neat and shaved yes, but they also stay closed. That is unless...until...

Rob placed his thumbs on either side of my pussy and yanked the lips back, opening me up so that my pink hole was gaping and totally exposed to his eyes.

Everyone stared. They leaned in for a closer look.

Instinctively I bucked against the restraint, my hips arching and tits bouncing lewdly as I tried to free myself.

"Oh yes," said Rob with a laugh. "Please, by all means keep that up. I love seeing that pink cunt trying to writhe away from the inevitable. And bitch your tits never look better than when they are bouncing a little show for me."

"Fuck you!" I screamed, the words somehow audible even through Theo's palm.

"No darling," said Rob, a vicious smile on his face. "We...are going to"

He pulled my pussy lips wider, his index finger circled over my clit then down, teasing around my hole, his eyes never leaving mine as he molested me. Slowly, so slowly he pushed one finger inside my pussy and started working it in and out, in and out.

I gasped and again my hips arched, my pussy muscles trying to force him out of my body.

"Oh my God." It was Kyle's voice and all eyes turned to him.

The expression on his face had changed. Now instead of horror, he looked...mesmerized.

"You good Ky?" said Rob.

Kyle didn't say a word. He just stared, he gaze glued to my exposed cunt and Rob's thick finger, thrusting in and out.

"Come here," said Rob, motioning Kyle over with his other hand.


At Rob's command, Kyle stumbled forward.

"Gimme your hand," said Rob, and Kyle lifted his hand. Rob took Kyle's hand, and shoved one of his fingers roughly into my cunt alongside his own. I squealed, but no one cared. All eyes stared at my crotch. The other men leaned over me, their hands upraised as I watched in horror.

"Come on in boys," said Rob. "Everybody cop a feel. She's slippery as fuck. Bitch can't hide how turned on she is."

My face flushed red, as five hands groped at my tender flesh, digging into my skin, flicking my clit, sliding fingers through my folds and thrusting into my pussy hole at the same time.

In and out, not bothering to take turns. It was every man for himself, trying to get a piece of me, their fingers stretching my hole, and probing deep. I turned my head and closed my eyes in shame. It felt so wrong, and yet, Rob was right, I was dripping wet, my pussy aching for more.

"Alright," said Rob, a laugh in his voice. "Enough of that. Let me claim my prize okay? And then it's everyone else's turn."

The hands retreated and Rob pushed his hips squarely between my legs. Reaching for his belt, he unfastened it, then let his jeans fall to floor.

"Push her knees up higher," he commanded to the other men. "I want this cunt laid out like a buffet."

He palmed his monster erection through his box briefs, stroking the hard length a few times before dragging the fabric down his hips. His cock sprung free, huge and nearly purple from engorged blood. A thick vein wound up the shaft and the broad blunt tip glistened with pre-cum.

I went crazy. I bucked my hips and arched my back and thrashed my legs, anything to get out of my captor's grip.

Rob's grin was positively evil.

"Nothing so delicious as unwilling pussy," he said. "Go ahead and thrash around bitch. It's so much sweeter pushing my cock into a cunt that's trying to get away."

"NO!" I groaned under Theo's hand.

"Take your hand away," Rob said to Theo, a gleam in his eye. "I want to hear her scream."

The minute Theo's hand was gone I lost my mind, cussing Rob out, clawing and writhing, trying desperately to get away.

Rob's giant palms settled on either side of my hips as I moved, he tried to notch the head of his cock to my pussy, but I was too wild.

"Well this is a challenge," he said with a laugh, trying to match the thrust of his cock to my movements. "Guys, a little help here?"

The grips on my legs tightened. Brian and Mal jerked my knees up higher, spreading my legs like my pussy was an offering for a pagan God. My spasming pink hole tightened in anticipation, fear coursing up my spine.

Rob pressed the head of his cock at my entrance and slowly pushed inside. Just an inch, but more than my mind was willing to accept.

"No!" I screamed again. "No! No! NO!"

"Yeeeessss," Rob's laugh was low and lustful, he moaned with pleasure as he slowly pushed his cock inside my quivering channel. Every nerve-ending in my cunt was screaming in protest while Rob's low groans of ecstasy mocked my pain.

"Oh fuck yeesssss," he said as he rocked slowly out, then pushed forward on another long, slow stroke. "Holy. Fucking. Shit." His face contorted in lust. "This is the finest cunt I have ever dipped my wick in gentleman. Goddamn."

"Yeah?" said Mal, licking his lips. "Really?"

"Oh yes," said Rob, rocking back and forth, harder now, faster, his heavy balls slapping against my flesh. "So hot, so tight, and oh my God, so very, very wet.""sex stories"sex story incest size sister inches “her brother’s growing”lyricsmaster daughter pregnantmy son hugged me like this way that i could feel his cock will nudge in in pussy over the clothes.. indian Literotica"literotic mobile""lite erotica"an avoidable sex between mom son taboo storiesmy wide ass panties aunty literotica"incest creampie""literotica incest"asstr led away naked"gay sex stories""literotica girlfriend""cum dumpster"dinkleberry asstr/s/fancy-dress-party-2"erotic sex stories""erotic mind control"lyricsmaster blackmailgranddaughterdumb exhibitionist gay sex stories/s/her-anal-punishment/comment/6102427freesexstories/s/jane-marwood-governess-ch-02?comments_after=1997378Wannabeaboytoy author"literotica sissy"Literotica uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh"literotica first time"heikes schwiegervater hansdeconstructing the professor silkstockingslover home for the holidays"wife porn stories"black gardener literotica"literotica tefler"" not only looking " taboo "i.literotica"মেয়েটি ছেলেটির মাল খেয়ে ফেলল বাংলা ফেমডম চটি"literotica tags"pussy worship hypnosis audio"impregnation erotica""nifty archive"literotia gymnastics squadlitrrotica constant cumzenkci storiesbdms part 3 sexstory in hindi languageliterorica tame a bratneighbours directoire knickers story"gay sex stories"புண்டைகாட்டி"sneaky sex""literotica big cock"long lost mom incest couplinga/ i moan oh yes your cock is so hard ummm fuck me oh yes"erotic stories audio"wife caught topless on camera stranger literotics Tied up in my girdles-literotciafeeldoecocksucker no reciprication site;literotica.comOhh ahh am cumming yesss harder storiesonlinelong lost mom incest sexstories"incest taboo stories"Literotica Deus ex machina"beg me to let you cum""tentacle sex""literotica app"Literoticas stories my young wife whos a carer catches a old man wearing womans panties/s/my-sweet-nephewgay boss executive trip panties heels literoticaA toorak robbery sex storyகக்கோல்ட் பொட்டை புருஷன் கதைSleepwalker impregnation erotic storiesSex stories - Mom’s Macromastia Mystery Ch. 01"incest sex stories"/s/just-once-if-you-dont-mind-pt-02/comment/10904732"literotica genie"literotica keep lickingkerrie's last patient of the day"literotica step sister"literoticatags/undercover agentdouble ended strapon story leroticamother gives in to son's temptations taboo sexstoriesbdsm stories "You know your choices Bess. Stop your whining.""literotica bdsm"KinkyWriter22