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The Peeper and the Bitch Ch. 03

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Saya hurts and pleases Reo's ass in his kitchen.
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Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2018
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"Look, you're paying me by the day, remember?" the hired Yakuza thug said to Min-jin in Korean as the two sat on a park's green, wooden branch. The moon was in the sky, glowing. The cars driving past the park had their headlights on, illuminating the car drivers' paths. Dachi and Min-jin ignored the cars as they remained seated. Burgers were in the two males' right hands, the cow meat heated. "I do appreciate the burger, though. But regardless, if you want me to keep helping you look for your sister, I need some more won."

Min-jin released an heavy, frustrated sigh, not caring the Yakuza man beside him heard his frustrated sigh.

But the eighteen-year old boy pulled rolled won from his pocket, handed it to his hired Yakuza thug.

Dachi counted the South Korean money, slapped Min-jin's back. He said, "See? That wasn't so bad. Money isn't completely evil if it's helping you find your sister, right? Anyway, this money here reminds me of what I learned today while you were sleeping in the hotel."

Min-jin clenched his left fist, scoffed.

"Don't tell me you kept information from me." Min-jin said. He gritted his teeth, scowled.

"Of course. You didn't pay me this morning, which is the opposite of what we agreed to. Now, I got the money, so I can share what I discovered today by beating up some suspicious Chinese guys and torturing them for information." Dachi said, placing the won in his black pants pocket. "Obviously, we already know a Chinese guy took your darling twin sister, but we don't know where that guy is. Or who he is. We're in luck. Those Chinese guys I tortured, who tried robbing me, by the way, looked at the picture of Min-hee when I showed it to them. When I made it clear I would cut off their penises with my switchblade, they didn't hesitate to tell me they seen their boss talking to a boy who had a depressed-looking Korean girl with him. Their boss apparently left Yokohoma recently. He has business to do in Tokyo. I have a paper with a list of the people he will meet there. And I have the meeting places written down as well. We get this stinky tofu-eating bastard, find the guy who took Min-hee."

Min-jin nodded. He stood, ready to find his sister, ready to make the person who kidnapped her meet death.

He was in Yokohama.

He would have to travel with Dachi to Tokyo.

Away from the mansion he lived in with his uncle in Seoul, South Korea, Min-jin was on a hunt for Chinese gangsters and his sister.

"And another thing." Dachi said before sinking his teeth into his burger. Min-jin tapped his right foot in impatience and frustration. He chewed, swallow. "For giving me so much of a damn attitude, I'm going to need another roll of won if you still want my services."

In the same country, in a different area, eighteen-year old Milo Yanker pulled his eight-inch long White cock from Saya Ito's pussy.

Milo released an contented sigh, lied beside Saya on the eighteen-year old Japanese girl's large bed.

The bedroom's ceiling light bathed the cum on Milo's erection in its glow.

As he breathed at an rapid pace, relishing in his post-orgasm bliss, Milo kept his blue eyes trained on the ceiling. With his back hand, he tapped Saya's bare stomach. He said, "One day, I'll put a baby in you. We'll have extremely good-looking kids, because I'm White and you're a Jap."

Saya shut her eyes in annoyance, moved onto her side, now facing the wall. On her nightstand, a framed photograph displaying her with her parents sat.

Saya's parents were business owners who spent more time working than they spent relaxing. While Saya was in the same bed as her blond-haired, blue-eyed boyfriend, the girl's parents were having sex on a cruise in the Pacific Ocean.

Saya rubbed her forehead, let Reo Tanaka enter her mind.

Inside a bedroom containing no bed, eighteen-year old Reo Tanaka sat on the wooden floor.

The Chinese gangster Wei and kidnapped South Korean sex slave Min-hee sat on the comforter near a corner in the room. Min-hee had Reo's pillow in her lap.

The room had no lamp.

A ceiling light bathed the room in its artificial light, glowing against the three teenagers who each had people they longed to see, places they longed to be at, goals.

"Since I love talking about myself, like any person, I'm going to tell you why I'm in Japan." Wei said, holding Reo's chip bag, Reo's dinner in his possession. "China can be a shit place, but it wasn't too horrible. I would have some fun with my friends. Fuck my girlfriend. Do all kinds of fun stuff. And this bitch there... well, I had to leave because of what she did. I needed to get away. My dad didn't hesitate to let me live here in Japan with him. He definitely missed me. Who wouldn't miss me? Anyway, I'm going to kill that bitch when I get back to China. I'm going to chop up her and her weak boyfriend. Zhuo Chang was his name. That fucking guy. Japan is better than China, though. It's less competition with other Chinese gangs. I don't have to worry about some Japs robbing me. And the girls and women here are way better than the girls back in China. But regardless, I still have unfinished business in China."

Wei devoured a chip, lessening Reo's dinner amount.

Reo gritted his teeth, trained his eyes on the floor.

Wei placed his arm around Min-hee's shoulders. He said, "And this girl right here is a fucking angel. South Korea is the land of angels. You ever see the pictures they take of themselves? They're the masters at taking nice pictures and looking nice. Sadly, Min-hee here isn't a city girl. One day, I'm going to go to Seoul, have some great fun there. I really need a Seoul girl. She'll make me a lot of money."

Reo had the deep urge to send the sex trafficker out his apartment.

But the Japanese peeper was a slave to weakness.

"Hey, Tanaka. I know how badly you hate me. But you're stuck with me. You can't do anything about it, because I can have you sent to a extremely unheard of country for free. I had it done to four people before. I can easily do it to you." Wei said. Reo turned his head to Wei, clenching his fists. Wei averted his eyes to the ceiling, a smile on his face. "But our wealthy mutual friend is too interested in you to let me make you a eyeless sex slave. I suggest you keep her interested."

Wei moved his arm from around Min-hee's shoulders. He held her hand, stood, letting the Korean girl also stand.

Reo remained sitting, Wei's eyeless sex slave comment in his mind, agonizing him.

The Chinese gangster and the Korean sex slave left the bedroom.

"And I almost forgot before leaving your shitty apartment." Wei said fifteen seconds later, stepping into the room. He pulled a cellphone from his right pants pocket, turned it on, moved his finger along its screen, tapped it a few times.

He made the phone's screen face Reo.

A eighteen-year old Japanese girl was on Wei's cellphone screen, grinning at the camera.

The girl was Hana, who had a nice ass, which Reo gazed at earlier that day in the girls' locker room at school.

Wei pointed at the girl's photographed face without seeing the screen. He said, "If I even see you talking to her, I'll take out your eyes, chop off your cock, send you to the Middle East where you'll please gay Arab guys. Understand?"

Reo nodded, his heart pounding in his chest, goosebumps radiating across his skin.

Wei slammed his foot into Reo's stomach before leaving.

While Reo lied on his side, stroking his stomach, he sobbed.

The next morning, Reo wrote a love letter before school.

Furious with Saya, angry at Wei, infuriated he couldn't save Min-hee, bothered by the fact his parents had disowned him, Reo cared less about his life.

He was prepared to give his love letter to his infatuation-Erino Kashi-today.

At school, while many students were either chewing food or sipping their drinks, Reo stood in front of Erino Kashi in a school hallway where no one was around to bother them.

Reo bowed, extended his love letter towards the eighteen-year old girl with the large breasts.

Erino took the love letter from Reo's hands.

Reo straightened. Longing for his heart to stop pounding at a rapid pace, the Japanese peeper said, "I love you. And I hope you'll let me be a good boyfriend to you."

Erino's flower-scented perfume shrouded the peeper's nose.

Reo intended on inhaling the girl's perfume's aroma many times in the future while he moved his huge cock in and out her wet pussy.

But he was as nervous as a wheelchair-bound person trapped in an burning house alone.

Erino tore the love letter.

Reo trained his eyes on the two pieces forming his love letter, didn't avert his gaze as the severed love letter met the school's hard floor.

Erino giggled, left Reo in the hall alone.

Reo stroked his chest, rubbing it like a person rubbing their arms after finding themselves trapped in an bitter cold room.

As depressed and frustrated with life as much as an innocent, death row inmate in America, Reo dropped to his knees, harboring a deep urge to die.

Inside a restroom in the school, Reo spotted Jenji Watabi counting yen.

Jenji was bent down, his leather school briefcase open, exposing liquor-filled water bottles.

Unlike a certain Chinese sex trafficker who made money by selling girls and women, Jenji made money by selling liquor to the students in the high school. Since his dad owned multiple liquor stores, Jenji never failed at having a generous liquor supply.

Many people would consider Jenji an amoral person for selling liquor to students who didn't reach Japan's legal alcohol-drinking age, but Jenji was a compassionate pope compared to the ruthless, sex trafficking, Chinese gangster Wei.

"Jenji-san, how much for the cheapest bottle?" Reo said, trying to hide the intense emotional pain coursing inside his thin body.

Jenji grinned. He said, "It seems like you need my most expensive bottle. For free."

When Reo returned to his apartment after school, he moved into the kitchen, placed his liquor-filled water bottle on the counter.

His stomach growled.

He emitted a heavy sigh, stroked his forehead.

"So fucking hungry." Reo said before untwisting the water bottle's cap. He smiled. "At least I have you."

Reo brought the water bottle's rim close to his lips.

A buzz radiated across the apartment.

"Fuck. Who is that?" Reo said before connecting the water bottle's cap to the bottle.

He transferred the liquor from the counter's surface to the empty drawer near the refrigerator.

Reo's aspiring visitor was Saya Ito.

The abuser donned her school uniform, like Reo.

Saya held a black plastic bag in one hand.

She swept her gaze across the apartment's living room, observed the kitchen, studying Reo's depressed-looking apartment.

After locking the apartment's front door, Reo trained his eyes on Saya, furrowed his eyebrows.

"Li was right. Your apartment is extremely shitty." Saya said, standing in the living room with one hand on her hip. Reo shrugged, tapped his right foot against the wooden floor. "He also told me how you used that roach for sex."

"Min-hee. Yeah. What was I supposed to do? I didn't have a choice." Reo said before exhaling a heavy breath through his nose. "And I hate Li. He's the worst person I ever met. But you're..."

Reo didn't finish his sentence.

He bowed his head, hoped Saya wouldn't urge him to finish his sentence.

The peeper fiddled with his fingers.

"I'm what?" Saya said. Reo lifted his head. Saya faced him. "Finish what you were going to say, bitch."

Reo opened his mouth, closed it. While rubbing his left arm, he said, "You're... you're a lot better than him. I think you're-"

"Lying isn't necessary." Saya said as goosebumps spread across Reo's skin. "Be honest. Don't be a bitch who hides behind a lie."

Reo moved his trembling hands into his pockets.

"Okay. You're bad too. But you're not as bad as Li." Reo said, speaking the truth.

Reo had revealed the truth, but the truths can be horrible reveals that lead to police finding your corpse in an dumpster with your testicles gone and your severed penis plunged into your mouth, sitting between your lips.

Saya smirked, nodded.

Reo's legs trembled.

Saya took off her shoes, moved four feet to her right, dropped her black plastic bag.

Reo hoped the girl wouldn't slam a sock-covered foot into his balls.

Saya removed her panties, the action making her seem less threatening.

In most cases, a beautiful girl removing her panties in the same room as you was far from being horrible.

Reo released a soft sigh.

He assumed Saya would have sex with him, not give him his demise.

He assumed he would drink his free liquor in the future.

He assumed he would have normal sex with Saya Ito inside his apartment.

Saya bent down, reached into her black plastic bag.

She pulled out a strap-on.

Reo's eyes widened.

He walked backwards until his body met the apartment's front door.

But he kept his eyes trained on Saya, who took off her skirt.

"You loved fucking that Korean roach at the counter." Saya said, tossing her school skirt onto her shoes. She donned the strap-on. "Go to that same counter, so I can fuck you."

Reo faced his front door.

Footsteps met his ears.

"Fuck," he said in an trembling voice, moving his shaking hand towards his front door's doorknob.

Saya slammed into him.

Reo jerked forward, his body making contact with his front door.

A hand gripped his black hair.

"No. No. No. Just get away. Leave me alone. Leave, Saya. Just fucking leave. Come on. Please!" Reo said as he tried convincing Saya to not violate his ass, while the girl guided him by the hair to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Saya stood behind Reo, letting her strap-on's red dildo press against his clothed ass. The abusive girl said, "Which counter is it?"

Reo made no move to gesture to the counter Min-hee had touched as the Japanese peeper pounded into her pussy from behind.

Saya grabbed Reo's cock through his school pants and boxers. She squeezed his cock a bit while saying, "Tell me, or I'll squeeze your huge cock so fucking hard. It'll be painful."

Reo took a trembling breath. He moved to the spot in front of the same counter Min-hee had her palms against when the boy shot his cum inside her.

"Put your palms on it." Saya said, still holding Reo's cock through his clothes.

Reo placed his palms on the counter's surface, fought the deep urge to launch his fist into Saya's face.

After forcing Reo's pants and boxers down, Saya moved her hands to Reo's hips.

"Li told me you both didn't even get completely naked, so me and you won't take off all our clothes either." Saya said before making Reo bend over. Saya spread Reo's ass cheeks. "Take all of this. Be a good bitch for me."

Saya moved her hips back, thrust her hips forward.

It felt as if a person rammed a heated spear into Reo's ass.

His knees trembled as he screamed in agony.

Warm tears leaked from his eyes.

Saya slapped Reo's hips, gripped them. She said, "This is your punishment!"

Reo shut his eyes hard.

His legs trembled, his arms doing the same.

The strap-on's red dildo moved in and out his ass at an fast pace, Saya using the sex toy to give herself pleasure, give Reo pain.

"You tainted your cock by putting it in that Korean roach's pussy last night!" Saya said while Reo hoped to lose consciousness from the deep pain unleashing from his ass.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! F-fuck y-you!" Reo said in a tone mixed with pain and fury.

Tears dripped off his face.

"Say everything bad about me that you want to. Right now, I'm fucking you. Your ass and cock are both mine." Saya said. She used her right hand to slap Reo's ass, placed her right hand on Reo's right hip. "Tell me you're hard!"

Reo shook his head, gritting his teeth.

His nine-inch long cock wasn't soft.

It bobbed in the air, continued bobbing as Reo's body continued jerking forward.

The peeper's cock was hard, prepared to meet a pussy's warmth.

But it was alone, like the liquor-filled water bottle in the drawer near the refrigerator.

"This is wrong!" Reo said, referring to the fact his cock was hard while the pain in his body was extreme. "Let me touch myself! I need to feel something else! It hurts!"

Saya slammed her palm against Reo's hard cock.

"Tell me it's hard!" Saya said, plunging her fake cock into Reo's anus. "Your cock is hard! Tell me it's hard!"

"It's hard!" Reo said, doing a bigger jerk forward as Saya thrust into him harder.

Reo opened his eyes as the extreme pain in his ass lowered.

The pain was almost a neutral feeling.

Reo's legs and arms stopped trembling.

"Keep going!" Reo said as Saya held his hips. Warmth shrouded Reo's body. "I want to see if it's really going to stop hurting!"

Saya yanked on his hair hard. She said, "I tell you what to do, bitch."

Reo moaned, pleasure finding his ass.

"Fucking creep." Saya said, still pounding into Reo.

Panting, Reo no longer had the deep urge to let his fist collide with Saya's face.

Having a strap-on's dildo enter and exit his ass was as pleasing to him as driving a red sports car on a curving cliffside road.

"I'm f-fucking cumming!" Reo said as his legs trembled with extreme pleasure.

The peeper's cock shot out multiple thick cum jets.

Cum plopped onto the floor, struck the counter.

Saya kept pleasing Reo. As pussy liquid sprayed from her, she continued pounding Reo's ass as the boy's huge cock softened.

Saya stopped, breathing as hard as a pregnant woman who finished ascending six stair flights.

Reo let his tear-soaked face meet the counter's surface.

"How big is it?" Saya said after taking three deep breaths, her fake cock inside Reo. "My boyfriend's is eight inches long. He's a White American."

Reo released a heavy sigh. He closed his eyes before saying, "Nine inches."

Saya pulled her fake cock out Reo's ass.

She went into the living room without speaking.

Reo dropped onto the kitchen floor, shut his eyes.

Before he slept, he agonized over the fact Saya had a boyfriend who might beat or kill him one day.

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