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The Peeping Tom

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Mature lady inadvertently becomes a Peeping Tom...
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The following is an edited version of a previously published story with the same title. It's the fourth of a number of stories I'll be editing and reposting over time. And while the editing won't be perfect, it will be an improvement over the original.

As for the narrative itself, it's the one and only fictitious story of my earliest narratives. It's based on a fantasy involving real people, but in a purely fictional situation. And it's a short story without much of an introduction that gets to the point quickly.

As always, comments are welcome as long as they are constructive. Thank you.


One day recently I had to let our neighbor know about some landscaping work we had scheduled along our mutual lot line. I entered their back yard through a gate in the chain link fence and went up to a large sliding glass door that overlooks an in-ground pool. I was just about to knock on it when I noticed our neighbor Tom sitting stark naked on a sofa.

He was leaning back with his head resting on the upper part of the sofa with his eyes closed. His legs were spread wide and kneeling between them was his wife Carla, who was also naked. They were positioned at a slight angle from the sliding glass door so Carla didn't notice me as neither did Tom with his eyes closed.

Needless to say, with Carla kneeling between Tom's legs, it could only mean one thing. She was sucking his cock. She had one hand wrapped around the base of it and the rest of it was in her mouth as she bobbed up and down on it.

I should have left before they saw me, but quickly became mesmerized as I watched Carla mouth fucking Tom. My mind kept saying, get out of there, but my feet didn't respond.

Based on what I could see of Tom's cock between what was in her hand and going in and out of her mouth, it was a good six to seven inches in length. Not quite as long as my husband's, but close, and it looked to be slightly bigger in girth.

Carla was mouth fucking the three to four inches above her hand like someone who truly enjoyed sucking cock, and not because Tom asked her. Not that I could blame her. From what I could see, Tom had a cock that anyone who enjoyed sucking cock would like to take in their mouth...including yours truly.

Carla's mouth fucking action was like that of seasoned pro as she furiously sucked on it. I could almost hear the slurping sounds through the glass door. She was really into it and looked to be very good from my perspective.

Suddenly Tom opened his eyes and saw me. I thought for sure he would panic, or at least say something to Carla. But he didn't. He just smiled before putting his index finger up to his lips signaling me to be quiet. I took it as approval to feel free to watch and continued to do so. He plopped his head back against the sofa and continued to let Carla do her thing, which from what I could see he was enjoying immensely. And it seemed more so now knowing they were being observed.

It wasn't much longer before I could tell from the way Tom was acting he was about to cum. Plus he started talking dirty to Carla, which unfortunately I couldn't hear clearly through the glass door. Although I did hear the words "suck" and "so good" more than once.

Tom then put a single hand on the back of Carla's head and pulled her down as deep as he could on his cock, which could mean only one thing. He was unloading his hot semen into her mouth. I was wondering if Carla would take his cumload in her mouth when the time came, and didn't have to any longer. Not that she had much choice. Tom seemed to deposit about a half dozen cum shots in her mouth, which Carla swallowed eagerly. She even licked her lips after she was done.

No doubt in my mind from the way she took his entire load she routinely lets Tom cum in her mouth, and swallows every drop. Which gave me a whole new appreciation of my neighbor, and made me wonder how I would interact with her from this point forward. It's hard not to have a different opinion of someone after you watched them suck cock and swallow cum...albeit unknown to them.

At that point I figured it was best to leave quickly and quietly as I could before Carla saw me. As soon as I left their yard I realized how wet my pussy was. My panties were soaked. Plus the sight of Tom's meaty manhood also turned me on. It was quite a show, and I now had a better appreciation of what drives some people to be a Peeping Tom.

It wasn't long after my Peeping Tom incident that Tom approached me while

I was working in the yard one Saturday morning. A day I knew was coming when I'd have to face him, and have been dreading. Not because of how much I enjoyed watching Carla mouth fuck Tom, but because I couldn't stop at the time and should have left before he saw me.

But the damage was done and now was as good a time as any for him to chastise me for it.

"Another hot day."...said Tom, as a way to greet me.

"Yes"...I replied. "But not unexpected for this time of year."

He didn't beat around the bush and said..."About the other day, I want to thank you."

"Thank me?"

"Yes, thank you. And if I may be so blunt. You watching Carla suck my cock made it one of the best blow jobs I ever had. I don't know what came over me when I saw you watching us, but it turned one of Carla's always great blow jobs into a totally different experience. I can't ever recall having such an intense orgasm from her sucking my cock. Even Carla noticed it. Plus my cumload was bigger than normal. Almost gagged Carla, and she never gags when she takes my load in her mouth."

"I'm glad to hear watching you two had such an effect on you. Although it was purely an unintended consequence. And I do need to apologize for it. It's something I shouldn't have done, but I couldn't tear myself away at the time. Usually I'm more disciplined, and I can assure you it was totally unintentional."

"I know it was, and you're forgiven. But like I said, I'm not mad or upset about it. Just the opposite." After he paused for a second..."It did turn out to be a good thing though. At least for me so we'll just leave it at that."

Then as if to change the subject...."Speaking of a hot day. Would you like some iced tea?"

"Sure!"...I replied. Actually I didn't, but was just glad to change the subject.

"I've got some in the refrigerator. Carla made it earlier this morning so it should be nice and cold by now. I hope you like it sweetened?"

"Yes I do."

We went into his kitchen where I expected to see Carla, but she wasn't there. Since she wasn't, I figured she was in another room. Bedroom maybe, or in the shower.

While Tom opened the refrigerator to get the iced tea I noticed an espresso machine on the counter. It was exactly like one we were thinking of buying so I decided to take a closer look at it.

I heard the refrigerator door close and the next thing I knew Tom put his arms around my waist from behind. He then started kissing the back of my neck.

It caught me completely by surprise..."Tom, you shouldn't. What if your wife catches you?"

"She won't."...he said. "She's away for the day. Won't be back until later this afternoon. She's babysitting for our daughter while she and her husband attend a seminar at the university where he teaches."

He continued to kiss my neck and then said..."You smell delicious."

"Thank you. Must be the insect repellent I have on."

"I don't think so, but even if it is, you smell simply delectable."

Next thing I knew he put both hands under my top and began fondling my breasts. I wasn't wearing a bra. I rarely do when working in the yard.

He then asked..."Did you get aroused watching us?"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't."

"What turned you on?"

"Your cock for one thing. You have a nice cock. A lot like my husband's, except you're circumcised. Plus I enjoyed watching Carla suck it. She was really into it. No doubt she enjoys sucking your cock like I do Walter's. You can tell when someone enjoys sucking cock versus them doing it because they're expected to. They tend to be good at it. Last thing was the voyeur aspect, which had a strange effect on me."

Tom continued to fondle my tits, which had the usual effect as my nipples stiffened and grew a good half inch long. No doubt his cold hands from rummaging around in the refrigerator had a lot to do with them getting as hard and erect as fast as they did.

At that point I needed to either put a kibosh on things or let him continue to grope me. And possibly more. I decided on the latter as I mentally remembered what a nice cock he had, and could feel it poking my ass through our shorts.

Tom is a good looking man. Shorter than my husband at about 5 feet 8 inches. Nice build, as though he regularly works out. Slightly bald and he keeps what hair he has closely cut. He's younger than me, and from him fondling my tits I could tell he didn't work with them for a living from how soft they were.

With Tom being younger than me, I couldn't help but ask what the attraction was with an older woman. Or was he just horny for me from the fact I watched his wife suck his cock.

"Horny for you for sure."...he said. "As for your age, it never entered my mind. Plus Carla is older than me. More your age than mine. Can't tell you how often I've seen you working in the yard in your shorts and thin tops and I stopped what I was doing to watch you. Especially when you were bending over or kneeling on the ground pulling weeds. Mentally I've fucked you from behind a hundred times. And it was always easy to tell you were braless, which added to my excitement. Feeling your fabulous tits for the first time is a dream come true."

Next thing I knew, Tom inserted one of his hands down inside the front of my shorts and started rubbing my pussy through my panties. His still cold hand felt nice on my now very hot cunt. He continued kissing my neck while fondling one tit and rubbed my pubic mound. All of which was having the desired effect.

I reached around and unbuttoned his shorts, which immediately fell down around his ankles since he wasn't wearing any briefs. With his shorts no longer restraining his cock it stood out at full attention.

I backhanded it and gently began stroking it while rubbing a finger around his cockhead and could feel some precum leaking from his swollen glan.

Tom then undid my shorts and pulled them down with my panties around my knees. After he did, he started rubbing his cock up and down the valley between my bum cheeks. Eventually he left his cock nestled in the crack of my ass as both his hands returned to fondling my tits.

At that point, I said..."I think we better do something with that stiff cock of yours since my husband will be back soon from running some errands. As nice as your cock is, and as much as I'd love to suck it, I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of time. So we're going to have to settle for you just fucking my pussy."

After I took my shorts and panties entirely off, I bent down on the nearby kitchen table with my top still on. With my legs spread wide, and my pussy and asshole fully exposed, I simply said..."Now fuck me Tom."

Quick as a wink Tom was behind me and inserting his cock in my already soaking wet pussy. Soon as he did, he began humping like crazy while holding me firmly by the hips. Wasn't long before I was humping him back the best I could and we both were groaning pretty loudly. Plus Tom couldn't refrain from telling me how wonderful it felt to fuck my luscious cunt as he called it after fantasizing about it for so long.

When I thought he was close to cumming, he unexpectedly said..."What a gorgeous asshole you have. It looks so inviting."

"I'm sure it does from your vantage point, and if you want, please feel free to fuck it."


"Really, as there is nothing I enjoy more."

He quickly withdrew his cock from my pussy, and with it already lubricated from my cunt, he placed his cockhead at the entrance to my butthole. Once it was, he pressed forward and his cockhead popped in easily beyond my anal ring.

"Wow! I can't believe how easily you took my cock in your ass. No doubt this isn't the first time you've been fucked anally."

"No it isn't. Or I wouldn't have said you could fuck it. You'll soon find out it's something I enjoy immensely, which I hope you do too. I'd be disappointed if didn't enjoy fucking my ass."

Once he fully inserted his dick he began fucking me with long deep strokes, and very feverishly from being so aroused. It was obvious from the way Tom was pumping his cock in and out my asshole, he doesn't get to fuck anyone anally often. Plus I'm sure the excitement of ass-fucking his neighbor while bent over the kitchen table added to his frenzied pace.

As for me, I was humping backwards as best I could, which is not an easy task with a cock buried in your ass while bent down on a table.

After a few minutes of pure bliss from a strange cock madly fucking my butthole I could sense Tom was about to cum when he suddenly let loose with a loud groan before nearly yelling..."I'm going to cum!"

He immediately did, as one stream after another of hot cum shot into my rectum. It was a big cumload. At least a half dozen cum shots, of which each one felt heavenly shooting into my ass.

Once Tom was spent, and while panting like someone who just ran a marathon, he slowly withdrew his now shrinking dick. Soon as it was, it was quickly followed by his cumload, which oozed out and down my pussy lips onto the kitchen floor.

Tom then did something unusual, and very unexpected. He planted a big kiss on my still gaping and cum soaked asshole. And he even swirled his tongue around it.

"That's the best piece of ass I've literally had in years. Been a long dry spell since I last fucked Carla in the ass. Something which she's not a fan of, and I couldn't have asked for a nicer ass and asshole to end the drought. Your husband is a very lucky man, and fortunate to have you."

As I surmised, and Tom was kind enough to share, he and Carla rarely engage in anal intercourse. Seems it's something she feels isn't "normal" and as a result only lets him do her anally on rare occasions. Like when she's had too much to drink. According to him, she'll suck his cock until the cows come home, along with her being more than willing to take his cumloads in her mouth, but it's not often she'll allow him to fuck her in the butt. And even when she's usually begrudgingly.

After we quickly cleaned the mess on the kitchen floor, we got dressed. I then facetiously thanked him for the iced tea I never got before I returned to my backyard to finish weeding.

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Kicker73Kicker738 months ago

Two thumbs up!🙂

chytownchytownabout 5 years ago
Fun Read***

A lot of plowing and not so much in the garden. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Niceass neighbor

I literally no lie had the exact thing happened to me as my wife hates anal but my neighbor absolutely loves it and I do her on a regular basis and I love it

42154215over 6 years ago
Nice treat

This story brings back memories , things can escalate quickly and the end result because of the taboo aspect can be awesome . Repeat performances seldom have the same effect unfortunately . I enjoyed it , well done ....just wish folks wouldn't nit pick tho .

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