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The Pelvic Exam Pt. 02

Story Info
Allan is fucked literally and figuratively by Marika.
8.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 10/29/2022
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Allan drove to work the day after his initial exam. It was a warm and lush late summer day. He normally enjoyed his commute; it was his time to enjoy the rural scenery along back roads. Even post-covid, the bank where he worked was partially hybrid, a few days in the office and a few days at home.

His commute was his time to think, but Marika had confused him... angered him. And she supposedly had this video hanging over his head. His thoughts spun and he held his head in his hand as he drove his normally calm route to work. Today, he just wasn't exactly sure what he was feeling.

Was it real?

Could she have really done that?

Would she do something like that if a video really existed?

He settled on violated. Like when someone broke into his condo a few years ago. He didn't feel like he was in control. Marika had stolen something from him, and Allan felt violated. Not only did she make him do things against his will but the fact that she had fucking blackmailed him, got him angrier and angrier.

But, oddly, at the same time, he was aroused.

Allan thought about his options.

He didn't have to go back for his next session, but would she really blackmail him? His thoughts swirled...

Why was she taking such an interest in him? Would it be worth the risk to not go for the second appointment? What would happen? Would she post things under his LinkedIn? Or post to his Facebook? Twitter? How bad would that be if she did do those things?

It would be awful for his career, he knew that. He had a really good job and was on a strong career trajectory. He was an excellent programmer and he and his small team had delivered very consistently over the last three years of a technology transformation project - one of the few teams to do so. He had been noticed by management and he knew that he was well thought of.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What was he going to do? At least he had a few days to make a decision.

That night, he found that sleep would not find him and it kept him up. It bothered him at work the next day too, and then another poor night of sleep, thinking about what she might do and how it could impact him and his career. He masturbated that second night, thinking about the experience with Marika and fantasizing about wearing nylons, and a garter and panties...He watched some transgender porn, something he had never done before, and he came hard. There was something there that he had never really thought about, and it intrigued him.

He thought about his job and career and the pros and cons of being exposed or just going through with a second exam. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like he shouldn't chance his career.

After the second night of poor sleep, he began to think about just going through with it. He had to visit his mother over the weekend; he could just go to a Target or Walmart and buy some lingerie on his way there or on the way back from his visit.

But could he deal with the embarrassment of going through a checkout? He could go really early or right before they closed... less people, he thought. Allan weighed the options of doing it in a checkout, but he'd look fucking ridiculous at any hour doing a self-checkout at Walmart, scanning the bar codes of stockings and a garter set...

He could buy it on Amazon. But even with Prime it wouldn't get there until Tuesday and his appointment was Tuesday morning. Shit!

He did buy an old girlfriend some lingerie years ago at Victoria's Secret. The saleswoman there was really helpful and made him feel at ease. Allan thought back to his old girlfriend, Kelly. She never really liked the lingerie he gave to her. She wore it once, just to please him, but he sensed how uncomfortable it made her feel. It was the one and only time she wore the set...

Allan thought about it... there was a Victoria's Secret in the Evergreen Mall not far from his mom's house, near Harrisburg. No one would know him there. He looked on his phone and saw it was still there.


That Sunday, he visited his mother, a two-hour trip north. He thought and pondered on his way up US 15, lost in thought, as to how this may play out. During his visit with his mother, he knew he was distant and absent - preoccupied with figuring out this lingerie purchase.

He tried to be a good son. He was the only child, His dad had passed several years prior, and he felt bad for not being a better son today. Allan kissed his mother goodbye, got in his car and made a beeline for the Evergreen Mall.

Once inside the mall, he made his plan. I am buying lingerie for my girlfriend. That was it. As he entered Victoria's Secret he felt like he was being creepy, or weird. There were many youngish women going in, coming out, looking at items and few well dressed and attractive sale people.

It had been a good ten to twelve years since he'd done this... Allan was out of his element.

A very attractive young woman greeted him - maybe 23-24. "Can I help you, sir?"

Allan had a knot in his stomach. He closed his eyes and rolled them up in his forehead and took a deep breath. "I'm trying to find some lingerie for my girlfriend."

"Did you have anything in mind?"

Allan just wasn't good with these types of situations. He was nervous... "Well... I'd like to get her something sexy. A garter and stockings and panties."

"We sell sets, or you can buy them separately. Each has its pros and cons."

The more they talked, the more embarrassed Allan got. It was almost like the clerk knew he was embarrassed and that he just wanted to get out of there or get it done with.

She seemed to know exactly how to make him feel more embarrassed than he already was.

"May I see a photograph of her so I can see what size she probably is?" You have to buy a matching bra to go with this! That will make her feel and look so sexy!" the clerk said enthusiastically.

She upsold him and he had overspent; nearly $90 on a matching garter, stockings, panties and a bra he didn't even want to get, but the clerk had talked him into it. He just wanted out of there and agreed to it.

And as she rung him up, she added insult to injury. She may have said, "I know she'll look great in that!" as Allan was leaving, but Allan could have sworn he heard her say "I know you'll look great in that."

He turned around as he walked away and the saleswoman was whispering with another sales associate and laughing. Were they laughing at him? Had she really said that to him, or was he imagining it?


Lingerie in hand, Allan felt as if he was committed to this now.

Sunday night when he got home, he had tried on the stockings, garters, and panties. It turned him on and gave him a very hard erection. He'd never worn women's clothing before and there was something that felt nice, and smooth and sexy to him. One thing led to another... he hadn't planned on masturbating, but he found himself masturbating slowly, edging, and watching transgender and sissy porn, which he had never watched before. He edged and kept his orgasm at bay for well over an hour and when he finally came, he had a very powerful orgasm.

Tuesday morning finally arrived, and Allan was a bit nervous. His appointment was at 10:30 in the morning, so he worked from home that day. Just like before the first appointment with Marika, there was also an element of arousal too.

He put on the sexy, lacy panties first. Next, he put on the smooth stockings with the attached garter and weaved his feet into the stockings. They felt good. He pushed it on his legs and it felt smooth and a little bit sexy. He couldn't figure out how all of the lingerie worked and in what order to put it on.

He got to the occupational therapy clinic a few minutes early, checked in and sat in the waiting area. He felt naughty somehow with the stockings and panties underneath his jeans. It made everything feel smooth... As Allan sat, cross-legged, his panties gave him a hard-on.

He looked around the waiting room. An older woman with her mid 40's daughter. A bro, complete with shorts a backward baseball cap, tattoos painted all over his arms and legs. A very ordinary looking young woman, possibly in her mid-30's texting up a storm. Allan felt like he had a dirty little secret, wearing women's lingerie under his clothes, ready to see his pelvic floor specialist. 10:30 had already passed so he continued to look at his phone while he waited for his name to be called.

He felt the smoothness of the nylons beneath his jeans and felt his semi-erection in his panties. He was not sure what he was feeling. He was horrified that he'd gone this far with it, yet he sort of liked what was happening and what he was feeling. What was happening to him?

He thought about his first visit and how violated he felt in the immediate aftermath...

"how dare she? Just who the fuck did she think she was?" Yet the more he thought about it, the more aroused he became and the harder his erection throbbed in time with his heart.

"Allan?" The young female technician had entered the waiting area while Allan was lost in his thoughts.

Allan nodded and got up. Here goes. He nervously drew in a deep breath to ready himself for what lay ahead, and he tried to hide his erection through his jeans.

"Will you come this way please?," The tech said.

Allan followed the young lady down the hall. "She had said 'come this way' Did she over emphasize the "come" part in the sentence? Maybe he was overthinking it.... He was a notorious overthinker...

The young woman led him into a different nameless, faceless, windowless doctor's office. There was an examination table with stirrups on it and simply the sight of it made his cock twitch ever so slightly in his panties.

"Marika will be in in just a moment. Please put on a gown and take a seat on the exam table."

She turned, smiled, then spun and exited the room, almost in a pirouette.

"Was she smiling at me? Or was she laughing at me?" Allan thought... "Jesus Christ, stop overthinking this. You ALWAYS overthink things," he said to himself.

Maybe she was letting him stew a little bit or maybe her last appointment was running a little bit over, but Allan found himself, waiting in the examination room for quite a while. He looked at his phone, it had already been 10 minutes. He reflected back on his experience, the lingerie that he was wearing. How the store clerk had teased and embarrassed him, and how he found himself here, waiting for Marika, dressed in his nylons and garter and panties under his jeans. He felt his erection rise again.

"Hi Allan!"

Marika had opened the door and entered so quickly she took Allan completely by surprise.

"Sorry if I surprised you, Allan." Marika said in her Hungarian accent. "God, I am so busy today and already behind schedule, that I forgot even to knock."

"Jeez." Allan thought. Where was the light knocking before the doctor came in? But he didn't dare say that. He was a little afraid and definitely intimidated by Marika.

Marika took a seat on the rolling doctor's chair and she was silent for about a minute as she scanned the notes in her folder, looking pensive, holding her index finger on her chin and moving her reading glasses from her head over her eyes.

"I'm glad you came back and that I didn't scare you off after our first session. We'll see if you've come through on the rest of your bargain in a few moments and see how you listened to direction."

"But first, your testicular pain. Is it feeling any better? I drained you twice and I hope that's helped with your pain."

"It's rather unchanged. If I am honest, it feels about the same."

"What about your sexual habits, have they changed it all?" Marika asked.

"Well, not really. Allan said shyly.

"You mentioned you and your wife have fairly regular sex last time. Any changes in terms of frequency or intensity?"

This took Allan off guard and seemed rather personal... but he relented. "No, no real changes."

"Hmmmm. Having a regular sex life sometimes helps testicular pain and sometimes exacerbates it," Marika said in her sexy accent.

Hearing her speak so freely about sexual activities really excited him. He loved the way she pronounced his name, putting more emphasis on the last syllable. Al-LAN

"How about your masturbatory habits? Have you been masturbating more or less since our last visit?"

Allan felt his erection growing against his panties. "To be honest, I didn't know what to think after our last visit." Allan stammered.

Marika's tone turned more stern. She was far less playful. "I didn't ask you what you thought or felt after our last visit, I asked you if you've been masturbating more or less since our last visit, Allan."

"I guess I've been jerking off and coming a little bit more than normal," Allan confessed.

"Allan!" Marika said in her most stern voice yet... "it is called masturbation, and when you orgasm, it's called 'ejaculation'. You are not talking to your friends over drinks. You are in a medical setting, and if you refer to those activities that way again, I will have to ask you to leave. Am I clear?"

Allan's body slunk a bit. "Yes. Sorry, Marika," Allan said quietly.

"Now that we're clear, let's get down to business. We've tried having you ejaculate and prostate drained. And now perhaps you've been over-masturbating it sounds like."

Marikas voice softened a tiny bit. Her even medical tone had returned. "What I'd like to try is to see how your testicles feel if you don't ejaculate for a while. Let's try no masturbation at all this week, Allan."

"Sh-sure, Marika... "Allan stuttered. Her rapid changes from even-keeled to commanding and back, unnerved him a bit.

"Allan, let's get those feet into the stirrups and check things out down there. I'd also like to see if you followed my directions."

Allan shifted, rolled and lay down on the exam table and struggled to get his feet into the stirrups. Although they were plastic, they felt cold on the back of his calves and on his feet.

Marika was preparing for the exam at her desk. She looked over her shoulder, vaguely in the direction of Allan. "What we're you thinking about when you masturbated, Allan? Our little session last week?"

Allan didn't want to admit to it, so he stayed silent.

"Allan, what were you thinking about? You must've had that small penis of yours in your hands several times, huh?" Did you think about me massaging your prostate? Did you think of me forcing to eat your own ejaculate? There must've been something that really turned you on... turned you on enough to make you take that tiny penis of yours in your hand and stroke it 'til you orgasmed."

Marika let the question hang in the air...

Allan was in a precarious position. He was opened up for Marika to see everything; his legs up in the stirrups, and his erection straining in his panties from the line of questioning Marika was leveling at him.

"Come ON Allan. Tell me what aroused you the most." Marika pleaded with a mischievous look.

"Jesus Christ, that accent... it's fucking killing me..." Allan thought. His small erection did not lie. "She has the sexiest accent."

"It was when you used the larger prostate massager on me and had me jerk off, last week." Allan finally admitted a bit sheepishly.

"Allan! The word is 'masturbate!' Continue your adolescent diction and this appointment will be over. Am I clear?

Marika expertly aimed a slap on the tip of Allan's small penis through his panties.

"Ouch! S-S-Sorry, Marika.

"Now, tell me more, Allan." Marika had a slight smirk... she seemed to be enjoying this.

"It was larger than your finger and it felt bettter. It made my butt feel very full, which was a nice feeling."

"And??" Marika asked open-endedly.

"My ass felt good and I'd never had a prostrate orgasm before. That felt kind of good."

"The prostate is similar to how women experience G-spot orgasms. And the feelings are about the same from what my patients tell me." All of the sudden, Marika's behavior had shifted back to clinical.

Allan had never felt his penis get this hard and it strained against his silk panties.

"Now I will remove your silk panties. You picked a nice pair by the way."

Marika moved his gown aside and faced Allan. His legs were in the stirrups and he felt very vulnerable. And that vulnerable feeling made him feel good and also bad in a way. He was uncomfortable but also very aroused at the same time. "How can this woman be doing this to me?? Allan thought.

"Um...Allan, I see you have made what is known... do you say it... a rookie mistake. You put your panties on underneath the garter suspenders. While this looks like the right way to wear panties, it's not good for the quick removal of your panties. For quick removal, such as going to the lavatory or being penetrated, it's always best to put the panties on top of the garter."

"Um, um, Allan stammered slightly, "I was wondering about that... I looked it up online even, because I didn't know how to do it. I thought it looked better underneath."

"Well..." Marika paused. "We have a couple of options. I'm tempted to simply cut them off. Or we could move them to the side, but I don't think that's going to be very comfortable for you. Lastly, we can undo your garter straps, but that takes time and time is short and I am already running late."

"Please don't cut them, they were very expensive." Allan pleaded. A pit grew in his stomach. As if this wasn't bad enough," he thought. Jesus. And truth be told, he kind of liked the look and the feel of this pair of panties.

Marika brought her index finger across her sexy mouth and brought her thumb and middle finger to her chin as she thought about it.

Allan fidgeted with his legs up in the stirrups. He was at Marika's mercy. "Please Marika, don't cut them off me."

Marika smiled and chuckled and looked down at Allan pensively, her thumb and forefinger still across her chin and her brow furrowed a bit.

"Very well, Allan. I will spare you the pair of panties you bought with your hard-earned money. I want to get those panties off of you so we can begin our examination. We will take the longer route..."

Marika undid the garter clips on the front of his garters. Her hands were gentle on his stockinged legs. Allan's erection felt as if it would burst right through his panties, he was so hard.

"Now, Allan, raise up your pelvis like some of those exercises I taught you, so that I can get access to the back straps."

Allan moved his pelvis up in a thrust position as Marika gently undid the back straps. Then she very gently and very sexually pulled his panties down. His small erection sprang free as she moved his silk panties down.

Marika chuckled and gently shook her head as if in disbelief, "So small, Al-LAN," accentuating his name extra hard with her sexy Hungarian accent. "I am rather surprised you could bring a woman any sexual satisfaction at all." Marika's tone turned clinical.

Marika continued to slowly glide the panties down his stockinged legs and raised his legs to get them over the stirrups. She got his panties over the stirrups as she got to his ankles and removed his panties fully. She tossed them lightly onto Allan's face.

"There we are Allan, fully exposed for me now. Did you like the way those silky panties felt on your petite little penis?"

Allan did not answer. He didn't want to admit it and besides he was moving the panties from his face.

"Al-LAN?" Her voice was rising and becoming a bit stern, "did you like how the silky panties felt on your small penis? I do not like repeating myself Allan."

"Y-yes..." Allan said tentatively. He was a bit embarrassed to admit they felt good.

"Yes, what?" Marika gave him a hard smack on the inside of his thighs.

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